
‘WWE 2K14’ senior designer talks PS4 and Xbox One graphics engine

Senior Designer Byran Williams has made some comments regarding the future of WWE video games for the PS4 and Xbox One.

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Sitdown3891d ago

Don't waste your time clicking the article....all he says is that he thinks there would be a graphics overhaul, but can not discuss it.

ape0073891d ago

sigh, these games have such GREAT gameplay naturally but the outdated engine ruins it

CocoWolfie3891d ago

you seen that next gen nba 2k14 gameplay trailer? :c imagine wee with that engine! hopefully 2k put some money into it

SlavisH23891d ago

2k has the same developer that thq had. I hope they get someone else or 2k gets more involved because the dev stated nothing has change from their end with the new publisher. I wont buy this game unless one of the 2 happens same with madden, call of duty, and dynasty warriors

DeadlyFire3890d ago (Edited 3890d ago )

2K could share game engines with Yukes. Its not impossible.

Its becoming a frequent thing for developers to build under one engine. Actually. Rockstar uses RAGE engine(RDR, MaxPayne3, GTAIV, GTA 5) Bethesda/Id is using Tech5 engine. Konami is using Fox Engine, EA has Frostbite3, and so on.

All of 2ks sports games run very fluidly and they have a big audience just like WWE games. I don't see why they can't utilize the same engine. A WWE game with fluid 30-60 fps with 6 or more people in a match would be amazing feat. Oddly 8 man matches worked fine in the PS2 era, but have not seen such on PS3/X360.

bilzdabest3890d ago

I really couldn't give a crap bout the engine. I just want less bugs amd better online. Surely that doesn't need a new engine.

evilhasitsway3891d ago

im with cocwolfie I have played the wrestlng series since n64, it would be awesome to see a great overhaul done to the game it really needs it. it has been the same for like 5yr+ kinda like cod lol.

bahabeast3890d ago

Is this the same WWE game with a different developer or is this 2k sports version of WWE????

SlavisH23889d ago

it is the same wwe game with the same developer just says 2k not thq.


15 Best Wrestling Games of All Time

The best wrestling games range from all-time classics on the N64 all the way up to some surprising new hitters you should check out.

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darthv72875d ago

I was always partial to the arcade wrestling games like Saturday night slam masters, wwf superstars, wrestlefest, wrestlemania, wrestle war and then a NES classic... pro wrestling. By the time the N64 era of wrestling games happened, I wasnt into wrestling much anymore (tv & games).

jjb1981874d ago

It was all about the Starman Somersault or the Tiger Claw!

Fist4achin874d ago

Starman was awesome. I also remember a tan dude with bright yellow hair. Good times!

gurp875d ago

Smackdown 1+2 on PSX
A lot of hours went into those two games

jbrock11875d ago (Edited 875d ago )

Virtual Pro Wrestling 1 & 2 > Most games on that list.

Also, WCW/NWO Revenge should be #2 minimum.

Petebloodyonion874d ago

King of coliseum
most of the all japan pro wrestling
Toukon Retsuden 3

Terry_B875d ago

WWE 2k13 thanks to the WWE Attitude Mode. Followed by WWE Attitude and ECW Hardcore Evolution.

also: ECW! ECW! ECW!

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Are Wrestling Games Getting Worse?

Some of you may know that the latest instalment in the WWE gaming franchise 2K20 was released late last year to generally poor reviews. Some of this was based on graphical issues, but mostly it was due to the many glitches and bugs found – many of which are hilarious to witness.

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Atom6661608d ago

Fire Pro needs more love. The last PS4 title gets regular playtime from me.

I hear that there are financial troubles at the studio, but I'm hopeful for a Switch port one of these days.

The Wood1607d ago

Anyone remember Giant Gram Wrestling on the Dreamcast .....

Rambokind1607d ago

Ah hell yes! That was loads of fun.

Acecalibur1608d ago

Fire Pro just gets better. Buy it.

micdagoat191608d ago

I have Fire Pro for PS4 and PC but it seems more of like a Sim creator rather than people actually playing out matches. I still dont like anything as much as the N64 games

b163o11607d ago (Edited 1607d ago )

Golden Era of wrestling games in the Golden Era of wrestling. I've been contemplating going back and getting a N64 and getting those classic's
WWF Wrestlemania 2000
WWF No Mercy
WCW vs. nWo Revenge

micdagoat191604d ago

Yeah its the only wrestling games I still play consistently for fun.

TheTony3161608d ago

Yes. The last great wrestling game was svr 2006.

addictedtochaos1607d ago

Yes, the WWE ones at least. The last good one was 2K14 and the last great one was Here Comes the Pain.

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The 10 Best Wrestling Games of all Time

There's been so many great wrestling games throughout the years. But this list of the 10 best wrestling games of all time will crown one true champion.

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