
PlayStation 4: DualShock 4 Versus Previous Generations

"The Dualshock 4 looks good, but how does it look in comparison to its predecessors?"

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black9114128d ago

I can't wait to use the new Touch Pad for Typing.

M-M4128d ago

Sorry I have to, Dualshock 4 the win =D.

Virtual_Reality4128d ago

DS4 looks great. Looks like it avoids the slips with the fingers.

The DS3 only needed 2 changes in my opinion..
Convex Triggers and convex Thumbsticks

VonBraunschweigg4127d ago

I think it's good they changed the triggers and the sticks, but I have to say, the triggers were never a problem for me. First of all, I always use L1 for aiming and R1 to shoot and the others for whatever function the devs planned like switch weapons, usually not something you use that much you need proper triggers for it.
Secondly, and I admit it's not ideal, but I think every hardcore player that unlike me uses L2 and R2 for shooting (or driving) should know that you can get 4 clip-on triggers for about 2 bucks in just about any videogame store. Granted, with the clip-on L2 and R2 the triggers from the Xbox controller were still better, but they do a good job of preventing your finger to slip of at the wrong moment.

Khronikos4127d ago

Those old trigger were meh. This controller quite honestly is unbeatable. There is nothing left to do but copy it. Homerun. Srsly. Thing is pure sex. Not a damn flaw I can see. Bigger for the hands, better sticks, better grips, better triggers, etc. No way would I ever use anything else after this on my PC or my PS products.

VonBraunschweigg4127d ago

Yeah it's a looker, I can see myself playing a whole generation of games with it. Still the classic DS design, improved what needed improvement (sticks, triggers) and what could use improvement (handholds, size) and 3 major additions that are not in the way. Everybody has Move now, the touchpad seems easily accessible and I hope I can use the mic/speaker (is it?) as a back-up headset for online play.

porkChop4128d ago

"We’re very interested to see how the new touchscreen will work out. We hope it’s not just Sony trying to one-up the Wii U Gamepad – and if it’s meant to access the XMB interface without leaving the game, we’ll remain sceptical. Why incorporate more expensive tech to make up for a simple press of the Home button, even if it goes against staying constantly connected to the game?

This is one of those for-or-against things. Once the pricing is announced and functionality fully revealed, we’ll deliver our final verdict on whether the touchscreen is a good or bad idea in retrospect."

OMG. I don't understand how so many websites still think it's a fucking touchscreen. Seriously, did you guys not watch the reveal? They specifically said multiple times that it's a touchPAD. Just by taking one look at the controller you can clearly see it's not a screen.

jreeves824127d ago

Am I the only one that noticed it is not a Dualshock 1? They showed the controller without the analog sticks. In 1997 they introduced the analog sticks and called that controller the Dualshock.


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