
Rumor - Smash Bros. 3DS/Wii U leaks came from within NoA

The person linked to today's Smash 4 leaks has been found by Nintendo according to rumors.

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-Foxtrot3570d ago (Edited 3570d ago )

I'm guessing these leaks were the rest of the unlockable characters or do you think he might of missed a surprise or two.

Find it funny though with all the secrecy with the line up yet for Mario Kart 8 they told us everything about it before it came out.

I really think we should be left to find out unlockable stuff for ourselves

LOL_WUT3570d ago

I think suing him was a little extreme on Nintendo's part either way we finally have a better insight on the whole roster ;)

Metallox3570d ago

Publishing private information of an unreleased product gives Nintendo the total right of suing the guy.

crusf3569d ago

Everything is Nintendo's fault in your eyes LOL_WUT. We've come to accept that now ;)

DynDasE3569d ago (Edited 3569d ago )

This is exactly the first thing that came up in my mind.

Someone is going to get sued lol
Code of conduct / Ethics are violated.

P.S. What good would a gamer developer / crew if the information is leaked to the public all the time ?

ShinMaster3569d ago (Edited 3569d ago )

Nintendo is a little extreme. Remember the whole YouTube thing?

Fired AND sued for a f---ng roster leak?

Metallox3569d ago

@ShinMaster Complain about law in this case, not Nintendo.

Ck1x3569d ago

He worked at Nintendo and probably had a confidentiality agreement in his contract if you knew how these corporation operate! Sony and Microsoft would have done the same thing with one of their high profile games.

lilbroRx3569d ago

I have this strong feeling that you would not be saying the same had this been done to and by Sony.

Baka-akaB3569d ago

WTF are you talking about , any publisher will fire you for that

megajon3569d ago

The guy probably signed a confidentiality agreement when working on Smash Bros. A lot of companies have you sign those when you are hired and it says right on the paper that you can be sued if you break the agreement.

Kurylo3d3569d ago

Curious. What do they sue him for? damages? I mean its not like nintendo can prove they lost any money by some leaked characters lol. I mean im no lawyer, but even if he did sign a confidentiality agreement... those agreements are typically for information that can be stolen and used against u by a competitor. Nintendo cant claim that that happens to them.

Chrischi19883569d ago

But it has an effect on the marketing. This is probably Wii Us biggest release and it should be the decision of Nintendo, when to give what information. You for sure cannot say, that they did not lose any money on this, as it could harm the hype around a game and we all know, how big hype can be.

ShinMaster3569d ago (Edited 3569d ago )

@ lilbroRx

Oh would you please shut up and stop being such a fanboy.
PS All-Stars roster was leaked multiple times. Sony didn't sue anyone.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3569d ago
admiralvic3569d ago

"Find it funny though with all the secrecy with the line up yet for Mario Kart 8 they told us everything about it before it came out. "

Why? Alternate characters in Mario Kart are largely cosmetic and aren't that big of a deal. The opposite is true for Super Smash Bros and fighting games in general, since every character has a lot of personality, flare and adds something different to the game. There is also a lot to show off, since I could see Duck Hunt Dog having a really abstract move set, where as no one needs to see how Bowser rides a motorcycle / kart in Mario Kart. For that game the levels are most of the draw, but Nintendo probably figured they couldn't get as much substance / interest out of revealing each track 1 by 1 in the same way a new fighter being revealed for SSB would get.


I couldn't disagree more. Nintendo needs to make an example out of this person to show that they will not put up with this behavior.

Big_Game_Hunters3569d ago

The leaker said he didn't unlock everything yet.

arkard3569d ago

@shinmaster this guy signed confidentiality agreements. He was in the wrong for leaking information. If Nintendo doesn't go after him it sets a precedent for other people to leak info and not fear any repercussions.

Xb1ps43569d ago

I'm glad he got cought and made an example of if true... It's because of leaks that everyone always says "we already knew that" it's like some gamers just ruin the whole surprise effect then go on to right a blog on how the show wasn't good because the person knew all about it..

Wouldn't it be much better to buy the game if you intend to and unlock the characters your selves and get a nice little surprise instead of going into knowing everything about the game?

Kurylo3d3569d ago

curious, why are u glad? Your glad someones going to be ruined financially and career wise... because he told you donkey kong is in the game?

