
Eurogamer Review: WiiWare Roundup

Eurogamer takes a look at a handful of WiiWare titles: "The long-awaited debut of WiiWare finally puts Nintendo in direct competition with Microsoft and Sony in the realm of downloadable original software. They've certainly started strongly, with developers like Frontier and Square both helping to expand our expectations of what a downloadable game can offer. But this latest addition to the Wii arsenal also works to the detriment of the Virtual Console, a service which has long been blighted by arbitrary pricing and often baffling selections. Will Nintendo be able to keep charging 800 Wii Points for less-than-stellar SNES games when just a few hundred points more can purchase something like LostWinds?"

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The Best NES Games Under $8, $10, and $12

Despite skyrocketing retro game prices the NES remains a deep trove of excellent games that, if you can avoid eBay sellers, are really quite affordable for new collectors.

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Jiub870d ago

At that price, I'm gonna go get TMNT and suck at it all over again

deleted870d ago

That electric seaweed is calling my name!

Longie_long870d ago

The sound when you touch it... I hear it in my dreams.

ZeekQuattro870d ago

I remember one of the levels in Retro City Rampage was paying homage to those seaweed segments. Not quite as hard but man did it bring back bad memories of my many deaths on that level. Never did beat that game without the Game Genie. Same with Battletoads. lol

SyntheticForm869d ago

The top-down view theme music was stuck in my head all day as a kid.

I'm not sure if I ever completed a no-damage seaweed run.

scoltar870d ago

Double Dragon 2 is one of the best!! Several good games on this list! Shadowgate, P.O.W., and Klax. That is actually a super fun puzzle game! TMNT, I think every time after the seaweed, I only had like 1 Turtle left. lol

camel_toad869d ago (Edited 869d ago )

Shadowgate was how I got so familiar with Nintendo's helpline lol. But man did I love that game.

And wow I forgot all about P.O.W. until you mentioned it. Man being a kid with a NES really was the good ol days.

Best birthday ever: 15 and I got a Super Nintendo with Super Mario World, Pilot Wings and Street Fighter. (Spoiled rotten) And I saw Basic Instinct at the theater!


Pop pills with classic puzzlers - Dr. Mario vs. Puyo Puyo

"There's something about dropping 2-tile puzzle pieces only to set up and trigger a cascade of combos that's super-satisfying so let's take a look at these 2 classic puzzler franchises and figure out which one is superior." - A.J. Maciejewski from Video Chums

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VideoChums1653d ago

Vote for either Dr. Mario or Puyo Puyo at the bottom of the article! 🎮😄

ZeekQuattro1653d ago

Puyo Puyo gets my vote. I always preferred Dr Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine to Dr. Mario. It was a Sonic themed Puyo Puyo game so that's why I mentioned it.

crazyaejay1653d ago

Yeah, that's the first Puyo game that I played. So much fun!


8-bit fun with a chum - Top 10 NES Multiplayer Games

"Put your modern contraptions aside and enjoy some retro games with a friend. Here are the 10 best multiplayer games for NES!" - A.J. Maciejewski from Video Chums

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