
Ripten reviews Shin Megami Tensei:Persona 3 FES

David Osbon writes:

''Out of many of the video games out there, the Shin Megami Tensei games do a wonderful job at being mature without being gratuitous. Rather than padding out the game with over the top mature content, such as jiggling boobs or excess violence, they fill their games with genuinely disturbing material. Many of the things that go on in any given SMT game can range from disturbing to flat out nauseating in concept but they are never without a point, which is more than some games could say.

This extends especially to Persona 3, the first Persona game to be labeled as a Shin Megami Tensei title. While the game itself may deviate from the quasi-consistent world established by the first two Persona games, it's still an incredible title. When Persona 3 was released in 2007 a special edition of sorts was released shortly thereafter in Japan and the western fans of the game were immediately stricken with fear.

You see, Persona 3 didn't truly have an ending – even the state of the main character was left up in the air. Only that special edition had the ending we so desperately yearned for and the fates have smiled upon us for Persona 3: FES has arrived on our shores.

Persona 3 tells the story of a young orphan who has returned to the part of Japan where he grew up. However, immediately upon arriving, things are clearly not as they seem. When the clock strikes midnight the sky becomes a sickly greenish and black color, electronics stop working and giant coffins can be seen where people stood.''


Persona 3 Director Says The Game Saved Atlus From Collapsing

The studio was on the verge of collapse when Persona 3 came out, and things were looking quite grim for Atlus. Regardless, many decisions made in the game paid off and became a staggering success.

SDuck274d ago

Years ago, I was emulating the game on my laptop and the old thing died when I was about to get to the final boss. I'm more than happy to buy this remake when it comes out so I can finish it!

TheColbertinator274d ago (Edited 274d ago )

At the time I was immersed in SMT Nocturne and later DDS. I did not realize at all how important Persona would become for me years later.

raWfodog273d ago

Persona 3 FES was the first one that I played in the series. Looking forward to the remake.


Five Reasons Persona 3 Is Secretly a Horror Game

Half-Glass Gaming: "Often considered one of the darker entries in Atlus' Persona series, Persona 3 definitely has a sinister vibe to it, and it leans into horror more than you might realize."

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How Persona 3 Retroactively Solves Persona 5's Biggest Problem

Even though Persona 4 and 5 are monumental leaps over Persona 3, a crucial aspect has been lost in the transition.

McMahonme7492d ago

That's a good point I didn't really think of but it lends to the narrative a lot more than P5 for sure. I also enjoy how much more streamlined the game is and how it doesn't have a 13 hour tutorial.