
Dualshock 4: The developers speak [EU]

Scott Rohde writes: "As you know, one of the first major reveals during PlayStation Meeting 2013 was the all new DUALSHOCK4 Wireless Controller. Today, we’re pleased to share a brand new video where developers discuss some of their favorite DUALSHOCK4 features, what makes each feature unique and how it will make your gameplay experience much more dynamic."

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Arai4042d ago

Some really great features on the joy-pad, truly great that all the studios came together and made it what it is.

MariaHelFutura4042d ago

The controllers changing the screen setup on split screen is pure genius.

sengoku4042d ago (Edited 4042d ago )

beat that, i'm loving this new controller.

Ilovetheps54042d ago

I never really liked that light bar on the controller because I thought it was going to primarily be used for motion gaming purposes. But when they explained that feature, it just made sense to me. That feature is brilliant. I hate playing split screen and playing the screen across from me. But, this would solve that issue. I hope they use that feature quite often.

galgor4042d ago

...so long as developers continue to make splitscreen games of course.

abzdine4042d ago

that's right, and that rubber for better grip is a great addition too.
this is true next gen controller, PS1-->PS3 we have seen no evolution, now it's obvious PS4 is THE next big thing.
Cannot wait for the release!

starchild4042d ago

From the controller to the console's architecture to the planned features, I really think Sony is making all the right decisions for the PS4.

The Great Melon4042d ago

I thought the same thing when I heard the split screen swap. I hope companies make use of that idea. Playing Halo 2 was always nightmare on the original Xbox, because everyone had their own preferred position relative to the TV. For some reason we never could get the order of sign in right. There was always much arguing in the pre-game. Good times...

BullyMangler4041d ago (Edited 4041d ago )

The only next GEN features the P$4 has is the not so UNIQUE but yes gratefully sweet SHARE button ? and pixar power under the beLt? . . so what?!

the PS4 can do some bad ass stuff!

or is this just how it seems for the PS4?

The Dualshock 4 has those beautiful LED lights!I"m LOVING that. That feature had to have sprung from the also different colored LED lights of the 3DS but still.
And the Dualshock 4 touch pad and the whole flicking idea is all Nintendo then again eh.

pero ps4 with split-screen still though = :/

Divine4041d ago

i love what sony has done i just can't wait to hold the system and controller in my hands. 720 as well but that is ofcourse my very second anticipation.

xtremeimport4041d ago

that was the 1 thing that stood out to me the most. That is brilliant.

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Crazyglues4042d ago (Edited 4042d ago )

Sony can you please just give me a Date and a Price, and take my money - I am ready...

I was ready to order at the first Press Conference... LoL

-All Jokes Aside though, I have been ready for the nex gen of consoles, for awhile now, since I also game on PC-

So it's really going to be amazing to finally be able to have some of the advantages PC gives you - plus some of these cool things they have added.

I can't wait... hopefully our launch games turn-out to be really good and if that happens the 2nd round of games will probably be even better, it will once again be an amazing time to be a Gamer...

Controller looks like a nice re-design from what we have now, I wish we could have got a price on how much they will cost because you always end up needing to get a second controller at launch..

I think Sony has hit this one out the park, I think the launch of PS4 is going to be huge...

||.........___||............ ||

UnholyLight4042d ago

I must say, I think Sony has actually done a REALLY good job in leading up to E3 and the eventual release of the PS4. From a pure Business and Marketing perspective Sony is doing a great job in just continuing the conversation with people about their console and why it is so great. Even though some of the things have already been talked about, keeping that audience retention at a maximum is going to really work out for them.

This Commerce student gives Sony an A on their current campaign! Now let's see what approach Microsoft will take with their reveal.

bigfish4041d ago

@ Crazyglues - Sony can do more than just take my money. they can take an arm, a leg, a kidney, a lung, ill even give em a bollock. PS4 will be epic!

dale_denton4042d ago Show
Freedomland4042d ago

@ jcnba28

Here you are again and i know that you will be the first to buy ps4, i know it.

