shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4159d ago (Edited 4159d ago )

Yes! SMart move cappy!

Kalowest4159d ago

For some reason I still want to buy this for 3DS, it's only $20 now.

Akuma-4159d ago

nice to see the wii u actually getting games that are good on the horizon.

i cant wait for the ps4

Irishguy954159d ago

Get good controls on the Consoles/PC though

AsimLeonheart4159d ago

Great news! I look forward to playing this proper survival horror game. It looks like CAPCOM is testing the waters with this game if they should be returning to the roots for RE7.

Reibooi4159d ago (Edited 4159d ago )

sweet. I'll be keeping my eye on the PC version and if they give it the proper attention I'll pick it up. I thought the 3DS version was pretty good and was only lacking in a good surround sound experience(a nice set up can always add to a survival horror game) so it will be nice to give it another shot.

Old McGroin4159d ago

@ AsimLeonheart

My thoughts exactly. Didn't buy Resident Evil 6 because of the deserved negativity (I know it's deserved because I borrowed it off my brother) but this looks interesting. I hope it sells well and Capcom bring it back to it's roots for the next game. I'd love a proper reboot of the Resident Evil series, keep the same background story but introduce all new characters with their own stories in a real survival horror game.

4159d ago
Mounce4159d ago

I'd of honestly liked if it were going on PS Vita too :( It'd give another game for its library to boast and like, the transition from Handheld to Handheld wouldn't be that harsh...

The only problem I will foresee is that they do a real shitty porting job from 3DS to the consoles and it ends up a mess like the RE4 HD Remake port attempt where modders from Years ago had done a better job than Capcom themselves.

Murad4159d ago

Actually, I feel the exact same way. The game doesn't seem like it's fit for consoles, you know? Specially the 3D effects and everything added was specifically built for the 3DS. I wonder how this is going to turn out.

4159d ago
+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4159d ago
dark-hollow4159d ago

Yeah defiantly. IMHO for anyone who hasn't tried revelations yet, I say its true to RE roots and much better in that way than RE 5 or 6. Its going to be amazing in HD!!!

EddieNX 4159d ago

Excellent news for Wiiu owners and passionate 360 and ps3 only players who missed out on this fantastic 3DS game.

Hopefully they have put in a years worth of new textures , lighting , etc etc , because allthough this is a cutting edge handheld game it still falls way short of HD console/PC standards....

This game has a slightly stupid story , but I kinda like that. Its the spiritual sequel to Resi 4 and play just like that game.

I would honestly give the 3DS version a 9.5/10 . It's not often you get a handheld game that stands out like that Resi Rev , and the game has a 20 hour story and excellent online modes that with the right graphical improvements will make a seamless transition to consoles.

I will have my 3DS version for on the go Raid mode , and the wiiu version for an even more graphically intense version ! :)

Venoxn4g4159d ago

you are right mate, its really much better and all versions should be great, I personally love 3DS version.. therefore its more survival horror than emm.. new RE titles :)

miyamoto4159d ago

Graphics alone tells me 3DS is many times better than my PS3's RE: Umbrella Chronicles and Darkside Chronicles port!

I choose my Capcom game purchase wisely.

I support their Japanese side. The westernized crap I don't.

Definitely a must buy on PSN to complete my RE collection

Kurt Russell4159d ago (Edited 4159d ago )

Great news. Cheers for explaining... I saw the title and thought "so errrm... is this meant to be a good resi or something?" You clarified :D

I don't do hand helds... so don't follow what's on them.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4159d ago
DigitalAnalog4159d ago

Considering it was originally a "handheld" title. I was expecting it to at least make it to the Vita. Although it seems CAPCOM is clearly steering away from the device as proven with the MH track record.

Eyeco4159d ago

I'm amazed that its not on the Vita as well,it makes no sense as to why its not comming to that platform, its a good thing you mentioned MH because it also reminded me of Resident Evil PSP, remember that game what happened to it ?

adorie4159d ago

Cashing in on a 3DS title? there better be either a significant overhaul or the price better be 20 bucks across all platforms,because this seems stupid.

