
Primary Auction for Atlus Confirmed, Index Announces that “Several Candidates” Have Been Selected

Index Corporation (Atlus’ Mother Company) just officially announced with a press release that the primary auction for the acquisition of the company’s assets (including Atlus), and that until now was only rumored, has indeed been conducted, ending with the selection of several candidates.

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animegamingnerd3953d ago

can we please get some names so we can either be in fear or be extremely happy on who might buy atlus?

Abriael3953d ago (Edited 3953d ago )

Very unlikely that any name will be officially confirmed before the end of the proceedings. It's just not done, as it can influence the stock market.

All that will possibly surface are rumors, like the one about Sega.

cleft53953d ago (Edited 3953d ago )

Really hope Atlus isn't sold to Sega. Sega just doesn't seem to get the point of localizing good games for the West. The fact that they have gems like Yakuza 5 and Valkyria Chronicles 3 and they still haven't localized those games is a tragedy. Not mention the incredibly stupid decision not to officially do anything with Phantasy Star Online in the West.

Donnieboi3953d ago

The plot thickens. Crossing fingers for Kadokawa Holding or any other Holding group (like Index) sugar-daddy type of company who will just support Atlus financially and not restrict their art or close down their independent publishing firm. Not some restrictive 3rd/1st party. Keep Atlus free!

MoveTheGlow3953d ago (Edited 3953d ago )

As down as I felt about Sega, given how they treat their own titles toward a Western audience, what was their last acquisition? Creative Assembly. How did Creative Assembly change when Sega got them? Well, their games got a bit more promotion on Steam, that's for sure. They develop their stuff in nearly the same way. The only big thing they've done is close a floundering Melbourne studio, and assumedly they consolidated that group into the bigger UK studio anyway.

I'm guessing if Sega grabs them, Atlus will continue on as usual, possibly giving up a bit of their role as a publisher of external games, but continuing Shin Megami Tensei and Etrian Odyssey for sure.

Honestly, Sega should just throw Atlus the development talent they have left and allow Atlus to get the grunt work out of the way for bigger games like Persona 5. I'm sure a lot of coders would be thrilled to not work under the management that brought us Sonic '06.

3-4-53953d ago

If Sega buys, there will be more Atlus games on PC.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3953d ago
showtimefolks3953d ago

Here is hoping for Sony

But I doubt it, I was really hoping Sony buy darksiders IP and let Sony Santa Monica work on it but that didn't happen either

Sony and Atlus have been great partners so here is hoping that continues

Please MS or Nintendo stay away from Atlus

Sega(Sammy sega that Owns sega is worth almost 4 billions)
Take two

My gut feeling is to gonna be a unknown party

Also Bethesda could work too

zeal0us3953d ago

How could Bethesda work but Nintendo can't?

Dagobert3953d ago

Lol seriously why Bethesda?

vakarian753953d ago

Nintendo would be better for Atlus than any of those companies you just named.

Ezz20133953d ago

Bethesda ?!

are you into buggy games ?!

MoveTheGlow3953d ago (Edited 3953d ago )

Nintendo hasn't *been* away from Atlus, how could they *stay* away? They've allowed Atlus to create great content on a lower-tech platform, and the results so far (EO, SMT, Strange Journey) are staggeringly good for the hardcore RPG crowd. It's a big reason why a lot of gamers have a 3DS in the first place.

Atlus' main creative branch has become Nintendo's new Treasure over the past couple of years - a scrappy, low-tech ragtag bunch with a ton of ideas and a singular vision, and gamers should freaking love that. They're the real punk-rock studio - sorry, Suda. They, along with Intelligent Systems, give Nintendo way more gamer cred than they should have right now, honestly!

This is why I'm hoping they stay third-party. They have a great team for creating low-fidelity, high-content, artistic games with pretty risky narratives, and I'd like them to stay that way and not be forced into throwing so much money into high-res grunt work. We don't need another FFXIII-era Squenix. They need options.

showtimefolks3953d ago

i meant Bethesda as a Publisher, you guys are thinking about the development side

Bethesda as a publisher could work

also heck no to nintendo we don't want PG rated Atlus

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3953d ago
zeal0us3953d ago

For the past few weeks people/reports have been tossing names on who might buy Atlus assets.

