
Insomniac Games on Spyro: "It was Pretty Easy to Leave it Behind"

Insomaniac Games was involved in a lot of people's adolescence. With games like the Ratchet and Clank series, they definitely had some of the most fun games out there. But there's one little purple dragon that really started it all for them: Spyro the Dragon.

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Relientk774265d ago

The Spyro series was amazing on PlayStation and the only way we will ever see another fantastic Spyro game is if Insomniac Games gets back the rights

Carl_Shocker4265d ago

The sad thing is they said they arn't interested

I think the only developer Sony has which could capture the magic Insomniac gave Spyro would be NaughtyDog. Pretty sure Sony could buy back Crash and Spyro if they wanted and give them to ND...they do have two development teams now...plus lets not forget we could finally have HD Collections of them with trophy support...maybe even a small online mode for Crash Team Racing...one can dream

Relientk774265d ago (Edited 4265d ago )

If I had a 2nd choice Naughty Dog would sure be it, the 2 developers work so closely on projects anyway.

Just started Spyro the Dragon again a couple days, even today the game is still amazing, and as fun as ever

Carl_Shocker4265d ago

I would love to play Spyro again...however SCEE are a f****** joke. 4 years of "were working on it" and still no Spyro.

ChunkyLover534265d ago

Activision would never sell Spyro to anyone. Skylanders is just too big, the toy sales, the game sales and the fan base is just too big. Crash on the other hand hasn't done anything in a while.

Carl_Shocker4265d ago (Edited 4265d ago )


But Spyro isn't what sells those games...they could take Spyro out and call it just Skylanders and no one would realise, especialy the audience they are aiming for with those games.

Hell Spyro dosen't even look like himself in it...all they did it for was to establish Skylanders quicker because of Spyro being a well known character, there plan worked so there isn't any need to have him in the games anymore.

Eiffel4265d ago (Edited 4265d ago )

Sony never owned the rights to Crash Bandicoot. Universal did. Universal had a publishing deal with Naughty Dog before Sony bought the studio, thus both Sony and Universal entered a distribution agreement with the Crash Bandicoot IP, it lasted up until the release of the PS2. Similar agreement for Insomniac as they held a publishing deal with Universal as well, As a result they chose to remain a second party developer for the Playstation brand. Both Naughty Dog and Insomniac have always been a duo ever since they worked in the same building. The opportunity that followed for Naughty Dog, it's no surprise that Insomniac got involved as well.

ChunkyLover534264d ago

They wont sell him off, he's probably too expensive to even appear in PlayStation All Stars, how the heck would Sony afford to buy him outright?

Sounds like wishful thinking to me, I bought Skylanders based off the Spyro name.

GrahamGolden4264d ago

we still have sly cooper and ratchet
but i wouldnt mind new IP's of the same genre for sony,they know how to make good quality games

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Freak of Nature4265d ago

And speaking of amazing...

I wish IG would revisit this long lost gem...***The Insomniac Game That Never Was: Monster Knight***

This game really looked like it could have been something special, still does, with more power to day behind the consoles this could even be better than imagined years ago eye candy and gameplay wise..


Gamer19824264d ago

Skylanders right now is HUGE and that means spyro as a single character is gone and probably forever will be as a single character. All my kids want is skylanders this and that its a becoming more than a game its becoming a brand. You can get sticker books, lunchboxes, trading cards and more now.


I never even heard of Skylander up 'till this very post on N4G, probably because it didn't hitted Brazil like that (although the game and some toys are indeed released here), also I don't have any kids yet.

I gotta say I'm impressed, I was reading into wiki about it and watching videos at Youtube, how can people buy this piece of crap? The game is awful and you have spend even more in stupid plastic toys to actually play all of it... And they are making tons of money expanding the franchise.

After Guitar Hero, COD and this, I'm starting to guess King Midas work at Activision.

majiebeast4265d ago (Edited 4265d ago )

Insomniac is now at the mercy of EA. Fuse doesnt even look like a insomniac game so much for developer creativity.

Yeah they are doing much better at ea... Rename doesnt get announced at any big conference and is completely different from the first trailer they showed.

Resistance 3 bad sales are the blame of resistance 2 which left alot of people with a bad taste in their mouth's.

Sony has always given insomniac a spot in the fall line up with every ps3 R&C game and with resi2 and 3. Meanwhile both killzone games have been in the first quarter of the year.

Knight_Crawler4265d ago

Can you blame them for leaving Sony though? they were like the ugly step child of the Sony developers.

Insomniac put there soul into some of Sonys games and for Sony to put Guerrilla Games over them was a slap in the face.

