
Xbox One Keeps Getting Better – Product Updates Coming

Xbox Wire:

I’m excited to be able to share details with you today about several product updates we’ll be delivering for Xbox One starting next week. The team has been really excited to see the gameplay on Xbox One and the millions of hours of fun our fans have experienced since launch. We’ve also been busy listening to your feedback and working hard to incorporate it into Xbox One as soon as possible. We remain incredibly energized and we are aggressively working to make Xbox One better, faster than ever before.

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towelie12883780d ago

niiice! goods news
eager to see what else they have planned for Xbox one!

Gazondaily3779d ago

Battery indicator needed to be there day one tbh. Glad it's coming out soon though.

The battery life is really goos on the X1 bt still, this needs to come out asap.

ThePope3779d ago


I agree but that's life. The Battery life is insane, one of the reasons is as you may know, when your watching tv or a movie and you set the controller down, the Kinect knows you've put it down and turns it off.

Gazondaily3779d ago

Yeah man. Hard to believe this but I still have the same batteries from launch on one of my controllers! Ive used it a fair bit on and off as well. Really impressed with how Kinect knows when you're not using it.

4Sh0w3779d ago

Yeah I hate not knowing how much battery life is left, I keep saying I want to see exactly how long I can play before its dead but whats weird is mine never seem to die because even after a couple days of long gameplay hrs I always forget and end up putting it back on the charger.

redwin3779d ago

Battery indicator and fixing the party system, wow. I'm very excited about the hardrive space management . Way to go Microsoft !

USA0073779d ago

I must be doing something, I need a new set of batteries almost daily for my controller when I'm playing X1

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Albie3603780d ago ShowReplies(1)
3780d ago
mcstorm3780d ago

I agree. I am glad they have got some of the missing bits back with this update and im looking forward to the March update ide expect MS to be adding a lot for this is I expect MS to push Titan fall like the pushed Gears.

Volkama3779d ago

It wants to say "Dolby Digital" somewhere in the list.

hollabox3779d ago

Shouldn't be needed unless you have older audio equipment. If the audio equipment does not support neither format it defaults to stereo so I can see people having problems DTS and LPCM.

Volkama3779d ago

Majority of surround sound headsets for consoles depend on Dolby Digital. MS have said it was only omitted because of scheduling, so I'm optimistic it will be on the list for feb or March.

Bigpappy3779d ago

I am surprised with the keyboard support. But that will make the browser more fun to use.

Volkama3779d ago

A long time ago they refused keyboard support because they wanted to distance Xbox from PCs. Not they want to unify everything they do.

I wonder if this means we can expect TESO and such to keep emphasis on text chat?

USA0073779d ago

I'm assuming keyboards will work the same as they do on the 360

BallsEye3779d ago (Edited 3779d ago )

Project Spark lauching this feb and it's here on dash screen...hmm (now you cant find anything when you search PROJECT SPARK in XO)..maybe feb 11 then!?? :D

also...halo 5 in featured..not sure but seems like on very edge of the screen right hand side, you can see DRM and a bit of spartan armor? Could be wrong tho.

Also what got my atttention is "behind the scenes updates for devs". Is that the driver update insiders were talking about? Some gpu boost?

Anyway, another dash update in march to prepare us for titanfall!

AngelicIceDiamond3779d ago

Indeed good news finally.

The team even teased another big update on the 4th of March. Multiplayer and Chat updates.

That's some really exciting news.

Can't wait to boot up Titanfall on the 11th with the new party system and enhanced Multiplayer.

UncleGermrod3779d ago

Very happy to hear they are already adding some of the missing feature we all wanted, and also quickly improving the party system. I have found it to work fine, it was just better on 360...i knew the improvements would come.

