
More sex please: why video games need better sex and more of it (NSFW)

Sex is one of the most intrinsic parts of humanity and yet it is curiously missing from many games.

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yazter3677d ago (Edited 3677d ago )

I never understood the whole obsession with underage-looking girls in videogames.

Activemessiah3677d ago

It's simple, it's a "legal" way for them to get off on kiddy looking characters... borderline pedophilia tendencies.

Back to the topic, I say no, if you want sex, there's google, keep games about games ffs.

thehobbyist3677d ago

In Japan, it's legal for 13-17 year olds to have sex with other 13-17 year olds. All these old depressed Japanese men want to fantasize about a more ideal version of their youth.
Thusly, a lot of sex involving people who look underage.

Ogygian3677d ago

Mentioning characters who look like kids is beating around the bush here, and strawmanning the argument.

As for the "keep games about games" part, I fail to inderstand how that makes more sense than "no sex in movies; keep movies about movies"?

Most mature gamers are comfortable about sex these days anyway, with its existence being normalised in mainstream media. No longer is religious dogma ruling our entertainment!

As an extension of that, I see no reason why sex can't exist in video games. Yes, it would be pretty weird to watch the PC take part in it, but a fantasy ancient Rome game for example might have you walking through an orgy in order to meet with or take revenge on a consul. The stark sex would just be there to set the tone of the event, and hopefully it wouldn't have everyone dry-humping in underwear to hide their *gasp* genitalia.

So PC sex is weird. I prefer Mass Effect and Dragon Age's short, cinematic approach to NPC-PC interaction, but the existence of blunt NPC-NPC sex is something we need to move forward with genuinely mature experiences.

DragonKnight3676d ago

Sex in games shouldn't be an issue. If a developer wants to have full on sex in their games, I say let them so long as it fits with the story or character development well. If they don't want it, fine as well.

There was a comedian who said something pertinent to this situation, though he was talking about objectification. He said "if people want objectification to end, then everyone has to walk around naked. the sooner you remove the taboo, the less people will try to go after it."

I poorly paraphrased what he said, but it's still sound reasoning. Sex is still considered taboo due to, what a youtuber coined as, "Hipster Puritanism." If the stigma and taboo surrounding sex in general, and sex in video games specifically, were removed then you'd see how no one would give a damn about it eventually and it would cease being a marketing device.

Kingnichendrix3676d ago

Yeah that's genius fantasising about violence is much healthier than the most basic human instinct.... reproduction.

zeee3676d ago (Edited 3676d ago )

No please no. Please leave sex out of video games. Don't we get enough sex on tv, internet, magazines, movies and what not? What's wrong with games without it?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3676d ago
DarXyde3676d ago

I'm not going to entertain the conclusions drawn by the people before me (because I'm sure everyone here has taken some type of Japanese psychology course and understand their thinking because we don't get it /s) but I do agree in that I think it's unusual.

On topic, it's hard to say if it has a place in gaming. Would I want it in my games? No, but I guess it depends on where developers are trying to evolve the medium. I feel like it's inevitable with the story-telling aspects and desire for character development and things like that. Can it be done without that? Yes. Do movies care that it can be done without that? No. If gaming is treated purely as an interactive medium to control events rather than reach an end, it's probably gonna get sexy. But also, the only reason it's a big deal is because the U.S. is such a large market for gaming and ours is a society that shuns sexual content. I mean look at 50 Shades of Grey. Absolute garbage, but it's erotic and lauded for breaking norms. When games break norms(i.e., Manhunt, Grand Theft Auto, etc.), it gets attention and sex sells. I think established IPs will stay more or less the same, but the whole "sexual revolution" is likely coming.