MySwordIsHeavenly4265d ago

They gave Insomniac many chances, including offers to be purchased. All offers were turned down, however. I feel like we won't see Insomniac for very long, next generation... :/

Soldierone4265d ago

GG is their (sonys) own studio. Sony makes less money with Insomniac even if their games were massive because they didn't own them.

Sony several times attempted to buy them and support them in a similar way, and IG said no. Now they have the freedom to go to another publisher and make whatever they want....er...make what they want then have the publisher ruin it, call it Fuse, and blame Insomniac for it when the fans react.

badz1494264d ago

last time I check, Another R&C is coming and it sure won't be the last of Insomniac!

GrahamGolden4264d ago (Edited 4264d ago )

they gave them kk chances its not sony faults if insomniac screwed them up and went for EAZE money instead of creativity (EA)

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Carl_Shocker4265d ago

The funny thing is they left Sony and didn't want to be a first party developer because they wanted freedom, yet they are more restricted by EA on their new game which at one time last year looked amazing

srcBFMVBMTH4265d ago (Edited 4265d ago )

"Resistance 3 bad sales are the blame of resistance 2 which left alot of people with a bad taste in their mouth's."

Agreed dude. If Insomniac stuck with the Resistance 1 formula with Resistance 2. The series wouldn't be so messed up right now. (By messed up I mean the formula being inconsistent). Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed Resistance 2 and 3. But it left a lot of Resistance fans like "WTF? this doesn't feel like Resistance!!!!!!!"

Knight_Crawler4265d ago (Edited 4265d ago )

Killzone is infamous for this as well.

I think KZ2 had a good balance, why GG decided to mess with the formula is totally beyond me - the sad thing about this is that they will use a new formula for KZ4 and cycle will continue.

srcBFMVBMTH4265d ago (Edited 4265d ago )


I dunno, for me at least Campaign wise. I enjoyed Killzone 3 almost if not just as much as Killzone 2. But yea, I could see the changes that ticked people off. MP wise? Yea, they really messed that up. lol

"the sad thing about this is that they will use a new formula for KZ4 and cycle will continue."

Not sure where you got this from but time will tell. What I'm hoping is that they combine elements from the first and second game. Killzone 1 had an amazing story (Best of the three IMO). While Killzone 2 had the best MP.

HmongAmerican4264d ago

They done something right with Resistance Fall Of Men. That's the whole reason why I am into FPS. It was Resistance Fall OF Men was. As time fly I was hooks to FPS thanks to Resistance Fall Of Men.

Frankfurt4265d ago

Resistance didn't look like an Insomniac game either.

Gamer19824264d ago

They should have stuck with games they were good at Resistance wasnt that. A lot of people like the series but it wasnt amazing. Certain developers are great at certain types of games and thats that like EPIC are great at shooters and insomniac and platformers. They should stick to what they know and do best.

hulk_bash19874264d ago


Wow talk about being ass backwards.

MrBeatdown4265d ago (Edited 4265d ago )

How are they at the mercy of EA?

People make it sound like EA can do whatever they want and Insomniac just has to go along with it.

Insomniac is independent. They own the Fuse IP. If EA wants to do business with Insomniac after Fuse is released, EA has to give Insomniac the freedom to do what they want.

grayfoxx8814265d ago

I am a huge Insomniac fan, love R&C and Resistance. Not many people know that Insomniac is independent. However, I don't think EA is giving them complete freedom on the project. When I saw the Overstrike trailer, I said to myself, "Well, this looks like an Insomniac game." When I saw the Fuse trailer, I was pretty pissed because it showcased EA's influence on the project. And since EA is the publisher for this project, don't they hold the purse strings? Fuse is releasing in March, I just hope it doesn't get lost in the shuffle with Gears of War and God of War.

MrBeatdown4265d ago

Maybe that's the case. Maybe not. It just seems unfair to me to blame EA based on nothing but speculation, especially when EA gave them a publishing deal Insomniac seemed quite happy with. Plus, like I said, Insomniac has that bargaining chip. They can take their IP elsewhere. Insomniac isn't helpless here.

grayfoxx8814264d ago

People are blaming EA not on pure speculation, but on their track record. Insomniac signed a contract with EA, so they are partners for this project. I highly doubt EA said to Insomniac, "Hey guys, do what you want, even though we are funding this little party."

MrBeatdown4264d ago

And there is just as much of that track record that people are ignoring. Stuff like Portal 2, Brutal Legend, and Shadows of the Damned.

Numerous major independent studios that like to retain control and direction of their games like Epic, Valve, and Respawn have all signed on with EA Partners.

Now either they are all stupidly signing deals with a publisher that doesn't grant them the terms of creative freedom they are looking for, or Insomniac is the only one stupid enough to do so. I don't think Insomniac is that stupid, and I think they would be bright enough to hold out for a deal that gets them not only ownership of their own IP, but the direction of it too. But hey, if you think Insomniac is dumb enough to give EA permission to dictate what the game should be, there's not much I can say that would convince you otherwise.

