
Kotaku: The PS4 Will Be Out This November, And You’ll Be Able To Control It With Your Phone

Our source—the same reliable source who back in early 2012 told us the codename for Sony's next console and the codename for Microsoft's next console—tells us that there are two models planned for the new machine, and that pricing won't be announced until later this year, possibly around E3. The current plan, our source says, is to release them at $429 and $529, but that could change.

majiebeast4109d ago (Edited 4109d ago )

I take anything Kotaku *knows* with a huge barrel of salt.

LOL_WUT4109d ago

This November huh? Looks like someones going to get some fierce competition later on this year, if the rumors are to be true. ;)

reynod4109d ago

"I take anything Kotaku *knows* with a huge barrel of salt."

Its not a hard feature to implement. Specially now that consoles are essentially PCs.

Check out Teamviewer, essentially does the same. I wouldnt be surprised if you could turn on, turn off PS4 with your Cell phone via the internet and control it.

buddymagoo4109d ago

Anyone else notice the headphone port at the front of the controller?

olLANDSHARKlo4109d ago

reynod, not everyone has internet on their phone. Who in the world would pay $30 a month,$360 a year for internet on a phone, when you have it at home. And people complain about xbox live being $40 a yr.

JhawkFootball064109d ago (Edited 4109d ago )

The only concern with it coming out in November is limited stock for Christmas. If anyone remembers the ps3/360 launch, you'd either have get an early preorder or wait overnight at launch. Or you got lucky and happen to walk in the exact same day a store got a new shipment.

I'm not saying anyone here will as I'm sure all the hardcore fanatics will be sure to go to whatever lengths to get a copy but that's just how I remember it.

BitbyDeath4109d ago

@PHIBALNATION, i don't have internet on my phone but Wifi HotSpots get around that.

Trains are starting to get it in Australia and all McDonalds have them, along with many coffee shops and other places.

Sharingan_no_Kakashi4109d ago

Wanna believe em... but that whole "versus xiii is canceled" crap really destroyed any credibility (if any) they had.

DragonKnight4108d ago

Shut up Kraptaku. You don't know anything, you don't have a source. Sony blacklisted the hell out of you so don't pretend like you have any knowledge.

Story Quality: WTF?
Like this Website?: No.

Campy da Camper4108d ago

@phibalnation. I pay for internet on my phone because my work does not have wifi. Everyday on lunch I watch an hour of The Universe or a couple episodes of pawn stars. Also, I stream Groove shark all the time when I'm out running around town. I price check stuff when I'm shopping, check the news when I'm waiting for an appointment, it goes on and on. 30 bucks a month for unlimited data is just a necessity for my life.

subtenko4108d ago

A barrel roll of Salt. The same one Nathan Drake kicks out in PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale.

SilentNegotiator4108d ago (Edited 4108d ago )

Make up obvious holiday release window, make up price from obvious approximate price range, throw in some crap about cell phones to rile gamers that fear a cell phone gaming uprising, say "insider sources"...

And get a million hits.
The Kotaku way.

NewMonday4108d ago

November is to far off and dosn't give Sony any advantage because MS will have time to release the 720 in same window.

NobodyImportant4108d ago


I don't know anyone without internet on their phone. Anyone. I'm in the UK so maybe it's different here. But seriously. Even my mother in law uses internet on her phone, and she barely understands how her phone works.

theBAWSE4108d ago

i think the premium service is gaikai and ps+ combined,but to play online will still be free

if not doubtful ill buy a ps4

darthv724108d ago (Edited 4108d ago )

If its the same guy as the one who informed them of the next xbox, then wouldnt that be SuperDAE???

So how did he tell them after he had just been raided? He tweeted he had no phone so it is likely they took his PC.

No phone, no light, no motorcar. not a single luxury....

It's primative as can be.

Okay maybe that was a bad Gilligan's island reference but still. I will believe the rumors once sony has said their peace. 3PM pacific time today.

Leviathan4108d ago

For all those curios, here is the new PS3 controller: Full animated gif of touchscreen.

superterabyte4108d ago

@PHIBALNATION Internet for my phone costs £40 a year for unlimited internet or $61.20 a year

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 4108d ago
Shaman4109d ago

Kotaku was first with Orbis and Durango codenames. They also posted new picture of controller in the article so I guess they have a solid source.

