
Unreal Engine 4 for 2013?

Gameplayer has gone live with an interview with Epic Games' big guy Mark Rein in which he speculates that it could be five years before we see the next Unreal Engine.

The interview also includes a fair bit about Unreal Engine 3, the developer's relationship to other companies and Unreal Tournament III.

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avacadosnorkel5962d ago

if this is true, then the PS3 might make the 10 year prediction.

Mr Playboy5961d ago

PS3 can hardly run UE3

Do think it will be able to run UE4 ??

I don't think, well maybe PS4 or Xbox720

SRuN45962d ago

Question is can the engine make it that long?

Cause at times when I'm playing UT3, the thought that the engine is already showing it's age pops into my head, and by that I mean the tin foil effect it seems to have at times.

pwnsause5962d ago

well it can get better with age if they continue to fix it.

Kleptic5962d ago

the first generation of UE3 games are definitely dated looking now...UT3, being really the only 2nd gen UE3 game so far, definitely makes some improvements...but still wasn't even the best looking game of 2007...

thats a problem I guess...but who knows...look at the proprietary engines for some current games...look at Resistance 1 compared to R&C, you wouldn't even know they were the same engine...and Resistance 2 is building on that same engine...Naughty Dog claims to have over 5 years worth of technology to unlock out of the Uncharted Engine (with nods going to full use of procedural texturing, and complex ray-trace lighting all options)...

so it doesn't mean things can't be added to the engine...its just that its not currently showing its legs...at all...only one game of 2007 using that engine was really that impressive...

and if UE3 makes it easier for devs to make crappers like A51...I hope the engine dies sooner than later...

ruibing5962d ago

None of my computers have been able to max out the graphics yet.

Ju5962d ago

The difference is, that Insomniac can rewrite large portions of the engine with each iteration. Same with Naughty Dog. UE3 is UE3, maybe they'll evolve it to 3.1, 3.x. But looks to me, 4 is a complete new design, and UE3 will not be redesigned, but might evolve a little. The other two mentioned are already new designs which will evolve even further, while UE3 technology is basically a pretty old design.

antoinetm5961d ago

Oh Noes! Unreal 'Generic' Engine is back!

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Archaeox5962d ago

Why do they care if its 5 years...?

We'll see a PS4 by that time

darkshiz5962d ago

Then Next Gen consoles will have UE4 engine games on it.

SlappingOysters5962d ago

... there are so many games based on the engine that it just feels generic now?

Maybe it is a victim of its own overkill?

Peekay5962d ago

When it first came out, it wowed me. Now - I would go as far as to say it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. And i do not speak of my breath. Sometimes i reckon Unreal Tournament 3 is only an advertisement for the engine.

PSN-JeRzYzFyNeSt5962d ago

can we talk aboutnow not whats gonna happen in 5 years??

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15 Top Notch Single-Player Games You Can Complete in 10 Hours

For those who don't have time for massive open worlds or role-playing games with epic tales, these 15 games are worth checking out.

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anast94d ago

Good games for the $9.99 bin, you can get all of the Metro's for $10 in a bundle.


Rumored Gears of War Collection is at the top of my 2024 Xbox wishlist

As the long-rumored Gears of War Collection looks like it may finally materialize on Xbox, the timing could not be better as Gears 6 and movie news swirls.

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1Victor146d ago (Edited 146d ago )

(Insert “It should be multi platform if Microsoft investors wants more money” JK here)
All jokes aside congratulations to all the gears fans it will be a blast I remember having fun on the first one on my 360 elite till got RROD and quit Xbox all together but that’s a story for another day.
Congratulations 🎊 🍾 🎉 🎈 🎉 🙏

Wyesvin146d ago

I'm excited for this just aslong is on the pc also cause I don't have the newest xbox console.

shinoff2183146d ago

I enjoyed the tactical one. I can't remember the actual name but it was fun.


Gears of War Collection allegedly in testing phase for Xbox release

Marcus Fenix and the crew could be back on your screens once more, as the rumored Gears of War Collection is near completion on Xbox.

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VenomUK147d ago

Switch and PS5 owners are gonna love this.

Stuart5756147d ago

Every article, console fanboy trite, all these years later. Let me explain it AGAIN, in simple terms for the fanboys. Sentient human gamers do have their preferred platform, however they will buy and own multiple platforms so they can enjoy the games they want to enjoy. I own and have owned multiple platforms, Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft and now Valve, simply to enjoy a wide range of games across a broad spectrum of platforms. It's great. You don't have to pick a 'team' and cheer them on through thick and thin, dissing the other 'team'. And for you 'VenomUK' to state 'Switch and PS5 owners are gonna love this', proves that you're a bit behind. Learn, enjoy, live, develop, trust and coexist if you can, life is better that way.

Blad3runner00147d ago

Well said.
This is why i never understand fanboying over hardware. This is not like a sports team, its just hardware. Why some people have this mentality to pick a side and stick with it and refuse to look at other platforms, therefore depriving themselves of games that are only available on those platforms. They are suppose to be gamers after all?

FinalFantasyFanatic147d ago

It's practically guaranteed to come to PC as well, if that's the case, I might pick it up after it gets a discount or two.

TheEroica147d ago (Edited 147d ago )

Thank goodness for pro gamer companies like Microsoft.... It's about time we unified platforms where now only corporate suits benefit! Pro gamers all the way. Thanks Microsoft!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 147d ago
RaidenBlack148d ago

Yup ... bring Gears 2, 3 Judgement as well as Fable II and Halo 5 to PC

phoenixwing147d ago

Online portions would be a bonus.

FinalFantasyFanatic147d ago

I'm really shocked that Halo 5 still isn't on PC yet, almost everything is ported over and that's the only Halo game that hasn't been ported.

Profchaos148d ago

Take it with a grain of salt this leaker has been wrong many Times

The connection has been rumoured in the past so there's some credibility but it's more if it's actually in testing or not

Father__Merrin148d ago

tell u what gears 3 on series x same 360 game but in 4k and 60fps is a dream it looks crystal clear

Sciurus_vulgaris148d ago

The Series X enhanced versions of Gears 3 and Judgement can at times look like Xbox One titles.

Concertoine147d ago

Yeah i got into Gears 3 multiplayer last year. People still play it a lot. Tons of maps and looks great with the 60 FPS.

Brazz148d ago

It would be funny to see Gears of War collection on Nintendo Switch.

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