...Suddenly, I'm afraid of VR. How 'bout that...

nope1113677d ago

Do we really need more sex in our games?
I get enough of that from movies as is.

thehobbyist3677d ago

I also blame all the sex in Mass Effect for the bad endings. I can guarantee if they saved money and time from mocapping those scenes we would've gotten endings that weren't so damn rushed.
Honestly, why couldn't Bioware just pull a Persona 4 and put up a text box that essentially says "Yeah, you boned. And it was great for everyone"?

nope1113677d ago

Yeah, the insinuation that The Persona 3 MC had sexy time with Elizabeth was enough for me.
No need for awkward naked rubbing scenes.

3676d ago
Conzul3677d ago

The article seems to suggest that more "better" sex is needed, as if it will counter-balance against the arbitrary or poorly-done sex currently therein.

Personally, I wish more games would skip the whole boring "oh look, a new medium, let's put sechs in it yay!" phase and get edgier. Gaming is always innovating nearly everything that gets thrown at it. I'd like to see some more intimate, sensual-but-not-sexual relationships/options in it.

Culture is so damn black and white these days. Games should stay above that like they tend to.

Ogygian3677d ago

The point is that we need to break this barrier so that we don't need to debate it in future. Right now, I'm sure there are some designers who want to add in genuinely mature sexual content, but fear doing so will evoke a media backlash.

I agree that all games don't *need* sex to make them edgy. But we need push for the barrier to be broken so that indie artists are able to work without fear of reprisal. Once that barrier is broken, devs will still only put in what content they wish their game to have.

chrissx3677d ago

In my opinion,video games don't need better sex and more of it

kevinsheeks3677d ago (Edited 3677d ago )

Don't just toss sex in just to have it i've only seen sex work in maybe one game >.> the witcher

to many devs get childish and just start tossing tits everywhere lmao

Ogygian3677d ago

Would you call the Game of Thrones directors childish? I love having brutal and hedonistic environments shown simply because they create an atmosphere much unlike that in the real world today. A dark, dangerous atmosphere where anything can happen would be superior to the safe gaming cribs we have today.

I'd argue that while it's childish to take offense at the Game of Thrones sex, the mature attitude is to not care.

frostypants3676d ago (Edited 3676d ago )

I love GoT, but this is pretty dead-on:

So, yes...lot of people have called the nudity on Game of Thrones childish. It was one of the biggest criticisms of the show and it's no coincidence that it was scaled back a bit.

Ogygian3676d ago (Edited 3676d ago )


Well it doesn't matter *why* they put it in; only the reaction it evokes in the audience.

I can see how for some, who watch it in the living room with other people it can be a little awkward.

If watching GoT alone, there are three possible reactions I can imagine. One is you become sexually stimulated by it, which I find would have been a possible reaction to such content in the pre-2000's, but not in the current era of omnipresent online porn and general sexual openness.

The second is a feeling of disgust motivated by strongly conservative religious or cultural values. This is a reaction I imagine is correlated with higher age of the viewer, but generally uncommon in much of the the developed world in 2014.

The third reaction is a general ambivalence to the scenes with a subconscious widening of the uncertainty in the content of the show. This evokes a positive reaction from the viewer as the show sets a standard whereby it does not conform to common TV tropes and will offer more unpredictable plotlines, given the wider palette the artists have established early on.

These reactions apply to games too, I believe.

Summary: sex in video games can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on the target audience and the overall style of the experience.

I think the Game of Thrones criticism link is simplistic and one-sided.

e-p-ayeaH3677d ago

There´s already plenty of games that have sex and sexed up characters this opinion is invalid.

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Lollipop chainsaw now a remaster not a remake

At fans request apparently.

gold_drake228d ago

i wonder if they looked into what a remake would cost and went "NOPE Remaster it is" haha

FreeckyCake227d ago

It probably has to do with what the producer had mentioned recently. The thing about not wanting to change the essence of the original (e.g censorship). So maybe remastering the game was the best choice.

CrimsonWing69227d ago

The link to the story didn’t really answer the question. It makes no sense that you have to censor a remake and not a remaster.

What I got from that article is licensed music forced them to change to a Remake(?) and that they’re working hard with the platform holders to negotiate not censoring, which Sony is stupid about.

