
Shadow Warrior Runs At 900p On Xbox One And 1080p On PS4, Both Versions Locked At 60fps

"Shadow Warrior is a first-person shooter developed by Flying Wild Hog and published by Devolver Digital. It was released on the PC last year and it turned out to be a pretty solid reboot of the 1997 game developed by 3D Realms."

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Ballsack3667d ago ShowReplies(8)
04STIBluByU3667d ago ShowReplies(2)
Activemessiah3667d ago

Just good this on PC... game is super fun!

"You got Wang"

Volkama3667d ago (Edited 3667d ago )

I bought it for some dirt cheap price off of Steam last Christmas, because I appreciated the trailer's light jabs at popular games. Realistic Fish AI, fully destructable bicycles and such.

Turns out it is fun hacking up demons with the katana. Not a bad game.

UltimateMaster3667d ago

The whole resolution thing is becoming pretty redundant.
We already know the PS4 is more powerful.

The only thing that excites me is that they can push the hardware further and make better games, not just better resolution.

UltimateMaster3667d ago

I just think it's kinda pointless to keep repeating how old news.

mp12893667d ago

I think 900p is gonna be the standard this gen, like 720p was last gen. Sometimes games will go up to 1080p when they are not visually intensive which is always better.PS4 hasnt gone below 900p on any game so im happy.

RedDeadLB3667d ago

Not a bad game, but the optimization is pretty awful. Framerate ranges from 30 to 120 in just a few steps. I believe that a new PC version is to be released with the next-gen console versions, which is what I'm waiting for. It just performs too horrible in the current state.

BitbyDeath3667d ago

Guess not all indie games work on mobile phones eh. The original game was funny as, can't wait to play this.

tee_bag2423666d ago

@ Buljo

What are you talking about? This game runs like butter. Perhaps revisit your settings mate.

Volkama3666d ago (Edited 3666d ago )

I get some dodgey performance with crossfire and 3D enabled. But totally smooth on a single card in my experience.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3666d ago
3-4-53667d ago

Looks ok but they couldn't come up with a more interesting name for their game ?

Shadow Warrior ? yea that isn't generic or anything.

Activemessiah3667d ago (Edited 3667d ago )

Due to the game being a remake I guess they didn't have that choice but to reference the original title.
It's a 90s title after all... terrible names back then.

snookiegamer3667d ago (Edited 3667d ago )

Shadow Warrior does not seem like my kinda game, although I'll want to learn more before writing it off.

...and petty rez arguments are so immature, no matter which platform you own ;/

morganfell3667d ago

That's like asking, Doom? They couldn't come up with a more interesting name?

The series dates back to '97. Plenty of people that visit this site and will see the game in stores were not even alive when it first appeared. Shadow Warrior is a fine name for a classic game.

3-4-53666d ago

I mean in general. Whoever came up with the name originally.

It's not alone. Probably 80% of games last gen had very generic names.

SUCKxITxEZ3666d ago

I own this game on pc and its friggin awesome, and its a reboot, so the name is kinda retro. I have a 750ti (150$ graphics card for u pc newbz)and this game looks better than most if not all currently released PS4 games. The gameplay is amazing as well, as the controls are very fluid. You feel significantly more badass with each gun you find and perk you unlock. Its the best of 90s shooters and modern shooters in one game. The humor is hit and miss, but I laughed out loud several times. Get it!!!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3666d ago
showtimefolks3667d ago

its just funny how MS fanboys are complaining about this stuff now. Remember last gen when every 3rd party game article we had to ready well this looks better on xbox360. What goes around comes around

also again great job sony for actually making a gaming console focused on gamers, build by the feedback from developers and lead by Cern who is a developer himself.

Try to be one thing but be great at it, or try to be an entertainment box and now sure where things stand at the moment.

air13667d ago

I know where my xb1 stands.. It's been great all around... Thank you ms for thinking out side the box

Ch1d0r13666d ago

Yup, what goes around comes around.

-Thats the power of the cloud for you, can barely go over 900, p!

user56695103667d ago

how you get all those deagress. for using the wrong word?

