
2013 Yearly Sales Chart: PS4 with 1 million gap over Xbox One, GTAV with nearly 16 million sales

Hardware Sales:


3DS: 41,542,115
PS3: 81,928,772
X360: 80,776,834
PSP: 80,593,907
PSV: 6,984,636
Wii: 100,659,348
DS: 153,798,414

1. WiiU: 5,028,932
2. PS4: 3,475,835 (At this time about 3.9 million)
3. XOne: 2,588,333 (At this time 2.9 million)

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PS3PWNSALL3801d ago

VGChartz...it only matters when Playstation is leading.

GTgamer3801d ago

I don't need the VGA charts to know the PS4 is outselling X1 just saying.

mikeslemonade3801d ago

It's 3 million with the retailers buying them and storing them on the shelves. This is probably the last week where they sell this much.

abzdine3801d ago

and it has started... shortage everywhere and 1 million lead in a month.. it's over!

quaneylfc3801d ago

A whole million! That must mean one of them is worse (!) 😴

AndrewLB3801d ago

Of course the PS4 is outselling Xbone. It had over a week's head start. Try dividing total sold by the number weeks available and you'll see Sony isn't doing nearly as good as I had hoped.

xHeavYx3801d ago

Whatever helps you sleep at night, the but gap keeps getting bigger, not smaller

Army_of_Darkness3801d ago

Back then, a year head start to xbox fanboys didn't matter but apparently now, 1 week makes a massive difference. Lmao!

nukeitall3801d ago


"I don't need the VGA charts to know the PS4 is outselling X1 just saying."

That pretty much represents the sentiment here! Especially that "hopefull" part on if the rumor is true.

Reality is that MS already said 3 million sold through to consumers in 2013 and Sony hasn't said a peep. My guess, Sony is just about the same, because production capacity is similar for both!

MorePowerOfGreen3800d ago

I think VGC is going off of internet hype. Had under tracked XB1 by almost a million and are most likely over tracking PS4 by that much.

AceBlazer133800d ago Show
Jamaicangmr3800d ago

@ Andrew

That's the funniest sh¡t i read on these internetz in a while.

SilentNegotiator3800d ago (Edited 3800d ago )

Their 2013 numbers are probably fairly reliable now. Once it's been a week after the time they're talking about, they've already stolen someone else's numbers.

Kidmyst3800d ago

@AndrewLB A week isn't going to make a difference, according to this the PS3 outsold the 360 and the 360 was out a whole Year early. But if it helps you feel better. In 3 Targets by me and Toys R US I can see XBONEs sitting in the locked cases to buy, but no PS4's anywhere.

Ritsujun3800d ago Show
razrye3800d ago

@andrew not here in uk and Europe. Xbox had a one week head start.

Unspoken3800d ago

Not only that, but the Xbox is $100 more and with a slightly less powerful GPU. PlayStation fans have been dying to get into a new system, especially one more powerful than the Xbox. I would say this was expected at launch until new game engines can take advantage of the Xbox architecture and people begin to realize the potential Xbox has with Kinect, Live, and to a smaller extent, audio processing and reduced controller latency.

Exclusives will drive sales and neither console is going away any time soon.

Death3800d ago

Are you sure the gap is getting bigger? If the PS4 released a week before the Xbox One and sold 1 million consoles in 24 hours, how has the gap increased if there is a 1 million difference today?

They are both selling very well. These are VGC numbers which are not real. Microsoft announced over 3 million sold and Sony has yet to release any updated numbers. I would think the PS4 has more than a 1 million lead at this time. Wait for Sony's announcement.

senis_kenis3800d ago (Edited 3800d ago )

@nukeitall @Death ps4 sold 4.2 mil in 2013, thats from sony ces conference.

GTgamer3800d ago

@nueketail PS4 is at 4.2 million how you feeling right now I remember a bunch of comments saying oh the X1 is gonna outsell the PS4 because its still available lol the PS4 keeps getting sold out for a reason.

