
Dev: The Vanishing of Ethan Carter Has "Healthy" PS4 Exclusivity Period

Adrian Chmielarz reveals that the game has a temporary exclusive agreement for PS4, and there's no telling if the game will ever make it to Xbox One.

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AHV3553d ago

It's always good to take the time to optimize for each platform, I think.

Mega243553d ago

I still think third parties/indies, should be released at the same time, I really hate third parties to be exclusives, it seems this is the new thing of this generation

TheUltimateGamer3553d ago

I'm right there with you. Stalls the process. Why can't we all just get along!?

LordMaim3553d ago

Not every indie developer has the time, manpower or resources to program for multiple platforms simultaneously, and it is usually that early release that funds development for other platforms.

It doesn't help that Microsoft still has their parity clause in place, forcing indie developers who want to eventually release on both systems to sign a timed "exclusive" agreement with PS3/PS4.

Ironically, the loophole in the id@Xbox contract that allows staggered releases only if the developer has an exclusive agreement with a competitor, has only driven more indie developers to release on the Playstation first rather than hold back until both versions are complete. It has colossally backfired, and needs to be scrapped.

JP13693553d ago

You must be new to gaming. Third party exclusives used to be common up until the last generation. The fact that they're seeing a return seems as if it's mostly due to the indie scene needing to secure funds for development.

ABizzel13553d ago


3rd parties yes. Indies; however, don't always have the team, money, or time to do that. They have to make their money on the first platform then use the money they earned to port the games elsewhere.

starchild3553d ago

Wait, why are they referring to this as a PS4 exclusive? It comes out on PC this month and there is no release date for the PS4 version. All last generation people said that if a game is on PC and a certain console then it isn't an exclusive.

DLConspiracy3553d ago

Not all can afford to do that though. It would be nice though.

BitbyDeath3552d ago

@starchild, I agree with you but everyone has a different view on it.

geddesmond3552d ago

New thing of this generation? Yeah for Sony considering The Xbox 360 got loads of third party exclusives last gen. Some of which finally came to the PS3, others that never came and a few that were promised but never arrived.

Also yes third party exclusives suck on any platform but as much as I'd love to see that stop I don't think we ever will see that.

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kaiserfranz3553d ago

This really looks nice, I hope Xbox One gamers will be able to experience it too at some point.

GodGinrai3553d ago (Edited 3553d ago )

I guess five PS4 fanboys dont want Xbox owners to have this game. Good thing its not up to them! lol

jonboi243553d ago

Yeah unfortunately MS parity clause will be an obstacle. A stupid thing that I hope MS gets rid of. It doesn't really help small devs.

LavaLampGoo3553d ago

I'm getting very tired of exclusives... I don't even have a Xbox One but I dunno, its nice to hear about a game and get excited about it without worrying it will get cut out from under you.

Alexious3553d ago

Well, exclusives have always been the bread and butter of consoles. I doubt they're going away any time soon.

ScorpiusX3553d ago ShowReplies(2)
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Knushwood Butt528d ago

I loved A Short Hike, and want Firewatch.

Nacho_Z528d ago

Firewatch is one of my favourite games. It was ages ago that I played it but I still think about it, one of those that sticks with you.

robtion527d ago

What Remains of Edith Finch is brilliant. I would also add Inside to this list.