
GT6 Vs FM5 Photomode Comparison

GT6 vs FM5 compared in their respective Photomode equivalents! Is a comparison even possible given that it is current Gen vs next Gen, well have a look for yourself, GT6 more than holds it's own and arguably looks better!!

Axios23623d ago

The Beetle looks like a cartoon on GT6.

stuna13623d ago

The fact a comparison of two racing games with one being on last generation hardware as opposed to one being on this generation hardware........well I'm sure you can fill in the rest.

bmf73643622d ago (Edited 3622d ago )

Well, I wouldn't say this is too much of a case for Gran Turismo 6 vs. Forza 5. Forza 5 may be a Xbox One game, but it's a launch game so it's graphics will still be on comparable GT6. Here's how I see it.

Hardware constraints that plagued the PS3 like lighting, fog, and motion blur are visible in the GT6 screens. Especially when seen next to Forza 5 where you see shiny paint-jobs and rubber burning on asphalt. But despite all that, Gran Turismo holds a lot more detail with their cars than Forza 5 because Polyphony is able to do so.

Now for something really derail Gran Turismo for is its physics. It's been typically the same throughout the series with thumping noises and a few bumps and scratches on the paint. I'm not expecting total demolition, but something more realistic on the physics behalf to make a race seem more real than highly detailed fast-cars.

SoapShoes3622d ago

Uhhh as far as console simulators go GT is the most realistic as of now. Project cars may change that, idk. Also the physics were completely redone for GT6. The worked with a tire and suspension company to get it more realistic. I can't go back to GT5 after GT6, it feels off.

ShinMaster3622d ago (Edited 3622d ago )

@ Axios2

You wanna talk about cartoons? Just look at the awful tail lights on the Ferrari in Forza 5 vs GT6. http://i.imgur.com/vrosigM....

GT6 has more natural lighting overall, even in-game. The only times Forza 5 looks better is in the garage/showroom.

It says a lot when a PS3 game running on hardware that's 8 years old vs a game on a brand new console is even comparable.

BONUS FUN FACT: Forza 5 uses more 2D cardboard cut-out crowds than GT4 on PS2(most of which are 3D).

pedrof933622d ago

Well we are only looking at car models, still Gt6 looks equal if not better compared to Forza.
Well and both have cardboard crowd so.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3622d ago
badz1493622d ago

yeah...focus on the beetle and ignore everything else! TYPICAL!

what about those RX-7, BRZ and Ferraris shots which are clearly looking better on GT6?

Magicite3622d ago (Edited 3622d ago )

Talking about cartoons, look at FM5 crowd.
PS3 puts X1 to shame with this comparison.
GT7 will obliterate FM6, DC already does.
But this comparison also shows that racing games reached near photo-realism a while ago.

3623d ago Replies(2)
mushroomwig3623d ago

'Is a comparison even possible given that it is current Gen vs next Gen'

Guys, it's old gen vs current gen. How can something be next gen if it's already out?

whybag3622d ago

Looking at the details really shows how much care Polyphony puts in their cars, I see this most blatantly in the F40 taillights. The Forza lights look like basic clear plastic discs, with an almost mirror finish, while the GT6 lights very clearly show the ridges and diffused reflections that real taillights display.

zeroskie3622d ago

You can feel the love and craft in the Polyphony products. That being said, I skipped GT6 for money/time reasons. Looking forward to GT7.

oldassgamer3622d ago

In many of the images, the GT6 cars have more detail than the FM5 cars, which is a little shocking given that it is a current gen/last gen comparison.

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Comparing the New Grand Valley in Gran Turismo 7 to the Original

A detailed look at Gran Turismo 7's new track Grand Valley, judging its evolution from its former design and layout in Gran Turismo 6, side by side.

SullysCigar475d ago (Edited 475d ago )

Wow, crazy isn't it? The draw distance is vastly improved, the background textures too and there's ZERO shimmer now. And the replays are night and day!

EIDT: @below, Haha I didn't notice that!

IRetrouk475d ago

Yeah, theres a massive improvment all round, Looks amazing with the time of day transitions too, me and a couple online buddies jumped on earlier to try it out lol, did you notice the beach full of seals?

closed_account475d ago

That coastline looks amazing and I can only imagine it in VR! Looks like an entirely new course as far as scenery goes.

IRetrouk475d ago

Yeah, those views are going to be crazy when we are "there" can't wait!

PureBlood475d ago

Just got confirmation my PSVR2 is shipping by 24 hour courier, so I should have it tomorrow! I know nobody else cares, but I had to tell someone lol

GT7 will be my first game, as I want to test out my wheel - so excited - it's going to be awesome!

Deathdeliverer475d ago

I got my confirmation and date (22nd) showing for the charging station. The headset itself has been in “shipped-processing” status since last Friday. I’m like dang can I see the date? I was in the first round of preorders. Whenever it does get here, I’m ready. Going to go update everything and try to get over this cold.

PureBlood475d ago

Wish you better, bud, fingers crossed for your order too.

@S2Killinit - Thank you!

