
New Releases this week | Aug 26th - Sept 1st 2013

A great week for releases with something for everyone. The featured game for this week is none other than Final Fantasy XIV Online. Will the MMO impress or will we be choking the Chocobo this time next week in a fit of rage? Only time will tell.

Other releases include the long awaited return of Rayman, four turtles in a half shell, an ultra violent executioner and a co-op game that.. well.. isn’t really a co-op game.

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maximus19853934d ago

i forgot about lost planet 3,

Ripsta7th3934d ago

I havent seen a single AD, not even online

Freddy_Millz13934d ago

cuz no one gives a single sh!t about anything Capcom has to offer now days...not even Capcom.

MadMax3934d ago (Edited 3934d ago )


Remember Me was actually pretty damn good, and what about Dragons Dogma and the new Devil May Cry? Great games right there! You dont know what youre talking about man.

Freddy_Millz13934d ago (Edited 3934d ago )

So thats why the games were so well marketed and sold like hotcakes right?
Remember me was hot dog crap,
I'll agree and say Dragon's Dogma was ok,
and Devil May Cry was everything the fans of the series asked for right?

Only thing Capcom cares about is the Street Fighter series and care 0% about anything else. Look what they did to the new Breath of Fire for example.
Pfft, tell me i dont know what i'm talking about.

btw, thanks for the disagree, its delicious.

MadMax3934d ago (Edited 3934d ago )

You talk alot of crap for a person who judges games that youve never even played! Pull your head out bud and stop being such a trolling hater! Lol

SnakePlissken3934d ago (Edited 3934d ago )

I dont think anyone gives a single shit what you have to offer here! Take your black ass and get out if you dont like capcom then! Why even come in here, for what? You contribute squat!

Kingthrash3603933d ago

"take your black ass and get out"?
with comments like that you can leave too...there are so many avatars of white people ive never seen get your white ass out or anything....I dont need to see this kind of ignorance on n4g. tgat ignorance is worse than thos blind fanboys who signed a partition to keep drm....so yeah no racial bs...... you wouldn't say it to his face he'd kick your ass.

Craigatorian3934d ago

I WANT STREET FIGHTER V! I loved Dragon's Dogma and Devil May Cry, but I didn't care about Remember Me, also, the game was the first game from the developers I believe and it's not a bad first.

Freddy_Millz13934d ago

I played all three and i stand by my original statement. Hell, i even helped a buddy of mine playthru a stream of Remember Me and we both agreed it wasnt worth more time than what we gave it. Also, I gave my copy of DMC to someone who actually wanted the sh!t.

Returning to my original argument, If Remember Me was such an outstanding and must play game, where was the advertising? I personally didn't see squat about the game until a few days b4 it was released and if it wasn't for my buddy, i wouldn't of given less of a damn about it. Ppl bought DMC cuz they thought it was going to be like the old series and they went all Twilight in it. Capcom is at a point now that they can ship what they want and have no worries cuz a new SF will cover the cost. Now am i wrong about that or what?

"It just kills you and probably makes you cry that someone is uninterested and finds a game boring, that you are drooling over! No one asked you, and you contribute nothing"

Now were have i read that line b4?

MadMax3934d ago (Edited 3934d ago )

Spoken like a true troll! A game is only good because of advertising? Lol, god are you stupid. Im not even gonna lower my intelligence to talk to an idiot like you. I hope thats not you in that pic, cuz if thats you, damn are you one ugly ass mofo! Haha!

Freddy_Millz13933d ago

Lol, never said the games value had anything to do with advertising. If u look in the original post where u politely gave your 2 cents, he stated that he heard nothing about Lost Planet 3 (made by Capcom) and u gave your little list, i replied and followed with "Back to my original argument..." of why he hasn't heard anything about it until now. I was simply stating my opinion and ur getting upset that i don't agree with u, now im a troll...so be it.

Also, its funny how u judge me on my intelligence and then stoop down to a level of maturity were u would knock my appearance. My apologies if you dont think im cute bro but im sure u can find other good looking guys around this sight if thats your thing? Not once did I disrespect you and in fact, i was here commending u on you defence. Is that not what this site is for? Stating your OPINION on matters in gaming? Nah, u get pissed off and talk about my looks and laugh at your own weak ass retort, a sign that you have nothing left to fire back at me. Its cool tho, your cool ppl. Ur right tho, I too need not lower myself with nonsense of ppl who refuse to read.

And as for you SnakePlisskan, i'm sure he appreciated you throwing on your Purple tights and orange cape to try to assist him with your hillbilly remark but he's a big boy, stay in a childs place when grown-ups are having a talk, Thanks.

SnakePlissken3933d ago (Edited 3933d ago )

Hillbilly? Wow thats creative, you really do sound like a moron! I can have an opinion if i choose, and if thats telling your black ass to get lost, then thats my business.

I agree with Max when he says, why even come in here? Just to bash on capcom? Whats your point on coming in here? You add nothing but ignorance. You are a pathetic excuse for a human being.

Craigatorian3934d ago (Edited 3934d ago )

This writer is such a fag, of course he'd put Madden as his anticipation rating of 8/10. Who anticipates that when it comes out like two or three times a year?

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CobraKai16d ago

Is Madden still a big deal? I remember how huge it was to have a console launch with a Madden title. Now it seems like no one cares

CrimsonWing6916d ago

I’m pretty sure Madden games sell like crazy at launch still.


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