MYSTERIO3604042d ago (Edited 4042d ago )

This really is a thing of beauty

4042d ago
KONAAs4042d ago

well if the dualshock is $60 i bet this one will be close to $100 or more. but worth it

Divine4041d ago

naah i was thinking more like. 75 , 85 but u may be right

imdaboss14041d ago

Sony is going all out with the PS4..They going to kill the competition with exclusive games and im loving the new controller! MS dont have anything to show..

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4041d ago
Riderz13374042d ago

The touch pad seemed very smooth and easy to use when the guy in the video was demonstrating it. Very nice controller overall, I especially am looking forward to the share button.

MurDocINC4042d ago

In the video, it sounds like it's clicking when he uses touch pad.

torchic4042d ago

yes it's confirmed to be clickable

JoGam4042d ago (Edited 4042d ago )

The clicking noise you heard was him hitting the right analog stick as he was swiping. Watch the video again. Yes its clickable though.


I really love the new share function.

TrevorPhillips4042d ago

Same here brother and what's with the disagree's :/

Williamson4042d ago

The stealth diagree's are really dumb, but thats why Im here. I'll give an agree to any sensible comment I read.

RBlue_Desire4042d ago

@MariaHelFutura or maybe just pissed fanboys.........

*sees alot of dislikes coming*

Ilovetheps54042d ago

I did not disagree, but the share button will not be for me. I'm not a social gamer. I personally don't need to upload videos or pictures to the internet. I've never even used facebook or any social media before. But, for those that will use it, the function looks great. It looks easy to use, but for me, it will never be used.

Conzul4042d ago

Well, I expect the disagrees come from disgruntled people who actually bought the dedicated hardware needed for recording game footage. Also they probs have nice PCs for editing and such, and, well, now this "Share" button comes along and steals all their thunder.

That said, I hope the video recording function lets you save a local copy of the clips instead of forcing an automatic upload to some arbitrary social site. We need to be able (still) to offload them to our PCs to be able to make montages and add custom musics and sounds and other stuff that should be self-evident.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4042d ago
DOMination-4042d ago

I didn't disagree. I like the features that the share button provides. They all look like things I'd use too, but imo, it doesn't need a button. They could have just built an option into the OS. Then they could have used that space for a button you could actually use for gameplay or something else. The feature doesn't really need it's own dedicated button.

ps3_pwns4041d ago

the share button was needed and even for those people who arent social media type person even me who is not a social media type person will still use it a lot becuase in games sometimes im just like what im doing right now is just to awesome i need to record and save this moment and the share button makes it instant and faster no need to go through the menu screen and such to toggle it on.

just press the button and bam that time you killed 10 people in a row by yourself in the cod or warhawk is now saved and can be show to the world if you like.

phantomexe4042d ago

I think the controller is great. The share button was a great idea but the touch pad is so small. I can't see that be used the way sony may be hopeing developers will use it. I don't know tho maybe they will. I can think of thousands of ways to use the wiiu touch screen but i go brain dead when i try to think of ways to use sonys touch pad. Never the less day 1 for me as soon as gamestop begins takeing preorders.

4042d ago Replies(3)
gluv654042d ago

The touch pad is easy one to think of. Think of Forza and all the layers you need to use too create or replicate something. With the touch pad if they let you use a stylus or even your finger. You can draw your image on the touch pad and it appears on the screen. Hit the option button and a color wheel pops up to fill in with the select color or colors. Now think about that in a game like Gran Turismo or the new IP Drive Club. Think about it just as an app to draw and then print.

phantomexe4041d ago

Thats a preety good idea.

pierce4042d ago

I'm sorry but it has to be said, the left analog stick is still in the wrong place! How hard is it to change that? Come on, Sony.

shancake4042d ago

I think they would get slaughtered if they made that change...

pierce4042d ago

Just because that's what Microsoft did? Then get slaughtered. Admitting when you're wrong is the sign of a healthy company. Failure to adapt isn't going to help anyone.

