
Beyond Good & Evil and why happy endings aren't always good

See why one player believes the ending to Beyond Good & Evil is so wrong.


Beyond Good & Evil: 20th Anniversary Edition reemerges with first details and screenshots

Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition first details and screenshots revealed following the original leak.

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-Foxtrot194d ago

Awesome. I love this game

Now people can give it a try if they haven't, hopefully finish it and see how much Ubisoft is butchering the sequel with whatever "thing" they've produced that clearly isn't a true sequel.

Obscure_Observer194d ago

I love Jade!

Ubisoft should had stick with her and Pey'j for the sequel.

SpacedDuck193d ago

No worries. That Sequel will never see the light of day. The second they brought "almost Robin" out and talked about that lame joke collab they were doing I knew it was dead.

XiNatsuDragnel194d ago

I love this game And wanting beyond good and evil 2 so badly

isarai194d ago

Dear God, 20yrs and still can't figure out a sequel. Awesome game tho 👍

SpacedDuck193d ago

Personally I'm excited for the 40th Anniversary Edition which will have an Extras Menu with an "all new" trailer for BGE2 coming soon!

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Beyond Good and Evil 20th Anniversary Edition leaked by US ratings board

The unannounced title has been classified for PC and consoles…

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banger88284d ago

Feel free to cancel the sequel while you're at it.

-Foxtrot284d ago

Tell me about it

All this Anniversary edition will do it reignite love for the first game and make people question why we didn’t get a straight forward sequel

What we are getting…that shit is not Beyond Good and Evil

XiNatsuDragnel284d ago (Edited 284d ago )

Great idea but where at sequel at my guy?

boing1284d ago

It serves as purgatory for devs.

Yi-Long283d ago

Most folks lost all their interest in the sequel when they (Ubi) announced their weird plans for it.

CrimsonWing69284d ago

But we can’t get a sequel made… thanks for nothing.

MIDGETonSTILTS17284d ago

Beyond Good and Evil 2….0th anniversary edition!

neutralgamer1992283d ago

Will it be a straight up port or some actual improvements will be made for 20th anniversary

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Beyond Good and Evil 2 is still coming, as Ubisoft cancels three games

Beyond Good and Evil 2, the long-awaited platformer sequel from Ubisoft, is still in development, as Skull and Bones gets delayed and three games are cancelled

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Vengeance1138513d ago

In what year? 2030? Even if it does come at this point, nobody cares anymore.

SullysCigar513d ago

Yep, probably a PS7 launch title at this rate. Yawn.

Tell us when it has a release date within 6 months. Until then, just shush.

RedDevils513d ago

Coming to you soon. In 2077.

Putnum513d ago

Unpopular opinion a couple of years ago but BG&E2 was always going to be an over-hyped flop

Michiel1989512d ago

if it released any time around that gameplay trailer they showed, i would have been pretty hyped. Now i lost all trust that it will come out well though.

isarai513d ago

It's not BGE2, it's a random MMO with an Evil Jade cameo.

-Foxtrot513d ago

Don’t remind me

Why Evil Jade…OH THATS RIGHT because a year and a half before that trailer they saw the criticism that it was a prequel and we wanted the original characters

First it’s a prequel and then it become so some of sequel?

It’s all over the place

RaidenBlack513d ago

All I am waiting for from Ubi is the Splinter Cell Remake.
... and will be cautiously keeping an eye out for AC Mirage (since it wont be an RPG) & whatever Ubisoft Massive is cooking (Star Wars and Avatar).
That's it.

MadLad513d ago (Edited 513d ago )

I invested a few hundred into Ubisoft just because they are so cheap at this point.
Waiting to see if they look to be bought out or, if nothing else, interest will rise once the next Assassin's Creed is close to release.

Win win.

I'm assuming they're going to sell the Farcry IP off and just double down on AC and Tom Clancy titles.

jznrpg513d ago (Edited 513d ago )

I am potentially looking to buy a few k shares just for the hell of it as they could be acquired or make a turnaround in a couple years but I’m waiting for a red day . We will see . I did this with Sony , AMD and Nintendo years ago and it worked out quite nicely for me . But as I assume you know sometimes it doesn’t work out especially like that . I generally only buy companies I like and I like AMD Sony and Nintendo but Ubi goes against my general rule . So does MS but I have made good money from MS over the years and I don’t invest in them because of gaming it’s because of their good servers and windows monopoly but I dislike them as a company and don’t currently own their stock but If there’s a crash or large dip again like COVID I will probably get back in .
I may not do it (Ubi) but I do believe they are worth more long term with the IP they have and talent developer wise . Maybe they get an outsider to shake things up because it’s management that’s f’d things up. That’s what they need more than anything , a shake up in management and direction .

MadLad513d ago

I'd never give direct financial advice, but I'm already looking to up what I've already put in.

I just do this stuff passively, but I've made some good, off the cuff buy-ins over the years and definitely came out at the better.

I have some decent money in two different companies (not gaming related) that I keep actual track on, but the rest mostly just moving money from one place to another, and it's been working out for me.

-Foxtrot513d ago

Kind of curious, how do you go about buying shares, is there a recommended website to use or?

Profchaos513d ago

I'd love to see crytek buy far cry

MadLad513d ago (Edited 513d ago )

I would also, but find it highly unrealistic. Seeing everything go full circle and the IP back in their hands, they really aren't in the position to do so.

They're barely scraping by right now as a developer. The Hunt, as good as it is, did far worse monetarily than they had hoped. They're basically a paycheck to paycheck company anymore, and they got lucky that the remasters of Crysis did as well as they did. Not to mention leasing Cry Engine is a decent side income from them. They're just hopeful they can bring another Farcry title to market right now.

Even on the cheap, they just wouldn't have the capital to afford buying Farcry, as big as it is at this point.

Servbot41513d ago

Because that worked out so well for Time Splitters. Crytek can kick dirt.

jznrpg513d ago

Forgot about this and Skull and Bones . They are vapor-ware to me until they aren’t just like Everwild , Perfect Dark and Fable .

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