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2pacalypsenow4265d ago

Insomniac is trash they gave up on all tehir games

MySwordIsHeavenly4265d ago

Considering Skylanders is a cash cow, I don't see the rights shifting any time soon. :/

DA_SHREDDER4265d ago Show
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Spyro at 25: Insomniac Games and Toys for Bob celebrate 25 years of Spyro the Dragon

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Stanjara263d ago

Thanks Sony for letting this slip away to Activision.
25 years wasted.

Oh btw I just purchased the trilogy.
Brought tears to my eyes.
It's so good. I bought it for my nephew's and we played all night.

Kaii263d ago

I would've preferred having Spyro 4 over Crash 4


How Crash And Spyro Went From PlayStation To Xbox

What does Microsoft's pending acquisition of Activision mean for Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon? How did Sony let them get away?

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NotanotherReboot693d ago

Sony more interested in remastering The Last of Us again instead of focusing on the classic IPs that made PlayStation what it was

-Foxtrot693d ago

Sony should have been working hard for years, especially during the quiet period when it was doing nothing with the franchise and after Skylanders died down, to get the franchises rights back off Activision.

They'd have had remakes, new instalments, Kart racing games and party games (Crash Bash) to do, it would have been worth it.

Yang_kai693d ago

Guys check the video on the article it’s very informative and well made with the history behind both studios.
Another thing people don’t want to understand is that the studios and Sony never owned the right for this games a the publishers had the rights to them and Sony saw the diminishing returns the franchises had and just let them be.
Would it had been nice if Sony pursued and purchased them YES would it make business sense NO.
If I had to choose between having those franchises or the studios that made them I would go with the studios 1 billion %.

ZeekQuattro693d ago

Growing up I remember seeing those commercials with a guy in a Crash costume picketing outside of what was supposed to be Nintendo headquarters. Next thing I knew Crash games were appearing on Nintendo owned devices. lmao

Yang_kai692d ago

Yeah those was funny but they was influenced by the developer name and the character been a naughty dog 🤣

brewin693d ago

Wow that's a good article. I didn't know half of that stuff. Xbox has always been lacking in the mascot games, so I wouldn't be surprised if they made some exclusive Crash and Spyro games. Hopefully we get some good stuff from them after the acquisition and it would be smarter to keep them multi plat honestly. I also am hoping they make a Skylanders game that's all inclusive and doesn't need any freaking toys. But seriously hoping for a new open world Spyro adventure that doesn't suck. After the great reception of the Spyro and Crash remakes, I'm pretty confident there's some life left for these franchises. Nintendo has been able to keep Mario adventures fresh all these years so maybe it's time these get that kind of treatment.

Yang_kai692d ago

I hoped they got the respect they deserve as excellent games that shaped the industry for the better but so far they haven’t personally I don’t think Microsoft can do it ether as they haven’t shown respect even to their flagship title (halo) in the quality area according to a few hardcore Xbox players here asking for a new developer for the franchise but I can be wrong if they give it to the pirates game developer (sorry forgot their names no offense meant 🤦🏿) and don’t make it into gas game full of micro transactions.
@ solitary
The word moves forward by copying and improving what is available otherwise we wouldn’t be writing stuff online on our phone and be making calls at home sticking our finger in a hole and do a clockwise motion 10x to make a phone call

Solitariussaint693d ago

Lol, Microsoft always trying to copy Sony. Crash and Spyro had their time in the sun already, I'm not interested in Crash or Spyro anymore.

brewin691d ago

Crash and Spyro are as timeless as Mario and Sonic. There's always going to be new gamers that want their kids to be introduced to gaming using the franchises that they played when they were younger. We're at that point now where a new and exciting Crash and Spyro are needed. Good franchises don't need to die if they can keep doing new and exciting things with them. There's still a lot of potential left in those 2 franchises. They could hand them to someone like Rare or Double Fine to concoct something fun and original using the IP. Mascot games are ready for a Renaissance and Microsoft may just be the ones to bring them back to forefront to compete with Nintendo.

Solitariussaint690d ago

Lol @ Microsoft, they'll probably just liquidate and suck all the fun out of these IPs just like how they fucked up Perfect Dark and everything else console related that they touch.


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Jiub858d ago

I really wish the Legacy of Kain series would come back

857d ago
Nintentional858d ago

Still have my original PS1 my family got at Sam’s Club back in 1999 :) it still works and I have it hooked up to a 32” Sony Wega Trinitron that supports S Video and Component 👌🏼 PS1 games in S Video POP on there 🤩

857d ago