
About Twenty Companies Including Sega Made a Bid on Atlus, 20 Billion Yen Offered

Looks like things are starting to get heated on the war for the acquisition of Atlus. About twenty companies including Sega made a bid on the studio.

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Jreca3967d ago

They are worth it. I hope some third party retailer can take them and assure it's independence.

Kevlar0093967d ago

3rd party does seem ideal. Everyone wins

Toon_Link3967d ago

3rd party would be great, but I was really hoping Atlus would have bought their independence.

ZodTheRipper3967d ago

Are there any 3rd parties that could support Atlus enough? Sega would be a joke, I'm still hoping for Sony, I want to see some RPG greatness for PS4.

DeFFeR3967d ago

I'd be okay with Sony buying them, but I would definitely miss playing ATLUS games on my 3DS.

It would also probably kill any chance of the Shin Megami Tensei and Fire Emblem cross-over game that was in the works :/

Ritsujun3967d ago

Sony and Atlus both deserve each other.

Reibooi3967d ago

3rd party is what I hope happens but more then that I want someone who can provide the funding they need and just leave them alone so they can continue making the great games they make without someone dumbing them down for stupid reasons.

Atlus games are so great because they don't fear taking on very mature themes and subject matter and if the wrong people get them then they may screw with that.

guitarded773967d ago

I'm for 3rd party, but I can't think on one big 3rd party pub that would be a great match.

As for Sony or Nintendo... I'd trust Sony more to allow them to take chances, and make more adult driven games. I don't see an ideal situation with either though.

DragonKnight3967d ago

I hope that none of the following get Atlus.

Sega, Capcom, EA, Activision, Microsoft.

All of those companies would be the death of Atlus.

It would be interesting if Square-Enix picked them up, but still worrisome.

pixelsword3967d ago

That could be a console game-changer; DS and DkS were the "Castlevania" of this gen, and I could see myself buying the console that went exclusive on.

The only problem is if companies like EA gets their hands on them because they love to impose things on games which don't need them.

gaffyh3967d ago

They're in a 24.5 billion yen debt, and have bids of up to 20 billion, surely they would just take the highest bid? Although, Atlus themselves probably have a say as they probably don't want to be bought out by a company that will ultimately change the publisher for the worse.

AbortMission3967d ago

I agree. I want Atlus to remain free but if a Big 3 company were to buy them, I definitely would want Sony to do so. Sony is very lenient and encouraging with their devs to make the best games. MS is horrible at that and Nintendo is a dying ship at best.

But for now, I want Atlus to stay independent and 3rd party. Or perhaps one day they'll be able to buy themselves off?

user55757083967d ago

honestly if sega/sammy is the name mentioned in the article then i would say its a safe bet that they are the largest and most well known company bidding on atlus

if sony or nintendo were bidding i think it would have been leaked

AzureskyZ3966d ago

I dont want sega to win this-- they have a history of not releasing jrpgs out in the states-- pso2 , shinging series, valk 3-- i think marvelous or nis is the best choice

miyamoto3966d ago (Edited 3966d ago )

Atlus will have my $50 this August 6,2013.

Come to me Dragon's Crown baby!

TronEOL3966d ago

It's gotta be a damn good 3rd party (Ubisoft, Valve, etc), or Sony. If they want to keep their creative freedom, it's gotta be one of those choices.

I can only see Sega or Sony knowing what to do with them though. And at least with Sony, they're guaranteed creative freedom, and help from Sony's other first parties, using Sony's in-house dev engine if they choose.

My only issue with that is that they'd become Sony exclusive if Sony bought them, and I'd feel bad for others since Atlus makes games for all platforms.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3966d ago
zeal0us3967d ago

I just hope Atlus don't experience the same situation Rare went through after they got brought out by Microsoft.

Misaka_x_Touma3967d ago

Reason Nintendo need them. Bith Intelligent System and SMT, Etrian Odyssey, Trauma, Persona same developer are working together anyway. Not only that Index owes Nintendo over 100m.