Snookies124042d ago

@Pierce - What makes their positioning wrong? Just because you say so? People have their own preferences, and it's not like it's a huge deal to use the PS alignment as opposed to the 360 alignment of analogues. They both function and neither are a burden to use, so neither are in the wrong.

avengers19784042d ago

Why would Sony change a controller lay out that has been successful not only for years but generations. I think the dual shock is the best controller.

Root4042d ago


LOL...what are you talking about, the DS is better then the 360s controller. It's more adaptable for different types of games while the 360s is only better with first person shooters and sometimes driving games.

Lets not forget I bet you didn't have a problem with the DS/DS2 before the 360 came out

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4042d ago
AhmadCentral4042d ago

I don't agree. I actually prefer the PlayStation controller to others. It's just my personal preference but i'm willing to say that a lot of people must share my opinion if Sony have kept the analog design the same.

Ilovetheps54042d ago

I agree. I'm not sure about the majority of the population, but my thumbs are located in the same position on both of my hands. I don't know why the analog sticks would be asymmetrical. It just doesn't feel right to me. I think it's perfect the way it is on the Dualshock controllers, and I don't want them to change that.

mushroomwig4042d ago

I'm so sick of this argument with the analog stick placement, for me it's perfectly placed. I'm sure you can use a third party controller if it really bothers you that much.

Karpetburnz4042d ago

WTF! how is it in the wrong place? you know human thumbs are symmetric? so why should the left analog stick change? just because Xbox does it, it doesn't mean PS4 has to do it as well.

Good_Guy_Jamal4042d ago

This is going to be long but bear with me.

The mature of the human hand and the symmetry of the thumbs/fingers is exactly the reason why they should change the placement of the left analogue stick.
Here are my 2 reasons:
When a person grasps an object or even makes a fist, the natural instinct is to rest the thumb as close as possible to the index finger, and not away from the index like the Dual Shock forces you to.
Go ahead and take a firm full grip on to your DS3 with just your left hand. Hold it tight so that it wouldn't go flying off if you shook your hand vigorously.
Note how instintively your thumb falls on to the D-pad and your index falls on to the L1 button with the middle finger resting underneath the controller to give it stability. The controller now rests comfortably in the palm of your hand.
That is the natural way that the hand holds on to something.
-Now with the same hand hold the DS3 like you would if you were playing a game. Note how now your thumb moves from its natural resting position and now moves down to the Left Stick, to compensate for this awkward grip, you now have to prop your palm away from the controller and it no longer rests comfortably in your palm but is now resting on your middle finger, ring finger and pinky.
Over time, this way of holding an object causes discomfort and cramping.
-The 360 controller on the other hand(same hand actually) allows you to use your hand's natural grip even when gaming. This is thanx to its shape be size and the position of the left stick. Note how your controller never leaves your palm. It rests in the palm and does not cause discomfort, at least not as quickly or severly as the ds.
Reason 2: When you play a game with an independent camera, you almost never have to use the Right Stick and so your right thumb rests on the face button the majority of the time, this is not in symmetry in the case of the DS3 as you so quickly wanted to point out. If your left thumb is down at the LS and your right thumb is up at the face buttons, how exactly is that being symmetrical?
The only genre that requires almost constant manipulation of the camera with the right stick is the shooter genre, which leaves you playing sports games, side scrolling games, fighting games, puzzle games, arcade games, hack and slash games in the unnatural not symmetric position so I'd shut up about symmetry if I were trying to argue the DS3 case.

To summarize: DS design forces you to hold it in an unnatural grip partially because of the stick positioning (man sized hands anyway), it is uncomfortable and leads to cramping.
When playing most genres, the right thumb rests on the face buttons as the right stick is seldom used. This is not symmetrical like you claimed.

Conzul4042d ago

You have no business gripping a game paddle that hard. You know what happens when baseball players grip their bats too hard? Fail happens.

Loose grips sink enemy ships X]

neoMAXMLC4042d ago


"When playing most genres, the right thumb rests on the face buttons as the right stick is seldom used."

This line alone invalidates your entire comment. What is the most played genre on the Xbox 360? Shooters. And what is one of the most used inputs in shooters? The right stick. You use the right stick more than you use the left stick in these types of games. So if the DualShock's left stick is in the wrong place, then so is the right stick... which means the 360's right stick is also in the wrong place... according to your logic at least.