IRetrouk475d ago

I care👊🏻, mine is still saying prep for shipping😔

PureBlood474d ago

Thanks man 👊

Word of advice: be ready for the impromptu jig that happens when that email drops, it can be embarrassing..

DaReapa474d ago

Just got my second shipping confirmation email as well.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 474d ago
S2Killinit475d ago

Man i caant wait. One day left!

Flawlessmic474d ago

I know you and a lot of people are excited for VR but dont sleep on sophy, sophy is the real game changer here!

After giving sophy a run last night, i can safely say the actual racing in future GT's is going to be Fu***** amazing!!!

even on intermediate on some tracks the AI was coming back at me on my waiting for me to slip, attacking the space if i left the door open for them, honestly felt like i was racing against people and not some very limited AI that once i passed them they may as well have been eliminated from the race like GT ai normally is.

pump it up to expert and its a real challenge to stay ahead, the next level up from expert man the AI kicked my ass, like badly.

i remember when sophy was first annouced all the nay sayers said its a pipe dream and we will never see it implemented and here we are a yr later and sophy is being tested in game for us to try out and is every good as whats been promised.

VR plus racing against sophy and wowww your not gonna feal like your actually racing for real anywhere else outside of gt.

sophy will change the game in gt8

S2Killinit474d ago

Hm I didnt realize it was like that. I didnt even know why there was so much hype about it. But thanknyou for explaining that. I mean I get it now.

But I’ll be seeing it in action tomorrow! Woot woot.

Flawlessmic474d ago

It's only for a limited time and only has 4 races but I encourage you and everyone else try it and see the difference compared to the normal Ai.

Sophy has slipped completely under the radar in this latest uodate

475d ago Replies(2)
Father__Merrin474d ago

Wow gt6 was awesome under appreciated because of time it came out

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What Happened To Gran Turismo?

When thinking about simulation racing games in this console generation, it’s not unreasonable for your first thought to be “Forza”. Microsoft’s first-party sim-racer series has been wildly successful, and for many of us, it’s been the go-to franchise for quite some time. But simulation racing games weren’t always synonymous with Forza; there was a time when Polyphony Digital’s hardcore series, Gran Turismo, reigned supreme. While the long-time franchise continues to sell exceptionally well, there’s no doubt that it isn’t the young, spry series it used to be.

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darthv721752d ago

It doesnt suck but I would love to see a return to form with GT7. Sport is such a departure that it can turn some people off. It has gotten better over time but it's still no match for a proper GT7.

Rude-ro1752d ago

Sport is awesome for what it is...
However, polygon built a whole new engine and the tech is still being worked on...
I understand it is easy to praise a cookie cutter because it release the same game over and over with rotations of maps and cars...
But this engine polygon has designed does more for things other than gaming.

Repetitive old engines with new makeup does not make anyone king.

Gt7 will be most likely in two years with 120fps and ray tracing because their new engines are ready now.

LordStig1752d ago

It decided to focus on racing rather than cars and in the gaming world, racing = gameplay.

Imalwaysright1752d ago

What complete and utter BS. GT has always focused on racing and gameplay.

1752d ago
neutralgamer19921752d ago

Good I guess selling millions of copies and have OFFICIAL FIA license races and Esports means it sucks

We just don't get it every year which is why ms also delayed next forza. You can't keep making yearly sequels. Quality and innovation takes time

GT sports at launch to now it's a different game and support has been free

Imalwaysright1752d ago

GT games have always sold millions of copies and what's so innovative about GT sport? It's a racing game FFS.

IRetrouk1752d ago

The online championships and tournaments alone offer more innovation than any racer this gen🤷‍♂️ then you also get the live ones in New York etc with proper race like commentary, something else no other sim has done before. It sells millions because it's the best, simple really.

Imalwaysright1752d ago (Edited 1752d ago )


I'm not even sure why think that having proper like race commentary or championships and tournements is innovative but I'll play along... GT Sport was released in 2017 so how do explain that this video https://www.youtube.com/wat... from 2016 exists?

Dark_Knightmare21752d ago

Spoken like someone who hasn’t played sport

Imortus_san1751d ago

And those Paid demos, that fans try to hide and not talk about it.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1751d ago
SCW19821753d ago

It became the best online racing community for console players and its an amazing achievment.

Keltech1752d ago

"Forza?" HaHaHaHaHaHaHa!! good joke!

kayoss1752d ago

Too early for an Aprils fool joke.

1752d ago
ElementX1752d ago

@solidgamerX That's really not very impressive. Somebody with an interest in cars plays racing games and becomes a race car driver. That's like saying "look at this guy, he played COD and now he's in the military"

Imalwaysright1752d ago


You must think that we're all stupid enough to believe that a game will turn anyone into a professional racing driver.

Prince-Ali1752d ago

FORZA!!! AAHAHHAHA !! Haven't i schooled you on this already before! You're still spewing nonsense on this threaddd looool

mcstorm1752d ago

Forza has always been better online than. GT and still is. Great to see PD try something different with GTS but let's face it this gen sonys racing games have been poor this then compaired to what Microsoft has had to offer. Forza 7 is one of the best racing games on xbox and pc but for me Horizon 3 and 4 have set the bar this gen. Of all the things microsoft got wrong this gen 2 of its racing games got a lot right and others are now playing catchup.

