
Zelda Ocarina of Time Dethroned?

For years, many gamers have all agreed to one simple fact: The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time on the Nintendo 64 was one of the greatest games, if not the best, in video game history. Since its release in 1998, many other games have laid claim its title and failed. This time around, however, a game has come along that may finally achieve what so many others could not: “But what game?”

teezanpleez4215d ago ShowReplies(2)
Jon_Fu_4215d ago

Dudes, Zelda is number one and will never get dethroned. 0.01%?? seriously??

4215d ago
HammadTheBeast4215d ago

Thing is, there is never only 1 amazing game. There's tons of genres, styles, and preferences. Some would say Final Fantasy VII is the best game ever. Some would say Pokemon is. Others would say that Ocarina of Time, or Uncharted, or Halo, or any other game are the best. Ocarina of Time is an amazing game. But no game can truly be "the best".

BadboyCivic4214d ago

OOT is a great game. So was Metal Gear Solid, COD4, RE4,FF78910,Super Mario 3,Uncharted 2,Contra3,Mass Effect 2, Arkham City, Socom, KOTOR and much more... all are great games,

Knight_Crawler4214d ago (Edited 4214d ago )

Majoras Mask is better than Ocarina of Time.

Proof provided


HammadTheBeast4214d ago

No game is "better" than another. It all comes down to preference. Unless the game is crap lol.

wishingW3L4214d ago

to me Majora's Mask is easily one of the most boring and tedious games that I have ever played in my life. No joke, the game's really really really tedious and boring....

legodarthvader4215d ago

and here I thought E.T. on atari was number 1 in the world. Jokes.

Makes sense to me though, Mario Galaxy is a newer game, with better production and a stronger system. Plus its fun.

I understand the nostalgia Zelda brings.. but still, its a little dated

XB1_PS44215d ago

Haha, dated. I'd say it's held up pretty well over the past 14 years.. If you're talking graphics, then yeah. Now, with 14 years of advancements in technology the game doesn't hold up well with modern visuals.

Although: the story, the gameplay, the level design, the open world, the memorability, the characters, the amount of variety, the innovation and so much more would not only hold their own with modern games, but would destroy them.

greatcrusader444214d ago

Srsly, I replayed the game on my n64 this summer and it's crazy how good the game plays after 12 yrs of game innovations. Games like Goldeneye have lost pretty much all enjoyment due to how terrible the controls are compared to games nowadays, while OoT is still flawless in it's control scheme. Graphics are dated of course but it still provides a great atmosphere with the music and art style.

Won't lie though that I prefer it's sequel Majoras Mask cuz IMO it had a darker atmosphere and loved it's music more (Last Day is amazing)

Conzul4214d ago

The most memorable thing to me about OOT is the boss fights, but especially the music. Oh God! That damn music! Never leaves my head if I'm ever dumb enough to revisit it.

Bolero of Fire
Saria's Song
Nocturne of Shadow

Oh man....shivers dude.

4215d ago Replies(2)
candybooty4215d ago

I unno, I'm a huge OOT supporter...there's a place in my heart reserved for this game for all time

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How Many More Victims, Like Garry's Mod, Will Nintendo's Hurtful Crusade Create?

Hanzala from eXputer: "As Nintendo takes out 20 years' worth of stuff from Garry's Mod, I watch in shock, thinking why it continues to hurt and discourage its fans."

RiseNShine15d ago (Edited 15d ago )

The irony that some of the most disgusting business practices come from companies like Disney or Nintendo, i can't even begin to understand what terrible damage was Garrys Mod making to Nintendo bottom line, imho they're getting pretty nervous about where they're heading in the future, handhelds are no longer something exclusive to Nintendo, from Steam Deck to many others, now you can play the latest games and pay a fraction of the price on Steam sales, so it's up to their exclusives, which just on their own would make hard to justify purchasing a closed overpriced hardware with outrageous price policies (Super Mario Odyssey is still 60 euro 6 years later!), and as a home console they're always underperforming compared to Sony or Xbox.

gold_drake14d ago (Edited 14d ago )

i cam guarantee you, that their exclusives alone is what drives switch sales. they sell in the 10s of millions of copies.

nintendo created their franchises to be sort of nostalgia driven, exclusive only on nintendo.

people will always buy the pkmn games as they always bring in new younger fans amd is family friendly

mario kart, the same thing, mario games in general.

zelda games are system sellers. animal crossing for the casual gamers.

nintendo doesnt need third vame devs essentially. they made sure with the switch and the limitations that they looked more to pc ps and xbox.

its sad, but nintendo is more than fine with what they're doing. they positioned themselves to appeal to the more casual gamers.

but to your point, im not sure why they're doing this rly.

Inverno14d ago

Look at how they handled Nintendo games being streamed or uploaded on YouTube in the past. They killed Yuzu and Citra even when they had nothing to do with ToTK being leaked, not to mention it was basically unplayable on emulation the week it was leaked. Smash Bros tournament, that was fairly recent. They shut down their online services without any care for purchases made. I bought a switch after skipping their last 2 consoles and handhelds but I don't plan on buying anything Nintendo in the future. They take things to the extremes, they legitimately hate their fans. They're honestly right up there with the likes of Acti, EA, and Ubi, only difference is that they disguise themselves as being family friendly all the while being shady.


Nintendo's Massacre Of The 3DS And Wii U Is Finally Complete, Regrettably

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