
Sonic Boom™ - Video Game Reveal Trailer

Sonic Boom video game will deliver a totally different experience to previous Sonic games with collaborative gameplay at its core. Developed in the U.S by California-based Big Red Button Entertainment (Wii U) and Sanzaru Games (Nintendo 3DS) in collaboration with Sonic Team, this is the third title to be released as part of an exclusive deal with Nintendo. Sonic Boom will take advantage of the innovative hardware of both the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS, with traditional elements of Sonic games, such as speed, also featured. The videogame will also introduce exploration, combat and a new Enerbeam tether mechanic that will allow the Sonic Boom world to be discovered in totally unique ways.

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AKR3770d ago

I have absolutely no idea how to feel about this..Like, woah.

I've been a Sonic fan from since the days of Sonic Heroes; that was one of my first video games and also my first Sonic game. Seeing him go through all these experiences over the years has been a wild ride, and now, this comes along..Completely different from anything we've seen before.

It isn't the first time they've transformed the series..but this is just woah...

Abash3770d ago

If the series hadn't gone such a drastic transformation, I'd be excited. But this isn't the Sonic I grew up with, it just doesnt appeal to me

-Foxtrot3770d ago (Edited 3770d ago )

They've said it's based on the new TV show they are doing.....AGES 8 - 11

Gee thanks SEGA for ditching the majority of your fanbase.

Oh and look at that Amy looks more "sexed up". Seriously what was wrong with her old designs.


I mean the whole trailer was just cheesy....like really cheesy

"Ooooo look a secret room"

You think Tails.

Oh and whats with all four of them managing to keep up with Sonic when he's running.

erathaol3770d ago

I am puking all over the place

*baaaaaarrrrrrffffffff.....uu ungghhh....b...*

SilentNegotiator3770d ago (Edited 3770d ago )

People get hyped up for Sonic every time and then the game is disappointing almost every time. Sonic fans have the absolute worse Battered Person Syndrome ever.

Madock3770d ago

2d scroller, then a spin off then an awsome 3d main title..
Typical Nintendo all over it (Mario bros then winter olympics then 3d Mario)
I have a gd feeling about this one!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3770d ago
dedicatedtogamers3770d ago

Looks like a Ratchet & Clank game.

I'm okay with this.

erathaol3770d ago

It does, this clearly isn't made for me anymore, I hope its a good game for the new generation of sonic fans.

From the screens of the new show, it looks like they are relaunching Sonic as a whole. I wish SEGA the best.

Must have been the Dubstep that got to me, I feel woozy.

N4g_null3770d ago

I'm curious erathol what is your demographic? The old sonic clearly was going to kill the franchise. I'm not crazy about the new ninja turtles but I'm not going to pitch a fit. There are two to 3 different designs for them. The same goes for transformers. Yet im fine with them all. I'm not understanding who you are and how sega can please you lol. You don't like skrillex well damn I'm not sure I would want to see the sonic game you want.

How about you come up with your own version of sonic and call him something else and show sega how it's done!

andrewsqual3770d ago

"Sonic Boom video game will deliver a totally different experience to previous Sonic games". Dammit so a swing and a miss again then?

sonic9893770d ago

NO PS4 or vita or PS3 hmmmmm
2015 then but anyway it looks promising

SweetDangos3770d ago

Majority of the sonic fanbase play on nintendo platforms.

sonic9893770d ago

shows the sales numbers for lost world on WIIu and 3ds opps i didnt

mcstorm3770d ago

sonic989 SweetDangos is right. Sonic games have sold better on Nintendo's consoles than the other two. Sonic all star transformed sold more on the Wiiu than the total sales of the game on the ps3 and 360.

I really enjoyed lost world and this looks different again. Need to see more game play before I say ill grab it but loving the support Sega are giving the Wiiu.

Blood_Tears3769d ago

Do you have a source or link for that? Because looking here both PS3 and X360 versions outsold the Wii U version

rdgneoz33770d ago

"this is the third title to be released as part of an exclusive deal with Nintendo."

Sonic won't be on another system for a bit. Also, with how the trailer looks, it won't be too disappointing.

erathaol3770d ago

You wouldn't suppose this is what he's going to look like in next Smash Bros?

Neoninja3770d ago

Man it looks like Knuckles been hitting the weights. Some of the gameplay reminded me of Sonic Heroes.

Dravidian3770d ago

My Thought exactly. Heroes was pretty good, but had a bunch of flaws, imo. As long as this doesnt replace the main series I can see this becoming a fun side-series.

Also, water running is awesome.

XiSasukeUchiha3770d ago

Sonic Boom sounds pretty cool, but i'm being careful of my hype

sonic9893770d ago

thats my PSN name Sonic-Boom XD
yeah i like that name

BlackWolf3770d ago (Edited 3770d ago )

I'm sorry, but I'm sitting this one out. Too much of the original Sonic fan to like this new... er.. "direction"... Also, what the hell did they do Knuckles and Eggman? Are they on roids or something?

They would have to bring something really good to get me to pay attention to this game. From this trailer, tough, I'm not feeling it.

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Sonic The Hedgehog: 6 Classic Sonics We'd Love to See in The Movie's Redesign

Here are some classic Sonic designs that could replace the controversial original debuted in Paramount's latest trailer.

SegaGamer1858d ago (Edited 1858d ago )

Just scrap the whole thing. Nobody wants a Sonic movie, especially the fans. Hollywood rarely gets game movies right.

PhoenixUp1858d ago

How can any studio executive look at the time tested and proven Sonic designs over the years and come up with that monstrosity

Just look how how the Detective Pikachu movie successfully adapts so many of Pokémon to the big screen to mostly everyone’s visual pleasure.

Why would you deviate from that? The blueprint is already in front of you!

jaymacx1858d ago

This is why it is important that a movie maker form their vision around the source material instead of having the source material conform to a movie maker’s vision. Hollywood usually does the later unfortunately.

FlyingFoxy1858d ago

Eh, people are going to find a way to bash it IMDB style no matter what. I personally rarely pay attention to those kind of sites since taste differs anyways.

chris2351858d ago

the only people who are goin towatch this is toddlers with their parents. no need to get too elaborated about this project.


Sonic Boom series: Not a Total Failure

The Sonic Boom series get a lot of flack from the Sonic and gaming community at large. And in a lot of ways that's very much earned. But not all is bad when it comes to Sonic Boom games if you're willing to step around (or forgive) Rise of Lyric.

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PhoenixUp2472d ago

The tv show is the best thing to come out of this spinoff franchise

lellkay2471d ago

The TV show is so good, way better than it has any business being.


Sonic Boom Can Finally Die

The Sonic Boom games have all been bad. Some gave Fire & Ice a shot, hoping for a revival, but things haven't changed.

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PhoenixUp2803d ago (Edited 2803d ago )

I hope Sega stops producing Sonic Boom games. The TV show is great though

-Foxtrot2801d ago

The TV series is just as bad

You want something to die for good...you got to get rid of everything.

XisThatKid2801d ago

I'm into some pretty dumb shows but Sonic Boom is certain garage. There way to comedic relationship with Robotnik and Sonic friends is a deal breaker for me off the jump despite everything else wrong with this abomination.

SegaGamer2801d ago

The show is awful too. Everything surrounding Sonic Boom is just not what Sonic is. The Cartoon, the games, the voice actors, the character designs, it's all terrible.

wonderfulmonkeyman2801d ago

Knuckles should never have skipped leg day at the gym...

2801d ago
quent2801d ago

Kill It with acid, bleach and then fire