All these so-called facts you desperately try to bring up to prove that the 360's stick placements are "correct" is nothing short of bias.

Aceman184041d ago

only mutants feel the left stick is in the wrong spot, but has regular humans know that our thumbs are symmetrical lol.

the controller looks and sounds awesome, PS4 is a day one purchase for me.

Anzil4041d ago

@Good_Guy_Jamal good luck trying to make your opinion fact!

MysticStrummer4041d ago

Good_Guy_Jamal, the MS marketing department high fives over people like you.

People like you are the reason it's a great idea for them to use the word Infinite with NextBox. You see the marketing ploy and think it's all true.

MrBeatdown4041d ago


I've seen a lot of things on N4G... amateur game development experts, amateur financial analysts, amateur hardware developers...

I'll have to add an amateur orthopedist to the list.

solidjun54041d ago

@Mrbeatdown: he's an amateur orthopedist alright. However, he's an expert troll and BS artist.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4041d ago
majiebeast4042d ago Show
zerocrossing4042d ago (Edited 4042d ago )

Seriously?... Look, that may be your "opinion" but (I) like many others wouldn't have it any other way.

Adva4042d ago

Because Xbox controller is designed with the left stick top left doesn't mean it's the right spot...
There is no right or wrong in this.

I have been used to it since PS1 and I like it.

4042d ago Replies(3)
torchic4042d ago (Edited 4042d ago )

there's nothing comfortable about asymmetry.

I remember playing Halo Reach at a friend's house the other day and thought the analog stick positioning was just so awkward, the controller kept slipping out of my hands.

it's just an awkward experience everytime I play on a 360 controller.

symmetry is natural, conventional and creates functionality. Microsoft's controller just doesn't make sense.

Lilchopp7724042d ago

Sony Controller been the same since 1996. What makes you think they are going to change it. i like the way the analog sticks are design

Good_Guy_Jamal4042d ago

I don't know, progress? Newer better ideas? I'm glad other companies don't share that philosophy or we'd all be stuck with 1996 looking tech.

IRetrouk4042d ago

That phone is sick, where can i get one?

a_squirrel4041d ago

And the data plan is $10/month, unlimited talk

raWfodog4042d ago

If a large enough group of people truly had issues with that, it would have came out during the research and development stages of the controller's lifecycle (past and present). The majority of people really don't have any issue with it.

EmeraldGFX4042d ago

Honestly, I think it's just a matter of preference. Some people have larger hands and need the sticks further apart like xbox, and that could feel better to them.

It's not about changing it because that's was Microsoft did. It's about keeping loyal to what their fans enjoy, and what they believe to be a great design for a controller. You may not agree, and that's perfectly fine. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Arkrite4042d ago

As a large handed individual myself i'd like to see the sticks slightly further apart, the times my thumbs have hit each other with DS1/2/3 are too numerous to mention, please do a large handed version DS4 Sony i wont use 3rd party pads they are shit and most of them fail within days the new pad looks awesome

C4BL34042d ago

I have a large problem with the ds1/2/3 because they feel cheap and they literally fit in one of my hands. I need a meaty, heavy controller.

Aceman184041d ago

i have large hands, and prefer the DS over the 360 controller which feels weird to me.

Neko_Mega4042d ago

A true gamer doesn't cry about something little, they get use to it.

I have no problems going from N64 controllers to 360 to PS3. But maybe its because I have played every system out their (well not counting some of the crappy ones that didn't last long).

Calm Down Sunshine4042d ago

In the wrong place? Both my thumbs are the same size though...

Daves4042d ago

Hey mine as as well!! Agree.

Riderz13374042d ago

The analog sticks are parallel to one another...I don't see what's wrong about it? Been using a PlayStation controller for over 10 years and have never had one complaint. I have human hands, not alien hands.

