
Solid Snake Explains Why 360 Can't Handle MGS4

IGN - There is a good reason why Metal Gear Solid 4 never came to 360, and who better to explain why than Solid Snake himself?

vishmarx4049d ago

so mgs4 will inevitablebly end up on the 720 if disk space is the ONLY problem...
bye bye exclusivity

Qrphe4049d ago

I doubt losing exclusivity of a 5-year old game is of little relevance. Just look at the sales of the Mass Effect Trilogy on PS3.

vishmarx4049d ago

its about the whole series...

mgs2,mgs3,mgs4,peacewalker all were ps exclusives

Snookies124049d ago

@vishmarx - The MGS HD collection has MGS2, MGS3, and Peacewalker on 360 already though. So in actuality, only MGS4 is a PS exclusive now.

abzdine4049d ago

MGS4 was a true MG game with huge disc space needed for all cinematics and content. This makes me think that MGSV will be much smaller in terms of content and i really hope it will turn up to be a good game and not cut too many things just to make it fit on 2 DVDs

GrieverSoul4049d ago (Edited 4049d ago )

Anyone who played MGS4 knows why this game cant be ported to xbox360 or any other console besides a PlayStation branded one.

The amount of puns and nodes to bluray, apple, dvds, dualshock, mgs1 references, controls, buttons names being in the audio (triangle, dualshosk, square, etc...).

To sum it up, a port of this game would involve a lot of work to rearrange audio files (summon the original cast to recorde entire sentences) , ingame graphics (remove DS3 controller for MK control, apple logos, etc).

I mean, if the xbox or any other console got a MGS4 porto, it wouldnt bother me one bit, but from a cost perspective, I dont see Konami doing this, honestly. Better keep it on PlayStation.

MastaMold4049d ago (Edited 4049d ago )

@vishmarx, only MGS and MGS4 are exclucives to PlayStaion. PirateThom knows wassup

NarooN4048d ago

Actually even MGS1 isn't a PS exclusive. It came out on PC as well.

MikeMyers4048d ago

It would actually likely be 3 or 4 discs, not 7 like Hayter said. It also wouldn't be an issue swapping discs as the PS3 version wasn't seamless from chapter to chapter either. You had long waits in-between and going back to previous chapters wasn't very easy either.

I never understood why Sony never allowed full game installs. It was a stupid limitation. You had mandatory installs just to play but couldn't install the full game.

We may see a full MGS collection on the new Xbox and possibly all upscaled too, and on the PS4 one day. I also think MGS4 had an exclusive deal between Konami and Sony which also prevented it from being released on other platforms.

zeee4048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

MGS4 is such an incredible game, I wish our brothers on 360 platform were able to play this game. Really, this is an awesome game! I even played the heck out of MGO!

If you own a PS3 and haven't played Metal Gear Solid 4 then I ask you, why are you reading this? Go grab a brand new copy! It's so cheap now :)

If you don't own a PS3 and were planning to buy one but still undecided then believe me, this and Uncharted series alone are going to give you the bang out of your bucks.

If you can't afford to buy a PS3 or just don't want to get one then I hope they'll release MGS4 on the next MS console. Every gamer should play this game :)

To quote my British friends... "Cheers mate!"

stragomccloud4048d ago

Except MGS2 substance was also on xbox and PC, and MGS3 showed up on the 3DS. Also the whole HD collection is also now on the 360.

fr0sty4048d ago

@Mike Meyers

MGS4 filled a 50gb dual layer blu-ray. With 360 DVDs only being able to hold 7gb, it would take 7 dvds to equal 49GB.

Kurylo3d4048d ago

Truth is the only reason it took up so much disc space is the silly fact that they didn't compress the videos or sound enough like they should have. Making the prerendered videos in game be dvd quality instead of blue ray quality... will hardly hurt the game. So yes there has to be another reason we are not seeing for it not being on xbox360. Certainly wasn't the "power of the ps3" The game, which I love, wasn't graphically significant.

MikeMyers4048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

fr0sty, the size is actually closer to 32GB.


