
Capcom explains why 'Resident Evil Revelations' isn’t coming to PS Vita

On Wednesday morning, Capcom addressed questions concerning PS Vita’s omission from the re-release of “Resident Evil Revelations”. The reasons may surprise you.

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Snookies124158d ago

So... They just didn't want to do it basically... Oh Crapcom, you fail all the time this generation.

I'll make sure to get this used for my 3DS. Don't want money going to them. So weird saying that when I hate buying used because of that exact reason. This is the one company that deserves it.

PraxxtorCruel4158d ago

Funny had it been the other way round and you would've more than likely been slamming the 3ds for being 'old tech' and completely pointless and that the Vita was far superior and the sorts and that they made the right decision and I'm sure then you would've been happy to give your money to them. Ah some people.

TheFirstClassic4158d ago

Funny that you would make a baseless judgment about another user... There are no lifers who devote their lives to loving any of the three companies, so don't act like it's all one sided. There's no reason to try to start an argument with someone who's being reasonable.

Snookies124158d ago

I have a 3DS...... So, no. I would not have slammed it for that.

phantomexe4158d ago

snookies no but most on here would. Saying they wouldnt, wood be likeing saying n4g is a site with no fanboys. Sony fanboys would smell blood in the water and be all over it. I love my ps3 but my vita......its a train wreck and it needs some great games.RE would of been nice. Btw people do not write out a list of games saying these are great vita games. Ive seen it and still only own two that were even worth getting.

LOGICWINS4158d ago

"Sony fanboys would smell blood in the water and be all over it."

ROFL..I just spit out my water.

4158d ago
Red_Orange_Juice4157d ago

dodgy bs reason, just say there are way to little Vita's out there to make it worthwile

Christopher4157d ago

***Sony fanboys would smell blood in the water and be all over it. ***

You mean like how a 'non-Sony-fanboy' started the whole debate by calling someone else a fanboy indirectly and saying how they would have said something if it was different?

Pot, kettle, and all that.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4157d ago
ABizzel14158d ago


Basically. There's no excuse as to why this game isn't being ported to the Vita. Most people don't have surround sound in their homes, and there's no way to determine what size or even what kind of TV they have to say,

"…. when we were developing Revelations for new platforms we really wanted to hone in on the experience you get with a large format screen, surround sound, etc. This type of setup really helps players get sucked into the horror vibe and enjoy the game to its fullest extent."

People are still gaming on SD TV's. That response was utter BS. I don't know what's going on over there, but Capcom are starting to lose touch with reality. If it's because the Vita hasn't sold well, then say it. Don't lie about it.

Ugh. I'm so done with Capcom, they're on my Bethesda list.

doogiebear4158d ago

Even if vita sales are low at the moment, Capcom could have released it only on the psn store instead of retail. I mean, it's not fair that they put it on Wii U but not Vita, when both systems are about neck-and-neck in sales.

jetlian4158d ago (Edited 4158d ago )

Don do you even think before you speak? wii u is 2 months old and vita is a year old. Why would they be looking at vita over wiiu?

Anyway l'll wait for the HD one. I was planning on getting 3dsxl but maybe not yet. project x zone and maybe layton(never played any) are the only games for the handheld

Sony needs to get some more uncharteds, ac3l, gravity rush, like games stat

adorie4158d ago

O.O Did you change the word 's***' to Bethesda?

Servbot414158d ago

It's not being ported because the Vita is selling incredibly poorly, and Sony doesn't seem to care about fixing the situation. Why should third parties risk it when Sony themselves aren't even bothering with their own handheld?

jeeves864157d ago

@ servbot

there's only so much that Sony can do. This sounds more like a Capcom issue than a Sony one.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4157d ago
007Bond4158d ago ShowReplies(1)
jon12344158d ago Show
1Victor4158d ago

@ Snookies12 I know what you mean I as well don't buy used or trade in my games. oh don't forget craptivision. I'll skip on this one till the price go down i'm not paying more for a year old handheld remade for home consoles with a higher price than the original. good job at milking out the fans dry crapcom

listenkids4158d ago

Belting out cracking games for 25 years, a couple of shit decisions of recent years and they don't deserve anything. Nice.

Buff10444158d ago

No one's buying the Vita. Business decision.

r214157d ago

The four million people out there are no one now?

4157d ago
TXIDarkAvenger4157d ago

Well they did good with Revelations, so buy it new. They did an amazing job...can't say much for the other new RE titles though.

MoveTheGlow4157d ago (Edited 4157d ago )

Actually, the quote completely makes sense if you think about it. The architecture's too different between the 3DS and the PS Vita... to make a port - even a lazy port that didn't require too much staff time, just enough to get the technical crap down.

Staff time equals money. They're being really dainty about it with that quote, but they are saying they don't want to invest money on that port.

They didn't want to invest money in porting Revelations to the Vita because they didn't think they'd get a fair return on that investment. The Vita doesn't have a broad enough user base yet... unless they bought a Vita for the game. Would you buy a Vita for Revelations alone? Do they have their killer app yet (and not Sound Shapes, that's also for the PS3, amazing, and for a niche audience of people who actually like well-made games)? Revelations won't appeal to every single owner of the system, too, so don't throw a weak user base number out there and assume four million unit sales.

Nope. So they didn't invest any money. It's the one thing Scamcom's said in the past year or so that made any sense to me (don't even get me started on Megaman).

TongkatAli, below, has the best idea: Make a Vita-exclusive Resident Evil game, one made for it. One so good that people *will* buy the system for the game.

...good luck with that, though, since Capcom has kinda been not so great with Resident Evil as of late.

