Nimblest-Assassin4162d ago

Wow... when he said ONLY ON PLAYSTATION

My balls tingled a bit

Abash4162d ago

Woah, those bosses look amazing. This is basically a teaser of some of the game's most amazing moments and Im so hyped for the game now

Conzul4162d ago (Edited 4162d ago )

Yes, it's about time we got a Single Player trailer!

The sweetness of 2013 for

Blastoise4162d ago (Edited 4162d ago )

Look's badass, Loving the enemies.

The graphics are incredible, I didn't think they'd be able to do much more than God of war 3 but it looks even better!

-Alpha4162d ago

This is actually their TV spot.

Here is where they will be aired:

Original First Run TV Commercial Highlights:
1/20 – FOX UFC Road to Octagon
1/25 – ESPN NBA Friday Night Spurs vs Mavs
1/25 – FOX UFC on Fox Live Fight
1/27 – ESPN NBA Sunday Hawks vs Knicks
1/27 – FOX American Dad
1/30 – ESPN NBA Wed Heat vs Nets
1/30 – ESPN NBA Lakers vs Suns
1/31 – FX Archer
2/1 – ESPN NBA Friday Heat vs Pacers
2/1 – ESPN NBA Lakers vs Timberwolves
2/3 – Family Guy

Ezz20134162d ago (Edited 4162d ago )

i thought kratos would scream

Enemy4162d ago (Edited 4162d ago )

The bosses, environments, facial animations, and lighting improvements, by the gods...


Sarcasm4162d ago

That graphics look pretty frickin awesome too, Release the Kraken!

Enemy4162d ago

The teaser looks a bit blurry to me. Anyone else? Put it on PSN, Sony!

It looks like we'll be fighting the Kraken-like creature in the dark. OH MY GOD.

-Ghost4162d ago

Agreed :), can't wait for March 12

NukaCola4162d ago

That scene with Kratos droping on the flying monster, LOOK AT THAT EFFING HUGE SNAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!! Holy God, Shut up and take my EVERYTHING!!!


MEH/H graphics and game !

MEH/H = Monstruously Epic Heavenly/Hellish ; )

4162d ago
badz1494161d ago

March can't come soon enough!

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 4161d ago
Godchild10204162d ago (Edited 4162d ago )

If that trailer didn't make you want to purchase the game day zero, something might be wrong.

That was well worth the wait. Short but sweet.

iamnsuperman4162d ago

This trailer look pretty good but I am still concerned it will be like the E3 demo because that was a bit of a disappointment to watch

Ezz20134162d ago (Edited 4162d ago )

when i see ps3 exclusives always look this good .. i say to my self ps3 still have good years in it

this game look more epic and better than god of war 3
when i thought it would be impossible ..SSM are incredible at what they do

IRetrouk4162d ago

And its the second team!!!! Cant wait for this game. Looks amazing, and all running on a six and a half year old console

4162d ago
Flewid6384161d ago

Next Gen?

Third party games, at first, will still look like "shit".

Exclusive games, throughout, will look the best.

Same story.

IAmLee4162d ago

dying to watch it, but I refuse. I want to play the whole game without any idea of what to expect. It is taking all my willpower not to watch..

Conzul4162d ago

Your willpower is commendable. I wish I had a time-machine so I could join you :-(

Oldman1004162d ago

Wait...why is he white when he's with his family? I thought the whole reason he was white was because he's covered in his daughter and wife's ashes?

BitbyDeath4162d ago

True, maybe it's just a dream or something.

showtimefolks4162d ago

It's already on pre order can't wait, bosses look incredible. How is that on this so called old system we keep seeing every game looking better than the one before from Sony 1st party studios?

violents4161d ago

The longer any peticular system is in service the better devs will understand and be able to optimize for said system. 6+ yrs on ps3 and SSM knows how to play the ps3 like a fiddle. 1st party always has the best tools. I just wish they would share thier secrets with third parties so thier games didnt come out like crap half the time.

4162d ago
4162d ago
4162d ago
+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 4161d ago
Nitrowolf24162d ago

Holy f, dem graphics.

This looks better than God of War 3, which was pretty impressive as is. The epicness, even if it was just a little bit. Also good to see a more human side of Kratos

TheFallenAngel4162d ago

I know and I still think there is no console game better looking than God of War 3.

thaking1554162d ago

This is where Capcom should've outsourced to. Santa Monica/God Of War Team over Ninja Theory! The graphics and gameplay match Devil May Cry games of old moreso than the newbie DmC. This game is gonna be boss as well as Metal Gear Revengence! Bring it on!

Kur04162d ago

Sorry but I'd rather have Platinum games do DMC. God of War is awesome and its own thing but DMC's combat needs a specific flavor that I believe only Platinum games can give.

thaking1554162d ago

@Kur0, I agree, either or would've sufficed better than NT. Their track record says it all. I believe that Santa Monica could've been up for the challenge and NOT included QTE (Quick Time Events) and kept that specific flavor that DMC has (Old Series) Platinum Games would've blown it out the water and they would've been #1 on my list of who to outsource it too and Santa Monica would've been a close second.

xursz4161d ago (Edited 4161d ago )

I'll rip your head off and [censored] down your throat.


...too far?