My question is, how would a Remaster not have to go through censorship?

I’ve seen dialogue changed in FF7 and Baten Kaitos. Then you have actual cutscenes being removed like in the dmc remaster.

I assume the same could be done to this game.

FreeckyCake227d ago

No idea. That's why I said " maybe ".

CrimsonWing69227d ago

Bull sh*t, you show me where fans wanted a Remaster instead of a Remake. I was more onboard with a Remake, I’m less excited just playing the same game I did before but now with sharper textures and better framerate.

ModsDoBetter227d ago

Probably realised this won't do the numbers so didn't want to invest.

No harm, I love Lollipop Chainsaw but it's a bit of a niche title.

gold_drake227d ago

yeh it was super niche even bk then

LoveSpuds226d ago (Edited 226d ago )

Loved it back in the day and have my copy sat on the shelf and ypu are right, it was super niche, which is why my copy is increasing in value slowly but surely. Hoping a remaster doesn't tank the value of my PS3 copy

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The Best Hack and Slash Games of All Time on Xbox 360

It's game time!, or is it hacking and slashing time? Doesn't matter! Enjoy the best hack and slash games on the Xbox 360

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darthv72302d ago

....and that's a bad thing how?

343_Guilty_Spark302d ago

If it ain’t on Sony box it’s bad

autobotdan302d ago (Edited 302d ago )

Ninja Gaiden 2 was never multiplat. NG Sigma 2 is a remixed game not the same game at all

darthv72302d ago

Dante's inferno... such a great GoW inspired game. So sad the sequel was canned, it sounded like it was going to be even more epic than the first.

Vits302d ago

Yeap, classic GoW is still better mechanically. But the aesthetics and atmosphere of Dante's Inferno were just top-notch. Shame it never got a PC port, but at the very least is available on modern Xbox.

Juiceid302d ago

This list is ok, but Ninja Gaiden reigns supreme!

GhostScholar302d ago

I just can’t get into the devil may cry series. In my opinion you never feel powerful in those games. The guns are pointless as they only serve to be a flashy part of a combo. DMC was the only one that I could tolerate long enough to beat.

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Top 10 Rarest PS3 Games That Are Worth a Fortune

Twinfinite: "During the PS3’s tenure, plenty of huge games launched, but the interesting thing is, many of the system’s rarer titles are largely not amazing games. Sure, there are one or two exceptions to that rule (I’m looking at you Ni No Kuni!), but many of the more desirable and valuable games in the PS3’s library are usually rare for a reason."

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ModsDoBetter318d ago

Hindsight is a wonderful thing.

Sold my Painkiller for around £3 years ago and my Asuras Wrath for even less. Managed to pick up Lollipop Chainsaw and Splatterhouse again but they cost me a fair bit more than I initially paid on release when I first bought them.

Wish I bought Godzilla, the number of times I saw it in the game store for the price of a coffee and didn't bother.

Knushwood Butt318d ago

Never knew Last Guy had a physical release.

gold_drake318d ago (Edited 318d ago )

i own nba, lolipop and nino kuni. never heard of the rest tbf xD surprised they are worth that much, for what they actually are.

roadkillers318d ago

Getting a valuable game is all luck.. I had three of these. Africa is one that people might have seen coming, but otherslike Ni No Kuni wouldn't have been.

My most valuable game I remember owning was Conkers Bad Fur Day. When the game was being re-released on Xbox (remake/ upgrade if you will), the price dropped dramatically. Once the game released and the changes were seen, the value went back up. Then it was released on Rare Replay and value dropped again. 2020 hit and all collectables shot up along with Conker. Before stopping around $110 which it currently is.

Games change all the time because their digital media that can be reproduced even in weird contract bindings (GoldenEye as an example). One day it can be worth $300 and the next $150. The shrink wrapped items in mint condition cannot be reproduced.. but that takes strength to spend, not open, and hope its worth something.

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