
Is Terraria the Next Minecraft? | IGN

IGN: "2D crafting sandbox game might be your next obsession."

THC CELL4163d ago

All games like this look great but it's hard to beat minecraft and Deffo little big planet In the create world lbp3 I.feel we will see something amazing next gen

Root4162d ago (Edited 4162d ago )

I'll tell you why it won't beat Minecraft....because Redlogic is a prick who bailed on his fanbase after promising them a ton of new features then gave us a crappy excuse to leave the game for good.

He then promised us one more fix for the game to get rid of some bugs.....never happened

AND THEN after he said he was done and was too focused on his own life, he works alongside another studio to do a PSN/XBLA release that's going to have more content which is exclusive to those versions meaning we don't get it on PC.

He wanted to focus on his new born son which is fine but he didn't have to quit the game, maybe take 5-6 months off but not quit all together. He has a wife as well when he made it out like he had to take care of it all the time. Put the cot in his office right next to his computer and he can work at the same time. Lets not forget his wife wouldn't have to work since he's rich after Terraria.

JsonHenry4162d ago

I loved Terraria but hated minecraft.

And any guy that chooses his family over a product that was sold as complete when it launched (and yet still had a lot of updates after launch) is a good guy in my opinion.

Root4162d ago (Edited 4162d ago )

No you don't understand

He wanted to quit anyway because he made enough money but used his child as an excuse...even then the excuse didn't make any sense. He only used that excuse to seem all noble and that he's being a good guy....your comment proves that.

As I've said he could of...

Stop development on it for 6 months, told the fans "Right I have a son now, got to devote some time to my family, development will stop for about 6 months...I'll be back"

Took turns to look after the child with his wife, with him being rich they both wouldn't be working anyway so they'll have a ton of free time

Worked on it one or two days a week...not a lot but working on it a little is better then nothing at all

I mean the guy worked at home, he spent at least 4-6 hours a day on the game and apparently he only worked a few days....no father to a new family is ever that lucky. Most dads have to get 2 jobs when there baby is just born and hardly ever get to see their child.

Get what I'm saying...he was lucky and he still couldn't find time to develop it even by just a little.

He used it as an excuse because he couldn't be arsed working on Terraria anymore.

I mean he says he's done with it and then he's working alongside a studio to develop it for consoles.....oh I guess he didn't "care" about his son then....he could do that but he couldn't spend an hour a day on the PC version.

It was just lie after lie with him, it's not like he was working on Terraria 24/7. You know the 1.1 update which took 4 months to do, he said if he worked on it more he could of done it in a month.

I think he was just bitter because most of his friends/team left for Starbound.

pacosanchez884162d ago

@ root
holy crap dude, calm down. i played terraria lots on the pc, it was a very fun game. just because the guy doesnt want to devote his life to updateing one game doesnt make him a bad guy. and can u really blame him for making a console version? who doesnt want to make money. its what, a 15 - 20 dollar game? i played it for over 100 hours and i never even started the most recent updates. you're acting like u payed $100 and it was a glitchy incomplete game. get over it, move on.

Root4162d ago


Oh yes "get over it"...every time something happens where a developer screws up you get people like you telling other people upset to get over it or move on....why the hell should we.

Seriously it's like you want developers to treat us like crap

tda-danny4162d ago


Wow dude - the game cost $10. It was also on sale multiple times for $3.33 and even $2.75. How much do you think this developer owes you when you spend $10? How many hours have you played the game (sounds like a lot)?

I'd say pretty much everyone got fair value for what they spent...

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4162d ago
hylandpad4162d ago

If it was, it would have been a long time ago. It isn't exactly the new kid on the block. STILL - Terraria is fun and engaging, and I STILL play it with friends. But it lacks the Survival dynamic that Minecraft has, which IMO is a big part of Minecraft's appeal.

shadowraiden4162d ago

survival dynamic are you playing the right game it has a better survival and exploration then minecraft.

hylandpad4162d ago

Sure, there were more monsters. More environments and more interactive levels. Overall it was more fun. But I was never afraid to be out at night. In minecraft, you had to always be on the lookout for creepers and zombies. Even in diamond armor, you could still die to those things. After meteorite armor, Terraria became less about survival and more just about killing all the things.

I_LOVE_MYSELF4162d ago

Nothing should aspire to be the "next" anything. Always aspire to be the first.

Summons754162d ago

Terraria has ALWAYS been better than minecrap. Quality, content, gameplay, everything is more appealing then minecraft.

And yes to justify the trolls I have played minecrap and its like its name crap.

grailly4162d ago

have you ever considered that you just don't like it?

Summons754162d ago

Clearly I don't like it because the content of the game is horrid.

legendof1174162d ago


who pissed in your cheerios, bro?

kevnb4162d ago

its not, its already been out quite awhile on pc. Its a fun game though.

jujubee884162d ago

When the devs announced they where going to make a console version I was hoping for a VITA version.

I still hope that is the case because I want to play some more Terraria but with cross-game chat on the VITA.

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anast676d ago (Edited 676d ago )

This is not what I would call value for money spent. They give you quests in liveservice games to get you "re-engaged" with the monetization schemes or to get you hooked or so you at least spend some extra on skins and loot boxes. Then they dole out paltry points after you have already paid extra for whichever liveservice within a liveservice that you are already paying for. My worry is people can't actually be that stupid to fall for this, can they?

littletad676d ago

Absolutely nothing in this comment makes sense. At all.

anast675d ago (Edited 675d ago )

How does it not make sense? O thy god of reason, shine some evidence upon us. Ryse of Rome, ESO,and AC: Origins are all live service games, between them you can get 275 points. Liveservice games are made to keep people spending. Therefore, Gamepass is a live service and the points are for playing live service games.

It is not my problem that this does not make sense to you, it is absolutely your problem. I mean it is all your problem.

Julion0715675d ago (Edited 675d ago )

Hate Xbox but comments in every Xbox article 😂 without making sense smh

anast675d ago

Bring the evidence and then your emoji might make sense.