XBL/PSN release would be the best way to go, I guess Also, will this mean the 3DS version will get a price hike because of this too?

fatstarr4159d ago

Milk Milk milk

*cough* Nintendo saves capcoms ass again
First Re4
then revelations; it better than re6 and the other game they released.

hopefully now the 3DS will get some credit in terms of graphics and capabilities.

miyamoto4159d ago (Edited 4159d ago )

I loved the Old Capcom. They had great power and great responsibility back in the days. So did Konami. They wanted an even playing field. No bias.

The Old Capcom & Nintendo partnerships were made to prevent Sony PlayStation's 2nd over domination and monopoly of the games industry with the PS2.

I did not know why they ported RE4 and the Capcom 5 games to PS2 but history tells us the exclusivity partnership did not work out as they planned.
Same thing happened with Konami.

Now they are trying it again with MonHun series.

PirateThom4159d ago

Wait... what?

So, Capcom having to port a 3DS game to other platforms in Nintendo saving Capcom?


fatstarr4159d ago


RE4, the RE series was stale in gen 7 and capcom did a test reboot with RE4 and put it on the gamecube, because if it flopped it could be swept under the carpet.

RE4 Engine became the base engine for almost all of the RE games since, RE5, RE6 , OPRC.

SegataShanshiro4159d ago

LOL at the guys in the post saying "typical RE stuff" the typical for RE games are now steriod filled gorillas punching giant ricks....and no split screen = no buy....probable gonna wait for the Super Hd -remix championship -director's cut- dual shock edition survivor- goldsileverplatinum -heroes never die-"sorry we cancelled megaman legends 3" edition

showtimefolks4159d ago

RE6 is a mess so hopefully this makes up for what we went through with RE6, i also hope this sells well so capcom finally realizes that RE as a horror series can exist.

maybe that's what they need one RE series which is developed to be for action adventure fans and another original RE team working on their vision for what Re series should actually be

i don't think we will ever SEE another RE game like RE1-2 but something along the lines of 4-5 is what we will get most of the times

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4159d ago
Sevir4159d ago

:-) I wonder is this just hi rezzed or redone on the MT Framework 3.

NYC_Gamer4159d ago

Why isn't Resident Evil Revelations coming to PSV?

tehpees34159d ago (Edited 4159d ago )

Probably because Capcom hate Vita?

I thought it was obvious. They won't give the key franchise that put PSP on the map (in Japan) for three years so they (very sadly) wouldn't waste their time here.

smashman984159d ago

Except capcom threw mvc 3 and sfxt on there but yea we all forgot about those just because

rainslacker4159d ago (Edited 4159d ago )


2 fighting games against their entire library of IP's is hardly what I'd call support.

Maybe they're making games for it, but just haven't been announced yet. I'm sure they won't ignore the device over the long term.

smashman984159d ago

@ rain slacker

People tend to forget vita is only a little over a year old in Japan
2 games in one year is support. Plus its up to Sony to actively seek support and give companies a reason to support as of right now the payout for supporting the vita isn't that great

rainslacker4158d ago


Your right on your 2nd point, however both those games were quick ports. Both came out right around launch time. After a year there should be at least some rumors about new games they may be bringing for it.

Like I said, 2 games isn't support, it's quick cash-in on new buyers that have less to choose from on a new system. Not really that much different than some of the Wii U's launch line up.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4158d ago
vikingland14159d ago

Yeah,whats that about? It would be a must buy for me.

trickman8884159d ago Show
NovusTerminus4159d ago

Good question... This makes no sense!

fatstarr4159d ago

why waste money,
its a 3DS exclusive and its exclusive to the 3DS on the handheld front

the vita is so powerful it should have its own re spin off game not a port from its "inferior competition"

Neonridr4158d ago

the "inferior competition" that is outselling it like 20:1 you mean?

4159d ago
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pecorre4159d ago

$50 ??? I'll wait for a price drop (I already own it on the 3DS anyway...).

dgonza404159d ago

Yeah, it's too steep for me right now. If it would've launched at $40 or $30 I would've considered it a bit more

Plagasx4159d ago (Edited 4159d ago )

And here I was so pissed that I sold my 3DS without finishing REvelations.

and coming to PC as well? HELL YES!

