
HarmoKnight, from the producers of Pokemon, Reviewed | Aggressive Gaming

Ever wonder, “What if Game Freak made a game other than Pokemon?” Well, wonder no more! Game Freak’s only second game that isn’t Pokemon-related has now been released. Entitled HarmoKnight, you play as well, a knight who likes harmonizing. Oh, you think I’m kidding? Nope! HarmoKnight is what I like to describe as Mario meets Rock Band with Pokemon-style music. Trust me, it as cool as that sounds.

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Nerdmaster3838d ago

I didn't know about this game. Now I want to try it.


3DS Exclusives You Need To Download Before March 27 (With Links And Prices)

It's the Dawn of The Final Days for the 3DS. We've put together a list of the essential 3DS titles you should download now while you still can!

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XxINFERNUSxX450d ago

No need for that shit, mod your 3DS and have the whole collection for nothing. https://www.youtube.com/wat...


Pokémon Has a World-Building Problem

Brandon Johnson for SUPERJUMP writes: "Despite recent attempts, Pokémon Scarlet and Violet feature a shell of the world Game Freak once created"

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Dudeson504d ago (Edited 504d ago )

They're better off making another gba game, selling it with a gba or something. It's like they are not even aware their recent games are like 3 generations behind others in terms of every aspect.

TheEnigma313504d ago

As long as they get the sales, they don't care. Welcome to the Nintendo brand.

TheEnigma313504d ago


Apple is definitely up there with the worst offenders.

DFresh504d ago

I’ve honestly stopped following this series after Sinnoh League.
Still love Pokémon just can’t follow the new games and anime after that.
Johto League will forever be my favorite.

Double_O_Revan504d ago

The game is very empty and lifeless. I'm not really having much fun with it and I'm almost done the game. Mechanically, its great. So many quality of life improvements. Technically, it's an embarrassment. The further you progress into the game, the worse the frame rate gets. The giant Lake and the Snowy Mountains are awful. There no part of the story I find interesting. Just the usual 'collect 8 badges and go to the Pokemon league.' I hope the criticism is a wake up call for their next entry. But I'm certain it won't be. It sold well, and that's all that matters to them.

phoenixwing504d ago

It didn't just sell well. It's one of the top selling games of all time for the switch. So yeah, I wouldn't expect much to change next iteration.

sadraiden504d ago

On one hand, the Pokemon franchise is doing exactly what every Nintendo franchise does: roughly the same thing every game. It's why Nintendo IPs have such strong public awareness. You know Mario is the jumpy one, Metroid is the spooky maze one, and Pokemon is the dog fighting one.

Pokemon unfortunately is the one that has the weakest mechanics and most outdated presentation. It's like a challenge GF takes on every development cycle to see if they can make their next game only marginally different than the last with no big innovations. Pokemon fans still line up in droves to buy the latest. Chalk it up to kids being inexperienced and wanting a colorful game with friendly looking creatures. Adults on the other hand, at this point, if you're complaining about Pokemon games feeling empty and lifeless, it's because they are. Play a real JRPG.

McKraka502d ago


I'm quite partial to the team building and management mechanics as well as evolution of the creatures captured.

Can you recommend some JRPG titles that have a similar vibe? Other than Shin Megami Tensai?

sadraiden504d ago

Lol a world building problem? At this point the Pokemon franchise is all but transparently creatively bankrupt. It's only ever been about separating children from their parents cash. Gotta catch em all being one of the greatest marketing slogans of all time.


For Arceus' Sake, Give Game Freak More Time to Make Pokemon Games

The development time Game Freak currently has to make Pokemon games is unsustainable, and one major change needs to be made to fix the issue.

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GoodGuy09556d ago

Indeed. They make enough money to afford it...but they won't...

-Foxtrot556d ago

I'd rather they give it to a new developer who can actually give us what we want and more without relying on as many silly little gimmicks as they can for marketing purposes.

LucasRuinedChildhood556d ago (Edited 556d ago )

Let's be honest, nothing is going to change because they know they can get away with it.

They clearly already have - they've sold 10m+ at full price (faster than Arceus) and in spite of all the issues, it still has decent reviews (76%). They'll probably gross $1b+ off this game, on top of all the money they made from Arceus.

People have been complaining about the handling of this franchise for years but it's a cash cow (they made billions off Pokemon Go as well). To them, this is very much sustainable, unfortunately.

Number1TailzFan556d ago (Edited 556d ago )

Trash series. The combat in these games is extremely boring too, Custom Robo Arena is far better, and for turn based the Worms games on PC.

Immagaiden555d ago

Every new gen comes out every 3 years and with more ambitious ideas it just isn’t sustainable

Pokémon demonstrates how being so merchandise driven is proving detrimental to the main product, and despite that it still sells well