
Five Years And Nothing To Show: How Doom 4 Got Off Track

Doom 4 is in trouble, and has been for quite some time now, according to multiple sources. Though publisher Bethesda tells Kotaku they still plan to release the highly-anticipated first-person shooter, Doom 4 has gone through at least one major reboot over the past few years, and sources say even today, five years after development started, the game is not even close to complete.

majiebeast4088d ago (Edited 4088d ago )

Not painting a very pretty picture for the studio. Seems like the talent is fleeting a sinking ship i wonder if Carmack is gonna go down with it. If i was Bethesda i wouldnt worry about Doom 4, nearly as much as Elder scrolls online, that thing has swtor 2 written all over it.

Im surprised bugthesda even has standards.

Gimmemorebubblez4088d ago

The project was DOOMED from the outset.

I'm sorry I just had to say that lol.

Vladplaya4088d ago

God please don't let this be another Duke Nukem >.<

Hydralysk4088d ago (Edited 4088d ago )

I'd love to play a new Doom game, too bad there hasn't been a proper Doom sequel since 1995.

Doom 3 was Doom trying to be a horror game, I doubt Doom 4 will be any more similar to the originals when/if it comes out.

Vynzent4087d ago

Except of course, the fact they said Doom4 would be action based and would have many enemies at once... and the fact that even the version they scrapped was full of demons crawling from everywhere.

I doubt Doom4 will be like Doom3.

MilkMan4088d ago

Umm, who cares. I lost track of Id after I heard there was no more Rage 2. They should stick with new stuff and leave Doom alone.
Oh well, less money for me to spend.

Vynzent4087d ago

Rage2 isn't cancelled. What they did is cancel work on it for the time being, the entire studio has been told to focus on just Doom4.

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New footage revealed for the cancelled COD-like version of Doom 4

Today, some new in-game footage from the prototype versions of the cancelled COD-like Doom 4 surfaced online.

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Feralkitsune1269d ago

What's cool is you can see some of the animations they kept and revised for 2016.

nirwanda1269d ago

When you strip everything back you can really see how great the animation is.
It's amazing how far games have come.

glenn19791269d ago

For me its always interesting to see some prototype of a game of something else and see the final product on why they go another direction in the end

RaidenBlack1269d ago

My favorite is the MGS:Rising vs MGR:Revengeance.(I preferred the Kojima's one)
Another interesting one is Splinter Cell Conviction Concept vs Retail

spicelicka1269d ago

I don't see what is "COD-like" here? Just because there's 2 seconds footage with ironsight?

Concertoine1269d ago

The devs were openly going for the cinematic shooter style that was popular in the years this was developed. COD-like Doom was pretty much the pitch.

Fluke_Skywalker1269d ago

Looks pish, no wonder it got canned.


Every Doom Game Ever

Whilst the FPS genre has since had a tonne of fantastic franchises, such as Quake, Unreal and Serious Sam, Doom remains at the top of the pile, and has one of the best comeback stories in video game history. Doom is almost 30 years running, and has even bled into other mediums such as feature films and novels. As it has been going for so long, there have been a large number of entries in the series, and there are probably a few you never played. This is every Doom game ever.

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Why Development Stopped On DOOM 4

According to ID Executive Producer Marty Stratton, DOOM 4 was scrapped because "it was more 'DOOM' in name than really anything."

Dabigsiebowski1571d ago

Because they wanted to punish John Carmack.

AK911571d ago

From reports apparently Doom 4 was shaping up to be COD but set in the DOOM universe, honestly really glad that didn’t happen.

Profchaos1571d ago

Pretty much they wanted to make it to meet what was selling at the time and in doing so it lost the soul of what makes doom doom.

MadLad1571d ago

Even Doom 3 did that, despite being a solid game all the same. Not mind blowing, in my opinion, but a solid title.

1570d ago
Segata1570d ago

Because it was Call of Duty with generic demons on Earth. Looked worse than the 2009 Wolfenstein. They made the right call.