Activemessiah3667d ago

No idea... by the time I saw it, I couldn't edit it... maybe some people don't like PC?

tee_bag2423666d ago

I love this game. Old skool FPS feel. Fast and bloody. I finished it in 3 sizable sit downs. This game does nothing new to the genre but what it does.. Boy oh boy does it do it right. I'm happy to hear the consoles will get to experience this game and also at a glorious 60fps. Hope you fellas enjoy it as much as I did.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3666d ago
Agent_hitman3667d ago (Edited 3667d ago )

This game is very intriguing, might as well try this..

Hellsvacancy3667d ago

It's the first i've heard of it, I just checked out the launch trailer http://www.youtube.com/watc...

It does look really fun, it's on my watch-list

imt5583667d ago

Well, try the original Shadow Warrior. Top class old school FPS. Just like Duke Nukem 3D from same house.

PSN_ZeroOnyx3667d ago

At this point is anyone actually surprised? No? Didn't think so.

shivvy243667d ago

Yeah kinda sick of the resolution stuff, this kind of stuff should just stay on technical sites like digital foundry. Even ign has juped this bandwagon. I have a ps4 so this isnt some fanboy/defence comment. Just sick of it.

johndoe112113667d ago

Yeah, I expect ign would have eventually juped this bandwagon. They're a bunch of hypocritical imbeciles.

PSN_ZeroOnyx3667d ago

That's kinda my point. No need to bring it up with every game because the trend will only continue. Even programming games to the lowest common denominator (X1) the PS4's raw muscle power will still run games better.

u got owned3667d ago

Dat 30% thought . Is real.

Shane Kim3667d ago

I think it's good that IGN points it out. PS3 versions used to be reviewed seperatly because of resolution and fps. So why not now?

PSN_ZeroOnyx3667d ago

I completely agree, last gen PS3 got ridiculed for every game that wasn't as good as the 360 counterpart. Some people here choose to Rforget that fact. Yet Sony expletives clearly showed which system was more capable. This time around 3rd and 1rst party games will out shine on PS4.

PS... The power of the cloud made some really stupid AI on Titanfall, I've been viewing streamed games and that always stands out like a sore thumb.

ghostface93667d ago

psn_zeronyx Ya except the fact that your an idiot the bots aren't suppose to be hard cause even if they do kill you nobody gets any points from it or anything there just there so you can kill them and get to your titan faster. Also check forza for cloud computing it records how you race and then emulates your style for your friends so they can race you even when your not there really next gen stuff

maniacmayhem3667d ago

There's a huge difference. The PS3 wasn't reviewed on resolution or FPS it was reviewed on how well it ran compared to the 360.

Because of the cell architecture early ports didn't run as smooth or was extremely glitch compared to the 360 version.

This is not the case for these two consoles as thy both run the game exactly the same.

Flutterby3667d ago


How are they running the same when the ps4 version is running at a higher rez?

Last gen a lot of games got higher scores on 360 cos it was 20p more or had extra plants , don't try to pretend this is new

Copen3666d ago

@ ghostface9

Stop defending the cloud buddy it ducks as it is now and until the Internet gets where it needs to be here in the US and around the globe it can't be used in a meaningful way and those improvements don't happen overnight get back to me in 10 years then you can talk up the cloud. Titanfall is lean on everything especially for being just an online game since Respawn admittedly cut out the single player to rush the game out. It's fun yeah until you reach the level cap and there's no meaningful reason to re generate so don't bring that up. Also whenever the resolution issue or cloud issue comes up xbox diehards always fall back on Forza and the game isn't even all that they sacrificed a lot for that game to run @ 1080p/60fps and cloud and the game is nothing but a micro transaction title that should've just gone free to play. You bought into the cloud BS and while that's sad you live with the choices you make just don't try convincing others who have a grasp on reality and see it for what it is.

maniacmayhem3664d ago (Edited 3664d ago )


"How are they running the same when the ps4 version is running at a higher rez?"

There is no change of gameplay or design, there are no severe glitches or bugs that are only found on Xbox One, the games are running the same for each system. Just because one looks slightly prettier than the other doesn't make the X1 any less powerful.

"Last gen a lot of games got higher scores on 360 cos it was 20p more or had extra plants , don't try to pretend this is new."

It is new, because I have not seen, NOT ONE review score rated higher for 360 for the reason you stated and if it is true then please provide proof and not some link to some random no name blogger.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3664d ago
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adaminoregon552d ago

South park stick of truth is the funniest game ever made.