
Fox News Wants You To Be Mad About Assassin’s Creed III’s Evil George Washington DLC

Did you know that there's a video game where George Washington is evil? And that it's made by the French?

Trenta274127d ago

Fox wants us to be mad at everything...

Sam Fisher4126d ago

And thats why fox news anchormen suck and only a few people actually watch their crap, or maybe ubisoft is actually giving us a message with the ac games and the media wants to shun them away, what if the ac brotherhood exist, what if- oh wait, i farted... -_-

Cyrax44126d ago

Only a few people watch their crap?

You do realize they are the biggest cable news station in the US and absolutely destroy CNN & MSNBC in the ratings year after year.

I can't stand most of the shows on that station, but they do have a couple good ones. Red Eye w/ Greg Gutfeld is one of my all-time favorite shows.

DeadlyFire4126d ago

I don't think Fox News is bad at all really overall its decent, but their views on gaming are very uneducated.

violents4126d ago

Fox news has a republican agenda, and right now rebulicans are trying to demonize video games because of the whole gun safety debate. They want to say video games made people do it and this just plays into thier agenda. And to whoever said that fox news gets the best ratings, your probahbly right however dont be a sheeple like the rest of them that take everything the tv says as truth.

Besides the fact the ubisoft montreal is a canadian studio not french.

Ha Fox news blows so much!

dantesparda4126d ago

Fox News is nothing but rightwing/pro-republican crap!!! And they are pathetic!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4126d ago
Double_O_Revan4126d ago

It's the only thing that makes Them happy

AuToFiRE4126d ago

Fox wants all gamers put in prison.

RufustheKing4125d ago

The worse thing about this game is the game itself. AC3 was sh*t.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4125d ago
Zomboid-G4126d ago

Fox News: Hate-mongering entertainment television for idiots
On that note, a "French" videogame depicting our nation's founder and greatest hero as a villain is like the perfect storm for them. lol

Sam Fisher4126d ago

Well our founding father was a racist slave owner, but i guess thats not evil at all, maybe instead of going for president, ill go for dictator since they never mention the bad things in america

Megaton4126d ago

Oh yeah, I saw Fox's outrage boner for this the moment it was announced at the VGAs.

TekoIie4126d ago (Edited 4126d ago )

I wonder if the anyone who watches Fox or is commenting on their website knows where the Statue of Liberty came from :3

Redempteur4126d ago

I feel pity for anyone watching fox news.. getting brainwashed that way is something i wouldn't hope to happen to my worst ennemies .

Summons754126d ago

Guess the never saw the Master of Horror "Washingtonians". He was depicted as a cannibal there lol. Good movie by the way.

DOOMZ4126d ago

I like how the always say "FAIR & BALLANCED", yeaaahhh RIGHT!

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Games with the dumbest NPCs

Non-playable characters in certain games are meme material, thanks to their foolish behavior. These are the big-budget games with the dumbest NPCs.

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closed_account312d ago (Edited 312d ago )

Bethesda makes the most consistently stupid NPCs, like really bad... yet I still can't help but love playing their games. Guilty pleasure, I guess. *sigh* 😩

Flawlessmic312d ago

How did redfall not make the cut.

anast312d ago (Edited 312d ago )

Every Bethesda game and Every Halo game. This list needed to have Cyberpunk somewhere.


10 Most Peaceful Areas in Games

Here are the most peaceful areas in games that are otherwise quite violent, offering players respite from chaos in the game world.

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Babadook7318d ago

My first thought was the safe rooms in the resident evil series. When you hear that enchanting music you know you’re safe.

Killer2020UK317d ago

I literally just came here to post this. That music in the Resi 1 safe rooms is playing in my head.

Rimeskeem317d ago

I was thinking TLOU work benches. Although I remember one time where it was a false security.

closed_account317d ago

Perfect. 👌👌

I'd add the top of my highrise apartment in GTA Online. That calm, quiet peace, just knowing as soon as I step out that door I will be bombarded by 8 and 12 year olds calling each other n**** and f****, trolled by combat jets and rocket launchers.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 317d ago
henbayward317d ago

The entire map of SotC is peaceful as hell. Used to just ride around exploring it.

mastershredder317d ago (Edited 317d ago )

Afterlife in Cyberpunk 2077 is a peaceful area? Erm, hands down and very hard to miss, Misty Olszewski's Esoterica is the absolute epitome of peaceful areas in that game.

raiden_188317d ago

The "last of us" deer location i found to be a welcoming respite. It was nice to not have someone trying to eat me.

RPGer317d ago

Kingdom Hearts tend to present half peaceful areas and most of them are amazing.

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'Assassin’s Creed III': Ten Years Later

With the recent reveal of Assassin’s Creed Mirage and the promise that the series will return to its roots, there hasn’t been a better time to get stuck into Assassin’s Creed’s back catalog, whether it’s replaying an old favorite or getting lost in previously looked-over classic.

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SinisterMister592d ago

Ten years later, we miss the old you, Assassin's Creed.

Popsicle591d ago (Edited 591d ago )

I really enjoyed Assassins Creed 3. My only complaint was that I didn’t enjoy when I had to switch from Connor to Desmond. It’s a personal preference, but Connor’s story was just more fun for me.

On a side note, Black flag was the most enjoyable of the AC games I played.