
IGN Names Super Mario Galaxy The Best Game of The Last Generation

Popular online gaming publication IGN has awarded Super Mario Galaxy with the acclaimed accolade as game of the last generation. IGN says that the Wii classic redefined the platforming genre and gave players a smart and refreshing challenge. They concluded by saying that it was ultimately the game worth owning a Wii for.

“Super Mario Galaxy wasn’t just the latest and greatest 3D Mario game when it released in 2007 — it redefined the platforming genre. Again. Nintendo’s best designers rebounded from the excellent but still somewhat underwhelming Super Mario Sunshine on the GameCube and unleashed Galaxy, a meaty, deep adventure that married Mario’s traditional fireballs and Koopaling knockouts with a healthy dose of M.C. Escher. Its game design is as smart and challenging as it is refreshing, and, Wii Sports be damned, it was and is worth owning a Wii for all on its own.”

BullyMangler3663d ago

it may be one of the best games of last gen, not THE best like this read reads.

or iS It ??

rodiabloalmeida3663d ago

TLOU is in my top 10. But Mario Galaxy is in my top 3. It is that good.

ZodTheRipper3663d ago

I enjoyed TLOU (played it 3,5 times and will get it again for PS4) much more than Mario Galaxy 1&2 to be honest.

user14394143663d ago

The Last of Us and Heavy Rain are 2 of my favourite games from last gen. And I also loved The Elder Scrolls Oblivion.

DarthZoolu3663d ago (Edited 3663d ago )

Did i imagine Skyrim? There is a game called The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim right? Or did 200+ plus hours of my life not really happen? It's a mad house.

UltimateMaster3662d ago

So terrified of Xbox, PS, PC fanboys backlash, they praise a Wii game.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3662d ago
Beastforlifenoob3663d ago

Out of the top 10, only 1 appeard on a Nintendo Console (that was ofc super mario galaxy). Also 2 of the games were PS3 exclusives.

ahaha only 1 of the top 10 came out on nintendo consoles *clap*clap* great

BattleN3663d ago

lol that comment I read picturing a mentally challenged luma!

marloc_x3663d ago (Edited 3662d ago )

Galaxy has sold over 12 million copies. I think even The Last Of Us will run out of gas on PS+ before even coming CLOSE to these numbers..

Magicite3663d ago

Some mario-lol game as best? They cant be serious.

stragomccloud3663d ago

Gamers disagree. If you haven't been able to get over yourself and really play a Mario game, it's high time you started.

DarthZoolu3663d ago

Not the type of gamers I know. My crew and I played Galaxy but at no point play galaxy did I ever think omg, or wow. Top 25 but not even top 20 in my opinion, and I know many that wouldn't even put it on any best list.

hellzsupernova3663d ago (Edited 3663d ago )

IGn's top Twenty

#20. Super Mario Galaxy 2
#19. Wii Sports
#18. Mass Effect
#17. Bioshock
#16. Batman: Arkham City
#15. Half-Life 2: Episode 2
#14. Assassin's Creed 2
#13. Rock Band
#12. Mass Effect 2
#11. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
#10. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
#9. Journey
#8. Grand Theft Auto V
#7. Red Dead Redemption
#6. Minecraft
#5. Fallout 3
#4. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
#3. The Last of Us
#2. Portal 2

#1. Super Mario Galaxy

The top twenty you cant really argue much all of those games are must plays. All of my favorite games are there from last generation

Chard3663d ago

That's odd, I definitely remember IGN saying that they thought Galaxy 2 was better than 1

Edsword3663d ago

Yeah MGS4 is not on that list why? It was a 10 by IGn after all.

hellzsupernova3663d ago

MGS4 is on the list just not in the top twenty.

#59. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

For me personally MGS wouldn't even be on the list fullstop. but that is my personal opinion I never played them when I had a playstation 2, I did play through MGS2 on vita and thought it was awesome but never finished MGS3

Edsword3663d ago

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I really thought Mario Galaxy was a good game, but my favorite for Last gen was UC2. I hardly played anything more than once, but I know I played UC2 at least 3 times.

ginsunuva3662d ago (Edited 3662d ago )

Did you know that the word "best" is not objective?