Aceman184041d ago

the complainers have mutant hands. also did anyone stop to think maybe the reason why the left stick on 360 controllers is in the wrong spot because maybe Sony has a patent on the placement of them? just a thought.

supremacy4042d ago (Edited 4042d ago )

I honestly dont believe for a second, that the layout is as important as you imply.

Simply put, if the controller is slighter bigger heavier and feels comfortable to hold in your hands for long gaming sessions is a good sign.

The other thing is, the analog sticks are different from the ones found in previous PlayStation controllers. They keep stressing how tighter they feel as oppose to how loose they currently are in the dualshock 3 controller, not to mention there is more space between them. Thats huge, and essentially eliminates any for needing an Apple like lawsuit in your hands, just for the sake of a few opinions.

PlayStation controllers are designed for PlayStation consoles, xbox controllers are designed for xbox consoles. Its what seperates them, and gives them their own identity in a sense; why cant some just accept that?

neoMAXMLC4042d ago

Yeah... maybe if you were born in 2005 then sure, the left stick is in the wrong place.

You want to know what's really wrong? The 360's d-pad.

BlaqMagiq244042d ago

And make it like the Xbox controller!? Wow you must've lost your mind.

gobluesamg4042d ago

Your ratio of disagrees to agrees should tell you something. Go play Gears.

Neo-Axl4042d ago

Strange, I've been saying the very same thing about the X360 controller for years and years.. :)

hesido4041d ago

I like the placement of the left analogue stick on Xbox controller, however, why make it asymmetric? If you are going to place it on top, you may put the right stick on top as well, our hands are symmetric :)

MysticStrummer4041d ago

I'm sorry but it has to be said, stop falling for MS marketing. That design isn't more ergonomic.

ziggurcat4041d ago

"I'm sorry but it has to be said, the left analog stick is still in the wrong place!"

no it isn't.

Zhipp4041d ago

I'm not gonna ask that they switch around the sticks for the official controller, but I hope Nyko comes to the rescue with a staggered stick design. I really can't stand the Dualshock. :/

boing14041d ago

Playing on on this layout for almost 20 years. Can't imagine the stick where dpad is. Not on DS. Also, I held proto DS4 in hand (we have a PS4 devkit). You guys will really love it. Especially the grips and R2/L2 triggers. Very, very comfortable. Not sure I'm a fan of concaved/convexed hybrid sticks though. It's wierd but they feel more slippery then DS3 for me. And they're smaller which isn't helping either. The springiness is perfect though. Still, it's a proto and doesn't have final materials. I'm sure retail version will be even more awesome.

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Sony Patents To Prevent You From In-Game Harassment By Reading Your Emotions

A new patent recently published by Sony wants to gather biometric data of gamers to track whether one is being harassed using AI tools.

Profchaos24d ago (Edited 24d ago )

I hope this is one of those patents that never comes to fruition.

I already dislike the fact you can pay a significant amount for a online service buy associated games and content on said service and get banned from that service over potentially a misunderstanding the bans are already handed out for flimsy reasons

I'd rather see money invested in a ban that simply removes the offensive players ability to communicate with unknown players allow them to continue party chats with friends but not with Joe blow on cod.

exputers24d ago

Agreed. Blizzard recently banned a college Overwatch 2 player who's dependent for saying "shit." Pretty harsh.

Profchaos23d ago (Edited 23d ago )

How rediculas really. You can't say a word that's allowed in most PG films and prime time TV but the game is based around killing the enemy team using guns, explosives etc.

It's just backwards.

just_looken23d ago

What your talking about is called block list

In 2006 a spaceship dropped of the playstation 3/xbox 360 i say that that generation was the last great gen with game functions/tech that has yet to comeback

Anyhow the playstation 3 if you block listed a id they could not talk to you in chatroom with either text or voice. But that was pre mind fucked 2018 when people were more human than sheep.

But hey gta 6 is coming out billion dollar budget without a single player custom character creator and without singeplayer coop off/online something saints row 1-3 had on the xbox 360.

z2g24d ago

Take my social security and bank account numbers too! Here’s a picture of my wife and our address.

phoenixwing24d ago

Cmon where's the pictures of your children. Don't hold out on them.

