
USA Weekly Chart Week Ending 11/23/2013 Xbox One Sells 730k

In the first week of sales in the US, the Xbox One has sold 732,569 units.

Hardware Lifetime Totals (US):
XOne 732,569
PS4 1,070,823
WiiU 1,579,990

Software Lifetime Totals (US):
XOne 1,885,427
PS4 2,638,231
WiiU 5,877,766

Call of Duty: Ghosts (XOne) Activision, Shooter 495,223
Call of Duty: Ghosts (X360) Activision, Shooter 295,787
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (3DS) Nintendo, Action 294,551
Battlefield 4 (XOne)Electronic Arts, Shooter 252,614
Super Mario 3D World (WiiU) Nintendo, Platform 243,193

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Neonridr3838d ago

So the two next gen consoles in 1 week sold more than the Wii U did in 1 year. Good to know.

xHeavYx3837d ago (Edited 3837d ago )

Also interesting, the One sold around 250k in Europe, which seems a low number. Sony also sold almost a million more games

3837d ago
Ju3837d ago

Surprising if true. I doubt it, though. Some numbers had 150K in UK which leaves (the larger) rest of the continent split the remaining 100k? Strange.

falviousuk3837d ago

These numbers are not accurate, well they werent when they had the 360 way ahead of the PS3, they only became relevant when they showed the PS3 numbers almost the same as the 360's.

Thats N4G for you.

Also these numbers will not track online sales, which i would hazard a guess that the xbox one had more sales due to the way it was marketed. And it launched a week later.

Then again this is vgchartz .....

SoapShoes3837d ago

Yeah I doubt this is true. 250k only in Europe? I'm willing to bet it's more evenly split slightly leaning towards the US. I'll wait for NPD...

dedicatedtogamers3837d ago

What ever happened to the war-cry of "vgChartz is not reliable"?

I'll wait for official NPD.

Why o why3837d ago

Sorry vgchartz.... can't be bothered with your guesstimates even if they favour my console of choice.

Eonjay3837d ago (Edited 3837d ago )

For a frame of reference the Xbox Only sold 150k in the UK. This was acknowledged several days ago. So 730k for US. 150k for UK and 120k for rest of the world. This sounds about right. As predicted, Microsoft has intially lagging behind in the States. This isn't shocking.

DarthZoolu3837d ago (Edited 3837d ago )

Did anyone notice 49,000 Wii U consoles sold in the US the week of Mario 3D World release? And people said it wasn't a system seller, BAM proved them wrong.

Prime1573837d ago


I think they are a guide and not concrete, yes. I just worked midnight to 8am for black Friday, I sold through 27 ps4s and 8 Xboxes. 21 Xbones still in the back. The store that I work at is heavy 360 and we were all surprised at the lack of xbone sales.

Sorry, the numbers might not be 100% accurate, but I think they are a close representation.

BitbyDeath3837d ago

Amazing, that must be almost 1 sale per store.

GrandTheftZamboni3837d ago (Edited 3837d ago )


"These numbers are not accurate, well they werent when they had the 360 way ahead of the PS3"

The numbers still aren't accurate. You still have to add 10% to PS numbers to get real sales. That hasn't changed.


UnHoly_One3837d ago

But the games-per-console rate is actually lower.

mikeslemonade3837d ago

Why would you care if the numbers are accurate? It's the law of "very big numbers". The number accuracy is negligible. At the end of the day PS4 is going to be by far the #1 system. The X1 just has a lot of steam left over from launch. And seeing the trend that the Wii U will not hit 25 million units by the end of this generation. And if you can't see this then you just don't have much common sense.

VforVideogames3837d ago

Well sony count their ps4 sold to retailers while xbox counts sold to costumers . and its true I saw ps4 2 days later at local walmart and sony announce a million in 24 hours. go figure.

Automatic793837d ago


When it comes to Xbox one everything seems low to you. No wonder no one takes you serious.

rainslacker3837d ago


I'm not familiar with the law of very big numbers. You mean where a few thousand among several million is negligible, or VGChartz normal law they go by of under tracking the PS3 by close to 8 million units earlier this year until Sony made the official announcing when they sold 80 million.

On Topic:

These numbers do seem to be a bit....off. 750K in the US for X1? That means a rather small allotment in Europe...about 25% of initial sales.