Kojima also said the 'WHOLE' collection would be on 6 discs for the Xbox 360 and 2 blurays for the PS3.


fr0sty4048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

Reducing the cinematics to DVD quality and dropping the audio from 8 channel uncompressed 24 bit to 6 channel compressed 16 bit does impact the gameplay quality, when you factor in that a very large portion of what creates the MGS gameplay experience are it's cinematics (it should be noted 360 is only capable of outputting 16 bit compressed audio in surround, either in Dolby Digital or DTS.). Reducing those to DVD quality on an HD game being played on an HDTV is creating a lower quality experience than what Kojima envisioned for the series.

Koji has always been a perfectionist, even making his artists pay attention to small details like the breath coming out of snake's mouth being visible in the cold outdoor levels of MGS1. To ask him to take the cinematics he spent all that time directing and producing and reduce their pixel count by 6 times just so it can fit onto a few DVDs is too much for him to stomach. He wants MGS4 to be experienced as it was meant to be, and only as it was meant to be.

@Mike, yeah, 5 DVDs would have likely held the game, but still far too much to bother with. Changing discs after every section pretty much, and having to worry about losing a section or it getting scratched. I can see why Kojima just didn't bother. Not to mention all the playstation specific content written into the dialogue.

insomnium24048d ago


Actually in case you don't know MGS 4 now has full install option. It was patched in along with trophies.

MikeMyers4048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

I would think the majority of console gamers either don't care or notice the difference in audio quality going from DTS Master to DD 5.1. Most people don't even care about ITunes music quality and AAC compared to lossless codecs like WAVE and flac.

As I said, the PS3 game does not benefit much by being on one disc anyways. It must have a partial install that takes awhile and in-between chapters there are also long loading times. You could easily swap discs much faster.

The real problem is Microsoft charges higher royalties for games that require more than 2 discs. MGS also sells much better on the Playstation than the Xbox due to its history and Japanese consumer support. It also has bits and pieces that reflect the PS3 hardware built in. I think there was a partnership between Konami and Sony for why it was never ported. What stopped it from coming to the PC?

Needless to say it won't be coming to the Xbox 360.


Thanks for the update but what is the install size then?


According to this its only just over 9GB.

_-EDMIX-_4048d ago

@adzdine- one would think that but I think with Kojima's pedigree he's shown that he won't jeopardize one of his games just for the sake of going multiplatform. he even build this new engine specifically to be scalable across systems. another thing to note Metal Gear Solid 5 is open world like MGS3 it's very likely that Kojima got Microsoft to allow him to do an install.

@ the rest. weather its 32 gigs 40 gigs 50 gigs it doesnt matter its the fact that it's bigger than the normal DVD9. weather the game was cut into segments, compressed uncompressed at the end of the day it doesn't matter they need space to make a damn game. many people that keep questioning what the team could have done to compress or limit the game to fit on DVD 9 seem to be almost delusional you guys do understand that Metal Gear Solid 3 used the same space that fits on a DVD 9?

think about it like this would you asked square to limit, take away, compress hinder Final Fantasy 7 to fit on the N64? I don't think anyone needs to ask a creator to begin changing their damn game to fit on a dated format.

games like Killzone 2/3 Metal Gear Solid 4, LA noire, Gran Turismo 5, uncharted, The Last of Us, Max Payne 3 etc are not just unusually large uncompressed games. they are actually very natural progression of gaming. we used DVDs last generation and we used DVDs this generation how is that progression?
So you're asking for sequels to gta san andreas and Metal Gear Solid 3 but you want them on DVD again?

so exactly how is the game supposed to progress or add on new features all while using the same damn space?

you want to know why GTAIV sucked and why Final Fantasy 13 is the worst in the series? here's a hint they're not the creators of Metal Gear Solid or Kojima. you either make it on one platform it capable of being made on or you force Microsoft's hand to allow an install. what upsets me the most is I truly believe that Rockstar could have gone Microsoft to allow such a thing Square could have as well. instead we saw both games in the series Limited hindered in made with 8 gigs in mind.
I'm a gamer before anything else, there's just no excuse for this. remember why Final Fantasy 7 never made on the N64. I'm sorry but any fool that thinks Square should limit in hinder Final Fantasy 7 to fit on 78 Mb iis mad. I would rather have what would initially p Final Fantasy 7 and have 0 n64 version if it meant keeping the integrity of the game. at the end of the day I'll take a game on one platform that's 100 percent then a game on two platforms that's 20 percent.

remember games this generation were being made with 8 gigs in mind because they had no choice.

