
Check Out Four Matches of Xbox One Exclusive Killer Instinct, Starring Sadira

Sadira has just been introduced to the roster of the Xbox One exclusive Killer Instinct, and the folks at Double Helix already livestreamed four matches showcasing her sexy and lethal fighting style directly from the Tokyo Game Show's floor.

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s8anicslayer3914d ago

I think that manufacturers should just rename their arcade sticks "Slap Sticks"...The sound those things make are loud!

MisfitsInc3914d ago

there are silent button sticks, but they're more expensive

jhoward5853914d ago

Sadira character deigns looks great.

OFF topic:

the more I see KI, the more I want the old KI SGI look.

Hope I'm not the only one who feels this way cause I really liked the SGI look way better than this.

Belking3914d ago

You must be half blind because this game blows the old KI out in visuals and there is no slowdown whatsoever like the old game.

jhoward5853914d ago (Edited 3914d ago )

I never mentioned anything about Frame rate speed on my last post.

Moving forward...


The new KI art style just doesn't work for me b/c it looks a bit to close to street fighter.

I wish MS had gone with RARE to keep the KI looks and feel of the original KI.

XtraTrstrL3914d ago


That's what I said the first time I saw it. It doesn't have the KI feel to it.

Plus, I still can't get over the fact that they handed such a precious IP over to Double Helix to develop it.

Hicken3914d ago

I agree that it still looks too much like Street Fighter. And, to be honest, I was never all that happy with the stylistic changes Capcom made to it, either.

Godlovesgamers3913d ago (Edited 3913d ago )

The first thing I thought when I saw this was that the art direction was heavily influenced (a bit too much IMO) by Street Fighter IV. Imitation and flattery are one thing, but this new KI seems more like visual plagiarism.


"And, to be honest, I was never all that happy with the stylistic changes Capcom made to it, either."

The paint job is one thing, the game underneath is another. You really should PLAY SSFIV sometime, it's a great fighting game.

Just saying, since you obviously have never even put the game disc in your PS3. If you actually do, perhaps the artstyle will grow on you, who knows?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3913d ago
lastofgen3913d ago

I honestly prefer the new look much more than sgi.

avengers19783913d ago

I'd like it better with the old visuals too.

I don't care for the character designs either, especially Thunder, and Saberwolf

True_Samurai3914d ago

Sadira is completely agile. Her techniques will be a great asset in those who likes Ariel attacks

SoulSercher6203914d ago

Sadira looks like an overpowered character to me.

ABizzel13913d ago

Her air game seems a bit over powered, but we need to see more characters, and they said her ground game isn't all that great, but with that much agility it usually doesn't matter in most games.


Killer Instinct Anniversary Edition Launches November 28

Exciting news, Combo Breakers: Killer Instinct Anniversary Edition will be available TOMORROW, November 28, at 12PM Pacific!

Obscure_Observer195d ago (Edited 195d ago )


Iron Galaxy wanted to come back


Matt Booty made it happen


This is how you support your first party games! Continued support after 10 years!

The Killer Instinct fans appreciated and the whole FG community celebrates!

Congrats goes to Matt, Mick, Adam and everyone at Iron Galaxy!

Tomorrow we fight together! I can´t wait!

Barlos194d ago

I'll have to get this! Been a big fan of KI since the very first one.

Petebloodyonion194d ago (Edited 194d ago )

I love KI (still play the old arcade version) but feel like the Xbox version is like a big intimidating chessboard with no easy way to instruct you to play chess.
The game is so deep in terms of little things to do that it makes Smash Bros melee look like a casual experience.
Honestly, doing a combo Breaker is punish/reward by itself but hey you can add a counterbreaker.
Here's what you also need to know
Breaking Shadow-linker
Shadow counter
Auto double,
linker, manual


Killer Instinct Anniversary Edition Coming Years After Latest Update with Patch Notes Available Now

Iron Galaxy is celebrating the 10th anniversary of Killer Instinct by launching a new Anniversary Edition for Xbox and PC and an extensive patch several years after the latest update.

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Jingsing198d ago

There isn't going to be any chance of this being played at tournaments unless it appears on all platforms like all fighting games.


SF5 didn’t appear on all consoles and was still played at Tournaments. I’ve seen KI tournaments recently so I don’t think your opinion is accurate.


Killer Instinct: Worth Another Look at 10 Years Old

A free-to-play fighting game? This was unheard of at the time, but Killer Instinct has proven it's not only doable, but enjoyable!