Chevalier3800d ago

For my store we haven't had any PS4 shipments since late November and we still have preorders to fill. We have been getting 6-18 Xbox Ones every week and a half and even then for Xbox One to equal my PS4 sales we would need to sell 150 Xbox Ones through January and receive ZERO PS4 stock then they'd be equal.

dantesparda3800d ago

Wll Sony announced that its sold 4.2 million as of Dec 28, 13 while MS announced 3 million of Jan 6th. And for all th stupid nonsns of th PS4 having a wk haed start, wll th X1 had a week head start in UK. So yes, the gap is getting wider and thats with supply constrains, while X1's sit on sotre shelves

Pogmathoin3800d ago

Yeah, I could not sleep at night till I saw these numbers... Had cold sweats.... But then realised I bought PS4 and X1, therefore helping neither. I guess then I am the worst kind of fanboy, not just a regular 'cool' fanboy who buys just one and makes fun of the other.... I am trying my best to be sad, but cannot reach the level of you hipsters....jeez.... Pathetic.... Hey Xheavy... I know you have looked at my comment history.... Really? You call me that xbox fanboy..... Jeez.... Fanboys like you are put on pedastels.... Sad....

RAGE913800d ago

I agree and I own an Xbone haha

insomnium23800d ago


FFS PS4 has been out of stock. What part of that don't you understand? Bone has NOT been out of stock at all.

+ Show (22) more repliesLast reply 3800d ago
jessupj3801d ago (Edited 3801d ago )

VGChartz...it only matters when Xbone is leading.

There's fanboys on both sides, so please drop the victim act, it's getting very old with you MS fans.

We'll just have to wait for official numbers, but until then this is all we have. I see most people, regardless of which console the numbers favor, always being overly cautious about vgcharts, and rightly so.

Considering how many more markets the PS4 has been released in though, I would expect this kind of lead.

n4rc3801d ago

Imagine how we feel about you Sony fans ;)

And vgcharts gets blasted constantly for made up data.. Until it favors someone's stance, then its a proven fact

Ms already announced they sold 3m before years end.. Sony hasn't said a thing..

Info from any other source is made up.. Forcasts and sampling is not factual evidence

mikeslemonade3801d ago

lol frankly these news items use to be over 100 comments. Looks like a certain group has went into hiding.

PS4 Domination commences! Get use to it!

Bennibop3801d ago

@ n4rc

You have to wonder if Microsoft are counting replacement consoles again like they did with the 360 to reach their 3 million figure they quoted.

Triella3801d ago (Edited 3801d ago )


No they're probably counting manufactured consoles as sold and to coroborate their 3m figure they will tout Xbox One accounts (which are not relevant) as they did with the meaningless zombie stats. In reality they just mafucatured around 3m consoles so I don't see how they could have sold them through already, especially when its not constrained anywhere.

My guess is, since they constantly had to react to counter Sony's figures : first the 1m in 24h in the US, they countered with a 1m figure (in a few days) worldwide, then the announcement of December 3rd, where Sony stated 2.1 million sold in 15 days since launch in the US, they countered with an announcement of 2m XBO sold in 18 days (still worldwide), this time I think they wanted to pull the carpet from under Sony's feet (CES Keynote) where Kaz Hirai probably has to announce a 3.5m figure sell-through for PS4.

Said announcement would then loose any relevance it might have had in the "console war".

But Sony can still do the same and proclaim a 4.2m console sold since it's what they have manufactured to this day and constriction means the consoles manufactured barely meet the demand.

Cuzzo633801d ago

Jus like last gen when MS from the start was talking about how much better they are selling versus their competition........ but failed to say U.S. only. With a year head start. This gen we will now see how long it takes for the ps4 to sell 5 million more than xb1

Fz6soldier3800d ago

Just imagine what the numbers will look like when PS4 releases in Japan

Death3800d ago

That's one of the big differences between Playstation fans and Xbox fans. Playstation fans have to "dominate" in order to justify their purchase. Xbox fans justify their purchase playing games that PS fans claim don't exist.

kenshiro1003800d ago

Death, I'm pretty sure there's XBox fans floating around here trying to discredit claims that the PS4 is selling faster than the XB1 instead of playing games.

Jazz41083800d ago

Ps4 released in 14 more countries then xbox one and came out earlier in most areas. I would not see this as a major win. If xbox one had been released in the same amount of counties I would safely bet they would be alot closer. Make of this what you will but the truth is the comparison can't be fairly shown until they sold in the same amount of territories.

thereapersson3800d ago

@ Mikeslemonade

Yeah, I remember those days; it's funny how everyone else chooses to forget. The selective memory of fanboys on N4G is quite something, really.

ToyboxDX3800d ago

@jazz,PS4 only launch in US 1wk before xbone, all other countries it launched 1 to 3 weeks AFTER xbone.

