
VGChartz: US Weekly, 15th November 2014

US Hardware Numbers

XOne - 236,952 (-10%) 4,206,369
PS4 - 146,519 (-6%) 5,195,784
3DS - 66,137 (+20%) 13,208,072
WiiU - 37,544 (+38%) 2,999,372
X360 - 34,547 (-9%) 43,772,067
PS3 - 17,261 (+5%) 26,369,546
Wii - 7,974 (+40%) 41,612,888
PSV - 5,812 (+45%) 1,869,856

Top 5 Software

1. Halo: Master Chief Collection - 679,889 (XOne)
2. Assassin's Creed: Unity - 395,519 (XOne)
3. Assassin's Creed: Unity - 347,804 (PS4)
4. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - 250,474 (XOne)
5. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. - 243,667 (PS4)

Global Hardware Numbers: NA - EU - JP - Weekly Total

PS4 - 160,917 - 235,875 - 14,917 - 502,084
XOne - 256,383 - 110,660 - 2,387 - 444,674
3DS - 72,974 - 96,941 - 57,695 - 247,977
WiiU - 41,430 - 28,669 - 13,048 - 89,548
PS3 - 19,343 - 30,235 - 4,520 - 67,067
X360 - 38,254 - 14,913 - 90 - 61,583
PSV - 6,144 - 10,257 - 19,139 - 42,157
Wii - 8,727 - 8,974 - 57 - 19,905

To see Global numbers go to the home page

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Geobros3482d ago

wow!! Assassin's Creed and COD sold more copies on xbox one than PS4.

aceitman3482d ago

It's common sense, it was advertised for x1,I would hope so. But not by much

uptownsoul3482d ago (Edited 3482d ago )

Remember this is in America where CoD has always sold more on Xbox One…Globally, CoD:AW sells better on PS4 by a 1M unit gap

Cupid_Viper_33482d ago

As uptownsoul mentioned, worldwide the PS4 version of both of those games handily outsold the Xbox One versions, despite the marketing and bundling.

And also to really bring to light what is happening here, these are VGChartz's conservative numbers for the PS4 up to November 8. Meaning that from Nov 15 2013 to Nov 15 2014, the PS4 have sold some 15 million units! And this all before Black Friday, and the rest of December.

I think the PS4 will be at some 17 million units sold by the time January gets here. So much for closing that gap eh, EA....

tinynuggins3482d ago

Common sense would be whichever console has the most units out there should sell the most copies.

u got owned3482d ago

Going by this data and im not saying is reliable, MS just took 2nd place from Ninty.

ThatOneGuyThere3482d ago

I think EA was strictly talking about the US

chrismichaels043482d ago (Edited 3482d ago )

Congrats to Sony and the PS4 for continuing to put up incredible worldwide numbers. I think its an easy bet to say PS4 should be close to 15 million by the end of 2014.

Its good to see xbox having a strong November in the US. That huge price drop was a hail mary pass...but it was necessary to keep xbox in the race. Now if only they can keep this kind of momentum they get every November and apply it to the rest of the year.

I personally dont think xbox can match up with PS4 on a worldwide scale...but they at least need to keep putting up strong numbers in the US to stay competitive this gen.

ZerobyZero3482d ago

Is the VGchart everyone knows is a lie

VP373482d ago

COD & Assassins Creed don't really require advertising. They are pretty much gaming staples.

MRMagoo1233482d ago

So what we get from this is the gap between the console has still increased even tho the xbone supposedly sold more in the US, the PS4 still sells more world wide.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3482d ago
ABizzel13482d ago


1. US sales are much closer than any other regions, so sales disparity isn't going to be huge for either console.

2. Both games were marketed heavily for XBO and bundled in (actual copies out there are likely more), and COD of course has it's DLC deal as usual.

3. Assassin's Creed is a mess on every platform, and has the entire parity issue on PS4 so I'm not surprised at all.

Ju3482d ago

Well, this gap, if those numbers are remotely true, is quite big. XO outsold the PS4 by 100K units now in it's second week. Sure, this is after the crucial price drop and with all the new games and bundles they could throw at customers. But well, it worked. How long it will last is another question. Also, CoD and AC outselling the PS4 is quite impressive as well - also because of the Halo release, which would IMO fragment the market and against the quite bigger install base the PS4 still enjoys in the US - without any exclusive to cut into those games. There is nothing to downplay. XO took those weeks home.

rainslacker3482d ago

If the numbers are right then it's good for MS to be getting more consoles sold. I agree with Ju though, hard to say how long it will last. Will probably help them with strong holiday sales though.