BitbyDeath4048d ago

@ the 46 second mark they say "MGS4 will require 7 discs on the system"

MikeMyers4048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

_-EDMIX-_, Final Fantasy was also on multiple discs on Playstation systems. In fact FFVII was on 3 discs wasn't it? Wasn't that game also the most popular?

MGS4 could easily have been on multiple discs since the game on the PS3 was already broken up into chapters with long load times. I think some of you people are making it a bigger issue than it really is having games on multiple discs. The PS2 had games on multiple discs too yet people didn't seem to complain as much back then. Some games like Star Ocean were broken up poorly on the Xbox 360 so yes, at times the DVD format does severely hurt the game but that is also largely due to Microsoft not having a hard drive on every system. I think that is a bigger problem than the DVD format. How many PC games use bluray?

"they are actually very natural progression of gaming. we used DVDs last generation and we used DVDs this generation how is that progression?"

Isn't the PS4 also using bluray? How is that progression? Shouldn't we be using holographic discs? The Xbox 360 was the first system. It came out a year before the PS4 and it also never cost $500 for a basic model or $600 for the preferred model. It was $300-400. The Wii never used bluray either. Neither did PC games. Sony was the only one and the consumer paid a hefty fee for one a year after the Xbox 360 came out. In 2005 it would have added the price way too high to have a HD-DVD or bluray drive in every system.

GTAIV sucked? Now that's funny. You're whole ramble reeks of ignorance. You can also buy PS3 exclusives on the PS3 store. You don't need bluray to play them either.

BitbyDeath, isn't that from Hayter, a voice actor? I already showed the link to what Kojima said.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 4048d ago
TheLyonKing4049d ago

It doesn't really matter too much mgs hasn't always been on ps it's been on GameCube I think it was and the mgs HD collection is on Xbox so really doesn't matter.

It's kinda like FF it went multi but most of the sales were on PS will be same with mgs I think.

Qrphe4049d ago

Although many got to know MGS through PlayStation, MGS was also released on the Dreamcast (it also had a Gameboy Color port [no, really it did]).


PirateThom4049d ago (Edited 4049d ago )

MGS was not released on Dreamcast, there was a thing called "Bleemcast" was basically let the Dreamcast play PS1 games.

The GBC game, also, wasn't a port, it was a brand new game. It's actually an alternative story to MGS and branches from the timeline. It takes place after Metal Gear.

Cueil4048d ago

original MGS 1 was on PC and PS1... 2 was on PS2, Xbox and 3 was PS2 only until the recent rerelease... what's annoying is that the reason that people sited 4 not being on the 360 is backwards from 3... that was exclusively released on the weakest console last gen

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4048d ago
4049d ago Replies(3)
Jigga694049d ago

Too late and I dare say already old gen. It's like MGS 2 HD on 360, nobody cares : too old because people who wanted the game already finished it.

MGS4 was cool... but seems totally irrelevant now when you see Beyond Two Souls ou THe Last Of Us.

vishmarx4049d ago

i agree.
the programming of the game was rather odd...
changing controllers,ps1 emualtion,that splitscreen scenario...
that cant be simple

HeavenlySnipes4049d ago

And the fact that the game was made for the cell processor. It will be very time consuming to port the game to a different architecture. Also pointless, seeing how the game is 5 years old and all and they won't be making much profit off of it

josephayal4049d ago

Im glad Microsoft are using Blu- Rays for the next gen, I hope they do bring out MGS4 on 720

GraveLord4048d ago

Like anyone cares anymore lmfao. Don't hold your breath though.

kayoss4048d ago

Well just think it as this way. Us PS3 fans were graced with Mass Effect series which were PC and Xbox exclusive. If the MG series goes to the 720 that would be fine. Maybe just Maybe Bungie will release the Halo series on the Playstation. I know its wishful thinking, but who knows.

shadow27974048d ago

Microsoft own the IP rights to Halo. It will always be exclusive unless they do a PC version.