PS4isKing_824109d ago

Exactly. Ppl talk alot of shit about them but they've been pretty accurate lately with next gen info. I'd say its at least 50/50.

evilhasitsway4108d ago

are you kidding me anyone who knows how to get a photo of the net cause that same pic has been flying around for awhile and when it first apeared kotaku name wasnt there he is trying to take credit for something that isnt his.

irepbtown4108d ago (Edited 4108d ago )

I'm getting the Sony Xperia Z next week, I'm guessing Sony phones will work wonders with the PS4 (if the rumors are true).

Gives me another reason (apart from the million already) to choose the Xperia Z over the rivals.

As always: GET IN SONY!!!!!!!

PS: 'You'll be able to use a mobile device to chat with your PS4 friends' - Does this mean I could use my Smartphone to speak to my friends instead of using a headset?

Keep it coming Sony :D

Jobesy4109d ago

"Orbis is also following the path first set by Xbox Live: our source says "most" of the PS4's online features will require a premium subscription to use."

I hope this isn't true.

Kinger89384109d ago

Ill Happily pay if it improves the service and is worth the money! If its the same price as plus is now all in, thats fine by me

izumo_lee4109d ago

They say it replaces PS+, so i believe that online gaming is still free as well as the usual apps like Netflix.

However if you want early access to stuff or what PS+ does already but beefier then a subscription i needed like what we have now.

I do not think Sony will do what Xbox Live is doing by charging for 'everything' ontop of already subscriptions.

4109d ago
JoGam4109d ago

I wouldn't mind it as long as online play is still free.

greenpowerz4109d ago (Edited 4109d ago )

Only because you have spent a great deal of time attacking this strategy? Not doing this would kill off a console company trying to compete.

I'm glad.Nnow Sony can try to match XBL and that will help with the Sony fans attacking other consoles simply because Sony could not follow using a free approch without losing tons of money.

XBL multi player is a service with many other components synced with other social features it's not just online play. You guys are basically, in sense comparing differnt cable and satellite companies and complianing that one is more exspensive vs the one you like because all provide cable TV to watch ignoring various features/capabilites/offerings by the others

Now that Sony is able to expand PSN designed from the ground up for PS4/PSN future evolution this should help curb PS3 fanboys attacking the 360/720 because Sony could not offer something on par to XBL with Sony fan attacks disguised as a greedy MSFT plan downplaying XBL features or ignoring them when the real problem was envy.

One could only wish... Once MSFT announces something new that's revolutionary the attacts will shift there.

Still Glad Sony is finally sucking up their pride and putting their game face on.


ILive4109d ago

Online will still be free, but you may have to pay for the "premium" stuff like the ps+ and what it offers. That fact they put xbox live in there is what could throw people off. Read it again, and slowly. It said most, not all like xbox live.

rainslacker4109d ago

It depends on how it's implemented and what it's used for. If it's just the new PS+ with new features added then I'm OK with it. If it becomes a requirement to play online or use the handy media functions of the system, then I will not be OK with it. I suppose I would still get it if it's bundled as part of the PS+ package though, but think it sucks from a consumer standpoint.


Not doing this could actually help stave off the competing consoles influence in the market. Fanboyism aside, it hasn't gone unnoticed how many people have become disillusioned with XBL service and what it actually offers comparative to price. It's something I'm personally interested in seeing ib how MS handles it's nextBox. Whether they decide to make it worth the price, or go with the status quo could be a major factor in some peoples purchasing decisions.

1nsomniac4109d ago

There's no hope in hell it will be a full free service again.

Blastoise4109d ago


"Only because you have spent a great deal of time attacking this strategy? Not doing this would kill off a console company trying to compete."

I disagree. The Wii "Won" last gen with free online, PC gaming is doing fine with free online, PS3 pretty much caught up to Xbox 360 with free online & the Wii U has free online too.

Microsoft are the only ones charging people for online, don't make out like it's a necessary strategy to make money

RememberThe3574109d ago

It's true and anyone living in the real world can understand why: All these features cost money to provide, so in turn we're going to have to pay a subscription fee if we want them.

Some of you are going to have to ask your mommies for some more money, the rest of us will just pay it.

Outside_ofthe_Box4109d ago (Edited 4109d ago )


***"I'm glad.Nnow Sony can try to match XBL"***

Only because you have spent a great deal of time defending this strategy?