Only thing I'm waiting to see is if it's just the people who've been holding off for whatever reason just deciding to take the incredible deals that are being offered. Cant remember ever seeeing such value in the first year of a console launch. If anyone is looking to get one it's a good time to do so with all the holiday bundles and price drop.

Gaming247allday3482d ago ShowReplies(4)
TheFallenAngel3482d ago

Well it was given away for free so this isn't really a surprise.

gamertk4213482d ago

So bitter the salt of man...

DanzoSAMA3482d ago

lol, the free games was a digital copy.

ramiuk13482d ago (Edited 3482d ago )

in the UK u could get all there main games and console for £349 so im suprised it hasnt sold more.
the desperation bundles as many in UK shops have been calling them near me are a saving of about £200
console,sunset,halo,cod,forza ,titanfall £349 and another bundle for £359 with 12 months live too.

oh and in uk only forza/titanfall was digitals

Magicite3482d ago

Because they were marketed/bundled only for X1?

DC7773482d ago

Yeah but those numbers are terrible for huge franchises. Brand new AC under 1 mil and Halo as well. Even COD is tanking already.

Bigpappy3482d ago (Edited 3482d ago )

Did you not read any gaming news until now? Those game had serious problems. Almost 1 mil in one week is definitely not bad will online not working properly. Not to mention another mil of digital sales. That's just the U.S. We are talking about here.

For those pointing out that it is Vgchartz, where were you the past year to the that to PS4 fans. I really don't care to hear it now.

TheEnigma3133482d ago

Assassin's creed was bundled.

XanderZane3482d ago

I'm a little confused here. Doesn't the PS4 have almost TWICE the amount of consoles sold then the XB1? If so, why are CoD & Assassin Creed sales higher on the XB1? Halo sales is a given. I'm not surprised about that at all. Anyone have an answer? I think the XB1 will pass the Wii U in worldwide sales before this year is over.

MRMagoo1233482d ago

you are putting the wrong info together thats why you would be confused, the ps4 is double the sales worldwide not just US, the PS4 sold more copies of the games world wide but sold less in just the US, now thats been explained you should be fine.

XanderZane3482d ago

Well we're talking about the U.S. sales, not worldwide. See the title of the article? lol!! The PS4 has more units sold in the U.S. as well. Maybe you forgot that little bit of info. They have like almost 1 million more PS4 sold in the U.S. then the XB1, yet XB1 games sales are higher for these two games. See my point? There is where my confusion lies. AC: Unity isn't a FPS either.

husomc3482d ago

Why would a PS4 owner want to buy a gimped game ?

Spotie3482d ago

The PS4 has twice the sales worldwide, Xander, not in the US. The higher sales for the games you mention are ONLY for the US.

What I can't understand is how you'd bring up the worldwide consoles sales in relation to US software sales in your very first comment, then treat it like Magoo didn't just make that distinction when you reply to him in your second comment. Then you tack on something about there being a more modest lead, but don't take the marketing deals for both games into consideration.

I hear the "twice the sales" brought up frequently, but only in articles where the gap isn't actually that big.

I wonder who you guys actually think you're fooling.

ramiuk13482d ago

well of course xbots are talking US sales,bcause that way there numbers look better.
worldwide there isnt anything to brag about

Wh15ky3481d ago (Edited 3481d ago )

"Well we're talking about the U.S. sales, not worldwide. See the title of the article? lol!!"

Then why did you start your first comment with...

"I'm a little confused here. Doesn't the PS4 have almost TWICE the amount of consoles sold then the XB1?"

Make up your mind, are you talking just US or worldwide?


+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3481d ago
Pogmathoin3482d ago

Again, both PS4 and Xbox One driving the current gen very well, again, children come out and cry over numbers.

