
Review: Amida’s Path (Nintendo 3DS) - diehardgamefan

"Developers are still finding amusing new ways to look at old things. You’d think we’d have unlocked all of the secretes of stylus-based controls by now, but new stuff is constantly coming out that breaks the status quo. Amida’s Path takes an old Japanese lottery game and turns it into a frantic combat system. It’s an unexpected pairing for sure, and one rife with possibility. "

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Review: Amida's Path (DSiWare) | 8 Bit Forward

Forks on the Path

DSiWare games are becoming less and less frequent as the 3DS eShop continues to thrive, getting perhaps more support in its short life than the DSi Shop has had in its entire lifespan. A recent addition to DSiWare is Amida's Path. While this game isn't a beautiful swan song for DSiWare, it does provide a unique experience that shouldn't be completely overlooked.

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