
E3 2014: Lords of the Fallen Attempts To Fill The Next-Gen Dark Souls Gap | Hardcore Gamer

HG: Lords of the Fallen raised eyebrows when it was announced prior to E3. The game looked like Dark Souls with prettier graphics thanks to the power of the next-gen consoles and PC. Plus, it was developed by City Interactive, a developer with a spotty track record. It was, however, being published by Bandai Namco, the publisher of Dark Souls. In an attempt to put speculation to rest, we got to go hands-on with Lords of the Fallen at E3 2014

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ValKilmer3635d ago

Honestly, I think I can only handle one Dark Souls every two years.

ravinash3635d ago

It takes me about that long to complete a demon/dark souls game.... ya have to give me time to play other games.

ZodTheRipper3635d ago (Edited 3635d ago )

It took me half a year to finish Demon's Souls (as the gameplay was completely fresh and there were no guides at that time) but only a few weeks to finish Dark Souls 2. I'm not sold on this game though and looking at the release schedule I don't mind playing other games and waiting for Bloodborne (also to prevent oversaturation of the Souls-gameplay/genre).

It's not enough to just copy the Souls-formula to get my attention... they really need to stand out somehow.

Remy_S3635d ago

I think I'll just wait til Bloodbourne comes out.

Timesplitter143635d ago

I think they both look pretty good. Though LotF may not have the same immersion level and creativity

ZodTheRipper3635d ago

Yes both look good... but Bloodborne pretty much killed this game for me. It looks like a Souls game for teens and soccer moms.

Neixus3635d ago

Why fill the dark souls next gen gap when Bloodborne already does? :x

It's a dumb statement, but I'll still get this game, love me some action-RPGs!

Mega243635d ago

Bloodborne is due for 2015, while Lords of the Fallen is due this fall, meaning that LotF is closer then BB is.

rdgneoz33635d ago

Yah, definitely looks like a fun game I'll pick up, but looks more like a combo of Souls and Darksiders. It'll do nicely to help with the wait till Bloodborn.

LAWSON723635d ago (Edited 3635d ago )

Bloodborne is not a Souls game. A game that lacks blocking mechanics and magic is not Souls game. Bloodborne looks like an action adventure title more than an RPG.

Neixus3635d ago

Lords of the fallen is not a Souls game. A game that lacks customization is not a Souls game. Lords of the fallen looks like an action adventure title more than an RPG.

And for the record, i said it was an Action-RPG, which is the correct sub-genre for Bloodborne

LAWSON723634d ago

"Lords of the fallen is not a Souls game."
Okay? Where did I say it was?

thricetold3633d ago

Lol, a souls game is about blocking and magic to you? What about us players who've NEVER used magic or a shield?

A good segment of souls fans plays it like a fighting game anyway, complete with fight clubs and their own little self imposed rules, instead of an actual rpg. Some only play to troll or grief others. Another group only plays for self reassurance. The list is long.

Stop putting souls players in one tiny category. We all play the souls series for different reasons.

Bloodborne will be no different

bangoskank3635d ago

I'm not liking the fixed character and overall design. Demons' and Dark Souls have an atmosphere that can't be replicated. I'll wait for Bloodborne.

Shinuz3635d ago

Doesn't bloodborne have a fixed character as well?

LAWSON723635d ago (Edited 3635d ago )

I believe the protagonist is similar to Shepard in Mass Effect. These Souls fans thinking this is the next gen souls are probably setting themselves up for disappointment. I am sure it will be a great game but people need to remember this is not a Souls game

ZodTheRipper3635d ago

No it's customizeable as always.

@LAWSON72: You have no idea what you're talking about.

Destrania3635d ago (Edited 3635d ago )

I can easily hold out for Bloodborne, it just looks and sounds so much better than this imo, and I'm a massive Demons Souls and Dark Souls fan. Honestly, the more I see of LotF, the more I'm just dissinterested. I can't buy every game release so I have to be choosy sometimes unfortunately. Not that LotF looks bad or anything, it just doesn't compare to to the first two games in the Souls series and Bloodborne imo.

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