TomShoe3953d ago

Hopefully Sony. More Disgaea please. JRPGs on the Xbox just seems wrong. It's an American console.

MoveTheGlow3953d ago (Edited 3953d ago )

I'm pretty sure NIS will find another publisher if it's not Atlus. Disgaea is a lower-cost thing with a good enough fanbase, I don't think Atlus' sale will make it go away or jump exclusivity. Heck, NIS could self-publish and just fund localization work through their America branch.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3953d ago
gamer78043953d ago

i would definitely hope that neither of the big 3 obtain atlus, this would limit them on what platforms they could deliver on obviously.

Dagobert3953d ago

True but Sony seems like the one out of the big three that wouldn't censor it as much and would localize it and fund the games compared to the other two. Then you have Sega which was one of the companies wanting to buy Atlus, and honestly Sega themselves aren't doing that great financially and seeing how they don't localize some games or take too long to do it, I wouldn't want them either.

I mean no one knows the other companies that are bidding on Atlus but lets assume it's Square Enix... Would you honestly want them? Namco seems like a choice as well, but look at their localization record. Or hell what about Capcom, they can't get their own franchise to do well like Capcom because they don't listen to the fans, it's like they only focus on Streetfighter.

So the only good choice I can think of that does well with localization and whatnot would be Sony.

god_o_war3953d ago (Edited 3953d ago )

Haven't all their games been on different platforms? I can't seem to remember any of theirs being multi platform? So wouldn't it be better if they were exclusive to one of the big three, where you could get all their stuff from one place instead of two or three?

CLOUD19833953d ago (Edited 3953d ago )

SONY get them! GoGoGo!!! :P

gamer423953d ago (Edited 3953d ago )

Kodakawa(most likely), Gung ho, Marvelous AQL are my preferred choices, because unlike some people, I would like to them to stay third party, so they can keep to their routine and reach out to as many people with their games as they possibly can.

Abriael3953d ago

Same here, those would be the ideal candidates.

Show all comments (66)

I’m Glad Atlus & SE Changed Dates To Avoid Competing With Shadow Of The Erdtree

Saad from eXputer: "I'm glad I don't have to choose between Square Enix, Atlus, and FromSoftware due to bad release windows and Shadow of the Erdtree."

H939d ago

More intelligent than guerilla games

raWfodog39d ago (Edited 39d ago )

Atlus is releasing their game one week before Erdtree, SE is releasing theirs one week after.

HZD released four days before Zelda, HFW released one week before Elden Ring.

It seems to me like they are still releasing their games too close to Erdtree.

VincentVanBro38d ago (Edited 38d ago )

What a word vomit, rambling, turd of an article that simply states the obvious. Classic exputer.


'P3RE' Domain Update Suggests Persona 3 Remake Announcement is Coming

The P3RE.JP has seen an update to its domain today, suggesting that the rumored Persona 3 Remake could be announced in the near future.

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potatoseal360d ago

What's better 3 or 4 Golden? I played 4, but haven't played 3

GoodGuy09360d ago

I preferred Golden and unfortunately haven't beaten 3 as it's pretty hard to go back to it. I do know some points of the story etc though and have always heard most people liked the story in 3 better.

This remake will be perfect for me if true. And hopefully combines FES and portable's content.

VersusDMC360d ago

Prefer the story, characters and soundtrack in P3. Wait for the remake to play it as the PS2 originals don't let you control your party members and P3portable(the one that was remastered) is a substantial downgrade visually.

CrimsonWing69360d ago

Well we’ve seen the leaked images so it’s coming for sure.


SEGA was in charge of bringing Persona 5 Royal to Switch

Atlus is finally delivering on what many fans have been asking for by bringing past Persona games to new platforms, including Persona 5 Royal.

As it turns out, fans can thank SEGA for the Switch port. Atlus producer Shinji Yamamoto revealed in an interview of Famitsu that SEGA led the way on the project.

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Dwarrior586d ago

Alright. Switch got the Personas.

SMT5 on other platforms when?