I'm sorry, but VGChartz has never been accurate for system sales. Game sales it's not usually far off, but with Sony they can do nothing but guess until Sony releases it's official numbers annually.

Pogmathoin3837d ago

I was playing the actual consoles while you were sweating it out over sales numbers xheavy... Hope it was fun for you.... Ohhhh those sales sites are trustworthy all of a sudden??

mikeslemonade3837d ago (Edited 3837d ago )


8 million consoles might not even matter. Let's say the PS4 does PS2 numbers this generation (totally possible). As far as bragging rights go, 147 compared to 139 million is still crushing Xbox and Gamecube who sold 30mil and 25mil in respect.

I'm gonna go on record and say the PS4 will outsell the PS2. Why..? Because there's more people on Earth this generation and technology is growing on Earth. Some places with legit techonology right now can play PS4 as compared back then in rural parts they didn't even have the option to play it.

Battlefieldlover3837d ago

@dedicatedgamer. Are you not reading the comments? Is that not what was being said before you made your comment?

rainslacker3837d ago

Does 8 million matter when you're talking 80 million? Probably not. So long as the system sells enough to retain great support then it's all good for whoever owns or wants one, regardless of system.

However, my point was that people take these numbers as gospel and discuss it endlessly every week when the numbers come out. So if a site is going to take the time to report the numbers, they should at least do so responsibly and as accurately as possible.

When said site is off by 8 million units, that is far from accurate, and in no way does it give them any kind of tangible reputation to be taken seriously as it shows their tracking methods are either flawed, or biased as some have claimed. If they were only off by as much as 100K units, then it would mean a lot more for the critical analysis that everyone puts on VGChartz numbers.

Sathur3837d ago

I went to the launch of both Xbox One and PS4 and I can tell you from the outside looking in that there were around three times more people in line for a PS4 than an Xbox One.
I would also like to point out that PS4 Games are around £10 cheaper than Xbox One games on average.

vigilante_man3837d ago

Sony is crushing all in its path right now. Expect a Kinnect-less SKU from Microsoft in Jan-Feb. They have no choice.

This time around both consoles are going head to head and PS4 is wiping the floor with XB1.

It's cheaper.
It's more powerful.
Sony have better exclusives track record.
Most things on PS4 are not behind the paywall.
Everyone wants a PS4.

There are only 2 reasons 360 was dominant over here in the UK. 1) cross-game chat for mates 2) was always on sale much cheaper and games in game stores were always cheaper for 360.

Now PS4 has the price point but also the wow factor - or dare I even say the "X-Factor"!

Ps4Console3837d ago

Totally but we need good competition .

insomnium23836d ago

People it's VGchartz. Just ignore it. The official financial statements will provide us with the correct info.

The only thing that can twist those numbers is channel stuffing but ofcourse anyone doing that will be caught red handed once the next quarterly report arrives. Right MS?

UnHoly_One3834d ago (Edited 3834d ago )

Hilarious, I just came back to look at this post and saw that I had 6 disagrees and 0 agrees, on a post based on simple math. lol

1,885,427 / 732,569 = 2.57

2,638,231 / 1,070,823 = 2.46

Xbox has sold slightly more games per console sold. I'm not sure what anyone is disagreeing with.

This isn't a new thing anyway, Xbox owners have historically bought more games than PS owners.

But whatever, go on disagreeing with math and see how far that gets you in life. lol

+ Show (22) more repliesLast reply 3834d ago
irepbtown3837d ago

Hardware Lifetime Totals (US):
XOne 732,569
PS4 1,070,823
WiiU 1,579,990

It seems the order is Wii U, PS4 then X1.
However I fully expect both PS4 and X1 to sell more than the Wii U within the next year.

PSVita3837d ago

Within the next few days

Theyellowflash303837d ago

I doubt either system will outsell the Wii U next year with Zelda, Smash Bros, Mario Kart, DKC, Bayonetta 2, and Fire Emblem launching next year.

slayorofgods3837d ago (Edited 3837d ago )

the real question. How long will it take for the next generation to bury the WiiU? A real strong start for the new competitors with Sony looking the most strong.

LOL_WUT3837d ago (Edited 3837d ago )

Lmao @ the yellowflash doing damage control! Not next year but within the next few days, cheers ;)

Ju3837d ago

How about this weekend?