Saw what I did there?

***"that will help with the Sony fans attacking other consoles simply because Sony could not follow using a free approch without losing tons of money."***


You know very well that the day Sony ditches free online you and others like you will be the first ones to point and laugh at how Sony is charging a similar fee for a "crappy/inferior" service to XBL. We all know you love to add the fuel.

Funny thing is that the quote isn't suggesting anything different than what is already in place with the current PSN setup. Basic stuff like free demos and playing multiplayer are free and all the other non-gaming/non-essential additives are PS+ exclusive. I don't see how this is a problem.

4109d ago
FamilyGuy4109d ago

Whatever it is PS+ subscribers better get some sort of discount. They've been advertising this "buy a year, get 3 months free" thing for over a month. If these rumors are true that will last well beyond the release of the PS4 so any new service better allow PS+ subscribers something if it's not the same service or a higher level version of PS+

CyberCam4109d ago

If this news is true, the Steam Box or PC will be more enticing. For now, it seems like the PS3 is my last console that I'll own... until this rumour is squashed.

-Alpha4109d ago (Edited 4109d ago )

You will probably have to pay-- you can't expect everything for free.

If Sony is offering Gaikai with premium services, they have to charge to make that money back and maintain the features. They spent a boatload acquiring Gaikai, now they have to integrate and support it. All that costs lots of money.

I am more than willing to pay for it. This is what I wanted from Sony's PSN for a long time, and PS3 couldn't offer it due to limitations and Sony's lack of a clear future. But they have been shaping the future of their online service for a while now, and unlike Nintendo, they've shown that they can compete.

If you don't want to pay for it, don't. So long as playing online is free, then it should not affect you. That's always been the motto with PS3 gamers: "I only care to play online". This wont affect you.

If the content is that great, then I'll have no problem jumping in.

I just hope Sony upstages MS by continuing to offer free games via Plus. As a Plus member, I enjoy paying for the service, and if I can get even more, then I'm willing to continue paying. Personally, I think if Sony brands PlayStation World properly, then they can edge out MS as the superior online platform for gamers. MS seems a little too focused on apps, while the content delivery on Sony's part can be pretty huge.

I am also certain Sony wouldn't charge to play, that is the one primary factor that they have against MS. But add a host of amazing features, and they can really strengthen their weakest aspect that the competition has over them

AngelicIceDiamond4108d ago

Me and lvl Up gamer made a speculation last year that Sony could come out with a mandatory subscription come next gen.

Sony isn't your friend, they want to make money. Though I believe regular multiplayer will still be free.

I do believe that Gaikai and allot of Sony's online services will require a subscription fee this time around

This rumor is coming from Kotaku, and everybody knows Kotaku's credibility isn't the greatest.

Despite that I find it weird that out of all the rumors that particular one pops up.

EbeneezerGoode4108d ago

Me too. Fuck paying to access the internet I already pay for! NO OTHER DEVICE (except Xbox 360 currently) does that so why the fuck should MS/SONY get away with it?

Most games are peer to peer online NOT hosted servers, hence all the shitty lag and host advantage. No way should you pay for that!

I was so hyped up for PS4 and this has put a nail in it's coffin, and spreading throughout eager PS fans like wildfire.

I'm sorry but *I* do not sit at my console 24/7 making ANY amount paid to play online viable. I am lucky if I get online twice a week, but i still WANT that option in a full priced game I've paid for without having to pay another £20 a month 'just in case i get chance to play 5 minutes online'. It's money for old rope, and if it's true I won't bother looking at any more PS4 announcements and simply stick to PC and invest money in hardware there.

Bring on Oculus Rift, Indie games and free online play access - talk about step backwards with this toll shit!

I will take this back if it's revealed to NOT be true after tonight but if it is - then PAYSTATION 4 can do one!

amiga-man4108d ago

I will never pay to use my internet and would abandon console gaming if Sony followed the M$ con of taking your internet access away then expecting me to pay to get it back, fortunately I don't feel Sony will be doing that online gaming will remain free but cross game chat and other new features they may ask a fee to use, I am fine with that and if I see real value in what they offer (like PS+) then I may be tempted.

lets not kid ourselves Xbox users pay to get their internet back, if online was free subscriptions would drop like a stone, what gets me is that xbox users are not only willing to support such an obvious con but will then go on to defend it, mugs the lot of them.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 4108d ago
Thatguy-3104109d ago (Edited 4109d ago )

They have been pretty spot on with what they provided in the past regarding the ps4 and Durango. Wouldn't be surprise if this turns out to be true. Just look at how sony has been building a connectivity with their phones, tablets and tv's. They're also investing in a lot of NFC peripherals. They have created an ecosystem that feed of each other and just imagine how it will improve once Gaikai comes into the mix. Sony honestly has a plan that will benefit them in the long run. PSYCHED XD

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4109d ago

There source got raided buy Microsoft.