DonFreezer3967d ago

What are you smoking about?What game did Rare ask Microsoft to make and they refused to cooperate?Are you that buthurt? I think Nintendo should be the winning bidder. The Wii U needs a huge rpg alongside Xenoblade to become the must have console for rpg gamers. And since most publishers are buthurt on Nintendo they should buy them.

Myze3967d ago

Main problem with Nintendo, at least for me, is that they would probably never have a major release on a console again. The handheld games are great and all, but I'm a MUCH bigger fan of console games. I don't want to see Persona be exclusive to handhelds (3DS or Vita).

Donnieboi3967d ago

Hell NO not SEGA! They don't even publish Valkyria Chronicles 3 in the west. SEGA is a total mess right now. Would prefer Gung Ho!

Protagonist3967d ago

Here is hoping for Sony, since its "a bid on the studio behind Persona and Catherine"

nirwanda3967d ago

Segas not in a mess the made $131million profit last quarter, sega are good at making the right game for the right pc/console.

KillaManiac3967d ago


Where current Atlas would bring over SO much we can't even get Valkyria Chronicles 3 or hell where is the Phantasy Star Online 2 that was announced for the west but suspended indefinitely over a year ago.

ziggurcat3967d ago


... And they published demon's souls, as well as 3d dot game heroes...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3967d ago
Donnieboi3967d ago

Why do they only mention SEGA? Who are the other bidders?

pixelsword3967d ago

Yeah; the big boys are probably breaking bread with Atlus because I can't see any independent game company kicking around the big numbers.

Xer0_SiN3967d ago

as much as i would like them for be strictly independent, the most logical choice for them is to be acquired by sony. sony would give them the freedom they deserve and atlus already has a fantastic standing with sony and their products. its a win-win really.

MrMister3967d ago (Edited 3967d ago )

Although 3rd party would be ideal, the best of the 1st party companies would indeed likely be Sony. Sony's company named Aniplex produces and distributes Atlus's films, and soundtracks. So at least there's no worries about their films being cancelled or cut off. Also Sony would never censor them.

If I could choose a 3rd party, it would be Gung Ho (wealthy, acquired niche japanese devs such as the makers of Tenchu and the devs of Mind Zero (a blatant Persona knockoff), and works with Suda 51 (who is NO stranger to controversial games). Also XSEED's parent company (Marvelous AQL), would be good as they already acquired Atlus's online division not too long ago. But Marvelous AQL may not have the money to buy them. Gung Ho Online, however, makes about $4 million a day (due simply to their Puzzles and Dragons game), and is already worth countless billions. Plus they've published console games like the recent Ragnarok game and some others.

helghast1023967d ago

That would mean either breaking their contract for SMTxFE and getting sued, or Sony paying for Wii U development.

They need to remain third party, you fanboys just want to shove your exclusives in everyone's face.

I hope Nippon Ichi Software is trying to get in on this, they'd be a great choice.

Kenshin_BATT0USAI3967d ago


SMTxFE is a 3ds game, not a wii u.

helghast1023967d ago

Please don't try to correct me with falsities.
It's a Wii U game.


Myze3967d ago (Edited 3967d ago )


I believe Atlus Co. is well over twice the size of Nippon Ichi Software, so I don't that's gonna work.

I do agree they should stay 3rd party.

However, about the SMTxFE project. They could require, on being bought, that all current projects are completed if bought by, say, Sony. That would not be an uncommon occurance, as similar situations have happened in the past. Also, it is very unlikely they could be sued for abandoning development, and we know zero details about any contract in play.

Xer0_SiN3967d ago

the great thing about atlus is they are edgy. they arent afraid to take a chance. you guys remember demons soul? they arent afraid to fill the gap for the niche market. i a way they remind me of working design. those of you that are privelaged to remember that company.

rainslacker3966d ago

Even being a Sony fan I would prefer Atlus to stay independent, even if brought out by a big 3rd party. Although IF a first party was the only choice, I'd say Sony for the same reasons you listed.