GraveLord3837d ago

PS4 will outsell the Wii U within the next week or 2 in the US.

Xbox One will do it by the end of the year.

Triforce_Germaine3837d ago

The PS4 and Xbox One may outsell the Wii U right now, but wait till 2014 when the games come a rollin, lets see what you fanboys will say then. And im not a Nintendo fanboy, im a fan, and plus i'll be playing my PS4 till those Wii U games come out.

mikeslemonade3837d ago


You're not really saying anything new. The SNES, 64, and Gamecube had those franchises. And take a look a those 3 system sales. The Wii U seems like it's only putting up Gamecube numbers. Bayonetta is not a system seller either (albeit it's going to be a great game).

rainslacker3837d ago

Eh, who really cares if it outsells Wii U. Who wouldn't want to play some of those franchises yellow listed.

But Bayonetta? I know it's an exclusive, but the first one wasn't a masterpiece of gaming by any stretch of the imagination. All the other ones are system sellers though. Hell a remake of a zelda game is a system seller.

Skip_Bayless3837d ago

You need to play Bayonetta again and compare it to ninja gaiden, god of war, dmc, and darksiders. It's the best action game this generation and i'm looking at it as objectively as possible. Going wiith the length of game, the battle system, the narrative, the controls, and various enemies, and level design. It's really the total package.

With Ninja Gaiden there's kinda no soul with the lack of story. God of War battle system is actually the worst of the four games i mentioned. Darksiders 1 is buggy and graphically the worst of the 4. DMC has a good battle system but the way Bayonetta moves in the game it's just more fluid and and more speed in your face.

SilentNegotiator3837d ago (Edited 3837d ago )

...bu bu but...Wii U is just experiencing "new console jitters"!!

"ninja gaiden, god of war, dmc, and darksiders...God of War battle system is actually the worst of the four games i mentioned"
LOL, Skip please.

Skip_Bayless3837d ago

You're too caught up in the mainstream. In God of War it's just square, square, triangle, and dodge. Rinse and repeat. NOt saying there's flaws that hurt gameplay, just it does nothing to make it better. It's just too simplistic and repetitive. It has by far the least diverse battle system of the 4. Also the least challenging.

N4g_null3837d ago

Those are the numbers! US lifetime sales will be interesting now. Enjoyed the heck out of 3d world but you have to ask how long will the gaming community hold out on buying a wiiu. Wiifitu meters are very hard to find and the balance boards are just not out there. Wii sports club doesn't seem to be making any impact ethier. Ive been in about 3 states over the holidays and each one has people buying a wii mini ouch lol. Nintendo has officially did almost nothing to market this system to the casual. Ps4 are completely gone and a lonely xbone is just sitting there with its buddies waiting for a home.

The pr battle was epicly won by sony in these first battles. yet the true scope of how many ps4 are wanted right now is unknown.

We have ps fans hoping for ps2 numbers and a return of the 3rd party. Ms fans waiting on titanfall and nintendo stuck with a bunch of we will wait on our game to come out buyers which is respectable since we do buy these boxes for exclusives.

Nintendo pr push just isnt flat out impressive right now. It is logical but they are fighting against the industry once more. Better pr can fix this though. The idea that nintendo can not compete needs to be expaned on or ethier debunked by graphical show cases or the art with in those games.

Ive been paying closer attention to these teams and there needs to be more competitive push to make the art a true omg moment. We are not talking specs here but show man ship.

in the end it seems everyone will have a wiiu and ps4 or wiiu and xbone, as gamers slowly see their games come out.

Yet constructive criticism says sony still needs to make higher quality game play or loses their momentum as ms buys every dev out. Hype can only get you so far the ps2 days are gone unless sony can get it done game play wise.

Nintendo simply needs to wow visually... we know they can yet they need another rare, retro studios like dev it seems since they others are not willing or too niche to make a difference.

Ms will continue to grow money trees and install tesla cards in the server nodes lol. Now that the hardware is set in stone we get to see the additional moves. Lots of r and d money is still being spentby one player and its not for a new system.

Lots of features that could affect game play could be annouced.

Skip_Bayless3837d ago

Once again the WiiU doesn't have a "WiiSports". That was the system seller. I feel like a huge chunk of the demographic that bought it are fine just owning the Wii and they may not even play video games at all.