Blackdeath_6634109d ago

agreed, but they have been right regarding rumours or atleast the rumours they gave seem to be in-line with what multiple other sources are saying

-Ghost4109d ago

The wait is not long. Can't wait to see what Sony shows. Should be great.

007Bond4109d ago

So you only believe them if they're talking about xbox, but not ps4?

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF4109d ago


"Orbis is also following the path first set by Xbox Live: our source says "most" of the PS4's online features will require a premium subscription to use. Sony's new online service will be called PlayStation World, our source says, replacing PlayStation Plus."

You SDF are going to LOVE paying to play online now. :D This gonna be good.

Fatal-Aim4108d ago

@ miDnIghtEr20C_SfF

LMAO! You are such a tool. Think about it for a second.... PS3 and PSVita still have FREE ONLINE PLAY. Do you really think just because a PS4 is hitting the market that Sony will some how charge for this? If they charge for this on one platform, its more than a certainty that they would have done this for the other platforms as well, don't you think? But instead, those servers ae still free, even the dang voice chat and messaging. What isn't free are the things coming from PS+. More than likely, this "premium" cap you seem so eager to point out is tied into the plus subscription rather than the features we are already using on the current platforms you big dodo. LOL Fanboys are so hilarious.

Root4109d ago (Edited 4109d ago )

"Orbis is also following the path first set by Xbox Live: our source says "most" of the PS4's online features will require a premium subscription to use."

Not liking the sound of this but after people don't seem to give a crap that Microsoft do it I'm not surprised...but now that Sony is doing it there will be hell on. Seriously if people stood up to MS about it then Sony wouldn't probably be forced to do it.

"Some other tidbits: our source says that every PS4 will come with a PlayStation Eye;"

No...No and No

They better not...I'm not paying more for something I'm not even going to take out of the box. Come on Sony man don't do this

I hope this info is fake

hobohunterz4109d ago

It's going to come with the eye because the controllers all have the move function on them

Root4109d ago

...we don't know if it's actually the move do we. It could be something else

Whatever it is I know for a fine fact I'm not setting that camera up so it better not be needed to play my PS4. Some people don't have the room for it

MikeMyers4109d ago

"Seriously if people stood up to MS about it then Sony wouldn't probably be forced to do it."

Nobody is forcing Sony, let alone Microsoft. So let's stop wearing tinfoil hats shall we? Does Nintendo charge for the Wii U? Does Steam? Funny how people are so quick to blame Microsoft for any issue Sony faces. I don't recall Microsoft holding a gun to Sony and forcing them to charge consumers $600 for a game console.

Sony will keep the core online experience for free and will further enhance the Plus service. Gaikai could also be a premium service as well but I find it very difficult to believe they will take Microsoft's position of forcing gamers to pay to play online.

trenso14109d ago

of course i read the title and was like "seriously? Your phone?" i know if click the link the article will say "our reliable source" or something along those lines told them this information. I almost never believe anything if it doesnt have a legit source especially after that VersusXIII rumor they made about it being cancelled.

nigelkay4108d ago

I'm starting to think that people don't understand what the meaning of "taking with a (grain) of salt.

talisker4108d ago

I just woke up, came here and read "with a huge barrel of shit" with my still sleepy eyes. Then I laughed.

Link0794108d ago (Edited 4108d ago )

Fail ? mobile phone is a bad idea,i can already talk to my friends on my phone ?

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 4108d ago
Walker4109d ago

Triggers look great. My first look at them.

TheGamerDood4109d ago (Edited 4109d ago )

Damn, the triggers look beefy/solid. The overall new design looks great, I just hope it feels good in my hands.

"You'll be able to use a mobile device to chat with your PS4 friends"

The tech is already built into most of these phones so why not use them.