As far as those concerned for crossovers, keep in mind that if those games are in the works, contracts will already have been drawn up, and anyone buying them would have to honor any existing contracts as they would be part of the purchase, even if it's a first party publisher. It's possible they could break the contract if they felt it was a serious threat to their own brand, however given the nature of Atlus games, it would likely still be profitable, so best just to ride it out for future exclusivity on new games.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3966d ago
Tr10wn3967d ago (Edited 3967d ago )

Apart from Persona and shin megami tensei and maybe growlanser i don't know how you can justify 201 millions for that company, Sega is seen something i don't.

nvm, they make bunch of 3ds games now i understand the interest in that company, 3ds=money.

MoveTheGlow3967d ago

Not only that, they make some of the best 3DS games out there if you've got a love of RPG's and the guts to face down some of the most cruel developers in the business. Maybe 3DS doesn't equal money from the start, but with the following they have on that system, they sure do.

nirwanda3967d ago

JRPGs sell like crazy in Japan for obvious reasons and right now the 3DS is by far and away the most popular console, so being with a publisher that deals with Nintendo is probably essential.

rainslacker3966d ago (Edited 3966d ago )

Because that's what they're worth, or have the potential to be worth. Companies are looking at their potential revenue/profitability, and Atlus has already proven to have both high revenue and profitability. Only gamers judge a companies worth based on the games they make...although a lot of times the quality of a studios games is directly linked to their worth.

BTW...those 3 IP's you mentioned alone are probably worth at least 100 million. Do you have any idea how many copies they sell on any release holding those names. Atlus itself is both a publisher and developer with several studios under it's wings. They have quite a few IP's that are quite valuable.

Here's a list of all their games as both publisher or developer


Craigatorian3967d ago

why did they specifically point out Sega?

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ABizzel13967d ago

Sony, Nintendo, and Namco would be best for Atlus IMO

Capcom, Square, or Sega are possible if they get their stuff together. (Capcom stop the ripping off, Square stop over spending, Sega start developing better games).

showtimefolks3967d ago

here is hoping sony gets them

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+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 3966d ago
Kevlar0093967d ago

The plot thickens. Wish we knew more on who all bid, guess we'll have to wait and find out

_QQ_3967d ago (Edited 3967d ago )

but who had the highest bid? wish we had a list of the bidders.

Minato-Namikaze3967d ago

I dont think a list like that will be available, but i'd wanna see a list like that also.

MASTER_RAIDEN3967d ago (Edited 3967d ago )

wish sony would pick them up. Atlus has some serious front runner potential with a lot of its software. would be great to see sony promise us some crazy exclusives down the road.

Abriael3967d ago (Edited 3967d ago )

No, a first party would just cut Atlus' wings instead of making them a "front runner".

edgeofsins3967d ago

Cause Sony limits their first party? From what we see they give them plenty of time and a ton of help in their projects.

Groo3967d ago

I'm sure EA, Activision or Sega wouldn't cut Atlus' wings right?


what in the world would ever give you that idea? many of the most creative, beautiful and truly outlandish games are exclusives, be it sonys, nintendos or microsofts. i dont know where youve been for the last 6 years, but its definitely multiplatform mindset that often kills creativity and ambition.

also, several development heads have stated how great and supportive sony is as a company to work with.

Firan3967d ago

No because Atlus develops and publishes many games outside Sony platforms. Making Atlus any platform exclusive would just limit their overall offering.

If you really like Atlus then you know that 3rd party is the best solution.


absolutely not. historically speaking, most of the more creative, and whacky higher quality titles have definitely been exclusive. multi platform is a creativity killer. 3rd party does definitely not expand their horizons by any means.

Firan3966d ago

Exclusive yes but their series are for many consoles. If Sony, Nintendo or MS would buy Atlus, then they would only develop for one brand. That would suck.

3rd party does not expand their horizons? Of course it does. Instead of 1 console, they can develop and publish games for any console they want.

