
Battlefield 3, the highest number of users online is PC, PS3 is about twice of 360

Numbers this year.

After more than a year since its debut in stores, Battlefield 3 is still one of the most played FPS in the world.

The merit of DICE is without a doubt to have been able to offer additional content to the title are able to keep the interest that is added to the support provided by the Swedish team to the community of players. But how many and how they are distributed across platforms?

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Snookies124171d ago

It deserves it over Modern Warfare to be honest. I don't like the way BF3 does DLC, I don't care for EA, and I wish some things could be done differently about it... Yet BF3 is still the best FPS military game out there. You actually feel like it's a war going on with all the explosions, building destruction, wall and cover damage, tanks/choppers/jets, giant maps, etc.

This is coming from someone who tends to NOT like FPS games of this sort.

flankhim4171d ago

When I try playing it only shows a few servers with people playing. I tried clearing the filters and no luck. The only 64 player match isn't even a match with vets stomping the newbs in the spawn. So I gave up on the game.

b163o14171d ago


I can see why you didn't like the DLC, mainly cause most of them sucked except for the "Back to Kirkland, and Aftermath" DLC. As far as "How" they do there DLC, I love it. It insures that you'll be playing there game for a year+, something other FPS struggle with. Other titles become stale with there DLC cause it just new maps, but BF3's DLC adds, new war zones, new vehicles, new weapons, and new experiences.

But hey, that just IMO...

geth1gh4171d ago

@ flankhim

I'm really confused by that. Maybe because you have absolutely no dlc? Even that shouldn't make a difference since a lot still only have B2K.

Make sure under amount of players select ONLY 48 and 64. That seems to make a big difference for me sometimes. Then of course once the server list pops up sort it by the amount of players.

All I play is hardcore which is supposedly even more limited and I can find about 5 or 6 64 player rooms that are close to being full around the clock.

And that is limited to a searching within the US and Canada....

Autodidactdystopia4171d ago (Edited 4171d ago )

@snookies & Flankhim

I understand your hate for dlc the way they do it.

I would like to let you know i bought the game for 50 bucks and it included bf3 and all 5 expansions.. .or is it 6 i dunno.

but for the money. this is the deepest game i have ever played in terms of sheer content.
every level is meticulously crafted piece by piece, there are SO many guns vehicles, gadgets, attachments, scopes, upgrades, tactics, gamemodes, maps, its fukin bonkers.

I have played at least 200 hrs of bf3 and just the other day i ended up in a map i had never been to before. not to mention the sheer size of each map. you have so many choices that you never really get bored, so you mastered c4 well why not attach it to your buggy. or your helicopter or your buddies helicopter. or your mav, or your eod bot or your boat, or your jet or your apc, or your tank. why not parachute into a building you wouldn't otherwise have access to.

ive never felt i got so much value from a software purchase period. though i dont like origin i must admit they really have a cash cow with bf3 its just an ace in the frakkin hole.

as for server browser dude you have to scroll down for the page to load more results. you can do that scroll down thing almost forever without filters and youll keep getting more results, once you feel you have enough results return to the top of the spreadsheet and click the titlebar of the category you would like to see the most of. for example players click on players and it will arrange them from most on top to least on bottom,, click again and it will arrange them vice versa.

Enemy4171d ago

I guess now we know which console version they'll be focusing on more next time.

l2dusk4171d ago (Edited 4171d ago )

Thats bullshit. Heres the server browser with vanilla maps only and 48+ players server. http://tinyurl.com/bf3serve...

EVILDEAD3604170d ago (Edited 4170d ago )

@ Enemy

'I guess now we know which console version they'll be focusing on more next time.'

Let me play 'EVIL's advocate' since these are YOUR words.

Are you insinutating that the console that generated more sales should get more focus next time?

That's hilarious because the article is only talking about registered Battlelog members who were online a year later. (Totalling only 1 million B-log members across ALL platforms) Which us Not even close to the true amount of Console gamers who bought BF3.

Remember last year when even the leading Battlefield blog sites were reporting that the Xbox 360 was the leading seller of BF3 for ALL platforms. (I can't make this up)

'Battlefield 3 Xbox 360 sales top PlayStation 3 and PC combined'

'It’s clear that the Xbox 360 version of Battlefield 3 has taken a considerable lead, outselling the PlayStation 3 and PC versions by a huge margin. In fact, the Xbox 360 version outsold the PS3 and PC versions combined.