H924d ago

At this rate I feel Sony will eventually sell a room to play games in it where they can monitor your every breath

jambola23d ago

I genuinely get a bit worried sometimes when a friend says something that could be offensive In a party
Because I have no trouble believing some bans would happen when in a private party for saying something wrong

SegaSaturn66924d ago

I want them to censor erotic content by measuring my groin temperature so i dont get too distracted while playing black ops 2.

Popsicle24d ago

Terrible idea. Not only do I not consent to providing my biometric data, the potential for mishandling biometric data is almost a certainty. Positive stress and negative stress can produce similar changes in biometrics. Interpreting the precise emotion a person is feeling is not only invasive but could be easily misconstrued. I hope this never comes to fruition.

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Sony Could Increase Your Game's Difficulty If It Sees You Complain About It

Sony has recently published a new patent that wants to dynamically handle the games' difficulty and gameplay based on the player's emotions.

jznrpg24d ago

This is something I might use. Sometimes I play some good games but they don’t have difficulty option and are a little too easy.

Profchaos24d ago

Souls games will be like that players struggling make it harder

PassNextquestion24d ago (Edited 24d ago )

I think if used correctly it could work well

jambola24d ago

cool idea
cool idea for horror games especially
the way it's explained here sounds like it could never be forced hopefully, so that's ok with me

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Sony Taps Bungie's Head of Revenue to Lead Live-Service Games

Sony has recruited Bungie's head of revenue Jaremy Rich to head up its live-service gaming division, Rich has announced on social media.

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ChasterMies45d ago

Please do not put Destiny’s monetization into Sony’s first party games. The monetization is what’s driving players away from Destiny.

just_looken44d ago

The new temp boss is the sony cfo bean counter so i can see this being a thing get every penny.

Cacabunga44d ago

PlayStation officially losing it.. fans will never support gaas games

just_looken44d ago


The new boss did a interview in japan he wants to tap into the mobile market like nintendio so he give 0 fucks about gamers/fans


Redemption-6444d ago

You only speak for you and those who think like you, but most fans will support what they want. Playstation and PC fans are literally supporting Helldivers 2 and that is a gaas. Maybe you wouldn't, but many more would if they like it.

Huey_My_D_Long44d ago

Look, Im not making any judgement calls about this guy, but I will say that Helldivers 2 GaaS model is unique to Helldivers, and legit the only other game I can think of thats similiar was the Avengers game except HD2 pass is still better.
The fact that you can earn in game currency in a way that doesnt make you feel like you have to grind forever, as well you being able work on that pass that you bought...on your own time without a time limit...that right there is fucking huge to me, and I can't name any game other than avengers that avoided trapping players with FOMO logic...I think GaaS on HD2 shouldn't be compared to the rest of the industry...it should be copied.

Einhander197244d ago


Helldivers 2...


In Europe it's a 60 40 split favoring PC.
In the US its a 60 40 split favoring PS5.

So PlayStation owners supported the game just fine, it's not getting carried by PC or anything like that.

FinalFantasyFanatic44d ago

I'm perfectly fine with the way Nintendo entered the mobile market, I never touched their mobile games, meanwhile, the console/handheld stayed the way it is. As for being a bean counter, he's probably going to reel in these massive budgets that Sony's studios have had lately, I haven't played Spiderman 2, but I cannot see how they almost tripled the budget for that game.

That's an exception to the rule, I'm expecting a lot of these GAAS games from Sony to fail, to be fair, they only need a few to succeed, but I would have preferred that they put more of their resources into other types of games.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 44d ago
DivineHand12544d ago

True their monetization is driving players away and at the same time, their decision to chop out content and convoluted systems is keeping new players away from the game.

Joe91344d ago

I don't think that will happen based on how things worked out at Naughty Dog now that we know what we do, seems they had the option to fully commit to live service games or stay making single player experences so they gave up on their live service game. We are not sure how things came about with Bend making a live service game but I hope that was not a forced situation. Sony doesnt seem like they are forcing studios to switch up but we will see, Sony's bread and butter is single player games it is how they dominated the console market.