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Steam Uproar as Capcom Slips In Restrictive DRM Software

From Xfire: "Steam users and the larger PC gaming community are lashing out at Capcom over a streak of sneaky DRM updates as the Japanese gaming giant continues to flirt with controversy"

LordoftheCritics138d ago


Capcom turning into Ubisoft.

Well success can have that effect.

just_looken138d ago

Yep this shows how bad a digital world is now well for the old titles new games disc or not the drm is there but you can get the old games on dvd then try to monkey the last pre drm update onto the game files.

I love GOG for this reason i saw that skyrim bs update so i know not to run that version as gog you can select what patch to download/install with capcom hopefully we get a list of the update numbers that add this horrific drm.

With denuvo as a alder lake pc user it still has issues with E cores and i remember when the servers were taken offline forcing hundreds of games to be paperweights.

FinalFantasyFanatic138d ago

It's also really annoying how they can cut or change content later, like the Skull Girls controversy, a decade later after the game came out, they decide to censor it. The game is a decade old, if it's not broken, leave it, adding DRM back into older games is BS.

just_looken138d ago


Good point even major sp games got the cut after the fact be it last of us with maps/art or gta 5 removing stuff in the world.

Cyberpunk ps4 day one disc copy the sept build still has stuff the other versions no longer have.

With the gta 6 controversy right now i think back to the days of saints row creating a character beating up cops with a dildo bat and now we have elon crying over gta 6 guns killing cops i bet you if they made saints row 2 hd they would half to cut half the games content or go to jail lol also sad.

Was watching avatar last airbender 13yr old ang kissing katar again can not have that in a kids show or game now.

PRIMORDUS138d ago (Edited 138d ago )

Do they want more of their games to be torrented? Seems like it, I don't mind 🤣 Just ripped them a new asshole on Twitter, as I do not care what I say or post on there LOL.

banger88138d ago

Let me guess, you have a vpn enabled. For your sake I hope it's not in any 5 Eyes territories.


I have ExpressVPN but on Twitter I don't use it lol. For other things I use it :D

Barlos137d ago

Nice. I got a lifetime ban on Twitter back in 2020 for speaking my mind. Don't care tbh, I'm not really into social media. I don't even have a Facebook account.


I'm still trying to get banned to lol I'll keep at it 🤣 I have FB but maybe log in once a month but yeah always speak your mind no matter how bad the words come out, do not hold back online or IRL. Fuck them shit bags lol.

got_dam138d ago

This is classic Capcom. They everything they go on a hot streak and win back some consumer good will they have to turn around and burn it to the ground and have to start the whole process again.

Chocoburger138d ago (Edited 138d ago )

Additional DRM just pushes people to pirate more. These ignorant executives just don't get it. Only the legitimate customer is affected by DRM. 😕

Darkegg137d ago

Drm punishes legit customers and encourage hackers. It’s the wrong way to go about it.

Darkegg137d ago

Drm punishes legit customers and encourages hackers. It’s the wrong approach.

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It's Time For Resident Evil's Most Unique Mode to Make a Comeback

With series staple Mercenaries Mode returning to the Resident Evil 4 Remake, it’s time to remind fans of another mostly forgotten mode from the RE series. Reaching the second chapter in the 2012 3DS game Resident Evil: Revelations unlocked something called Raid Mode for players to enjoy. Unlike Mercenaries, Raid Mode is not a time-attack mode and instead operates as a more RPG-lite version of the main game. While players are expected to try and hammer down on a handful of levels in Mercenaries, Raid Mode gives players a much more expansive game type to play around with.

This mode was included in ports released on the seventh and eighth generations of consoles and was part of Resident Evil: Revelations 2, which was released in 2015. However, the Revelations duology is the only time that Raid Mode has existed in the massive Resident Evil franchise, and that should change in some future release.

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ZeekQuattro428d ago

I'd like to raid mode make a return in the future. When Capcom was hacked there was a as of yet announced RE game in there that I was hoping might turn into Revelations 3. There were also reports that whatever that RE game was scrapped and cancelled.


Best Switch Horror Games For Halloween

We dive into the best Switch horror games for the Halloween season for both kids and adults.

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