Also did you know that IGN is not the definitive prophet of all gaming and that everything they say is not universal fact?

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colt-of-tipton3663d ago

Good choice , but all opinions i suppose Fallout 3 for me , the atmosphere, characters and sheer content just blew me away .

inmusicutrust3663d ago

There was a small settlement in the wasteland that I helped save from a mutant attack. I then killed every last inhabitant of that town.

KodevEx3663d ago

That's why grownups aren't allowed.

DCfan3662d ago

not to mention the amount of game breaking bugs and glitches.

randomass1713663d ago

Not a bad selection! I loved Mario Galaxy and how innovative it was for Mario. But my top pick is and always will be The Last of Us. Definitely one of my favorite games of all time.

-Foxtrot3663d ago (Edited 3663d ago )

Super Mario Galaxy was amazing but there were others which could of taken the top spot

Bioshock, Uncharted 2, Fallout 3, Ni No Kuni, Arkham City, Assassins Creed II, Last of Us. Demons Souls.

I chose those as examples because they were new IP's or like Fallout were "re-vamped" with a new look. I think you have to give credit when it comes to last gens new IP's. So if I was going to choose my best game of last gen I would have to put the newer franchises first.

I think my main problem with Galaxy was the fact unlike Sunshine or Super Mario 64 the platforming in this game was spilt up in some levels into small "planet" like sections where you would just use a Launch Star to get to the next section and so on. Unlike past games you couldn't roam around as much. Sometimes once you've launched onto another planet you couldn't get back, so it limited you in back tracking.

iamnsuperman3663d ago

I really don't rate Super Mario Galaxy. I could not get into it. I bought it as everyone was raving about it but it left me disappointed.

Seeing the examples you mention, I feel they did much more and are definitely more worthy of GOTG than Super Mario Galaxy. I know I have a bias since I admit I couldn't get into it but they did do more to define the last generation

-Foxtrot3663d ago (Edited 3663d ago )

I couldn't get into at first but once I got going I ended up being hooked but despite being much prettier and having way better music then the last two "console" Mario games I didn't think it was as good, with the reasons I've mentioned above

It was a great concept though, Space, planets, introducing a new character like Rosalina so I have to give them credit there but I just didn't think it was as open as past games.

The levels seemed big because you were constantly on the go launching from one planet to another.

I think Super Mario Galaxy was more about visual presentation then the other Mario games.

If this was the first type of Mario game ever, like they never did Super Mario 64 or Sunshine then I would agree with the article and the decision but the other games did much more for gaming.

I know this isn't going to be a popular opinion but I feel like with Nintendo despite always producing solid games that feel complete it never feels like they would push themselves to go the extra mile...101% so to speak. It's like once they've finished the game it's "Right...we're done". NaughtyDog for example chose Sand in Uncharted 3 because it was the hardest thing for them to do, it was a challenge for the studio but Nintendo don't seem to have that mind set, if it was them they would be like "WHOA...this looks a little complicated for us, lets just stuck to what we know". Some of their games feel great but at times you come across something in the game, a little thing usually which you could shrug off where your like "What? Why have they not done this" or "Nintendo should of added "this" feature by now".

Maybe it's because making games is getting harder for them, they have struggled transitioning with HD, missing out an entire gen of it.

I've just noticed aswell IGN put Modern bloody Warfare ahead of Uncharted 2. Are these guys stupid.

GamersHeaven3663d ago (Edited 3663d ago )

One of the easiest most boring games of last generation.

The_Infected- Credit for what?I played it I voiced my opinion on it not my fault you disagree.

3663d ago Replies(1)
Hellsvacancy3663d ago (Edited 3663d ago )

I played it, and completed it, it's one of the only Wii games I ever have finished

Difference is I didn't play it for my own personal amusement, I bought a Wii for my 6 year old daughter at Xmas (with Mario G) I played it with her loads, it was actually a really fun game, a nice change from my normal routine of gaming

It certainly isn't MY GOTG, but it was good

My opinion (I didn't disagree)

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Barlos84d ago (Edited 84d ago )

My top 3 are Mario 3, Mario World and Mario 64. Mario Odyssey is also excellent, and I enjoyed Sunshine but didn't care for the Galaxy series.


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