They may however jump to the Xbox one or PS4. Those two systems actually offer more of the "Wii" type games.

SilentNegotiator3837d ago (Edited 3837d ago )

"Also the least challengin"

aaaaand you just made it 100% clear that you've never actually played GOW.
Unless you played it on easy.

Skip_Bayless3837d ago

I play every single game on normal. I'm anal about that because that's the way the developer intended it to be and probably the best experience. And yes on normal difficulties on all the hack/slash games God of War is the easiest one of them. I'm able to beat every single one of them with ease. Square Square Triangle Roll.. rinse and repeat.

I'm not trying to say the scores are overated for God of War. I'm saying whatever God of War got Bayonetta should be .5 higher.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3837d ago
aceitman3837d ago

So ms sold 268,000 x1s in the 12countries.

dericb113837d ago

Didn't think about it like that. Wow they have a uphill battle around the globe. Maybe they will have some luck in Brazil.

TheFallenAngel3837d ago

And 150k from UK, that leaves us with a little over 100k units in 10 countries. Not so good if you look at it. We'll see how Sony does.

creeping judas3837d ago (Edited 3837d ago )

Wow, way to take math and twist it for your agenda. Those numbers are for US only.

dragon823837d ago (Edited 3837d ago )

@Creeping Judas

Sony sold just over 1 million consoles in the first 24 hrs in North America alone.

Microsoft sold just over 1 million consoles in the first 24 hrs in all 13 territories combined.

So if you take this info and the fact that over 700,000 of them came from the US then that doesn't paint a great picture of the rest of the world in terms of sales.

Ju3837d ago

These numbers don't make sense. For Europe alone, if you take UK with 150k @ ~68M(?) population compared to Germany, France, Italy, Spain (+some) with combined population of >220M has sold only ~120K??? So, either the British love MS or MS does not sell nothing in the rest of those territories.

Automatic793837d ago

Ms sold more than that don't be a troll

rainslacker3837d ago (Edited 3837d ago )

It's VGChartz. No matter what math you use it's going to be wrong, because you're starting with false numbers.

These numbers don't make sense, and don't even coincide with all evidence suggesting the PS4 was out selling X1 pre-orders AT LEAST 2:1 pre-launch.

If MS really did sell close to the VGChartz numbers, and their own reported numbers, then they really must have limited supply in those other countries.

Has no one noticed that MS didn't make a big fuss about their US numbers? Very unlike them, as they're are usually the first to beam their pride.

PRock103837d ago


I live in Italy and Xbox Ones are readily available in most of the major retailers while PS4s are nowhere to be found. Even before the whole E3 debacle, the Xbox brand still didn't perform as well as Playstation, whom pretty much owned continental Europe. It's quite feasible that the X1 has not sold that well in continental Europe and these numbers, although perhaps not wholly accurate, isn't fairing as well. Even with that huge population of people, the PS4 is MASSIVE here and had so much momentum going for it. I'm really curious to see what the numbers are for the PS4 over here in the coming weeks, might be another million sold. I think the cheaper price point is playing a huge advantage for European consumers, especially those in places like Italy and Spain with failing economies. We'll see I guess.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3837d ago
awesomeabe19983837d ago

Wait, so no one noticed that Wii U sold more than PS4?

I know what your going to say: PS4 is only available in the U.S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But it just released so there should be more hype than Wii U.

CGI-Quality3837d ago

I think Supply and Demand are better suited to understanding why the WiiU is ahead o the PS4 for the week. Don't believe Microsoft, this isn't rocket science. ;)

Minato-Namikaze3837d ago (Edited 3837d ago )

I think you are reading that wrong. The wii-u sold 1.5 mil in 12 months. sony sold 1 mil in 1 day. They might have passed the wii-u this week if they shipped enough stock for black friday.

lomion53837d ago (Edited 3837d ago )

That would be impressive if the WiiU had launched last week. Those are lifetime sales.

Looking at the weeks sales, my guess would also be a supply/demand issue.

Metfanant3837d ago

its a week after launch...im shocked Sony was able to get any units back on shelves...

awesomeabe19983837d ago

Sorry I meant for this week.


Im talking about this week.

Wii U: 111k
PS4: 93k

Even though PS4 is only available in the U.S it still should have sold more coming off of its release week.

Oh and WTH does Black Friday have to do with this?! This data is from week ENDING 11-23-2013.