Obscure_Observer44d ago

Yeah, I though Sony learned something from all their failures in the LS segment under Bungie´s disastrous leadership and supervision which led to games been cancelled, studios closed and all the people laid off.

Looks like Bungie still plays a major role in Sony´s LS initiative and Sony is not backtracking on their GaaS plans.

S2Killinit44d ago (Edited 44d ago )

Are we forgetting that Destiny is also a highly successful franchise? I feel like that definitely deserves mention here.

Besides, there is no reason why a person cant learn from past experiences.

Joe91344d ago

I agree, people act as if Destiny flopped when it came out lol it took 9 to 10 years for the numbers to fall yet people are still playing it add the success of Helldivers 2 no wonder Sony is going forward down this path.

S2Killinit44d ago

Personally, I see no problem with Sony also having service games as long as they make good ones, and more importantly they deliver the AAA story driven games that they are known for. So yeah, I agree 100% with you.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 44d ago
Christopher44d ago

I mean, this person made some pretty bad decisions at Bungie. I hope they've learned from them because I definitely don't see those type of ideas as good for PlaySation in general.

CrimsonWing6944d ago (Edited 44d ago )

Honestly, what’s to learn from? How to make people happily continuously dump money into a single game over its life-time? Buy season passes continuously for several years with a smile on our faces?

GaaS is a design decision that is everything wrong with this industry. The fact that Helldivers 2 did so well and people defend the monetization because it was $40 and is a fun game, scares the sh*t out of me to see that the door is open and all shift will probably be to replicate that in future games. We already know the ROI for traditional game dev cost isn’t doing it for them.

I thought with Jimbo leaving we’d see a change for the better… I’m not so sure now.

S2Killinit44d ago

Service games are being offered by everyone. Sony cannot afford to only create single player AAA games. No one can. They already said they will be doing both.

Abnor_Mal44d ago (Edited 44d ago )

Ps5 gamers in 2023 seemed to play more live service types of games, so regardless to how people feel about them, numbers don’t lie and Sony is going where the money is. I mean look at the excitement around Helldivers2, people are showing that they want live service games.

Christopher44d ago

They play long-time existing live service games like CoD, Fortnite, Apex Legends, Destiny 2, and the like. Mass majority of new live service games are considered failures and aren't moving gamers away from older games.

just_looken44d ago

Yep the huge issue with live service is they need paid players along with a reason to play them.

You forgot mobile market that also taps into that player base as well as the eve online style games there is only a certain amount of krakens/whales blind supporters compared to the amount of live service games we have its not sustainable math wise.

700 restaurants making food for every seat for 1000-3000 eaters just does not work out

Einhander197244d ago (Edited 44d ago )


I am not a big live service fan and literally own zero of the games you listed, but that is not true, unless you call games that aren't the top games to be failures.

There are tons of live service games that are profitable.

Games don't have to be the biggest game ever they just need to make more than they cost.

I challenge you to show professionally prepared data that shows that more live service games fail than make enough to keep going.

Because all the data that I have seen shows that live service is less of a gamble than making a big AAA budget game which needs to survive off retail sales.

FinalFantasyFanatic44d ago

I sometimes wonder if we're at saturation point, where it's hard for a new game to join those ranks unless it's particularly exceptional, people only have so much time and money to devote to these types of games.

romulus2344d ago

Correction, they have no issue playing good live service games

shinoff218344d ago

Lol it's not even a quarter of the ps5s sold. Helldivers may have been a hit but let's not say most are enjoying it because truth is most(the real most ) don't care about it.

S2Killinit44d ago (Edited 44d ago )

I play what is fun. If a live service game is good I’ll play it as long as its not a money scheme which Helldivers is not.

And Im a single player gamer.

mastershredder44d ago

How do you kill a franchise that already been killed?
Destiny’s grind, cash-in-on-playbass-cha-Ching, and pop-culture-insertion mainstream-me-too bs totally killed any rep Bungie had. Sony/Bungie, if you are doing this to ward-off players, it’s already working.

crazyCoconuts44d ago

Headline truncated:
"... off a cliff"

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