
The Five Best Defunct Video Game Developers

These five developers were among the best the industry has ever seen, creating numerous games that are beloved by gamers young and old.

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HAMM3RofBUDDHA3883d ago

RIP Pandemic. Let's hope DICE does the Battlefront series justice.

tacotruck3883d ago

Truly one of the saddest ends to a great developer

MyFeetHurt3882d ago ShowReplies(1)
Sly-Lupin3883d ago

There are simply too many to count. I'd like to list a few that I'm particularly fond of, though I KNOW I'm forgetting many.

Let's pause a moment and remember:

Volition, developer of Freespace
Micropose, developer of Mechwarrior 2-3
BigHugeGames, developer of Rise of Nations
Relic, developer of Homeworld 1-2
Enix, developer of Dragon Quest 1-8
Squaresoft, developer of Final Fantasy 1-10
LucasArts, developer of Grim Fandango
Clover, developer of Okami
Ensemble Studio, developer of Age of Empires 1-2
Troika Games, developer of Arcanum
Blizzard North, developer of Diablo 1-2
Firaxis Games, developer of Alpha Centauri
Crystal Dynamics, developer of Soul Reaver 1-2

...I'm tempted to add ATLUS to the list, as re-aquisitions almost ALWAYS lead to restructuring and a sharp decrease in quality. But I'm not going to pre-judge. It's worth noting at this juncture, for those who did not notice, that several of the developers I listed above technically still exist, however the actual developers--you know, the people responsible for making the studios what they were--did not survive their company being absorbed by a larger publisher, and subsequent iterations of their games have demonstrated by previous point quite tragically.

MyFeetHurt3882d ago

wow you must be 300 years old

Xof3882d ago

And you must be one helluva douchebag.


STALKER 2 shows screenshots with HUD for the first time

New weapons, iconic locations and more revealed in the screenshots.

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STALKER 2 Dev: It's Hard to Say How Long Polishing Will Take; Confirms XSX 60 FPS & PC Minimum GPU

STALKER 2 developer GSC Game World resurfaced with new details shared in an interview.

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Rimeskeem191d ago

omg finally, a dev that doesn't require you to have a $300 gpu to play their game.

190d ago Replies(3)
Number1TailzFan190d ago

Probably in performance mode and upscaling from 720p like the other UE5 games with an unstable frame rate during intense scenes.

Obscure_Observer190d ago

"Probably in performance mode and upscaling from 720p like the other UE5 games with an unstable frame rate during intense scenes."

Yeah. That´s what I´m expecting to be honest. Not sure if the GSC Game World are using VSMs, but I heard from the developer they were taking advantage of both Nanite and Lumen for this game.

They´re in the polishing process right now, so here´s hoping they can deliver a smooth and consistent as possible experience for all platforms.

Minute Man 721190d ago

Uncharted on PS3 was 720p and looked beautiful

190d ago
Demetrius190d ago

I heard they been going through bulls*** cause of immature hackers but I'm glad yo see they are maintaining progress this gives me hope on how the other devs are doing with metro 4, post apocalyptic be a vibe

Lightning77190d ago

I think this this game will release late next year from the sounds of it.

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Fire Tears Through Offices of STALKER 2 Developer

It seems as if the development of STALKER 2 has suffered another setback, with a fire affecting the offices of developer GSC Game World

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lucasnooker274d ago

That’s so unfortunate! This team have had such a hard time getting this game to the light! I wish them the best