StraightPath4157d ago

vita trying to borrow killer 3ds games

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4157d ago
smashman984158d ago

R u one of the people that complained about re6 because if so you really got the concept of vote with ur wallet ass backwards

cmpunk534158d ago

Then why the heck do we keep getting lego 3ds version games for our vita when they are "EXTREMELY" different beast.

Root4158d ago

Hey....you guys still have a Sony hand-held Resident Evil game to do...it was revealed for the PSP but I'm guessing you should do it on the PSV now.

maddfoxx4158d ago

I never heard about that one. Can someone post a link? :)

miyamoto4158d ago

yeah its Resident Evil portable
i wonder what happened to that thing

Kratoscar20084157d ago

cashcom hates Sony, thats why we didnt got DMC PSP too.

Anzil4157d ago

do u guys think capcom will be the next thq?

miyamoto4157d ago (Edited 4157d ago )

I think its not that Capcom hates Sony PlayStation.
Many Capcom huge mega hits are born on PlayStation platform like Resident Evil, Monster Hunter etc.

I think it's Nintendo's deal with Capcom to keep PlayStation from total domination of the games industry. Remember Capcom 5 games like RE4, Viewtiful Joe, exclusivity? And now its Mon Hun. We will see if this works this time.

Kamikaze1354158d ago

I don't even think they try to come up with excuses anymore. Seems like they just spit out the first words that pop into their heads. I wouldn't be surprised if their next excuse sounds something like "we're not porting X game to Y system because we wanted to start our vacation early"

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Steam Uproar as Capcom Slips In Restrictive DRM Software

From Xfire: "Steam users and the larger PC gaming community are lashing out at Capcom over a streak of sneaky DRM updates as the Japanese gaming giant continues to flirt with controversy"

LordoftheCritics138d ago


Capcom turning into Ubisoft.

Well success can have that effect.

just_looken137d ago

Yep this shows how bad a digital world is now well for the old titles new games disc or not the drm is there but you can get the old games on dvd then try to monkey the last pre drm update onto the game files.

I love GOG for this reason i saw that skyrim bs update so i know not to run that version as gog you can select what patch to download/install with capcom hopefully we get a list of the update numbers that add this horrific drm.

With denuvo as a alder lake pc user it still has issues with E cores and i remember when the servers were taken offline forcing hundreds of games to be paperweights.


FinalFantasyFanatic137d ago

It's also really annoying how they can cut or change content later, like the Skull Girls controversy, a decade later after the game came out, they decide to censor it. The game is a decade old, if it's not broken, leave it, adding DRM back into older games is BS.

just_looken137d ago


Good point even major sp games got the cut after the fact be it last of us with maps/art or gta 5 removing stuff in the world.

Cyberpunk ps4 day one disc copy the sept build still has stuff the other versions no longer have.

With the gta 6 controversy right now i think back to the days of saints row creating a character beating up cops with a dildo bat and now we have elon crying over gta 6 guns killing cops i bet you if they made saints row 2 hd they would half to cut half the games content or go to jail lol also sad.

Was watching avatar last airbender 13yr old ang kissing katar again can not have that in a kids show or game now.

PRIMORDUS137d ago (Edited 137d ago )

Do they want more of their games to be torrented? Seems like it, I don't mind 🤣 Just ripped them a new asshole on Twitter, as I do not care what I say or post on there LOL.

banger88137d ago

Let me guess, you have a vpn enabled. For your sake I hope it's not in any 5 Eyes territories.


I have ExpressVPN but on Twitter I don't use it lol. For other things I use it :D

Barlos137d ago

Nice. I got a lifetime ban on Twitter back in 2020 for speaking my mind. Don't care tbh, I'm not really into social media. I don't even have a Facebook account.


I'm still trying to get banned to lol I'll keep at it 🤣 I have FB but maybe log in once a month but yeah always speak your mind no matter how bad the words come out, do not hold back online or IRL. Fuck them shit bags lol.

got_dam137d ago

This is classic Capcom. They everything they go on a hot streak and win back some consumer good will they have to turn around and burn it to the ground and have to start the whole process again.

Chocoburger137d ago (Edited 137d ago )

Additional DRM just pushes people to pirate more. These ignorant executives just don't get it. Only the legitimate customer is affected by DRM. 😕

Darkegg137d ago

Drm punishes legit customers and encourage hackers. It’s the wrong way to go about it.

Darkegg137d ago

Drm punishes legit customers and encourages hackers. It’s the wrong approach.

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It's Time For Resident Evil's Most Unique Mode to Make a Comeback

With series staple Mercenaries Mode returning to the Resident Evil 4 Remake, it’s time to remind fans of another mostly forgotten mode from the RE series. Reaching the second chapter in the 2012 3DS game Resident Evil: Revelations unlocked something called Raid Mode for players to enjoy. Unlike Mercenaries, Raid Mode is not a time-attack mode and instead operates as a more RPG-lite version of the main game. While players are expected to try and hammer down on a handful of levels in Mercenaries, Raid Mode gives players a much more expansive game type to play around with.

This mode was included in ports released on the seventh and eighth generations of consoles and was part of Resident Evil: Revelations 2, which was released in 2015. However, the Revelations duology is the only time that Raid Mode has existed in the massive Resident Evil franchise, and that should change in some future release.

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ZeekQuattro427d ago

I'd like to raid mode make a return in the future. When Capcom was hacked there was a as of yet announced RE game in there that I was hoping might turn into Revelations 3. There were also reports that whatever that RE game was scrapped and cancelled.


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