
New Wacky and (Arguably) Sexy Killer is Dead Video Introduces the Cutie 3 and the Game’s Characters

Looks like Suda 51 and Grasshopper Manufacturer had another wildcard up their sleeve for the promotion of Killer is Dead. They called the popular cosplayer Jessica Nigri to Japan, put her in a silver cleavage-exposing catsuit, added two fetching Japanese ladies and created the “Cutie 3″ group to represent three of the female characters that we’ll find in the game. What could go wrong?

In the first video featuring the Cutie 3 (yes, there will be more), we see the introduction of a large part of Killer is Dead‘s cast.

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majiebeast4064d ago

At 1 point its just 17 seconds of Jessica Nigri's boobs with and without a color filter. You gotta love Suda.

Abriael4064d ago

The man sure knows what he likes, doesn't he?

majiebeast4064d ago (Edited 4064d ago )

I aint complaining i just found it incredibly funny. Its like 5-8 seconds for the other 2 girls after that just a 17 second close up shot of Jessica's boobs that switches to a red color filter.

LOGICWINS4064d ago

Fake, but I don't think anyones complaining lol.

God GAWD! Thats the hottest nurse I've ever seen! :O

Qrphe4064d ago

Confirmed as fake while ago but like Logic says, no one cares

4063d ago
MyNutsYourChin4064d ago

Suda is and always has been a pompous douche. He's right up there with Cliffy B, holding hands and thumbing each others butt for popularity. The only way that type of developer can sell his product is with over-the-top BS or exploiting the consumers weakness with sex and violence.

However, the stylized artistry of his products are usually pretty damn cool.

Abriael4064d ago

And yet, his games are pretty always quite a lot of fun.

Psychonaut4064d ago (Edited 4064d ago )

No, he is not pompous.

Suda makes quirky, original games. I think you're confusing originality with ...well I dunno. the fact you call him a douche when you never met the man in person does show the merit of your character, and my friend you are lacking.

MyNutsYourChin4063d ago

No. He is a pompous ass. There isn't any denying that. Originality? Yes, originally lame. But like I said, the artistry is good.

GiantFriendlyCrab4064d ago ShowReplies(1)
My_Name_BTW_Is_Dante4064d ago

Using sex to sell his game again. That's a dead giveaway that it will be mediocre.

xXBlondieVanHarlowXx4064d ago

WTH did i just see? o_o

Well the 15 seconds of actual gameplay they showed (between all the giggling & boob close ups) this looks really wacky & fun like alot of other Suda games. Will have to keep my eye out for an actual trailer.

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Killer is Dead - 10 Years without a Sequel

Killer is Dead arrived a decade ago, and despite not receiving a sequel stands-up as a unique work from SUDA 51.

312d ago

The Best Suda 51 Games So Far

Goichi Suda (Aka Suda 51) is a peerless developer, renowned for the making of some of the most unique games. Here are the best ones to date.

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MIDGETonSTILTS17695d ago


I’ve always heard his games have repetitive portions. I appreciate unique and creative games, but repetition dilutes even the greatest games (ie Arkham Asylum).

sourOG695d ago (Edited 695d ago )

Shadows of the damned was pretty wild. That and lollipop chainsaw are the only ones ive played but I’d give it to SoTD.

Yui_Suzumiya694d ago

Shadows of the Damned and Lollipop Chainsaw are my favorites


Suda51 Wants to Release The Silver Case on Nintendo Switch and Remake Flower, Sun, and Rain

During a panel at Momocon, Grasshopper Manufacture founder Goichi "Suda51" Suda talked about possible Switch ports of his games.

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Fist4achin1479d ago

He should. Although I'd like to see something new from him. Or how about Shadows of the Damned 2?

Abriael1479d ago

Well, he is making No More Heroes 3.