-Alpha4162d ago (Edited 4162d ago )

Looks gorgeous. The artstyle looks so luscious and soft, or am I just imagining that? It looks different, like a painting.

Games with boss fights always get me so excited. Such a classic staple, and GoW does it so well.

DigitalRaptor4162d ago (Edited 4162d ago )

It's not just you.

David Jaffe once said that God of War 3 looked like a "painting come to life", and I could see where he was coming from - but this, Ascension looks absolutely gorgeous and smooth in a way that it actually looks like a painting that has been animated. Soft but vibrant colour palette. probably due to it being less apocalyptic and gloomy than GOW3.

And underwater boss:

Stunning, and the boss fights look like they are going to be so much fun and on a scale that goes beyond GOW3. Santa Monica are unreal!

zoks3104161d ago (Edited 4161d ago )

The colors is what makes this GOW stands apart from the rest. The vibrant colors really make Ascension look great.
Can't wait.

BigBoss19644162d ago

So now all the people who where saying that multiplayer would affect the single-player can now shut up I would expect nothing less from the god of war team

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God Of War Tried Multiplayer Too Early

God of War's forgotten multiplayer mode was introduced nearly a decade ago, but it may have been a great addition if it was implemented now.

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mkis007564d ago

Ruined Ascensions story mode. Taking away the one button parry sucked.

abstractel564d ago

Not saying it was perfect but I really enjoyed it. One of the more unique MP experiences. Wouldn't mind them trying again.

Palitera564d ago

It was nuts that they actually managed to make that experience work so well.
The story might have been the weakest (story-wise) in the main series, but the MP was super fun and well done.

hotnickles564d ago

I don’t play god of war for the multiplayer so it’s always too soon in my book.


Ranking the God of War Games

Kratos has been on a rampage, killing Gods in epic battles since 2005. With each release managing to offer high-octane action, I explore each God of War title and rank every adventure from his journey to Olympus to his Norse tales of fatherhood.

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ClayRules2012575d ago

I won’t rank Ragnarok just yet, although it is honestly leaving me and my wife blown away…won’t go into details right now, not done as I assume others aren’t either, maybe some of you are, idk haha.

But here’s how I rank them

5. God of War 3
4. God of War Ascension.
3. God of War 1.
2. God of War 2.
1. God of War 2018.

MrNinosan575d ago

My same ranking exactly, with Ragnarök at #1.

ClayRules2012575d ago

Wow, that’s pretty interesting that someone has the same ranking as me haha. So, did you beat Ragnarok? I assume so with you placing it at #1

Flawlessmic575d ago

1. God of war 3
2. God of war 2018
3. God of war 2
4. God of war 1

Haven't played the others but about 30 hrs In to ragnarock now so safe to say if it keeps up it will end up being at the top of my list when I'm done.

CrimsonWing69575d ago

I will say the pacing of the original titles and the epic feel to them I feel is way better than the new one’s. Like, I could recognize and appreciate the praise God of War received, but it bores me to tears except for the pivotal moments.

However, that being said I feel Ragnarok is waaaaay better than 2018. I’m only on Ch. 6, but it’s pretty much rocked my face off from the get-go.

I’m really split between this being my GotY or Elden Ring.

robtion575d ago

I think different games in the series had different strengths but all are great. I liked the original as it was an origin story and the mechanics were fresh. The sequel added smoother gameplay. Three was just so far ahead of it's time graphically it wasn't even funny. Plus great gameplay and bosses and insane gore and nice use of sexy time. The reboot was cool but lost a lot of what I liked about the original trilogy (I don't need my games grown up, just fun). Will wait and see with ragnarok as haven't had time to play it yet.


Every God of War Game Ranked From Worst To Best

BLG writes: "God of War has evolved significantly since the first game launched in 2005. Each subsequent entry has brought something new to the series, be it new power sets, fighting styles, and in the case of the 2018 reboot, a whole new combat system. Therefore, a major component in ranking every God of War game is that game’s impact on the franchise."

Read Full Story >>
darthv72851d ago

2 is my all time favorite with Ascension being my least (but still worth playing). First time dealing with the colossus of rhodes as well as the scale of the steeds of time... just a great game overall.

Nacho_Z851d ago

3 is the best for me, closely followed by the reboot. The reboot lost some of the spectacular scenes in favour of deeper gameplay, 3 was jaw dropping at times. I'm hoping the next game will have the best of both.

Army_of_Darkness850d ago

Yeah 3 was my favorite as well! The Poseidon battle was amazing! Gameplay wise and graphically!

neutralgamer1992851d ago

Honestly first 2 were amazing. I really wanted Sony yo bring back David jaffe and have him do his own version of God of war reboot working in different mythology. David and Cory could make sure story made sense but I think God of war is a big enough series where multiple entries at the same time

nevin1851d ago

1. GOW 3
1. GOW 2
2. GOW: Ghost of Sparta
3. GOW 1
4. GOW: Chains of Olympus
5. GOW(2018)
6. GOW: Ascension

generic-user-name850d ago

GOW 2018 2nd from the bottom? Behind 1? Behind the 2 PSP games?

Your street cred is taking a hit today.

Muigi850d ago

1. Gow 2018
2. Gow 3
3. Gow 2

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