
The Last Story - a Tale of Two Romances (Twinfinite)

As far as Wii titles go, the Last Story stands out pretty prominently. Originally left out of Nintendo’s plans for the West, this decision was notably reversed along with a couple other titles now “historically” referred to under the umbrella of “Operation: Rainfall.”

The Last Story, featuring a staff which included famed Final Fantasy buffs Sakaguchi Hironobu and Uematsu Nobuo, was received to much critical acclaim as a Wii action-RPG that made full use of the platform’s graphical engine and capability to deliver a solid, serious gaming experience on a system with a reputation for a G-rated target audience.

But what really made the Last Story so much fun were its characters. Like many an RPG, this one featured a starstruck lovestory; however, it shared the stage with another romance of far more hilarious proportions and excitement. In short: Lowell x Syrenne forever.

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strigoi8143828d ago

i really want to play this game. any one tell me how was it?

_QQ_3828d ago

I loved this game, Great gameplay and characters, the Story gets a little jumbled towards the end though.Just remember to set attacking to a button.

TheOneWhoIsTornApart3828d ago

Yea I was just about to ask that question. I never owned a Wii but I will get a cheap one to play this. I mean It was created by the Godfather of Final Fantasy Hironobu Sakaguchi and one of the best video game composers of all time Nobuo Uematsu so it must be good. I just was never able to play this along with all the other Wii titles that everyone raves about like Xenoblade Chronicles and all the Legend of Zelda games. I think it may be high time I just go out and get a Wii so I can finally play those games.

wheresmymonkey3827d ago

Get a wiiU instead, it upscales the graphics, you'll also be able to play the sequels when they eventually come out too.

TheOneWhoIsTornApart3827d ago

@wheresmymonkey: I didn't know that the Wii U was backwards compatible. I do want the new Zelda game and definitely X and Bayonetta 2. I already have my PS4 and gaming pc so i think it may be time to get a Wii U as well for the exclusives.

strigoi8143828d ago

i have a wiiU. does this get a bump on graphics as well. and is it compatible with the wiiU gamepad or wiiU pro?

Metallox3828d ago

Unfortunately no. There is the Homebrew thing, though. Check it out. Still, you can use the Wii's Classic Controller to play the game.

wheresmymonkey3827d ago

you can stream the game to the pad, but you still need a wii controller to actucally play it.

Venoxn4g3827d ago

I think Wii U will upscale a resolution, so its a good thing :)

Agent_hitman3828d ago

And since PS4 is essentially a PC, I wonder what Sakaguchi thinks of PS4?. It is now easy to program and write codes to develop games on it.. There's no more notorious Cell at all..

I hope that he will make a PS4 title, a JRPG

wheresmymonkey3827d ago

Left out of plans for america maybe, NOE did the localisation, iz why they all av' cockney accents. bunch a rascals!


Operation Rainfall: 10 Years On

It has been 10 years since Xenoblade arrived in the US, we look back at how the game almost never showed up if not for a group of dedicated fans.

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ZeekQuattro790d ago

I wish The Last Story would make a comeback.I played it years before I got around to Xenoblade. Mainly because of the scalping going on because of Xeno's limited run. It took me a few tries to get into it but once I did I couldn't put it down. A Wii hidden gem for sure.

pietro1212789d ago

As much as I love Xenoblade, Last Story was the better game IMO. I wish Nintendo would remaster or simply port the game onto the Switch.

porkChop790d ago

Xenoblade went on to be a really successful franchise too.

pietro1212789d ago

I wish the Last Story get a Switch remaster or remake. That game deserves a second chance

860d ago
Jiub860d ago

Legend of Dragoon was amazing


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