IAmLee4048d ago

yeah, it'll be getting released around about the same time as Halo 5 on the PS4...


ijust2good4048d ago

They will elease it for Xbox 720 as a lunch title

ZBlacktt4048d ago

The last time a new MS console came out. We had years of RROD. Lets not have MGS4 kill the new one, lol...

KwietStorm_BLM4048d ago

Yes, exclusives. What's your point? I'm not going to sit here and list the 360 exclusives that went to PS3 in a subtle generation, because that would be childish. Do you take some kind of joy in a console "Losing" an exclusive?

TheThing4048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

so there you have it, don't bother with the legacy collection because a 1080p 60 fps collection is going to come out anyways.

Gaming_Guru4048d ago

At: vishmarx

Your comment would be a perfect example of someone being a bias fanatic, so instead of buying it on the PS3 to enjoy it, you would rather wait for it to possibly hit other platforms in the next generation?

For the fact the Cell speaks a completely different language than any other platform - that most developers found difficult - they would have to rewrite the whole code just to make it possible.

Neo-Axl4048d ago

Doubt it, they would have to remove the in-game Apple computers that are featured in cut scenes & game play, as well as the PSP Sunny plays with, the PS3 in the Nomad, the Sony mobile phones, and the Dualshock 3 controller Snake uses to control Mk.2.

Oh! and the PS3 codec call Otacon gives you during Chapter 4, MGS4 isn't going anywhere I'm afraid.

TBONEJF4048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

FYI IT PLAYED IN FULL HD 1080P. not 720P stop being a troll. its the BEST EXCLUSIVE ON the PS3. you're system wasn't even design too play it on the xbox 360

ATi_Elite4048d ago

MGS4 plays very well on my PS3 Emulator and in 1080p too.

ps3_pwns4048d ago

mgs4 is awesome buy a ps3 and play it. dont know how people can skip it and be hyped about metal gear solid ground zeroes. you arent really a fan of mgs if your skipping games so dont try to act like you are hyped for the new mgs games if you cant or dont even play the old ones. kind of dumb.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 4045d ago
ThatCanadianGuy5144049d ago

Hopefully.360 missing out on one of the best this gen because of shameful dvd.

tsk tsk

DivineAssault 4049d ago

MS has to adopt a new disc format.. Its inevitable for them to use blu ray or have some type of proprietary disc.. Even wii u has blu rays so i dont see how MS can dodge the situation unless they go full digital which is suicide.. Flash cards maybe? but there goes the blu ray movie playback.. Ya, theyre going blu ray or going home in tears

Godmars2904049d ago

The thing is if its true that their next system will only run games off the HDD, that disc based titles will only be installed, then MS could very well keep using DVDs. It wont really matter besides esthetics.

DivineAssault 4048d ago

they could but many people will want to watch their blu ray movies on the device so they need it.. In 2016 or so, less people will be using dvds for their movies.. They can always buy a cheap blu ray player but thats just more clutter for the living room.. PS4 would end up a better choice as an all in one device

GalacticEmpire4048d ago

"...unless they go full digital which is suicide"

Never go full digital


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PlayStation 3 Games That Desperately Need a PS5 Remaster

The PlayStation 3 may not have been the strongest generation for Sony, but there were still some diamonds in the rough that deserve a revisit as PS5 remasters.

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OtterX86d ago (Edited 86d ago )

Even if they could just remaster and put on PSVR2, some would still look great as VR titles and could do a whole lot to bolster the headset w these exclusives! I'd imagine the investment of reworking these titles into VR would be way less than building new games from the ground up, and they could be amazing experiences, and VR often makes flat games feel fresh again. The Resistance and Killzone games are particularly what I want to see!!

