
Orange Box petition reaches 2,000 signatures

The Orange Box petition, handled by Mike Seedon, has reached 2,000 signatures. Has the time finally come for Playstation3 gamers to be heard? We sure hope so.

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RecSpec5829d ago

It JUST broke 2000?

Seriously, they should have tied this to another petition. One that people cannot disagree with.

"Sign this petition for LOWER GAS PRICES (and to fix Orange Box)"

People that have no idea what the hell an Orange Box is would gladly sign it.

IdleLeeSiuLung5828d ago (Edited 5828d ago )

EA won't do anything about until Mike Seedon, does heavy marketing for this. He needs to send news to sites and label it similar to "EA screwed customers, customers engraged" or "Angry gamers demand EA fix their product".

Once it hits sites like consumerism, and other news site EA will have no choice but to send an official response.... maybe even a fix.

He also needs more signatures, because 2000 signatures are too few and as times go by the less likely somebody will fix it. People need to start label EA as it is in the news, a company out taking customers money for subpar products. If it starts tarnishing their brand name they will listen.

permutated5828d ago

You aren't doing a damn thing.

pwnsause5829d ago

instead of petitioning, why not suing? that will make them react rather quick.

cp685829d ago

Suing for what? Unsatisfaction? That would never work..

LastDance5829d ago

Duno man..youd be suprised what works in the world of "suing" haha.

RecSpec5829d ago

Yeah, that would work until EA opens their Pandora's Box of lawyers and countersues.

jessupj5828d ago

It could work in the US anyway. I'm sure we've all heard crazy stories of idiots winning law suites.

NO_PUDding5827d ago

EA wouldn't have countersues, for a group of people.

Thye paid money for a product, that clearly is not up to an accpetable standard. I think it's Valves fault. And it's a shame, ebcuase althoguh I think Half Life 2 was overrated, as is Team Fortress 2 (much prefer the originals) Portal is a superb game.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5827d ago
TheHater5829d ago

What the point of the petition. EA is clearly not going to fix it, and neither is Valve. I feel sorry for all the people that want the problems to be fix on the ps3 version, but EA nor Valve is going to help them out. That why I didn't buy the Orange Box because I knew something like this was going to happen.
I really hope something happen that will force either EA or Valve to fix this game for the PS3

ageoflight5829d ago (Edited 5829d ago )

hey theHater, do not worry friend. A patch for PS3 gamers is coming. No release date has been announced, nor will it ever be. Remember my user name, ageoflight. Do not forget me, neither what i have just told you. This petition [along with the website] have been consulted by VALVE very recently. VALVE has listened to the petition, and is responding. They are working on the issues.
VALVE cares, or at least they started caring now.

TheHater5829d ago

I don't have this game, but I feel sorry for the people that do, and can't get the patch.

jessupj5828d ago

Even if they do get a patch, I prob won't get this game because I will not be supporting valve at all. If it's on second hand I definately might because I know I'll be missing out. But I hate valve now, and especially gabe. I wanna punch him in the face so bad.

crimsonfox5829d ago

really care for this game.
this game is like whatever.
im actually a little sad i paid for this.

clintos595829d ago (Edited 5829d ago )

Please stop being a lazy dev team and do your damn job instead of crying how hard it is to develope ps3 games. Bunch of whining turds, thank u and hope not to hear from u ever again, lol.

LastDance5829d ago

I got a better idea ....dont buy the games instead;)


I'd like to see you develop a game for the PS3, until then, cut the devs some slack

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badz1493d ago

Valve can do no wrong, remember?

fsfsxii2d ago

Ah yes, pc gaming aka the bastion of fairness and equity and everlasting online playerbase, all i can say is lmao
Not to mention that these tf2 idiots were the progenitor of mrx in gaming


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Michiel198946d ago

64 bit support is not the same as a next gen upgrade. 64 bit has been used for like 12-15 years now?


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