
gamesreviews: Atelier Rorona Review

Daniel Dunham writes "Atelier Rorona The Alchemist of Arland, is a Japanese role-playing game brought us by developer Gust and localised by NIS (Nippon Ichi Software). The game follows the story of the titular Alchemist, Rorolina Frixell (aka Rorona), an alchemist in training, who inadvertently finds herself tasked with saving the small alchemy shop she’s been apprenticing at from closure."

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HelpfulGamer3859d ago

How dare them give such low scores to Atelier Rorona which was develop by countless Sony engineers, to unleash full power of PS3 Cell Architecture !

zerocrossing3859d ago

Atelier Rorona is a fantastic game that I highly recommend.

I would score it higher but like any gaming website, gamesreveiws.com have a scoring system in place and honestly didn't think Atelier Rorona met the criteria for a higher score.

Bhuahahaha3858d ago

for me i think 7.5 is just right

totori and meruru around 8+

oh btw if its the overhaul aka shin rorona
i think it got a potential of getting a 9

zerocrossing3858d ago

I haven't played the sequel games yet on the count of my PS3 being dead, but I loved Atelier Rorona and can't way to get my hands on the rest.


Atelier Rorona Plus: The Alchemist of Arland Announced For Vita and PS3

Tecmo Koei has officially announced they will be releasing Atelier Rorona Plus: The Alchemist Of Arland for the Playstation Vita as well as the PS3.

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nidhogg3679d ago

niiiice! keep 'em comin'.

DualWielding3679d ago

why is it coming to the PS3? haven't all Atelier plus title been Vita only so far.... the exclusivity helped the Vita


Atelier Rorona's remake classified as R18+ in AUS, as compared to the original's PG classification

Stevivor, "A keen gamer has taken to the Australian Classification Board's website to discover that the Atelier Rorona Plus: The Alchemist of Arland remake will be classified as R18+. The 2010 original, Atelier Rorona, was classified as PG."

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Last-gen JRPGs you may have missed

GameZone's Mandi Odoerfer writes: "When it comes to JRPGs, developers like Atlus and Monolith Soft have given us plenty of reasons to be excited about the future. However, that doesn't mean we should forget the past. Over the course of the last generation, there were a number of very good games that managed to fly under the radar."

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dedicatedtogamers3789d ago

Resonance of Fate. Amazing battle system that - in my opinion - is what FF13's battle system should've been. I also like how they included The Last Remnant. That game flopped hard. It was way too complex with not enough explanation, but if you get into the game and learn the systems, it's really, really cool.

Another one to add to the list: Radiant Historia.

Lon3wolf3789d ago

Just going through TLR again now on Steam (I lost all my 50+ hr progress last year due to HDD failure and only just felt like starting from scratch). As you say it is quite complex but once you get it you really get it, shame it was so overlooked. Just bought RoF again for my PS3 love the battle system, the map/hex system not so much. Got everything else on that list apart from Arland. Surprised Folklore was not on that list as that appears to be overlooked a lot.

Z5013789d ago

"Resonance of Fate. Amazing battle system that - in my opinion - is what FF13's battle system should've been"

I love the paradigm system of XIII & XIII-2. RoF battle system seemed to be more about guns, ammo & party placement.

In a nutshell. RoF battle system is overly complex. (NOT HARD, just complex) FFXIII's battle system is the opposite.

CLOUD19833789d ago

How they skip to mention Xenoblade? although it got perfect reviews the sales was not so gr8 as it deserve so no brain lot's of JRPG fans skip this game, especially when it's so hard to find a copy or even if u find one u must be ready to pay quite a lot...

Anyway I'm sure lot's of ppl didn't play this game & that's really a shame, I suggest to all JRPG fans out there to play this game maybe a few won't like it but I guarantee that those who do r going to have an unforgettable experience & Xenoblade will become one of their all time favorite games of the previous generation.

Lon3wolf3789d ago

Trouble is finding a copy now that is not over-priced (I live/am looking at UK/Europe territory).

dboyman3789d ago (Edited 3789d ago )

I agree, especially for North America as well. Nintendo bungled up the release for the game, and was impossible to get from the get go ( especially in my area). I know many who prefer to buy the game, had to resort to download the iso to play it. If Nintendo would get a clue, they should do a re-release of the game on the Nintendo Wii or WiiU...

Modi19843789d ago

Lost Odyssey
The Last Remnant

for me there is no x360 if these games not exclusives

Lon3wolf3789d ago

So if The Last Remnant was on Steam (which it is) the 360 ceases to be a good console to you? Or are you talking about console exclusives?

Hicken3789d ago

Well, for myself, Lost Odyssey is one of the few reasons I wanted a 360.

3789d ago
Lon3wolf3788d ago

@Kalkano, yeah I have a 360 (well the kids use it more nowadays) and LO (will play that again soon too) but a PC release would be nice. TLR with a sweetfx config and making a few changes in one of the ini files and it looks real nice (along with fixing the Unreal Engine texture pop in issue).

MWH3789d ago (Edited 3789d ago )

Eternal Sonata was beautiful and fun, if only it wasn't for that ending..

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