CryofSilence3837d ago

Those are lifetime sales. The Wii U has been out for some time, so its sales are actually quite pathetic.

awesomeabe19983837d ago (Edited 3837d ago )


The 110k are weekly sales.

Edit: @chris

I am nott talking about lifetime. I know Wii U sales have been not so good but this week it beat out PS4.

chrisarsenalsavart3837d ago

1st sony sold over a million in 24 hours, xbox one sold 730 000 in a whole week and wiiu 1570000 in about 14 months.
doo the maths

frostypants3837d ago

@awesomeabe1998, hard to sell PS4s when there weren't any on shelves all week.

Ju3837d ago

I don't get it? Where are you taking those numbers from. Strictly US - and that's the only one posted there - it says:

PS4 86,611 (-91%) 1,070,823
WiiU 48,614 (+61%) 1,579,990

Am I missing something here? Unless you have NDP numbers - which doesn't track weekly sales.

TheLyonKing3837d ago

I think I have the answer you want:

The wii U sold more than ps4 during that week because song sold over 1million last week, supply and demand (which is basic knowledge) shows that Sony made enough consoles for the first day but clearly they can't produce enough to keep up with the deman. Wii U however is stagnating and so nintendo can easily produce enough consoles for consumers to buy.

TLDR: Sony so popular they don't have neough consoles to go around atm. Wii U is the opposite

PSVita3837d ago (Edited 3837d ago )

There's not enough ps4s

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 3837d ago
frostypants3837d ago (Edited 3837d ago )

The PS4 sold, in 1 week, nearly 50% of the total lifetime software sales for the WiiU. And that's just with launch titles. Good lawd.

awesomeabe19983837d ago

Yeah well Wii U sold around 3 million in 1 month but did not sell well the following months.

imt5583837d ago

300K PS4 console sold in half day in UK. Incredible!

Btw. XO sold at 150k in 2 days also in UK

vigilante_man3837d ago

You think that's incredible? You just wait until the end of December figures.

The PS4 is massive everywhere in Europe and especially here in the UK. The launch was everywhere in the media but the XB1 launch was very quiet.

Everyone is talking about the PS4 over here. It is the MUST HAVE christmas present this year. Demand is so high that Sony will have problems meeting it.

300K may have been sold but they could of sold 500k+ easily just in the UK.

Lets face it people. For whatever reason the PS4 is the main attraction right now!

eagle213837d ago

But at least Wii U is up 61%! :)

showtimefolks3837d ago

i think ps4 will be outselling xbox one for as long as its $100 less. 2-1 i think

Yep3837d ago

This comment getting so many likes so how many people here are interested in facts. This comment is doing the exact opposite. Wii U sold over 3.4k in a year, not 1 million.

bobacdigital3837d ago


For the record there have been many threads on this... but Mario doesnt drive system sales in the first week of release... Mario titles tend to have legs and drive sales post week 1 release.

andrewsqual3837d ago

And maybe people will actually listen when we say things like the PS4 currently has outsold the Wii U in preorders alone last July.

popup3837d ago (Edited 3837d ago )

Well, the odd thing was that I was going to get a Xbox to go with my PS4 but, in the end, I decided on a Wii U. The two go together surprisingly well. Just 5 months ago, I have laughed till I was blue in the face about owning a Wii U as I hate all the gimmicks but, in the flesh, there are some amazingly playable and old-school enjoyable games running at 60fps with great art, attention to detail and jaw dropping level design and 'feel'. I don't want COD or BF4 on the Wii U, it is not a competitor but a companion.

There are some really sought after gaming systems from the past that never sold well but had some really great games. If the Wii U turns out like that, then I am glad to have been a part of it.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3834d ago
LOL_WUT3838d ago

Pretty good SM3DW numbers, less than stellar X1 hardware sales and well Killzone dropped down to #22 ;)

Malice-Flare3838d ago

closer than i thought between PS4/XB1...

Death3838d ago

It's VGCharts. The PS4 soldout within 24 hours of launch in North America. According to VGC, the U.S. numbers surpass available inventory and completely ignore Canadian sales that would have been deducted from the available units. I doubt that many XboxOnes were available in the U.S. also if it launched in 13 countries and sold 1 million in the first 48 hours.

