
Eurogamer: Sonic Lost World Review

Eurogamer: You could cut a heck of a trailer from Sonic Lost World. Slice its levels up into two-to-five-second snippets and you'd find dozens of moments of visual magic. OPEN ON: Sonic arcing around a loop at full tilt. CUT TO: Sonic skipping past enemies, spinning and somersaulting over mechanical ladybugs before punting them into the ether. CUT TO: Sonic skidding across grind rails out of the screen, sprinting across walls, pinging between bumpers like a spiky pinball, leaping and bouncing as the world rotates around him. CGI close-up, witty one-liner, title splash, done!

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SegaGamer3884d ago

Well this game will be great then if it's given a 4/10

God i hate reviews, they play the game for a couple of hours and think that they can give a fair opinion.

CrossingEden3882d ago

Reviewers COMPLETE the game before reviewing it. -_-

SegaGamer3882d ago

I didn't say they didn't, but i can gurantee that they rush through the game. They don't allow themselves time to get used to it.

CrossingEden3882d ago

No reviewers don't rush through the game. How can you gaurantee that they rush through the game when every review of GTAV cites that they had a playtime of over 40hrs. Oh wait, YOU CAN'T, because you're basing your prediction on the notion that this game may be good and to think that the majority of reviewers all think the opposite, (you know, the people who played the full game, unlike you), you have to find excuses as to why they think so instead of actually reading the reviews.


Sonic Game Writers Had ‘Very Little Say’ On Story Scripts

The writing duo behind Sonic games like Sonic Colors and Sonic Lost World reveal they have little creative control over their game scripts.

-Foxtrot142d ago

They need to start letting people take inspiration from the comics, there's a ton of great stuff to take inspiration from.

phoenixwing140d ago

My beef is why even hire writers if you're just going to control the whole process. I'd be very upset as a writer if someone did that. A job is a job though.

DarXyde140d ago

Performative for optics, I would think.

It's like the US Congress holding a vote to "denounce the evils of socialism." It literally did absolutely nothing about anything and was a complete waste of everyone's time (and tax dollars—which is its own irony, by the way)

Dumbest thing in the world, but if you hire writers, it looks like you made a serious effort to make something great.

Do you remember when the original Suicide Squad movie was coming out? How much did we hear about Killer Croc's actor watching cannibal videos to get into character? Or even the "incredible lengths" Jared Leto went through to personify Joker on and off set?

It looks better when people think you're taking it seriously.

XiNatsuDragnel141d ago

Pretty much confirmed that SEGA controls everything about sonic no derivations fr

Profchaos140d ago

Nothing new sonic forces was meant to be far darker then sega got cold feet and they did the same old power of friendship ending


How Sonic Lost World Paved the Way for Sonic Frontiers

While a number of the games before it help influence Sonic Frontiers, Sonic Lost World acts as the blueprint for the game's open-zone design.

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Top 10 Worst Sonic Games

Alex DS. from Link Cable Gaming writes: "I’m a huge fan of the series and love to talk about its best games… but its hard to argue that it’s all been great for the blue blur. From games that were loaded with glitches, slow-paced gameplay, and visuals that look more like a blue blur of… pixels and polygons. So, take this as a warning to avoid these 10 worst Sonic games of all time."

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Fntastic1004d ago

Never played any of these on this list, surprised Sonic R isn't there, but then i played that on my first PC and didn't think it was that bad, got some mild enjoyment out of it at least.

-Hermit-1004d ago

Lost World, Black Knight, Forces and Chronicles should not be on that list, I can easily think of worse.

Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal, Sonic Drift, Sonic Drift 2, Sonic Labyrinth, Sonic Eraser, Sonic R, these are all way worse than the games on this list. Knuckles Chaotix was terrible as well, I hated the way you had to control the players, it was a pain in the ass. Even games like Sonic 3D Blast, Sonic Spinball and Rivals 1 and 2 which I thought were decent were worse than some of the games on this list.

To be brutally honest, most of the Game Gear and Master System Sonic games are pretty awful too. Sonic Chaos on the Game Gear for example, you can't even see what you are doing because the field of view is so bad.

I would rather play Sonic 06 than any of the games I listed above, and that game is classed as the worst Sonic game of the lot.

People have nostalgia glasses on when they think about old 2D Sonic games. Outside of the mainline games on the Mega Drive, most of them were worse than the modern day 3D games.

Rebel_Scum1003d ago

Sonic 1 & 2 on the MS2 and GG were great games. Perfect blend of speed, secrets and challenge.

Sonic Chaos was shite. Too easy and gross looking sprites and backgrounds.

imo 1-10 for worst Sonic games would just be all the 3D one's and Sonic Fighters.

lellkay1003d ago (Edited 1003d ago )

There is definitely some worse games than Lost World,

The guy who wrote this definitely didn't dig enough into the franchise history haha

Pyrofire951003d ago

General question.
Is your favorite Sonic game the first one you played?
If not, is you favorite the same style as your first? (3D, 2D, some other distinction?)

lellkay1003d ago

My favorite game is not the first one I played. (First one I played was Sonic The Hedgehog on Megadrive/Genesis)

My favorite one is probably 3&K or Mania, so yes it is in the same style as the first game I played.

-Hermit-1003d ago

My favourite Sonic game is not the first one I played or same style.

The first Sonic game I played was Sonic 1 on the Mega Drive, my favourite is Sonic Adventure 2.

DFresh1003d ago

I disagree with Sonic Forces on that list but the others are correct.
Sonic Forces is hella under rated.