DarXyde1752d ago

It's debatable which is the better game. To me, Forza has the upper hand.

But in terms of online community and events? Ha. Don't lie to yourself just because you don't like Playstation.

1752d ago
1752d ago
Dark_Knightmare21752d ago

Lol not even close have you even played gt sport online?

Imalwaysright1752d ago (Edited 1752d ago )


You didn't need to confirm what I already knew: if you didn't think that we're all stupid you wouldn't make such stupid comments that only those that are dead from the neck up will agree with.

IRetrouk1752d ago (Edited 1752d ago )

Did he say gt could turn anyone into a racer? No he didnt, he asked what game has done it like gt has, which is true, gt academy done it throughout gt5 for a start. You need to do some research fella, cause your wrong.. again.

And lmao at element and the downplay, not even similar you crazy man, not even similar🤣 you realise gt has turned gamers into drivers from gt5? Go look at gt academy and tell me how that would be anything like someone playing cod and then joining the army, the downplay in gt articles is funny.

ElementX1752d ago

So you think he learned the required skills playing video games? I remember when people claimed children were learning how to operate guns because of video games, do you think that's also true?

IRetrouk1752d ago (Edited 1752d ago )

Two completely different things and you know it, it is a fact that gt has helped real gamers become real race drivers, the proof is easily available online and I'm not going round searching for links that has been posted many, many times before on this subject, Go and look at gt academy like I mentioned and you can see for yourself, they start out on gt and go from there, so yes the game gran turismo teaches you some driving techniques, now if you can find me a link where someone has been playing cod and went on to become a war hero, please let me know because I couldnt find anything, also do you have a link to where cod has a program to train soldiers? Like cod academy or something?, I couldnt find one of those either, maybe when you do then your comparison will actually make sense.

Imalwaysright1752d ago


You mean the GT academy that provides training and licenses for a person to become a professional racing driver? The GT academy is how you go from being an average driving joe to become a professional racing driver not GT the game.

1751d ago
+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 1751d ago
1751d ago
xRacer74x1752d ago

Forza owns the racing game scene in my area as far as video games go.

dekke1752d ago

Forza = Arcade
GT= Sim

why u ppl keep comparing those 2 games every time..

Keltech1752d ago (Edited 1752d ago )

GT owns the console sim racing scene in my area and around the world. Just ask a real race car drivers


LordStig1752d ago

Forza isn't a racing game. It's a car game.

1752d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1752d ago
Hungryalpaca1752d ago

I’ll stick to sims. You keep playing with your hot wheels.

King_Noctis1752d ago

You forget that there are two Forzas, Forza Motorsport and Forza Horizon, which aims at different audiences.

King Nezz1752d ago

The usual response from someone insecure that feels their favorite racing game is nowhere near as good as it once was. I really liked Gran and played them all. Loved the Vector from part 2. But the franchise is not the same.

Gaming4Life19811752d ago

Yea Forza took over and is now the best sim racer with motorsport and the best arcade racer with horizon. GT was the best but it has been falling short for a long time and I'm not saying gt games are bad but no where near king like it used to be. I'd say forza motorsport 3 was the forza that really upped the franchise and forza 4 was when forza became #1.

I remember the glory days of gt but those days are long gone but it's still a good game just not the best. Of course ps fans will never admit it because they will die before giving MS credit.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1752d ago
Nacho_Z1752d ago

I do think they need some new creative heads in to give them some new perspectives, they seem stuck in a rut. It's a very high quality rut but they're still stuck in it.

LordStig1752d ago

The USA leg of the Gran Turismo World Tour is going on in New York right now. Go watch it guys, there's some damn good racing and crazy updates to come.

Nacho_Z1752d ago

I've seen some of it before and to be fair it's not much different to watching real motorsport so credit to them for that.

Heavenly King1752d ago

the MACH 5 :) GO SPEED rACEr!!

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Looking back to 2014 and Forza Motorsport 5 Racing GOTY Edition

Carlos writes - "When it was time for Forza 5 to rock on up to the track, we were just entering the third generation of Xbox consoles, and to show off all that extra horsepower that would come inside the Xbox One, they wanted a flagship title that could truly showcase just what miracles the next generation could perform. And what better title than Microsoft’s beloved racer!"

Read Full Story >>
mijayire1784d ago (Edited 1784d ago )

Such s supreme racing title. Hands down racing franchise of recent decades. Nothing has come close in quality or ratings.

bluefox7551784d ago

Not to mention the worst rated game in the series.

mijayire1784d ago

Apart from Forza 5. Talking about generally the Forza series has always been rated high. Perhaps Forza 5 was rushed for launch. Although made up again by Forza 6 and 7.

IRetrouk1784d ago

I liked the game well enough, it was a good starting point for the new gen and helped them build up to what motorsport 7 is now, the controversies wasnt with the numbers of cars or tracks though, it was more to do with the pc footage being passed off as xbox one, the downgrade from what they originally had shown caused more upset than the numbers.