I don't know why are you mentioning multiplatform since the only multiplatform game they have developed is Catherine. Their other games were released exclusively and some were ported for other consoles later on.

rainslacker3966d ago

I think for the discussion you have to seperate the games that Atlus develops, and the ones they just publish. Atlus doesn't own all of the developers of the games they publish. Sometimes they will fund developers projects, or seek out 3rd party developers to create a game they want to publish.

Going first party may cut out a lot of those types of games. However, things like Persona, SMT, Growlanser, etc, would belong to a new 1st party effectively making them exclusive.

I personally would rather see them stay 3rd party. I don't want anyone to have to not play their games because they don't want to get a particular system. If they do stay 3rd party, I hope they remain autonomous and can continue to run their company the way it's always been run. I'd imagine the really big 3rd parties would bring those IP's under their own banner to increase it's brand recognition.

DiRtY3967d ago


Zipper Interactive: Bought by Sony in 2006, closed forever in 2012.

BigBig Studios: Bought by Sony in 2007, closed forever in 2012.

--> Sony is so supportive!

Rare: Bought by MS in 2002, still running and expanding.

--> MS killed Rare, because I don't like their games even though they sell great.

<3 N4G

Groo3967d ago

and how well are the ones that Sony owns now doing these days?

DiRtY3967d ago

Well it depends. Naughty Dog, Santa Monica are doing just fine and have good sales numbers.

Team ICO and the Last Guardian on the other hand is probably the perfect example of mismanagement.

trouble_bubble3967d ago (Edited 3967d ago )

Rare was a disaster this gen considering MS paid 375 million for 'em. Staff left, management changed, games tanked, the whole studio was restructured from AAA to Kinect shovelware, peaking with Kinect Sports.

"Sony is so supportive!"

Jenova Chen and David Cage seem to think so, and they're 3rd party to boot

DiRtY3967d ago

Yeah, you don't like the Kinect Sports games, but they sold 8 million copies with 2 games. That is more than God of War 3 and GoW:A combined...

trouble_bubble3967d ago (Edited 3967d ago )

Really? You wanna play the "combined" game VS God of War?!?!

Okay here. God of War 3 per 2012 E3 press release http://www.videogamer.com/p... sold more than all FOUR of these Rare titles COMBINED

Perfect Dark Zero = 740,000
Banjo Nuts n Bolts = 720,000
Conker = 710,000
Viva Pinata = 430,000

Get it? Got it? Good. I didn't write the articles, post the estimates or do the press releases. tis what it is

Concertoine3967d ago

Sony did indeed introduce some nefarious buisiness practices when 3rd party devs were perplexed by the needlessly complex cell architecture. Youre forgeting

Zipper interactive (SOCOM, MAG)
Super Bot Games (a studio created BY sony for PSABR)
SE Liverpool aka Psyknosis (wipeout)
SE Cambridge
989 Studios made the new Twisted Metal
Incognito (old twisted metal)

All studios were bought to get exclusives out when all the crappy ps3 ports were still out there, then went under because their games sold below expectations and sony didnt care enough to give them a boost. Theres at least a few more too. Sonys good and im sure this was all fueled by the ps3's troubled early lifespan, but this doesnt deserve to be neglected when everyone bitches about MS's Rare aquisition. Because these were all great studios, and at least MS made the right descisions to keep Rare alive.

DiRtY3967d ago

Viva Pinata sold 1.52 million and not 430k like you claimed. You have to use the global numbers, not the NA ones.

That is 300k more than God of War: Ascension by the way.

Pretty big self own IMO.

And I said Santa Monica is posting healthy numbers anyway. All I said was Rare, as it is today, is a very healthy and profitable studio. And when you see studios dropping left and right, like SCE Liverpool. BigBig and Zipper, this is not a given.

cee7733967d ago


The viva piñata numbers are global in fact all the links is global.


-zipper was nothing but a lackluster team of developers for years. glad sony gave them a chance but what it comes down to is that the developer talent just isnt there. nothing sony could have done about it. but OKAY, ill even give you that one.