Hicken3837d ago

Available inventory? You have that number when no one else does?

Death3837d ago

It's not complex algebra, it basic arithmetic. Sony sold out at launch and announced they had sold 1 million units within 24 hours of their North American launch. Consoles are shipped on 3 week cycles which means restock is just now becoming available if retailers didn't hold back inventory for Black Friday sales.

Hicken3837d ago (Edited 3837d ago )

No, it's not basic arithmetic. It's basic intentional misinterpretation on your part.

The 24-hour window for the million sales was not also when they ran out of consoles. There were AT LEAST two more days- the rest of that weekend- that saw PS4s being sold. Somehow, you got it in your head that the two things are one in the same: Sony selling a million in 24 hours, and Sony selling out of consoles.

Unfortunately for you, that's incorrect. Unless, of course, you've got some evidence that proves the two things are the same. We both know you don't, though.

moparful993837d ago

@Death Sony sold MORE THAN million units in 24 hrs.. There was never an y reports that said they only had 1 million units available at launch. Nobody knows exactly how many units Sony had available for launch. In fact there were several reports that stores were holding units for black friday.. So I dont know where you get your information from but once again you are posting misinformation..

Death3836d ago

Sony confirmed they sold out in North America when they announced they had sold "just over" 1 million units. Sales reported are sold to retail, not registered consoles to end users. Retailers can still hold stock for Black Friday sales and this is not reflected on reported sales numbers since the sale was already recorded. Once again, this is not rocket science and hasn't changed in decades. Any additional units Sony was producing were being sent to the rest of the territories for last Fridays launch. If you want to believe more units were being sent to North America, that is your prerogative.

As for misinformation, I am simply repeating what Sony previously announced. If you want to add to what Sony announced, wouldn't you be the one spreading misinformation?

moparful993836d ago

@Death Ok let me reiterate you said and I quote

"Sony sold out at launch and announced they had sold 1 million units within 24 hours of their North American launch"

To which I replied that Sony said they had sold "MORE THAN" 1 million units.. I also said that nobody knows how many consoles were available for the North American launch. So they could have sold anywhere from 1.1 million all the way up to 1.9 million. Nobody but Sony knows the exact number so for you to spout "It's basic arithmetic" and go on to proclaim that Sony only sold 1 million units is purely conjecture you have NO, NONE, ZERO facts to back that up.

Shuhei Yoshida himself tweeted that they had sold "More than 1 million" Until you provide factual evidence that "the U.S. numbers surpassed available inventory and completely ignored canadian sales" I will stand by my statment, you keep spreading misinformation.

Death3835d ago

If Sony had sold 1.1 million, they would have said 1.1 million. Why would they downplay sales? This is a crucial time in their new console life cycle. Investors need to know they are doing well. Sony would not give a smaller number since it would alarm these investors.

Once again, misinformation would be saying they sold between 1.1-1.9 million since that isn't what they said.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3835d ago
SlavisH23837d ago (Edited 3837d ago )

yeah i know. Even with a $100.oo difference too but price isnt ever thing or wii U would be doing alot better imo

Visiblemarc3837d ago

It isn't at all close. This doesn't factor PS4's European sales. Yet it's reasonable to factor supply restrictions in as well. That said, my gut says MS has sat on stock to appear sold out.

farhad2k83837d ago

Wait until EU's numbers get announced, EU is more PS based, and with the PS4, the numbers will be crazier than ever.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3835d ago
Eonjay3838d ago

Good sales. This also marks the first time COD sold more on a Sony console in the US. For reference compare 360 COD sales to PS3 COD sales.

pyramidshead3837d ago

It's gonna be like that for a while I feel.

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M0chit0192d ago

Open world, sandbox in 2D. Let's go!

HyperMoused192d ago

Nananaana...adventures of Link remake...nanananan....batman, i mean....adventures of Link remake


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CDbiggen620d ago

Agreed. Great for multiplayer.

meganick620d ago

If they do make a sequel, they should incorporate Bowser’s Fury’s game design into the mix. Think Bowser’s Fury’s overworld where you can find warp points to linear levels like Mario 3D World.


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MadLad658d ago (Edited 658d ago )

I still say the series peaked with Galaxy. They've put out good stuff since then, but nothing really matched up.

Movieworld658d ago

Absolutely no way odyssey should be above either galaxy. Laughable