
Next Week on the US/CA PSN: January 21st, 2014 – Two PlayStation Plus Free Games

One of the best games you probably missed in 2013, Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, becomes one of the two PlayStation Plus free games starting on Tuesday, meaning you don’t have many excuses not to play it anymore.

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AceBlazer133798d ago

Wow ICO is actually leaving the IGC, never thought i'd see the day.

GenericNameHere3798d ago

14 for 14 is ending on Tuesday. Do we know if there's another sale next week? I bought a $20 PSN card, and haven't used it yet. I know I'll get Tales of Xillia for $10. I also want Puppeteer, as it's only $7.50, but if there's another game that might interest, I'll get that instead. If 14 for 14 is the only sales week we get this month, I'll get Puppeteer without hesitating.

moodymofo3798d ago

im glad you mentioned that 14 4 14 ends tuesday cause i wasnt sure when it ended i just assumed it would be at least a couple weeks i beter get on it if im gonna get puppeteer , far cry 3 blood dragon and crysis 3 . ill get a psn card tomorrow

-Ghost3798d ago

Can't wait to try out Brothers

isa_scout3798d ago

Wish the PS4 offerings weren't so thin(as in nothing). Oh well, this may be a good time to finally purchase Trine 2, and I'm still having fun with Don't Starve so there isn't much to complain about... Isn't next months free PS4 game OutLast???

redknight803798d ago

Yeah, next month's PS4 game is indeed Outlast. Definitely looking forward to that!

isa_scout3798d ago

Yeah, I'm going to have so much fun being scared out of my wits. Been to long since I played a proper scary game. Hopefully this generation will see horror return to it's roots. On that note, I'm def excited by what I've seen of the new Alien game as well. I'm really hoping it doesn't turn out like Colonial Marines.

redknight803798d ago

Heck yeah! I really love a good scare, I got a few chills just looking at some random videos of the game on youtube so I bet actually playing the game will be pretty bonkers at points. Can't wait to turn off all lights, get it as pitch black in my room as possible and put the game on high volume...oohhhhh bring it on! The Alien game is indeed looking promising, as well!


My Xbox And Me Rwview - Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons Remake

Mum's dead, dad’s not too far behind her and it’s left to a couple of brothers to save the day - obviously! Looks like we’re going on an adventure! Brothers, a tale of two sons, is a remake of the original title from Josef Fares - you know, the “F##k the Oscars” guy! The original launched back in 2013 and in the 11 years since then, the original game has become a cult classic!

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Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons - Revisiting the Original Before the Remake

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons launched back in 2013, and a remake of the game is set to launch next week. Today, we look back at the original.

110d ago

Does Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Even Need a Remake?

The remake of the beloved indie game seems to go against its original director's vision.

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jznrpg118d ago (Edited 118d ago )

I don’t think so but here it is. I did enjoy it originally I wonder what they changed.

SimpleSlave118d ago

No, and the new graphics are sad. Should've at least kept the original painterly style and just make it with better shaders, effects, lighting, etc.

As it is, this is unnecessary.

SyntheticForm118d ago

Never played it, so I'll be picking this up.

InUrFoxHole118d ago

If its a Sony game you know it's getting a remake... asap

jznrpg118d ago

This was made during the PS3 gen but Sony had nothing to do with making it.

InUrFoxHole118d ago

I know man I'm just throwing out static

FinalFantasyFanatic118d ago

I thought this only came out on Xbox and PC at that time.

QuantumMechanic118d ago

I played and finished it on Xbox One.

jznrpg118d ago

It came out generation before though

QuantumMechanic115d ago (Edited 115d ago )

Yes, but years later it was re-released in one of those bargain hybrid 360/One cases.

BrainSyphoned118d ago (Edited 118d ago )

It was a one month Xbox 360 exclusive during the 2013 Summer of Arcade.

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