
Game of the Week-I Miss Clover Studio

Kotaku TAY blogger WingZero351 takes a look at the PS2 classic God Hand, a somewhat overlooked gem that heaps on the difficulty-perhaps too much. Read on!

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Venoxn4g3675d ago

One of the best games I've played.. finished it many times as well.. has amazing boss fights and very quircky humor :) Platinum Games\Clover are still one of the best devs I know :)


10 Hardest PS2 Games of All Time

The PS2 still took plenty of inspiration from the arcade, leading to a lot of frustration over ottsels, stunts, and, uh, hands of God.

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Nyxus130d ago

DMC3 was one of the hardest for me.

Chocoburger130d ago

Out of the games on that list, I've beaten:

God of War II (but on PS3)
Jak II


A Look Through the Absolute Best PS2 Games of All Time

Take it down the memory lane with this ultimate list of the best PlayStation 2 games of all time. Just the best of the best right here.

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isarai248d ago

It's so disappointing that to this day, I have not seen a game match what BLACK offers in an FPS.

ApocalypseShadow247d ago

Shame isn't it. I thought we'd be at a point of destructible backgrounds, objects, pyrotechnics etc in shooters. I sold many a copy in the demo unit when I managed a franchise Game Crazy back then. But I stopped playing shooters because they didn't evolve. Heavy weapon. Shoot a wall or glass. Nothing happens. Lol. Except for Killzone 2. I enjoyed that.

But then I woke and remembered it's EA. EA didn't care really. They just wanted to kill competition from Criterion and Burnout. And own Renderware to profit from as many developers used that engine. Only thing was that developers ran as fast as they could away from EA to Unreal Engine and its pop in and Vaseline graphics. Shame on EA. And then they bought Dice for Frostbite. Evil busters.

Anyway, too many PS2 games to count. Some of my personal faves being DMC, Genji, Bujingai, Blood Will Tell, Onimusha, Way of the Samurai, Japanese Berserk, Japanese Macross game that blew away the US Robotech game, RAD, Castlevania Lament of Innocence.... there's just too many. Let me stop. Lol

Cacabunga247d ago

Code Veronica
Dead or Alive 2 Hardcore
The Getaway
Time Crisis 3
Mark of Kri

are some of my all times favorites missing on that list

shinoff2183247d ago

I've always Saud I'm not a fan of fps much , there's been some I really like and thought were really dope. Black falls into that category.

CoNn3rB247d ago

I would love nothing more than a remaster of the Jak series, including Jak X

Flawlessmic247d ago (Edited 247d ago )

The greatest console of all time !!!!

The last console from when gaming was pure, games didn't take 5 years to release, no online only, no half finished games, no mtx.

Ps2 was just banger after banger after banger.

It will always be my favourite.

sagapo247d ago

No Timesplitters in the list??

FinalFantasyFanatic246d ago

This is a really good list, pretty happy with the choices here.


The Capcom Series Most in Need of Revival

Capcom recently revealed interest in reviving their dormant IPs, so it's time to look at which Capcom series would make sense to return.

Knightofelemia743d ago

Breath of Fire, Knights of the Round, Saturday Night Slam Masters, a proper Bionic Commando game, Ghosts and Goblins. I am all down for Dino Crisis loved 1 and 2 one thing I like about Capcom is their massive library of games that need to be brought back to life. Next to Konami, Namco, Sega, old Squaresoft, Capcom was and is another one of my favorite developers. I would like it if Disney would just let Capcom make a Marvel game or two or Disney should let Capcom handle some Disney games. Capcom pulled of some great games with both Disney characters and Marvel characters.

742d ago
Chevalier742d ago

All those plus Rival Schools, Powerstone, Darkstalkers, Dungeons and Dragons and Aliens vs Predator.

Terry_B743d ago

Rival Schools, Darkstalkers, Captain Commando, Dino Crisis and Breath of Fire.

CrimsonWing69742d ago

I feel like Darkstalkers will get SJWd, but I still want it

RyanShutup742d ago

The Japanese seem to be immune to that bullshit... so far at least anyway.

shinoff2183742d ago

Breath of fire would be number one choice.

Glad to see it getting some love in the comments. I loved these games 1 through 4.
Not dragon quarter

Godmars290742d ago

Dark Stalkers, any fighting game - or side scroller - really, just not with SF's current art direction.