Plus xbone already launched in the countries that would buy it, adding another 50 countries may only increase the figure by a single percentage point or so.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3800d ago
Derekvinyard133801d ago

This headline is wrong, gta has nearly 30 mil sold

Prime1573801d ago (Edited 3801d ago )

I agree with you, 1bill in the first weekend if I remember correctly. If I click through, though, I interpret their data (not arguing true or false) that ps3 has almost 16million copies (sales of units) sold? Maybe? I would like clarification too.

Just think it was mislabeled, that's all.

adorie3801d ago

16mil on PS3? letmeseethereceipts.gif

rambi803800d ago

30 million without counting digital sales. It's a monster

SilentNegotiator3800d ago

16 million on a single platform. The poster that invented this title failed to mention that part.

hakis863800d ago

Sony just announced at the CES KAz Keynote (Andrew House) that they had sold 4.2million PS4´s as of December 28th, did they not? So VGChartz has way too low numbers.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3800d ago
insomnium23801d ago (Edited 3801d ago )

VGC is crap and I'm a Sony guy. VGC used to be right up there with Metacritic with you xbox clowns as one of the holy circlejerking heavens for YEARS. A MS fan acting as a victim in all this after that is pure comedy.

jackanderson19853801d ago

metacritic is kinda fact though it's a accumulation of the reviewers scores giving an overall average... Vgchartz is made up data using a relatively small sample size and market trends (they've said pretty much so themselves) and it's been proven that they retroactively change data when actuals get released and use it to say "oh look we got it near enough"

that being said if anyone tries to justify their purchase based of either Vgchartz or Metacritic has no mind of their own really and that's a concern. A critics opinion is one thing but for it to be the defining reason not to get a game is something else... and sales mean little to gamers themselves (beyond fanboys) but rather for devs, publishers and console makers as it determines whether it proceeds or stops

Eyeco3801d ago

Yes but Metacritic is highly flawed in how it applies it's criteria, there are no equal measures in the number of reviews accounted for each game, so you're never really given an accurate overall score a game with 17 reviews can have a score 70 a game with 50 reviews will have a score of 80, the latter will contain positive reviews from a certain website, whilst the former will be missing a positive review from that same website that might have bumped up the score.

Also they seem to count reviews from sometimes un-credible sites that either no-one has heard of, or from sites that just came out of nowhere. In RottenTomatoes a critic has to be active for a few years before their reviews are eligible to appear on the website in other words they need some credibility, I'm sorry but a 6 month old website like Polygon shouldn't be accounted on Metacritic, they were virtually unknown up until TLOU review, and already they're on Metacritic wtf.

CBaoth3801d ago

Metacritic is an accumulation all right. An accumulation of opinions. Nothing more. Usually from a bunch of pretentious twenty year olds who are too young to know the difference between Pac-man and Karnov and too stupid to look it up. It only takes a few duffel bags, helmets, and other goodies to bloat the score.

frostypants3800d ago (Edited 3800d ago )

Yep. All signs are that the PS4 is outselling the One, but VGChartz is freaking dumb.

k3rn3ll3800d ago

Yea they do continually update there charts which is why the charts aren't really factual till about six months after the fact. Kinda a drag but it is what it is

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3800d ago
shinrock3801d ago

So true. But dont mention it.they luv it on here when VG says ps is in the so called lead.we all know VG is only corrrect when sony is in the lead according to N4g.

Crazyglues3801d ago (Edited 3801d ago )

Ok ...wait did anyone notice GTA V's Numbers..

Now nevermind that these are never the true numbers because it's not accurate so it's most likely more, but wow...

29 million copies sold, OMG! (probably more like 33 to 35 million) but wow, what an achievement for Rockstar* those are amazing numbers for a video game..


Rockstar* - Please bring this game to nex gen, and don't just do a graphics bump, give us that PC experience on nex gen consoles but with new content and new graphics..-and new story..

-and I will gladly buy the game again. It was one of my fav. games of 2013 -would love to see it on PS4 and X1... would be amazing.

||.........___||............ ||

Jamaicangmr3800d ago

So basically GTA VI then?

frostypants3800d ago

I want my money back for GTA V. It's boring as hell.

Magicite3801d ago

the thing is, there is no other site with this kind of information. even if not very precise.

Death3800d ago

There is a reason there is no other site, the only way to be fairly accurate would be to repost NPD, Mediacrate, and Charttracks numbers and then update when the manufacturers release their numbers. The problem with that is the tracking companies pay for their data and then resell it. If you use it without their permission you may find yourself with some legal issues. This is why VGC updated their Xbox One numbers to 2.9 million when Microsoft announced over 3 million.