You need to examine your morals my friend lol.... God for bid someone actually does somethign that can hurt anything. Whats the penalty then? lol

Xb1ps43569d ago

He ruined his financials him self.. If things are going as far as getting fired and or sued I'm positive he was told the rules and guidelines of his job, just like any job..

I don't need to examine my morals, I had nothing to do with this at all and wouldn't of had leaked that donkey kong is the secret character if I wasn't supposed to.. If you was to actually physically hurt someone that has its own consequence and penalty.

And what if Nintendo had some special promo planned or something that is now ruined all because the guy couldn't follow the rules of his job.

Kurylo3d3569d ago (Edited 3569d ago )

yes but you personally are hoping that he loses everything. As though it somehow influences you. It does not influence you. You want someone to be hurt over something that does not hurt anyone. Games still going to be released. And people are still going to buy it. So again... why would you wish this on him? You personally. I understand why some nintendo exec wants to make an example out of him or even get revenge on him. But i dont understand your anger towards him personally. Your personal anger. Maybe your life is so bad that you take joy out of other peoples misery. So that there.. is something you need to examine lol.

The 10th Rider3568d ago

Well, if he signed a NDA then suing him would be just.

I mean, this is a more extreme example, but you don't let a murderer off easy just because they have a family and without him they'll have no income.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3568d ago
N4g_null3569d ago

The only way you can talk about any of this stuff is when someone guesses right or it sometime is public knowledge. You better believe if I'm talking about stuff it is public knowledge lol or a darn good guess!

The nda are standard. If you know the info you can not be the first to tell it. You really have to read these documents.

You have to ask your self as gamers are you to desperate.

3-4-53569d ago

The Japanese are too Honorable to have leaked these.

They don't always think about themselves first like a lot of us North American's do.

It makes sense that a leak would come from NA, just look at our selfie culture and gossiping about everybody's business all the time.

Ravenor3569d ago

Generalizing is the shit, oh wait lemme take another Selfie.

3-4-53569d ago

o 'cmon you know I didn't mean EVERYONE.

get real.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3568d ago
DarkBlood3570d ago

They supply the salary to this employe how exactly is firing him (understandable) and then sueing him for money going to work when they just took away the means to do so?

mafiahajeri3569d ago (Edited 3569d ago )

Pretty sure he signed an nda with a termination clause incase of leaks that in turn gives nintendo the right to seek legal action after he gets fired, so double whammy for the guy...

Off course this is an assumption because I hardly know anything about law, especially when it comes to video game breaches in contract...

Long story short this guy probably isn't going to get a job in the video game business...

lashes2ashes3569d ago

You do know people that don't have money get sued all the time. He will have to pay the lawsuit when ever he has the money.

MegaRay3569d ago

I know i shouldnt laugh but HAHA i love this news.
I hate leaks and people who leak stuff. It ruin the surprises of a game and damage sales

CouldHaveYelledUiiW3569d ago

I don't think it is funny.

I hate when people do this too.

I hope he/she learns from this (and recovers).
I don't even get why they thought leaking was worth doing. A job vs. 15 Seconds of fame.

Jihaad_cpt3569d ago

Not entirely sure how it will damage sales though. It does suck for those who wanted the whole surprise thing but it's easy enough to stay away from the articles

admiralvic3569d ago

"Not entirely sure how it will damage sales though."

Depends what is leaked and how. In this case it shouldn't damage sales, but other times, such as the data mining of Destiny, it might. If you missed that one, someone found the name of the other planets, revealed a number (possibly all) the story stages, plus the strikes / raid and revealed a number of other things. Since a lot of people weren't thrilled with some of this information (like there only being 1 raid), it forced Bungie to basically show their hand and add some context to a number of findings.

"it's easy enough to stay away from the articles"

Actually, it's pretty hard unless you do a full online black out. Since this is about SSB, actually take a look at SSB. Around E3 2013 ( http://gematsu.com/2013/06/... ), Gematsu was apparently tipped off that 6 characters were going to be added to Super Smash Bros, though only 3 of them were announced at E3. Since the leak seemed somewhat accurate I guess they decided to post it and other characters like Little Mac / Pacman / the Mii were revealed. While it didn't happen for another year, you can bet your bottom that many people who were aware of the leak mentioned it in topics or discussions, especially when Little Mac was announced sometime after.