Rude-ro86d ago

I played killzone 3 in 3d and it really changed the game per being immersive.
In vr, that would be even more awesome.

darthv7286d ago

Funny you mention that... my son wanted to play some PS3 games in 3d on my PS tv and he was blown away by how good KZ3 was. It really was a great addition to the game. Im surprised there have not been more 3d games from that era being ported to the PSVR/VR2.

_SilverHawk_86d ago

resistance 1-3, killzone 1-3, uncharted 1-3, uncharted golden abyss, folklore, socom 4 , motorstorm, twisted metal, MAG, heavenly sword

Cacabunga86d ago

Killzone 2+3
Sly Thieves in Time
Crack in Time
God of War Ascension
Modnation racer
Infamous 1+2

Profchaos86d ago (Edited 86d ago )

Killzone trilogy in VR would be amazing bonus points if they offer shadow fall.

There was a psvr1 Killzone project that supermassive was working on at one stage which wasn't up to scratch and Sony brand it back in house I was hoping we would see that on psvr2 eventually.

Personally I'd love to see some more love or acknowledgement of psvr2 from Sony in general it was a expensive headset and Sony barely acknowledge it's existence

seanpitt2386d ago

The amount of work needed to remaster these games wouldn't be beneficial on a financial and business sense.. MGS4 would probably be the best bet as it would need the least amount of work!

Iceball200086d ago

YEAAASSSSS! I miss this franchise and wanna play it so bad again.

Father__Merrin86d ago

The time is perfect for a resistance fall of man game campaign coop multiplayer

InUrFoxHole86d ago

The resistance series is str8 trash to me. Socom 3 I would welcome. Or killzone MP.

Marcus Fenix86d ago

A Resistance reboot will be awesome

Michiel198986d ago

That's what Bungie should make, Ill keep saying it until it happens

1Victor86d ago (Edited 86d ago )

Resistance was ok but Warhawk and Starhawk was better and kept me coming back for almost a decade of fun and petty revenge on the loud mouth unskilled players 🤣
Edit I loved capture the flag dropping the pot on the flag carrier was extremely satisfying as well as transforming your plane in bot form and stumping them to death 😱

86d ago
Michiel198986d ago

Resistance was the best co-op fps I ever played after L4D2

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One Last Smoke - The significance of Snake's cigarettes in Metal Gear Solid 4

An article looking at the symbolic meaning behind the cigarettes in Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.

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Hideo Kojima laments that Metal Gear Solid 4's digital battlefield 'is no longer science fiction'

Game creator Hideo Kojima is and probably will always be best-known for his creation and stewardship of the Metal Gear series at Konami, which since his departure has been more-or-less on permanent hiatus (don't mention Survive). In his almost three decades these games evolved to the point where they predicted certain problems of the information age (MGS 2), took aim at contemporary topics like Guantanamo Bay (MGS: Ground Zeroes), and ended on a profound sense of sadness about our species' inability to break the cycles of global conflict (MGS V).

It's not clear what sparked this reflection, but Kojima's been thinking about Metal Gear Solid 4, an entry that was (and unfortunately still remains) a PlayStation 3 exclusive. In that entry the player controls an aged Solid Snake in the year 2014, caught up in a civil war being fought between Private Military Companies (PMCs).

Dirty_Lemons396d ago

That was a great fucking game/ movie.

DarXyde396d ago

To this day, it's one of those games where I refuse to skip the cutscenes, no matter how many playthroughs I've done.

But if you ask me...MGS2 was bloody prophetic and has aged like fine wine. That game was blasted as the weakest entry, and yet it's so enduring. I replayed it some time last year and it was remarkable.

sadraiden396d ago

Heed not the lamentations of people that say that MGS2 is bad because of the Snake/Raiden bait and switch. Every MGS game has its own merits, and while most people consider 3 to be the best, they all shine equally in my opinion.

porkChop396d ago


I would generally agree but with the exception of MGSV. It had truly excellent gameplay/combat, but dull and largely empty open world(s), and a narrative that is literally only half finished.