Donnyskillz3800d ago

Only if you go bac to knack lmao.....too funny

Ol_G3801d ago (Edited 3801d ago )

It's also funny to see the other 2 have higher numbers at this time but Wii u apparently didn't sell anything last week

dantesparda3801d ago (Edited 3801d ago )


Take your fanboys goggles off their buddy, cuz both sides do the same exact thing. But both are just as guilty of doing it as the other. So get out of here with that crap!

@ narc, shinrock

same goes to both you, MS fanboys do the same exact thing. So why are you only hating on it when the Sony fanboys do it and not when the MS fanboys do it?

So basically every MS fanboys is upset by these numbers and instead is just resorting to insulting the other side.

truefan13800d ago (Edited 3800d ago )

Lol this site is so blatantly biased, numbers data is only shown when PS4 is shown in a positive light. What no one refuses to acknowledge is that Sony was desperate to beat 360 so they sold that GTA V bundle to ride the coat tails of Rockstar. PS3 sold about 2.8 million more consoles than 360 last year and GTA V was the highest selling game, do you notice the correlation. Also what noone refuses to acknowledge is that PS4 should outsell XB1, why is that reason to celebrate, it's the cheaper console and has had a seamless launch. With all the negative press XB1 should have been buried, but the game is still on. There are 2 system sellers coming to XB1, Titanfall and Halo. PS4 not so much. Not to mention a full week difference in release date is a big deal with hundreds of thousand were being sold daily. It seems some Sony fans hate apples to apples comparisons.

skoorydook3800d ago

So that means the PS3 was much more of a success in accordance with sales than the 360 ?

I mean the 360 was the cheaper console and had an entire years lead, remember you have just claimed the PS4 being cheaper and having a single weeks lead is a big deal.

I like how you are now trying to spin the poor X1 press as a positive.

Thought the PS4 had a terrible launch ?

According to MS fanboys all the games sucked and a large percentage of consoles were bricks, now the launch was seamless.

BlackTar1873800d ago

lol you MS fans need to pick a stance and stay there. Im so sick of this Poor me victim card nonsense to the constant back and forth you guys do on drawing lines in the sand. It's stupid and in regards to the victim crap you guys pull every article its downright pathetic.

gobluesamg3800d ago

"No one refuses to acknowledge." WTF does that even mean man!? You realize Xbone had that magical one week start in Europe right? 4.2 million sold in 2013 of the superior console. Go cry in your pillow you victim.

nosferatuzodd3800d ago

Ha ha ha ha ha how pathetic can the xbone are fans something I tell ya! I'm reading through the comments laughing my ass off .. first thing you say Sony ride rockstar coat and out sold 360 , so what about Microsoft grabbing every dlc they can find to force ppl to by 360 you guys are like cry babies waaaaaa poor me sorry for me I'm s Xbox fan they hate me please

Talking about one week advantage the one launch a week before ps4 in Europe that didn't help them now does it you hear any ps4 fan using that excuse

And to you're Titan fall and halo comment
Xbox has 2 system seller ps4 not so much lol
So you've played Titan fall already? how do you know that game will
Be any good lol I know halo will sell but how do you know Titan fall will ok I see you have some kind of time machine sorry I didn't know ..

You guys was saying the same thing ryse is going outsell everything on ps4 lol look what happen but if all that illusion makes you sleep better big up to you bro

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3800d ago
ricochetmg3800d ago

Did you make the arguement for a week.......xbox ones are at every store I have been to.it is not supply it is demand face it.

Unspoken3800d ago (Edited 3800d ago )

1.45 billion vs 1.56 billion. Xbox will be around for awhile.

SpitFireAce853800d ago

On Sonys Facebook page it says its at 4.2 Mill
So those are official numbers... Good day to
you sir..:)

kenshiro1003800d ago (Edited 3800d ago )

That is so true Army about the Xbox fans. Now a year head start matters. xD

And its really hilarious how the Xbox fans are screaming 'victim' now.

360ICE3800d ago

It's actually pretty off this time. Guess the prognosis is based on old numbers. Sony announced that they had sold 4.2 PS4's by December the 28th at CES.

Anyway, VGchartz doesn't operate based on these announcements (though it may be that they adjust the numbers after that, not sure). Their numbers are based on extrapolating the data they gather, so yeah, it's not always perfect, but it's an indication.

Anon19743800d ago (Edited 3800d ago )

No. VGChartz never matters, no matter who it says is leading. There's a reason that British kid, Ioi, was banned from Neogaf for spamming with his BS numbers, and why VGChartz is banned from a good chunk of gaming forums. Now he's got a site that no one in the industry takes seriously. All his made up data does is stoke the fire of flame wars and he's now profiting by it through advertising to those drawn like moths to the flame.