•Xbox 360: 2.2 million
•PlayStation 3: 1.5 million
•PC: 500,000


At the end of the day, BF3 ultimately did over 6 million on both consoles and who knows where the sales are at now that the premium edition is being sold digitally on both Xbox Live and PSN.

But, let's keep it real, it's a year later.

The top 3 games on Live are Black Ops II, Halo 4, and Minecraft (which is over 4 million sold on XBLA).

Even so Battelfield 3 is still in the top 10 on Live (it's been at #8 in the month of December)

Can't wait for the 2013 Battlefield 4 vs. Modern Warfare 4 head to head battle this November. Should be fun..


awi59514170d ago

I dont know what your talking about i have at least 10 or more 64 player servers up when i search and their are far more than that up. It all depends on your connection. 100's of servers come up but my ping is really high on some of them. All so the search engine doesnt update very fast. I may pull up 10 64 player conquest servers in range of me but i have like 20 others i have saved in my history or favorites that are full and running.

jadenkorri4170d ago

i stopped playing bf3 once the dedicated servers were gone, having alot of servers run buy ignorant little brats that will kick you for killing them, or being the top player was annoying. Every night I would get kicked minimum at least once in like a 1-2 hr span.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4170d ago
farhad2k84171d ago

Just goes to show where the more mature gamers really are.

PygmelionHunter4171d ago

While I agree that XBL is plagued with screaming mic kids, your comment wasn't all that mature, so you shouldn't talk in behalf of all these "mature gamers" you speak of.

BanBrother4170d ago


Wow. The fact you have more agrees than disagrees is depressing. Are people really that stupid? So now we are judging what games are more mature than others?

Also, take into consideration that Sony has no killer FPS online on the PS3. Xbox has Halo 4 and Halo Reach taking huge numbers. Fact.

Hey that 50 year old man is playing kinect with his grand-daughter, how immature /s.

Legion4170d ago

How so... the numbers here are only those that registered on P-stats.com and do not reflect the total amount of players playing BF3. Only those registered for the stats service. So those NOT registered wouldn't reflect.

It is like trying to count the number of players that bought the game by the amount of purchases on Amazon. And totally ignore the buyers who don't use the Amazon purchase service.

farhad2k84170d ago

So, I'm not allowed to say my view on this topic?
You stated your opinion, and I'm going to respect that instead of calling you immature, unlike what you did.

Your disagree's says it all.


ninjahunter4165d ago

Lol, mature gamers in BF3? This is the trolliest, spammiest, commocoziest, campiest game you can buy. If you want a game with mature players, your best off avoiding twitch shooters and looking into strategy games or just games where you have to think.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4165d ago
iNMyFiN4LH0uR4170d ago

That is because Battlefield is specifically designed to create the precise effect of a...well...a battlefield. COD on the other hand goes for the 'one man army' effect where every single gameplay mechanic is structured towards a much faster pace and the game coming down to body bags.

ARMA 2 is another battlefield esque game, then there is Planetside 2 which is 10x the size of battlefield with thousands of players in one game, highly recommended. Yet enjoying all these different types of games, I still think COD has something to offer, 10 minutes, get in, get out, no other game (Unreal Tournament does it quite well too) does it better.

FunkMacNasty4170d ago

I couldnt agree more! I only have consoles so I cant play ARMA or Planetside (have read reviews on both and they look awesome), but Battlefield is great for hunkering down for a good long competitive gaming session on a weekend. But CoD definetly offers a fun fast paced way to relax for a half hour before bed or something. There's definitley room for both games in the collection of a true competitive shooter fan.

I think your comment is also probably one of the more sensible comments Ive ever seen on this site, regarding the comparison of FPS games.

Gamerita4170d ago

i played bf3 & cod, cod is so damn addictive,bf3 is sadly not although as you said it is indeed the more realistic fps war game out of the 2.

Cosmit4170d ago

This isn't even accurate information. PS3 has the most players. Almost twice as much as PC sometimes. 360 is behind PS3. PC is dead last. I've been using this site for quite a while and PS3 always has the most. PC always has the least amount of players.


