
Hifumi Kono Is Making The J-Horror Game He Always Wanted To With Project Scissors

Siliconera speaks to Clock Tower creator Hifumi Kono and Ju-on director Takashi Shimizu about making the “ultimate J-horror” with Project Scissors.

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NightCry's Kickstarter campaign successfully funded

The kickstarter campaign has just ended, and the team managed to hit their goal of $300,000. NightCry will be released on PC with a release date to be announced later down the line. Could this be the revival to survival horror that many games have been trying to bring back?

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Clock Tower Spiritual Successor NightCry Previewed in Progress Trailer

The official YouTube channel for NightCry, the point-and-click horror game from Clock Tower game developer Hifumi Kōno and Ju-on/The Grudge film director Takashi Shimizu, began streaming a production progress trailer on Tuesday. The video shows some of the graphical work done on the game's cinematics so far.

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IGiveHugs2NakedWomen3394d ago

Here's a link to the article from Anime News Network. I should have included it during the submission process. My apologies. http://www.animenewsnetwork...

REDGUM3393d ago

Looks like a playstation 2 or early PS3 game to me. Does'nt look all that impressive to me. Still, thanks for sharing.


Project Scissors: NightCry characters revealed

Project Scissors: NightCry recently received another update through its ongoing Kickstarter campaign. In the last update, the setting for NightCry, with more information on the cruise ship and its destination was revealed.

Now the creators reveal two of the major characters. Specifically, the 2 main heroines that will be appearing in the game: Monica, and Rooney.

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