No one should take this site seriously. It only exists because people don't know any better. The only numbers that matter are the official numbers from each company. They're the only ones who accurately know what's leaving the warehouse anyway.


TBONEJF3800d ago (Edited 3800d ago )

VGCHARTZ is BAISED, over rated and inaccurate with sales. I only listen to sales to the companies them selves because no blog site doesn't have the right number, plus SONY had a two week head start.

Ch1d0r13800d ago

I remember Michael Pachter saying something like..."VG Charts is more accurate 1 year later".

3-4-53800d ago

* 3DS is already 12th highest selling console of all time, and only 7 million behind the Super Nintendo.

* Vita is only 1 million behind the Dreamcast, meaning it isn't as bad as the Dreamcast situation.

* Wii U, because it's spread out across the globe, isn't actually selling too bad

* PS4 & XB1 are pretty even in NA, but PS4 sales are doubled in Europe.

* 3DS looks to probably be in the end, about the 5th or 6th highest selling gaming console/device of all time.

N4OGs3800d ago

Well im still trying to get a ps4 since they are sold out everywhere on the other hand the crappy xbox one is everywhere i go lol. Its ps4 this gen baby. thats what you need to get if you want the best and biggest online community as well as games to play in this new gen. xbox is myspace. ps4 is facebook. you do the calcualtions on what happend to the last of the myspace supporters? Its over ps4 is the only way to go if you want to go up!

Kavorklestein3800d ago

PS4 may be a slightly better console, but Sony definitely does not have 300,000 azure servers.
Biggest? Best? Okay. Best incentives, sure (PS+ game rentals) but not the best online.... LoL,

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 3800d ago
lastofgen3801d ago (Edited 3801d ago )

vgchartz is a nice indicator of the general trend of sales, but it comes nowhere near of exact and accurate numbers.
the website always makes large adjustments everytime official numbers are released.
You could tell when the website just adjusted their xbox one numbers all the way to 2.9 million from <2.5 right after ms released their 3 million xbox one units sold statement.

n4rc3801d ago

Doesn't that just tell you how ridiculous vgc is?

Ms announces "over 3m" so they update their data lower then what they were just told.. Lol

Its a waste of time to even acknowledge their made up sales figures..

torchic3801d ago

yea just go home n4rc we all know you're upset.

fyi you better get used to PS4 vastly outselling Xbox One otherwise the next 5/6 years will be very rough I'm afraid..

jessupj3801d ago

I know it's from MS's own mouth, but 3 million just seems very suspicious to me.

They spewed out so much BS I just can't trust them any more.

n4rc3800d ago (Edited 3800d ago )

Like what?

I'll be out of bubbles but I'm curious..

But if they come right out and say "we sold over 3m units to customers by the end of 2013" then that's pretty black and white to me..

I know some didn't like The fastest selling console stat.. But it was still true even if the data can be interpreted differently

Torchic.. You living in your own fantasy world doesn't make me upset at all, good try tho Lol..

I've never campaigned that x1 will outsell anything or any such thing.. Yet when empirical evidence shows peoples bs to be false, some of you are still holding on strong and that's hilarious to me..

LeCreuset3800d ago (Edited 3800d ago )


You just supplied the rope to hang your own argument.

"I know some didn't like The fastest selling console stat.. But it was still true even if the data can be interpreted differently "

Not only is it misleading, because it is an argument that asks you to consider that Xbox wasn't available the week of the Sony launch while ignoring PS4 unavailability due to being sold out, but it is also a lie. The average number of consoles sold per week tells us nothing about the speed at which consoles sell.

Product A is released Week 1 and sells out with 100,000 units sold within 12 hours on Day 1. Another shipment of 100,000 units comes in Day 3 and they sell through those within 12 hours as well, for a total of 200,000 units sold in Week 1. The next shipment, of 100,000 units, doesn't come until the first day of Week 3. Once again they sell through 100,000 units within 12 hours. They do not restock for Week 4. From launch (Week 1) through the end of Week 4, Product A has sold 300,000 units.

Product B is released Week 2 and sells out on Day 3 of Week 2 with 100,000 units sold within 72 hours. Their second shipment, of 100,000 units, comes in on Day 4 of Week 2, and they sell through this shipment within 72 hours, by the end of Day 7, for a total of 200,000 units sold in their launch week, which is Week 2. On Day 1 of Week 3 they ship another 100,000 units to retailers. 50,000 are sold by the end of week three. They do not restock for Week 4, but still have 50,000 units left which sell out by the end of Week 4. From launch (Week 2) through the end of Week 4, Product B has sold 300,000 units.