Automatic793482d ago (Edited 3482d ago )

As much as I like to see Xbox One do good this is VGChartz(dont trust it) I rather have NPD call it. If this is true Congratulations to MS for an incredible comeback and an awesome set of games for the holiday.

Halo 89
For a Horizon 86
Sunset Overdrive 82

Note I don't play sales I play games to all those considering an Xbox One its time to Jump in.

SmielmaN3482d ago (Edited 3482d ago )

Exactly, npd is your most accurate source for NA numbers. Both companies will be pumping those tires so we might actually numbers from Sony and MS. Interesting to hear how many they are selling.

Edit: add me on PSN ;)

noctis_lumia3481d ago

despite your precious halo
your console still eats the dust

now its safe to say its over
sony will win easily by the end of this gen

chrismichaels043480d ago (Edited 3480d ago )

Edit: Halo Collection has an 86 on Metacritic. Heres the entire updated 2014 PS4 and Xone retail lineup for your reference....

2014 PS4 Retail Exclusives:
The Last of Us Remastered (95), Final Fantasy Realm Reborn (86), MLB14 The Show (83), Infamous Second Son (80), LittleBigPlanet 3 (79), Samurai Warriors 4 (76), Drive Club (71).

2014 Xbox Retail Exclusives:
Halo Collection (86), Titanfall (86), Forza Horizon 2 (86), Sunset Overdrive (82), Fantasia Music (79), Kinect Sports Rivals (60)

kevnb3481d ago (Edited 3481d ago )

They count bundled sales, which is why black flag is so high up the list. also note the xbox one is having a sharper decline from last week than sony now that the price drop is in effect.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 3480d ago
lifeisgamesok3482d ago (Edited 3482d ago )

Halo power :) it's an amazing package and matchmaking is improving

Sales still don't matter though as long as my favorite console still gets great support and the industry is healthy that's the best thing

Xbox One is awesome

Jump In

hello123482d ago

Lets be honest here Halo MCC is a great package alright, but look lot of people still can't play the game online properly. I am only going by what people have said on x box 1 reddit and i have not tried the game yet with the patch myself.

With the bad press it could go negatively for Microsoft for the rest of November, like we just don't know what impact it will have yet.

Good sales for Microsoft so far in November though, i think they deserve some momentum for improving the x box 1 since launch.

xKugo3482d ago

Most well-balanced, rational comment I've seen you make in quite some time. If only every fanboy could comment like this, including myself at times, website would be much better.

OB1Biker3482d ago

I think there was a Halo effect. I maybe wrong but I think its going to be a different story next week and nothing to do with the game problems.
PS4 bundles should do well. Just my opinion

rambi803482d ago

Sony set to pass the 15 million mark by the end of the year. Not too shabby.

GribbleGrunger3482d ago

Sony are set to pass the 15 million mark before the end of this month. By the end of the year they'll easily have sold 18m.

ABizzel13482d ago

I honestly don't like to overhype, so I keep my expectations on the low end, because being surprised positively is better than being disappointed by expecting too much.

But after seeing the current sales across the globe be 500k 2 weeks before the real buying season (aka Thanksgiving week -> Christmas week), I can't believe it, but the PS4 is very well on track to sell 18 million consoles, and by the end of November they should be at least close to 16m, and by the end of the year they should be pushing around the 19 million mark.

That's insane for Year 1 sales, and puts the PS4 on par with the Wii in sales, and what makes it even more impressive is this is a $400 console while the Wii was only $250.

Sony might as well change it's corporation name to PlayStation, because this division is killing it, now that I've put sales into perspective.

llxKonanxll3482d ago

No.. You honestly think 3-4 million will be sold within a month and a half?

Cupid_Viper_33482d ago


I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, but the console is selling 500,000 units a week. One month and a half is exactly 6 weeks. 6 x 500,000 = 3,000,000. And that's not even taking into account black Friday sales and the GTA5 bundle effect.

And let's keep in mind that the PlayStation experience is going to create some massive excitement possibly resulting in sales boost as well. 18-19 million is quite plausible.

GribbleGrunger3482d ago (Edited 3482d ago )


These figures are for the 15th, so throw in at least another 500k (at least!) and then consider Black Friday and the holiday season. 18m is now guaranteed and 19m or even 20m is not out of the question. Don't make the mistake of looking at just American numbers.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3482d ago
CaptainObvious8783482d ago

In before the 'Oh, so vgcharts is rubbish now that xbone is infront' posts.

