
South Park: The Stick of Truth: The Kotaku Review

I wish I could spend this entire review talking about how South Park: The Stick of Truth is one of the funniest games I've ever played.

I wish I could stick to telling you how the story feels like one 10-hour episode of South Park; how the world is a blast to explore; how the combat blends the best parts of Paper Mario with the crude-yet-smart humor that has made South Park so appealing over the years.

But Stick of Truth, out Tuesday for 360, PS3, and PC, is a game marred by bugs and technical issues, and it is impossible to separate the art from the faulty product surrounding it.

During the ten hours I spent playing Stick of Truth, I ran into dozens of glitches ranging from minor to major. Sometimes my main character would pop in and out of cut-scenes. Sometimes the music would randomly stop playing during boss fights. Once I loaded up an old save file and learned that my newer file—saved manually, not via an auto-save that might have been overwritten—had suddenly disappeared.

AKissFromDaddy3743d ago

"So if you're thinking about getting this one, especially on consoles, wait it out. Give Obsidian a little while to patch the game, or else you're rolling the dice in hopes that your experience won't be as broken as mine. Stick of Truth is a foul, wonderful, hilarious game, and it's worth your time—just not until it works properly."

It's a "Not Yet" and that's understandable, nonetheless other reviewers have liked SP:The Stick of Truth, so consider that too.

I wish there was a demo to play for player confirmation.

Nitrowolf23743d ago

i like what I am playing, bought it digitlaly, but my god the frame-rate is horrid.

AKissFromDaddy3743d ago (Edited 3743d ago )

Damnnnn, that's not good. I read the PC's frame rate is smooth but commentators, in the Community Hub, claim it's locked at 30FPS. 30FPS is understandable too, however, horrid frame rate is unacceptable on any platform. I feel bad man.

What's that?..........In the distance?


Trenta273742d ago

I have been playing PC for about five hours now and I haven't had a single issue with the FPS. Weird.

Clover9043742d ago

Exaggerate much? The framerate is solid. When you go from one area to another there is sometimes a slight frame rate drop for a second. PS3 version comes with an immediate patch. Not sure if the patch was available to this reviewer, but I haven't experienced any of his issues thus far.

syne493742d ago

It's a game developed by Obsidian of course there will be bugs. I am not justifying them or anything, but anyone who is familiar with this studio probably expected this to a degree.

Captain Qwark 93742d ago

couldnt agree more. not an excuse but it happens everytime they release a game. just like dice and battlefield during the launch.

in any event, im still picking this up today

worldwidegaming3742d ago

bugs out of box? gasp! this is standard practice now a days!

Clover9043742d ago

I'm loving the game. It looks great, sounds amazing, the writing is spot on, the music cracks me up, and the fighting mechanics is superb. I'm not a big RPGs fan, but the active defense and offense mechanic keeps the player engaged, which I really like.

anast65d ago (Edited 65d ago )

We are going to see a lot of crap South Park products since they sold out to paramount years ago. It's their IP they can sell out, of course; it just means the quality of their show has tanked and other products as well. Nevertheless, they put on excellent musicals, but those haven't been sold to a mega corporation.

cammers199565d ago

They said awhile ago that Ubisoft holds contract rights to the main flagship South Park games. So like stick, fractured and phone destroyer.

Snow Day was handled by THQ and Question and is a random spinoff. Hopefully Ubisoft is cooking something.

anast65d ago

That's one reason to be hopeful, but Ubi is trending down too.

chicken_in_the_corn65d ago

Loved the RPGs but never played the others. Have to track them down. Still not sure about Snow Day though.


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cammers1995172d ago (Edited 172d ago )

The only two worth playing are Stick of truth and fractured but whole. The rest were garbage except snow day which I can't say anything about yet. But with that said, unlike stick and fractured which debuted as AAA full priced titles by ubisoft, snow day is a new developer and publisher and has a budget price at only $30 soooo


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P_Bomb292d ago

I see Deadpool made the list. Also saw it in stock at the local game store. Second hand. Might finally pick up a copy.