
Top 5 Disappointments of 2012

From the ending to Mass Effect 3 and Assassin's Creed 3 to the Wii U, Resident Evil 6, the fall of the Final Fantasy franchise and more, the 411 staff ranks their top 5 gaming disappointments of 2012!

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R6ex4197d ago

Exactly ... planned to buy the Wii U, thinking it will be next-gen. Sadly, its so last-gen.

Bought a quality gaming PC instead.

andshesays4197d ago

I was going to buy a wiiu too, but after the disappointing reviews of most of the games (besides I have a pc for steam/ps3) I decided to buy some new clothes instead!!!

fossilfern4197d ago

I was pro WiiU but after the poor launch line up I just kept my money and going to put it towards a holiday or even a year break somewhere. I will get a WiiU when a new Zelda or Metroid come out.

blackbeld4197d ago

Yep, I would like to have the Zelda package too.

So I have more time to save money for a PS4 and WiiU.

WhosYourDaddy4197d ago (Edited 4197d ago )

True. Unbelievably bad console.

4197d ago
Kran4197d ago

the % should go after the number.

otherwise you're saying:

"Wii U
percent 100 disappointment"

so... yeah. your statement is now invalid :)

EddieNX 4197d ago

100% Disagreed. Wiiu is 100% awesome. It's just launched , give the console time to grow lol.

You guys are stupid . When pikmin 3, Monster Hunter Ultimate,Bayonetta 2, Rayman legends are all on wiiu you gunna be missing out.

Your loss , not ours :)

Wiiu is awesome IMHO.

ElectricKaibutsu4197d ago

Man, N4G hates the Wii U, huh? Of course the Wii U doesn't suck, or if it did then it's certainly too early to tell. But some people here go by the notion if you say something loud enough and enough times it makes it true.

Kran4193d ago

it is a PS3 fanboy community after all.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4193d ago
4197d ago Replies(3)
r214197d ago

I wouldnt call the Wii U disappointing, just not that appealing yet.

4197d ago Replies(4)
dafegamer4197d ago

if they announce a hd zelda and 3d mario, then im all in for WiiU ;)

Snookies124197d ago

For me it would take either a new Metroid, StarFox, or F-Zero.

jslash4197d ago

"I actually don't know what it is, I only just finished Mass Effect 2 last week. But I do have in on good authority from friends that I should be angry with how the game and trilogy end, so I guess I am."

You can't include Mass Effect 3's ending in the list if you haven't freaking played it. I'm a fellow writer and it's this sort of crap that makes me understand why people have such a low opinion of us.

aliengmr4197d ago (Edited 4197d ago )

I do agree that commenting on something you haven't experienced isn't right.

However, based on the reaction to it, you could hardly call the ending a resounding success.

InTheLab4197d ago

Assassin'sCreed 3 is awful. I'm not talking about the bugs. The pacing is terrible. The game is still lagging behind its peers in terms of stealth. And lets not forget the biggest issue.....its just not fun.

The AC franchise is running on fumes at the point. The slow gameplay feels even slower with all of the cutscenes. The 100 per cent sync only reminds you that you are a slave to whatever bull$$$$ the developers want you to do. You're not rewarded for creativity like Deus Ex HR or Dishonored. You're stuck playing a memory which is the problem.

Im not buying another AC until they stop screwing around with memories and do something with the future and REAL stealth.

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