MS are being super aggressive in the US right now and it seems to be paying off.

I hope sony don't just sit there and do nothing.

JMyers3482d ago (Edited 3482d ago )

VG chartz has always been rubbish, regardless of who is ahead, or who they claim to be ahead.

Skankinruby3482d ago

Other than some very brief holiday deals I think that's exactly what Sony should do. There is no sign that this sales spike for Xbox one is anything other than a crowd of customers anticipating the price cut.

ABizzel13482d ago


I don't think November is going to be as Black and White as I once thought, and next week sales will be the determining factor. The XBO has done amazing these last two weeks thanks to the price drop and bundles.

But the PS4 is about to get GTA bundles and Far Cry 4 bundles added to next week sales, and every time the PS4 gets a bundle with a highly anticipated game the sales jump.

Getting back to the XBO sales, they shockingly dropped from the previous week even with Halo: MCC launching which completely surprised me, because I thought they'd be in the 300k range for this week.

So it's not over yet. I still think XBO has a good chance of winning November, but if next week we see a big difference (mostly because of GTA5 bundle) then it's pretty much time to throw the towel in.

The XBO is going to do good regardless and I expect 70m in sales as long as they stay aggressive in NA and UK, but the PS4 would indeed be the second coming of the PS2.

tlougotg3482d ago (Edited 3482d ago )

Sony doesnt have to do anything but keep selling the large amount of consoles they will continue selling and maximize profit. Microsoft has been in desperation mode and need to be super desperate in cutting prices, bundling, giving rebates, not Sony at this point.

I dont think you get how this goes lol This isnt surprising given the fact that as usual Microsoft is practically giving Xboxs away lol


Your comment would have mattered if there were a good influx of games, especially third party games on Wiiu but Nintendo fans choices are very limited lol so i would hope their first party sell good. Ppl dont have much choices on Wiiu so whats your point? Ppls thinking here sometimes is really clouded and off lol

As for Nintendo they are just idiots! Run by ppl like Reggie in the U.S. its no wonder and dumb %ss Iwata with his lies and close minded thinking. On a brighter note i believe they have just started being profitable off the Wiiu so they are ok.

XanderZane3482d ago (Edited 3482d ago )

Not like Sony could do any price cuts now anyways. If they lowered their price to $350 they would actually be losing money on every PS4 sold. Losing more money is the last thing Sony wants to do. Microsoft is making billions, so they can afford minor loses to get their products sold to millions. In the end they will get profits back in software sales and XBL subscriptions. Whatever profit the PS4 is making is being used to pay off Sony's billions in loses. Microsoft isn't giving XB1 away. They are marketing it as cheaper then their competition with great games to play on it. Seems that marketing strategy is working, by the huge burst in sales. I honestly think they will leave the price at $350 after Jan. If not, they will do a permanent price cut at the E3. This is really something that Nintendo should have been doing, but they are so stuck up in their ways and think everyone should bow down to them and it's not happening. Gamers aren't running to the Wii U. 3rd party developers aren't running to the Wii U. Reggie is just clueless on how to market their system to the huge 100+ million gamer fanbase they had last gen. Just look at their sales above. Last gen they would be close to 300K sold right now. The XB1 is outselling them like 7-1 currently by those numbers.

3482d ago
madmonkey013482d ago

vgchartz have always been rubbish, i say that regardless of who is winning.

PudgeyBurrito3482d ago

PS4 - 160,917 - 235,875 - 14,917 - 502,084
XOne - 256,383 - 110,660 - 2,387 - 444,674

So xbox one outsold PS4 in 1 of 4 area's and overall sold 56 thousand less consoles in a week where they Had Halo Launch? I dunno. I feel all is normal here. Those numbers will dip most likely.

Benjammin253482d ago

That last 'area' is total sales numbers across NA, EU and japan.

beerzombie3481d ago

America fu** Ya!!
The big country that really maters japan is dead.
Europe is second place.