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IanVanCheese3780d ago

About time, roll on march 4th, the party system needs fixing lol

ThePope3780d ago

I love how you're getting disagrees. Either some people love the party system or its silent ponie trolls lol.

creatchee3779d ago

I'd also like to see when friends sign on. Not ALL of my friends, but certainly those that I have designated as favorites. I hate having to open an app to see if I have somebody to play with online.

UnHoly_One3779d ago

I miss that, too.

I assume they removed it because of a combination of the increased friend's list size and the TV integration. (Most people probably wouldn't want a "bleep bloop" every 2 minutes while trying to watch TV. lol)

I totally agree with you, though, the favorites list is the perfect way to handle that, and make it so you can just control which notifications you see with the general friend's list and which you see for your favorites.

PsylentKiller3779d ago

We should also be able to set friend notifications for when a friend starts playing a certain game.
Something like: alert me when creatchee started playing BF4.

Death3780d ago

This is good news. There is no reason the Xbox One should have shipped without the features the Xbox 360 had. The ability to join a game with a friend without a request needs to be back asap.

jimjam34423780d ago

yeah i switched from 360 and on ps4 you cant invite people to your game from your friends list which sucks.

JDabney243779d ago

You can invite friends in every ps4 game that offers multiplayer in game and in the notifications area of the ps4 there is a separate category for invites.

frostypants3779d ago (Edited 3779d ago )

Because you're doing it wrong.

Naga3780d ago

The battery indicator thing was the biggest gripe on my end. The last time it died, I was in mid-flight in an attack chopper on a 25 kill streak... and without any warning, I got to sit helplessly on my couch and watch my chopper take a spontaneous nosedive right into the ground.

Gr1mmyshadows3779d ago

You do know the light in the middle of the Xbox controller blinks when it's about to die. So it's your fault for letting your battery die completely.

FragMnTagM3779d ago (Edited 3779d ago )

I don't understand why this is such a huge issue for people...

Get a charging station with rechargeable battery packs, or get rechargeable batteries.

I use rechargeable batteries and slap them in the charger when I am done using the system, that way I know I have fully charged batteries in my controller.

I do miss the indicator, but it is not the end of the world. There are other more pertinent things that need to be worked on first.

Naga3779d ago

@ TRD4L1fe

I am well-acquanted with that feature on the Xbox 360, but I have never seen my Xbox One controller do this. Perhaps that is because I spend my time looking at the screen rather than staring at my controller as I play video games. Could just be me, though.

@ FragMnTagm

I have a play and charge kit, and I use it. But that does absolutely nothing for me if the battery decides that it wants to take a giant dump in the middle of my game. That's the issue.

And did you read the article...? The battery indicator is actually coming with this next update... I don't understand the point in saying there are more pertinent things that need to be worked on first.

KingDadXVI3779d ago

I know that it is a little hard to notice but the white light does blink once your batteries are getting low. It was definitely more noticeable on the 360 controller with the green alternating lights though.

I will actually use the battery level indicator with the Xbox One more often than I did on the 360 just for that reason.

That being said the battery life for this controller is superb. I get close to 40 hours on a set of Energizer AA 2300 mAh rechargables. My oldest son has a PS4 and he is getting about 5 hours with the DS4, now that would really piss me off. He ended up having to buy a second controller for $60 so he didn't have to plug the damn thing in constantly. I guess not allowing replaceable batteries is a good way for a company to line their pockets.

Bigpappy3779d ago

@Naga: TRD4L1fe is correct about the flashing guide button.

Naga3779d ago

Thanks, everyone. I'm glad you guys all chimed in on the guide button thing. I didn't mean to sound so incredulous; I'll be keeping a more watchful eye out for the flashing guide button as I play on.

It actually makes me feel a little relieved to discover that they hadn't just forgotten that whole feature.

Dinkis3779d ago

You'll notice it doesn't vibrate anymore too when the batt are guna die

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jimjam34423780d ago

good news for xbox people, im still waiting for a fix for ps4 share not working correctly and the fact it doesnt tell you when friends get online.

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