
Killer is Dead Gets Last KID TV Episode, Ultimate Mondo Costume, Sexy Cosplay Pictures

Today Kadokawa games released the last episode of KID TV, the Youtube “talk show” dedicated to Killer is Dead starring Executive Director Goichi Suda, Kadokawa Games CEO Yoshimi Yasuda (that worked on Killer is Dead as executive producer) and three lovely cosplayers including the popular Jessica Nigri.

The publisher also released info about the Ultimate Mondo costume and a large batch of cosplay pictures of the game.

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fsfsxii3974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

hurr durr, sexism in games, we need more muscled dudes.

Great, i'm calm now

Abriael3974d ago

Game has plenty muscled dudes actually :D

TheOneWhoIsTornApart3974d ago

Jessica Nigri looks exactly like Olivia from Fringe.

andshesays3974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

this game is going to just like suda's other game, play it once its amazing, then its DEAD

another sexualised game for the nerds who dont get out much, and blame "style" over its usally repetitive substance.. though they just want to see some 3D boobs, seriously lame guys...

this game is going to suck...

and the pictures.. either you look cute, or you look just plain clueless

fsfsxii3974d ago

Do not judge people please.
Suda's games are always awesome. Killer 7, NMH which is really awesome, Shadows of the damned was really something but bombed and got overshadowed by the crap AAA titles and we all know how crazy 2011 was for games. Lollipop Chainsaw was fun too, i like his games because he tried something new every time.
And please elaborate how Killer is Dead is going to suck?? Have you actually played it??

DragonKnight3974d ago

@andshesays: God forbid developers make fan service games. We should all just want hyper art games filled with Shakespearean dialogue and flat, androgynous characters to please all the hipsters, feminists, and critics out there.

Hicken3974d ago

What's more true is you made another one of those comments.

Another comment generalizing a game and its audience. Another person on some sort of high horse, oblivious of the fact that they're actually astride a Shetland pony.

Chaos_Raiden3974d ago

I find that Jessica Nigri is rather... 'outstanding' in that video. Nice.

3974d ago
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Killer is Dead - 10 Years without a Sequel

Killer is Dead arrived a decade ago, and despite not receiving a sequel stands-up as a unique work from SUDA 51.

313d ago

The Best Suda 51 Games So Far

Goichi Suda (Aka Suda 51) is a peerless developer, renowned for the making of some of the most unique games. Here are the best ones to date.

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MIDGETonSTILTS17696d ago


I’ve always heard his games have repetitive portions. I appreciate unique and creative games, but repetition dilutes even the greatest games (ie Arkham Asylum).

sourOG695d ago (Edited 695d ago )

Shadows of the damned was pretty wild. That and lollipop chainsaw are the only ones ive played but I’d give it to SoTD.

Yui_Suzumiya695d ago

Shadows of the Damned and Lollipop Chainsaw are my favorites


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Fist4achin1479d ago

He should. Although I'd like to see something new from him. Or how about Shadows of the Damned 2?

Abriael1479d ago

Well, he is making No More Heroes 3.