Lmao. N4g comments section is pure comedy once vgchartz numbers roll around. I honestly don't think any logical person actually looks to these numbers as even rough estimates. Its just something we all use to argue over various forums in the gaming community lol.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3481d ago
Concertoine3482d ago (Edited 3482d ago )

Lol the Xbone has to have passed the wii u by now. 400k vs 90k... that's awful. The lack of a smash bros bundle is bad too.

Almost 700k in one week for Halo is pretty good.

ABizzel13482d ago

I don't understand Nintendo's thinking at all. They just don't have a clue or simply don't give a #@$.

*They should have been the main ones with a price drop in October (Console only $250)
*Smash should have launched first on Wii U in October

*They should have had bundles all through November for $299
(Super Mario 3D World + New Super Mario Bros. U)
(Mario Kart + Nintendo Land)
(Zelda Wind Waker + Pikmin 3)
(Smash + Amiibo)

Black Friday
A Smash and Kart bundle for $299
A 3rd party bundles for $299
(Bayonetta 2 + ZombiU + The Wonderful 101)
(Lego Batman 3 + Lego Undercover + Lego The Movie)

and more bundles. Nintendo just doesn't get it.

As for Halo I'm a bit surprised I expected it to do more considering. It did great, but I was expecting 1 million.

N4g_null3482d ago

I like nintendo being patient, they have quality software smash seems to have a big push and Amiibo are selling pretty well and are actually fun to use.

They are doing what matters building a great game library. Isn't this how the 3ds eventually won?

Also they are making profit unlike the sega dreamcast. 3rd parties are actually in a drought for talent it seems. The hype has netted them huge unwarranted profits. The question is can the gaming community keep buying mediocrity based on hype. 5 games later you have $700 boredom machine that just didn't get the job done. We had a similar issue with the vita. There have been some serious talent shake ups in ms and sonys camp.

I'm thinking any bundle would happen on black Friday and not really be circulated until a few days later after they all realize that smash is selling. Nintendo isn't doing bundles because of retailers mostly.

The new 3ds and the wiiu should make a great combo since the new 3ds will drive interest along with smash until jan. I really expected halo to do better and Sony simply has nothing other than specs pushing it. The xbone and ps4 are clones with slight difference 3rd parties will treat them as such. Yet xenoblade on new 3ds is coming and the wiiu version is coming also. This will be pretty interesting.

Ubisoft finally put out watchdogs and it doesn't look so bad for a "weak" machine. Sure it won't sell but hey ubisoft sucks.

I'm thinking thinks can still turn around for nintendo. They have some seriously strong software in their catalog while 3rd parties are actually not producing the AAA that they said they would. We will see how this all plays out though.

I really don't think a price drop on nintendo side is a good answer. The wiiu is not a clone competing with the others. When people are tired of getting lied to and paying for half way working products drive club for example then they may give nintendo a try.

This gen is sonys to win but I'm not sure gamers wanted to reward mediocrity. Sure the graphics look nice but the game play sucks. It really comes down to how much is your bias worth?

Dudebro903482d ago

Yet Wii U software exclusives still outsells xbox one and Playstation exclusives.

Theres a lot more to a console than how many units sell.

ABizzel13482d ago

Nintendo has it's big AAA exclusives out (Mario / Kart / Smash), only missing Zelda and Pokemon.

MS kind of has theirs out but they're in "A" form and not AAA (Halo: MCC is not Halo 5, no Gears yet, Forza 5 was a rushed launch title, and Fable Legends is not a full Fable) .

Sony has none of theirs out (Uncahrted, Gran Turismo, God of War, etc...).

And as you said there's a lot more to a console than units it sales, and that also means 3rd party game in which the PS4 / XBO are dominating since they get profit from every copy sold.

Concertoine3482d ago (Edited 3482d ago )

Theres nothing to buy but exclusives. If anything Bayonetta 2 and the others should be selling better.

The Wii U is an unmitigated failure for Nintendo... there havent been WW sales so low for any console since the Dreamcast. Since which there has been 15 YEARS of steady market growth.

I love the system, love the games, but i cant see any exerted effort from Nintendo when it comes to pushing the system. They have a terrible marketing team.

brew3482d ago

There's also -

3rd party game sale royalties
Subscription sales
Accessory sales/profits
Advertising partners

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