"Orbis is also following the path first set by Xbox Live: our source says "most" of the PS4's online features will require a premium subscription to use."

It better f'ing not!

"PlayStation World"

It has a nice ring to it, I like it.

ApolloTheBoss4109d ago (Edited 4109d ago )

It looks like they ditched the little springs in the back. I'm glad they fixed that It was annoying when the triggers got stuck.

imtheman20134109d ago

Just knowing that it's the PS4 will make it feel great in my hands! But yeah, it does look 'beefier' than the current dualshock.

BanBrother4109d ago


I'm also interested in the Analogue sticks. They look like they could be the best designed ones yet. Genius! Add a 'moat' around the center. Controller looks really clean as well. Can't wait. The hype is giving me chills and butterflies.

1nsomniac4109d ago (Edited 4109d ago )

it's only my opinion but there's 2 things that will definitely be different on the retail controllers & that's the Analogue sticks & the D-Pad.

The analogue sticks are difficult to use & adjust to with that design, which is why you only tend to get that design on cheap pads.

Also Sony are VERY protective over their D-Pad so I would imagine again they will further space apart the directions.

Cupid_Viper_34109d ago (Edited 4109d ago )

@ 1nsomniac

You clearly haven't used a PS Vita, the Dpad on there is arguably the best I've ever used on any on console or handheld. And that's going back to 1985 with the original Nintendo. So it seems they're trying to get it to be as close to the PS Vita's Dpad as possible.

It's the smoothest, blister free Dpad I've ever had the pleasure of using. It also has a very satisfying click that helps you know when you're doing a move correctly or not when playing fighting games. If you don't have one, stop at Walmart or Gamestop and test out the floor model they have out.

1nsomniac4109d ago (Edited 4109d ago )

The triggers do look very nice but lets remember that the retail controllers wont be identical, & thats even if this is an early dev pic as it could be just a fake.

Your right though they do look great & I hope they stay exactly like that.

I personally think that this image that is being passed around the web is a fake.

Blackdeath_6634109d ago

that is the best picture so far i am finally convinced about the new controller. still want to see the back of it and whether or not it has some sort of touch pad there

porkChop4108d ago

Those triggers look pretty great. I'm really liking this new controller, seems almost perfect.

Fez4108d ago

Still not concave enough for my liking. We'll see what happens anyway.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4108d ago
thesubmittedone4109d ago

Me too... I never felt like this gen had as many really special experiences like the previous ones. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I'm thinking about the first time I played Mortal Kombat during the SNES/Genesis era, or Final Fantasy VII and Resident Evil on PSone, or the first Halo on Xbox and GTA on PS2, or the first time I played an online match of Rainbow Six on Xbox Live... I just feel like this generation there wasn't that "wow, this is amazing" type of moment. There were a lot of great games, but nothing really that innovative. Unless you count the silly Kinect/Move/Wii stuff. I know I don't.

I'm hoping we get that this generation. And I'm glad Microsoft and Sony are still competing with each other because we all win. I will never understand how some seem to favor one or the other so much. I don't want Sony to crush Microsoft or vice versa, that'll only bring complacency and arrogance. Look at Madden now. Look at the mistakes Sony made with the PS3 upon it's release. That's what a lack of competition brings and we'll be the losers in the end.

Too much fanboyism here on N4G in my opinion.

HarryMasonHerpderp4109d ago

The rumours are going to get more and more crazy the closer it gets to 6pm tomorrow lol.
So much hype I can feel it through my monitor!

gunnerforlife4109d ago (Edited 4109d ago )

6pm USA time or UK time ? i got no idea what time its gone be on in UK time :/

Edit: Below thank you, bubble up!

HarryMasonHerpderp4108d ago

Haha yes it's 11pm for us Brits, not too late.
I'd stay up till 2am just to watch this event though!

WildStyles4109d ago

Playsation World replacing PSN+.

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mastershredder2h ago

It was remade last year for PC , Now released and OPTIMIZED and PORTED for/to Xbox and PS5, not “remade” just for consoles.

“it follows a critically acclaimed release on PC back in 2023” that’s because it’s the same work/game. it’s not following/follow up or a continuation. Author Sounds like they are taking a stab at an article and don’t know the product-line lineage and release history/ hierarchy they are attempting to inform you about.

More appropriately: System Shock was first rereleased in 2023 on PC, System shock is now available on PS5 and Xbox.


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