Clogmaster3569d ago

Reading some of the comments about people defending the leaker makes me wonder if some of people on this site have ever been employed.

Sashamaz3569d ago

I don't think it's a question of whether or not they have ever been employed but rather have they even received elementary education. It's common sense to understand why Nintendo fired and sued the employee.

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Why Greninja Won Pokémon of the Year

In a relatively short time, Generation VI's Ninja Pokémon has become wildly popular, outpacing nearly 900 other Pokemon.


What Super Smash Bros. owes SNK and Terry Bogard

While some Smash fans may have hoped for a more recognizable character, Super Smash Bros. as a whole has borrowed so much from SNK games that Terry is a natural fit. In fact, an SNK character probably should have been included much earlier.

Super Smash Bros. didn’t just emerge, fully formed, as a way for Nintendo to keep contemporary characters in the front of our minds while introducing newer players to classic characters, games, and even music. The series owes a lot to SNK, and The King of Fighters.

Immagaiden1630d ago

Interesting how many elements of Fatal Fury and King of Fighters is in SSB


Japanese censors demanded panty checks for female SSB characters during development

When Super Smash Bros. Creator, Masahiro Sakurai, showcased Smash Ultimate's latest guest fighter, Terry Bogard, he brought up the fact that one of Fatal Fury's most popular characters, Mai Shiranui, would not be making an appearance in the game at all and alluded to her sexual nature as the main reason.

It turns out that Sakurai and his team had a bit of a back and forth with CERO during the development of Super Smash Bros. for Wii-U circa 2012 as the rating organization actually asked the Smash team to turn female characters upside down for panty shot angles.

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gangsta_red1647d ago

Well now it makes sense why some of the character clothes in smash Bros was changed

Abriael1647d ago (Edited 1647d ago )

Censors? CERO isn't a censorship organization. It's a rating board and it's no more censors than the ESRB.

They don't ask you to censor your game. They give you a rating depending on its content, no more, no less. If you want a lower rating than what you're given, that's on you.

Teflon021647d ago

Stop playing dumb lol.
You know Nintendo is aiming for a low board rating so they have to censor to get it based on what the board deems reason to raise it

Abriael1647d ago (Edited 1647d ago )

@Teflon02: I'm well aware, but that's on Nintendo. They have the freedom to keep the content intact and accept a higher rating. It doesn't make CERO into "censors" in any shape or form.

That's simply not what a rating board is. Censors dictate content. A rating board does not. It assigns a rating based on the existing content.

TK-661647d ago

Then that's on Nintendo, and not the ratings board.

TK-661647d ago

Yeah, I'm not seeing the issue with them asking to see if characters actually have underwear modeled. That would actually be reason to give the game a higher age rating. If Sakurai included them and Nintendo then removed them to achieve a lower age rating that would've made Nintendo the censors.

A rating board has every right to ask for this to accurately rate the game.

bluefox7551647d ago

Let's be honest, a game won't be sold by retailers in the US if it has an AO rating, they have power over the industry, even if they're only a "rating board".

Abriael1647d ago

That's completely unrelated, and the rating board still does not require any change to the content. The developer has full freedom to distribute the game via other means.

Calling a rating board "censors" couldn't be less accurate. That's simply not their job.

annoyedgamer1646d ago

Ratings Org can shift around elements and the ratings they garner. Im not saying that was done here but it's heen done in the US feature films and the MPAA.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1646d ago
tehpees31647d ago

I hope they did not ask to check Dark Samus under that armour.

Tross1647d ago

That would be an interesting job duty, even if it’s in the name of censorship. Someone was literally paid to do a panty check on female characters, lulz.

Abriael1647d ago (Edited 1647d ago )

It's not in the name of censorship. It's in the name of not giving a CERO A rating (All ages) to a game that doesn't fit its content guidelines.

Tross1646d ago

It’s still dumb no matter what you call it. Equestria Girl dolls have panties. Are those not child-friendly? Besides, in talking about Japan, you don’t want to know what CoroCoro comics get away with. A panty shot or two might as well be CERO A.

Abriael1646d ago

@Tross: you're comparing entirely different industries with different rules.

ibrake4naps1647d ago

Games will show muscle men's nips, but God forbid a quick glimpse of princess Peach's vagina. Hypocrisy!!!

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