I really wish Kojima hadn't tried to go open world with MGS. It just wasn't right for the series. But I get it. He didn't want to make MG anymore but he wasn't allowed to make anything else. So he had to experiment within that franchise. Still, it was the wrong direction.

Santouryuu396d ago

I have been thinking about this a lot, MGS2 being the weakest and getting blasted.
My conclusion, for some years now, it's my favorite game of the series.
Going from MGS1 to MGS2 was such a big leap, in graphics, mechanics, etc.
And now it's even more relevant for being 'bloody prophetic' as you stated.

Maybe dust of my vita and play it again...

porkChop396d ago

It's a shame we never got a remaster of MGS4. The original game only rendered at 1024x768, and it ran anywhere from like 20fps to 60fps depending on the area. A remaster could have very easily cleaned up the visuals and performance. It's such a great game. I just want to play it again but in its best possible state.

MIDGETonSTILTS17396d ago

I agree, but they did all sorts of tricks to make use of the ps3’s cell processor….they’d probably have to rebuild the game in order to make it run on another machine. And, if that involves remaking those cutscenes somehow, then itll never happen, unfortunately.

porkChop396d ago

Nah. There have been plenty of remasters of PS3 games and they've turned out fine. It can be done.

ANIALATOR136395d ago (Edited 395d ago )

You can get near enough 4k 60 with it on RPCS3 these days

FallenAngel1984396d ago

War... war never changes. Or does it? The war has changed ...did it? The answer is no! Unless it is yes! No, of course it is! Is war! Yes! No! Yes?

PitbullMonster396d ago

Ah a man of culture. Duty calls

cell989396d ago

He was always ahead with this series. MSG1 taught me about the importance of passing on our genes into future generations but in a responsible way, for they are bound to what we experienced in our lifetime. Sons of liberty taught me about global control and simulation runs to test society in a grand scale, the importance and dangers of control of information. MGS3 taught me about patriotism and how that can blind you into doing things you never would have otherwise, all for the sake of politicians who only see you as another pawn in their grand scheme of things. MSG4 taught me war is inevitable and always orchestrated because it's great for the economy. Soon simulation systems will start dictating who goes to war and why, all run through proxies. Privatization of military company are already here. We already started to see how a small group of elites dictates everything that happens. Nothing is done, nothing happens without strings being pulled.

Eidolon396d ago

You learned all this from MGS?

RNTody396d ago

All that was literally the themes and core story of each game, so not surprising he learned that from MGS. Metal Gear Solid 2 in particular is so relevant today, it was more than a decade ahead of its time and a work of genius. Kojima saw what the digital future was going to become when it was in its infancy. Even MGS 5 despite being unfinished and less of a traditional Metal Gear Solid game with regards to story, had a fair bit to say about language and control over it that is relevant today.

It's a highly acclaimed series for a reason, and one of my favourite.

Eidolon396d ago

I've watched my brother play the MGS games, but I only beat MGS1 myself on the PSP in 2014, and MGSV in 2016. I took the themes and plots as lore, tbh.. trying to piece together the story of MGS rather than relating them to our current times.

RNTody396d ago

It's definitely social commentary, Eidolon. You should read the "themes and analysis" section of the Wikipedia page for MGS2: Sons of Liberty for a start! Game was heavy on this.

Eidolon396d ago

I'll take a look, thanks. Actually might pick up MGS2 again (PS Vita), It's been years since I last played. Might start a new game tbh.

sadraiden396d ago

MGS2 literally predicted digital manipulation of information that we see today all the way back in 2001. MGS2 became Zucc's playbook.

Knushwood Butt396d ago

MGS taught me not to pee my pants.

cell989396d ago

Yes back in 1998 when I was 13. Throughout the years more information has been shown on this subject matters, but go back to early 2000s and information wasn't as prominent. Kojima was ahead of the game

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 396d ago
MaxiPower90396d ago

He was on the ball about many things. A true visionary.

sadraiden396d ago

If it wasn't for the retconning of how FOXDIE works, including clunky scenes with Naomi and Liquid, MGS4 would be a perfect game. There are so many gameplay options. It felt like us PS3 owners got something truly unique and special.

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