
Xbox One SmartGlass Beta Reveals Incoming Option To Purchase Games Directly from Mobile

The latest version of the beta of the Xbox One Smartglass app hides an interesting detail in the form of the option (for now inactive) to purchase a game directly from the app.

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randomass1713707d ago

Why would anyone disagree with this? D:

Gr1mmyshadows3707d ago

because it a positive thing for MS

kiz26943707d ago

Becuase its a feature that has been avaible on its competitor consoles since it release via is mobile app.

EZMickey3706d ago

@kiz2694 Technically it's always been possible to make purchases/manage your Xbox Live account from a mobile device with a web browser.

Creating an app means the experience can be expanded and smoother, though I don't think a lack of an app constitutes as lagging behind, we're just placing a lot of value on this trend.

kopicha3706d ago

been there. done it. that's why

nveenio3706d ago

I wouldn't call it "awesome". I'd call it "standard" or "expected". I was completely shocked to discover that MS hadn't already done this. Very strange.

HugoDrax3706d ago


Actually it isn't a feature available on it's competitor app. When you press the STORE button on the PS App, it opens up a WEB BROWSER. Meaning you don't actually purchase games directly from the app itself.

Long story short, you're WRONG! How do I know this? because I own both consoles, and use both apps on my iPhone 5S.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3706d ago
corvusmd3706d ago

@kiz So, because it's been done before it's a bad idea? So Achievements and Trophies are a bad idea? Gaming with broadband is a bad idea? Using dedicated servers is a bad idea? Using outside apps to expand gaming is a bad idea? Having the ability to record game videos and edit/post them is a bad idea? Being able to watch netflix etc on your console is a bad idea? Every game sequel is a bad idea? No one said this is innovative...just that they like it.

Azzanation3706d ago

Its a great idea! but it also shows how far ahead Steam is compare to Live and PSN. Steam App already allows purchases via mobile service. Good to see MS are following with this. I buy games off Steam all the time on my Mobile and its great when there's a good sale on and your not home to buy them :)

djplonker3707d ago (Edited 3707d ago )

You can just do this on your mobile on the web browser for xbox live & psn already...

Blaze9293707d ago

you must be fun at parties. Probably the guy who goes, "why order online when you can just pick up the phone?"

Grown Folks Talk3707d ago

Rather do it directly in app. Like the PSN App. Instead of taking me to a browser, just let me stay right in the app.

OrangePowerz3707d ago

Not sure how your PSN app works, but mine is opening the store in the browser :)

Grown Folks Talk3707d ago

That's what I meant. The way I worded it does look incorrect. Forgive me.

Gamer6663706d ago

I have the Xbox pages as a favourite in my browser, I don't see any difference between it and an app.

andrewsqual3707d ago

Eh no you can't. Go to Xbox.com right now and try to find ANY Xbox One content on there. You NEED an Xbone to be able to purchase or even browse content for that console. Isn't it hilarious the way you just assumed like so many of do with "if PSN does it, then there is without a shadow of a doubt Xbox does it too"?

Go on, go to Xbox.com right now and see for yourself, I'll wait for you.

TitanUp3707d ago

its ok to be wrong we are all human but gosh your post has arrogance written all over it.

mhunterjr3707d ago

We've established years ago that having a dedicated app is superior to using mobile websites... Why are we still having these conversations.

TripleXuLtiMaTe3706d ago

Wrong. I tried to purchase Titanfall using both Safari and Google Chrome on my iPhone. The pop-up window that appears when you attempt to purchase a game does not show up on the phone, which means the app is necessary to purchase games from the phone. Plus, apps are way smoother. Imagine having to use Facebook using a web-browser.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3706d ago
randomass1713707d ago

That's a neat feature. I remember reading Nintendo was going to do the same thing. Sony's probably going to do something like that with PSN store if they haven't already. More accessible store access will definitely help this market. :)

xReDeMpTiOnx3707d ago

Sony has already had that with the playstation app that released right before ps4 launch

Grown Folks Talk3707d ago

The PSN app opens a browser. You can't purchase directly within the app.

randomass1713707d ago

@Grown Folks Talk

Yeah, I didn't think you could make purchases, only browse the store. The sooner they add that feature, the better.

kneon3707d ago


You can purchase, just not directly from the app, it sends you to the web page and from there you can browse and buy games and have them sent to your PS4

djplonker3707d ago

"games directly from your mobile device should be incoming, matching the feature already available on PlayStation platforms."

Yeah according to this artical they already do!

Priestwithgun3707d ago (Edited 3707d ago )

I hope they introduce DLNA streaming to Smartglass to,I mean game streaming
maybe we should tweet phil :P

randomass1713707d ago

Give it time. They will probably experiment with that idea since it's a big trend in technology right now.

Bonkerz3707d ago

The new smartglass is pure awesome. I use the guide on my phone more than anything lol. Messaging, friends, and yes i just tried it i saw a game i didnt have and it indeed said "Buy for $$". So this is definitely a great feature, i absolutely love the new smart glass.

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