-Bigbig studios? HAHAHAHA! IS THAT THE BEST YOUVE GOT? bro...their sole purpose was to develop small portable games for PSP. theyre one of the smallest companies out there. im so sorry you were apparently so deeply affected by their closing, but rest assured their parent company (evolution studios) is alive and kickin'. so no worries there! ;)

lol who even brings up rare as a strong point for MS's? Rare is trash since it was bought by MS. they ruined everything about the company and they have not produced a single worthwhile game since. most gamers would agree.

sony owns a slew of companies that have produced game of the year games year in and year out. most AAA games that are exclusive to xbox are made by companies they dont even own. not to mention each and every one of those companies is now developing for playstation as well. (bungie, epic, valve, ext)

TronEOL3966d ago

It's worth noting that most of the developers Sony shut down were offered to join up with other Sony studios. They shut down the other entity, but kept the talent.

This saves them money obviously, and retains the talent pool from the previous company.

But I hope you enjoy your casual motion games. I'm sure you'll just have a blast playing Rare games for the rest of your life.

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Misaka_x_Touma3967d ago

after they just post a loss, spent a lot of money on PS4 development that going to go well when Atlus games get overshadowed by western games as a oppose to being on Nintendo where Atlus been more successful.

MrMister3966d ago (Edited 3966d ago )

More successful? Does Nintendo let their studios be their own publishers? Atlus is a publisher. Will they let them keep publishing? Also, does Nintendo show any interest in producing (financially) Animation films, music soundtracks, comic books (manga)? Does the modern Nintendo have absolutely ZERO reserves about publishing risque content (other than Bayonetta 2)? Especially after Nintendo had banned "The Binding of Issac"? Hmmm?

Well Atlus is interested in all of those things. So if Nintendo owned them, we would see a change so drastic in atlus that they would never be the same again. Ever. I don't mind it if Nintendo still has some or even all of Atlus's games on it's system, but NOT as an exclusive first party dev. The amount of things that would be stripped from Atlus would render it as a totally different entity. 3rd party is the best option...even for Nintendo fans. Because as a 3rd party Atlus is more free and can be as offensive (violence, sexually, and religiously offensive (unlike The Binding of Issac was allowed to be) as they want to be. It's far better for Atlus fans who fell in love with all aspects and it's edginess. Nintendo may let them get away with it as a 3rd party. But I don't want to risk it as a first party. No one knows FOR SURE that they will allow them to opperate as usual. So a 3rd party with similar interests as Atlus (publishing, animation/media, etc, very offensive and sensitive subject matter, etc). And don't give me that hoopla about Nintendo buying edgy games like Bayonetta 2. Games like that are a needle in a haystack with Nintendo (especially with the current way it's run). A 3rd party with Atlus's interest in mind would ease alot of worry in the hearts of Atlus fans, as well as allow Atlus to run as a publisher while still getting financial support from it's 3rd party owner/partner.

Megaton3967d ago

Yeah, I think Sony's their best option. We all know what happens when Microsoft buys game companies (RIP Rare), and I think they'd just be exploited into the dirt by companies like EA, Activision, etc.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3966d ago
Bluepowerzz3967d ago

sony would smash with atlus vita would soar too

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LG_Fox_Brazil1d 20h ago

Good thing I wasn't there, I would've left my entire pay check


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I’m Glad Atlus & SE Changed Dates To Avoid Competing With Shadow Of The Erdtree

Saad from eXputer: "I'm glad I don't have to choose between Square Enix, Atlus, and FromSoftware due to bad release windows and Shadow of the Erdtree."

H949d ago

More intelligent than guerilla games

raWfodog48d ago (Edited 48d ago )

Atlus is releasing their game one week before Erdtree, SE is releasing theirs one week after.

HZD released four days before Zelda, HFW released one week before Elden Ring.

It seems to me like they are still releasing their games too close to Erdtree.

VincentVanBro47d ago (Edited 47d ago )

What a word vomit, rambling, turd of an article that simply states the obvious. Classic exputer.