Which product is faster selling? Product B says they are on average because they sold through 300,000 units in Weeks 2 through 4 for an average of 100,000 units sold per week, whereas Product A sold through 300,000 in Weeks 1 through 4 for an average of 75,000 per week. Common sense tells us this is nonsense. Average sells over a selected period have nothing to do with the speed of sells. Product A is clearly selling faster. Product A sells through 100,000 units within 12 hours each time it is in stock, whereas at its peak it takes Product B 72 hours to sell the same number of units.

LeCreuset3800d ago

Well, Sony just announced over 4.2 million PS4's sold.

MasterCornholio3800d ago

Sony just announced that they sold 4.2 million PS4s.

I hate to tell you this but according to numbers from both firms the PS4 us ahead by 1.2 million units which is up from 200k the Last time that both confirmed figures.

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iamnsuperman3801d ago

Exactly it is pure guess work. It is good over the long run where the prediction is easier to make with more officially numbers backing it up. It is the short run numbers where they get it horrible wrong

Underworld3801d ago (Edited 3801d ago )

No, they did not. I check the site every day. The 2.5 number they had was only up to the 21st. The 2.9 number is up to the 28th. And they had the 2.9 up before Microsoft announced the 3 million. Add the extra 3 days and it would be over 3 million. They got it pretty spot on.

MannGamer3801d ago

@Lastofgen please VGC had the 2.5 Millions Xbox One to December 21st and then 2.9 Millions to december 28th. So yeah VGC has been pretty accurate with the Xbox One so far. And they had the 2.9 Millions to December 28th before MS released their 3 Millions Xbox One units sold statement.
They do make adjustment from time to time but this time they didn't. No need to make up lie.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3800d ago
whoyouwit043801d ago

So says Vgchartz, I,ll wait for a more reliable source. with that said a $100 cheaper and being available in 48 countries PS4 better have some kind of gap.

MRMagoo1233801d ago

Considering PS4 has been sold out pretty much world wide and some places still arent getting a new shipment till next month i am more shocked the Xbone isnt ahead really, how is a console (ps4)that isnt available beating a console (Xbone) thats readily available and easily found in any store you enter that sells consoles.

I think considering MS cant even hold the US right now tells a lot, Sony pretty much now owns all countries gamers minds except the US which it is getting at least 50% share of.

Ausbo3801d ago

remember. ps4 had a week headstart in the US. While you might think a week doesn't matter much, it does when its this early.

where the ps4 is really destroying the xbox, is in europe right now

zerog3801d ago

I think the x1 is readily available because while they are selling steadily they're not selling that fast. I was in walmart Saturday and there was no ps4 and 3 x1s, came back Monday and there was 1 ps4 and 6 x1s the 3 that was there Saturday + 3 more that came in Sunday night with the 4 ps4s.

ToyboxDX3800d ago

@ausbo, and the PS4 only started selling in Europe 1 wk AFTER xbone, plus selling in Asia only from 15 to 19 Dec onwards.

iamnsuperman3801d ago (Edited 3801d ago )

The amount of countries does not matter since demand is high for both (They have manufactured roughly the same number). The approaches are different. Microsoft is content with flooding "key market" and over stocking units (which is why you see more of them in stores). While Sony supply is distributed over a larger area but it can't keep up with the supply in all the region's it has launched in. Microsoft looses out by not meeting demand in the countries it doesn't launch in (sorry guys) but they offer this by exceeding demand in the countries they do launch in and getting those on the fence guys who get what's available (it's competitior can't match the supply because it's launched in more regions)

The best indicator for future sales is the market share change. Microsoft lost some serious ground in the US and UK (two huge regions for them. It's about 50:50 in the UK which it wasn't last generation). Now since, for now, they haven't launched in many European regions they will loose market share there (which was a Sony stronghold). But I don't blame them. The PS4 price forced their hand and made it necessary to over supply their regions

DEEBO3801d ago

a milli,a milli,a milli,a milli,a milli,a milli,
ps4 new theme song but jokes aside,good job for both company's.
i'm having fun with all three system's.
plus the ps3&vita
too many games not enough time.
to all the xbox one owners see if you can beat me in the xbox fitness app's or are you lazy to complete?
gamertag killacliff

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