
One of the Biggest Battles in EVE Online's History Occurred Last Night, Here's Some Images

Velocity Gamer: We don’t know much about EVE Online, but when there’s a major battle occurring in the universe, it seems like everyone wants to know about it. As of right now, there’s not a ton of information available about the battle to share, as most of the people who took part have yet to blog about it etc, but we do have some crazy images and statistics to share with you.

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WolfLeBlack4151d ago

I've never even played EVE and this is still awesome!

DatNJDom814151d ago

Time to jump into Dust 514. Gotta do my part in the fight!

ElementX4151d ago

Dust isn't a big part of Eve at this point. Play Eve proper.

cannon88004151d ago (Edited 4151d ago )

ElementX what you wrote is incorrect. Dust514 does play a big part and it will be even more important in the future once a lot of people start playing it, because it does play a role in the eve universe. Whatever happens in dust514 will impact EVE Online because they are linked together.

ElementX4151d ago (Edited 4151d ago )

I said "at this point". I read more than a couple articles about bad graphics and gameplay issues. I realize it's still in Beta so I said "at this point" meaning wait until it's been out for a while and improvements have been made. I don't think people will play very long in it's current state.

At this point I don't believe player corps can give Dust players contracts.

Here's what warpdriveactive says about the public beta:

DUST tries its best, and even gives you some adjustable settings to help with the sensitivity of each control axis, but the reality is this: you will be fighting the controls the majority of the time you play this game.

I also hope you like grenade spam and bunny-hopping, there’s tons of both of those here even though most modern shooters have found some way to mitigate both in some capacity

Respawning is an unacceptably long experience with DUST 514: you’re looking at around a minimum of 20 seconds (yes, I’ve timed it) between that bullet that put you down and stepping back on the Skirmish battlefield as a new you

What will really make you laugh is when you’re down to one second on that ten second spawn timer and someone successfully hacks the control point you were trying to spawn at: because that cancels your spawn and you have to pick a new spawn point, with a new ten second countdown

I have to talk about the framerate first, because this is one of the biggest gripes I have with DUST 514. There are times when things are smooth, but those times are usually when my mercenary is alone in the corner of his quarters doing nothing but staring at the wall.

In combat, the game has a horribly inconsistent framerate, dropping well below 30fps frequently.


That's just one.

4151d ago
sourav934150d ago

Apparently the whole mega battle occurred due to some pilot's misclick. Lol.

Irishguy954151d ago (Edited 4151d ago )

Always wanted to try this Game, seems like the least Generic Mmo out there.

What was the battle over anyway?

Man those images are awesome

DethWish4151d ago

Probably a technetium moon, a moon with VERY valuable resources you can extract from it

fei-hung4151d ago

Do u know if this included Dust514 players?

HammadTheBeast4151d ago

Didn't include Dust players yet, however, Dust servers were a bit laggy during this time.

Hufandpuf4151d ago (Edited 4151d ago )

The guy that made it known this was happening said that the players on both sides were allies, but got bored. hostile remarks ensued over the course of a few days, then a player from one side accidentally transported to the other faction's sector and forgot to bring his fleet. He got destroyed. Then the team that he was on went to rescue him, but the team that blew up the ship was already prepared and annihilated the rescue fleet (Which happened to be the whole other faction's fleet.

$10,000 in real money was lost in the battle.

Lord_Sloth4151d ago

See that? These ass-hats are vaporizing real money instead of giving it to somebody that can use it like me. May as well be setting it on fire. lol

That's a lot of money to just vanish into nothingness.

ElementX4151d ago (Edited 4151d ago )

People don't lose "real" money in Eve unless they use real money to buy PLEX. You can use the price of PLEX in real money to determine the value of ISK in real money and say a 550M ISK ship is worth $50, but you don't spend real money on ships/equipment. PLEX is used for game time or you can sell it in game for ISK to boost your bank account but you can also buy PLEX with in-game money and pay for your subscription that way so you don't have to pay a monthly fee.

SilentNegotiator4151d ago

It's unbelievable that people spend that much money just to be 2nd best at a game where you crunch numbers, have impersonal battles of stats, and stare at charts and blackness the whole time.

Gazondaily4151d ago

That sounds epic!

If only the game was more involved in terms of actually flying the ships etc.

Imagine a game world where you have proper pilots, engineers and real persistent worlds. You and a crew and can fly into a planet, no loading times, go in to drill resources etc.

Then you have a Citadel type base like in Mass Effect full of real players, real pirates, pilots, heroes, council members, real economy and global events.

One day!

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HammadTheBeast4151d ago

Short story is, it shouldn't have been this big, but one guy accidently jumpedinstead of bridging his troops over with him, and then kept calling in backup instead of taking his losses. This caused a massive fight to break out between almost 3000+ players.

cannon88004151d ago

even if it wasn't suppose to be that massive it was still awesome to see that many people playing at once.

Novistador4151d ago

It is the king of generic mmos all you do is grind. there isnt even scenery its all just black space with some asteroids dotted about the map.

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JonnyBigBoss4151d ago

I loved this game. I'm a huge astronomy and sci-fi fan and fell in love. I ended up quitting after I got ganked in 0 sec while mining. I lost my 40 million ISK ship and tons of supplies. It was just too much for me.

Tony-Red-Grave4151d ago

Destoryed,raped,murdered. Use your imagination xD

konnerbllb4151d ago

Usually attacked by multiple people while he was alone.

ElementX4151d ago

You don't go into nullsec (0 security space) alone unless you want trouble. Mining in low sec requires backup and defense. Sounds like you made a mistake and had a tantrum so you rage quit.

Timesplitter144151d ago

That's pretty awesome.

I tried playing this game once but it felt like it would've taken me years just to understand how the game works

UnholyLight4151d ago

Exactly how I felt. A couple days of playing and It was just too much for me

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