Pandamobile4169d ago

I've seen PC have the most concurrent players plenty of times. Depends on the time of day.

showtimefolks4170d ago

EA favors sony because activision favors MS. maybe if MS was throwing some bones at EA it would be different

but now my main point you look at 2012 and PC had the most hardcore games and the best games yet console only gamers think pc gaming is dead because of piracy(when games sales were really high too).

for psn or xblive to compete with going digital day one they have to look at Steam and see how the structure works, steam has sales throughout the week. yet when a game/dlc comes out its regular price with no bonus credit towards future games, and after 3-4 months of games/dlc prices never go down. its like publishers forgot and sony and ms stopped caring.

why you think counter strike still sells till this day?

castlevania lords of shadow has 2 dlc packs for $9.99 each and game is about 2-3 years old yet both those dlc packs still regular prices.

i am hoping both ms and sony looks at steam/origins and see how digital distributions suppose to be done. selling games log after release for regular price isn't gonna get it done

also to me fellow pc gamers, i would like to ask that you not show up on each article just to say pc is better. there are some genuine great games on consoles only. don't be so close minded enjoy games no matter the platform

awi59514170d ago

I Got all the dlc for 25 bucks because i ordered mine from India lol. Untill EA fixed that proxy glitch but i dont care i got premium for a steal lol and my whole giantbomb guild of 250 players lol.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4165d ago
evilsooty4171d ago

You should give Planetside 2 a go on the PC. It is like BF on steroids and F2P.

Huge maps with thousands of players and hundreds of vehicles.


geth1gh4171d ago

Love me some PS2! It has probably been the game I have played most since I started playing it in September.

Hell I love bf3 but after purchasing Aftermath I have only played it for a hour or two. It isn't bad but all I could think about is the fact that I wanted to be playing ps2 instead :P

If you're trying to play PS2, START PLAYING ASAP! Double xp is going on until Jan 2nd and that will really help you gain some much needed certs.

Legion4170d ago

PS2 is not a game. It is a game system. And if you are playing BF3 then you are likely playing it on a PS3 NOT a PS2.

BertlSenix4170d ago


Noob not knowing anything about games.
Planetside 2 = PS2 in this case

geth1gh4171d ago (Edited 4171d ago )

What? 14 agrees and 1 disagree to OP.

I create a reply basically just agreeing and a hour later 0 agrees and 2 disagrees?

Is n4g troll central these days? lol

SilentNegotiator4171d ago

You more or less implied that PS2 was so much better, that it wasn't worth playing BF2, even if that wasn't your intention.

The OP just said "If you like this, you'll also like this" but said that it was F2P and more large ("on steroids").

Sarcasm4170d ago (Edited 4170d ago )

The best part about PS2 is that it's free! And I disagree, its not like BF3 on steroids. Its more like MAG and BF3 on steroids.

taijutsu3634170d ago

Do you need like some game cards or big harddrive for that game?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4170d ago
Irishguy954171d ago ShowReplies(2)
Lior4171d ago

u forget pc which always wins in performance, player numbers and graphics

NiceGuy3604171d ago

What is the prize? Also, Xbox 360 gamers have Halo 4 right now and Halo Reach and Halo 3 for great online shooter satisfaction.

StoneyYoshi4171d ago

thats funny cause the other night at my friends house it showed on halo 3 that there were 0 players online. literally 0 then we tried reach and there was 1236 players online and this was at like 8 pm. so mainly just halo 4

andibandit4171d ago


Sorry but consoles loose, 24 max players cap is like a graveyard, pc version is the only one worth playing

M-M4171d ago

Wii has the best graphics.

jocomat94170d ago

i think you mean the wii u. And you would be correct.

deletingthis346753344170d ago

PC has the higher online users for BF3 than PS3, yet the PS3 automagically wins? This is probably the most retarded shit I've heard in a long awhile. Says the dumb fanboy with an Uncharted 3 avatar. Stupid saps like you soured the PS3 for me and drove me back to PC gaming.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4170d ago
MikeMyers4171d ago

This goes to show how marketing and getting exclusive DLC (timed or full) actually helps. It's no secret Microsoft has aligned themselves with Call of Duty while Sony has made agreements with EA's Battlefield 3.

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Battlefield Needs the Glory Days of BF3 and Bad Company 2 Back

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masterfox565d ago

hmmm I think there will be no old BF glory days for EA since they are loyal to their greediness and laziness :D

Knightofelemia565d ago

You're asking for a miracle with EA that will never happen unless they can exploit the money making schemes behind it.

MadLad565d ago

We'll see what happens now that Zampella is overlooking the series.

565d ago Replies(1)
Father__Merrin565d ago

Anyone that wants to plat bf3 you can still go ahead and play it

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MadLad691d ago

There's fun to be had here.
